“Each person is living his or her own script of life,” prods Zambian Author and Philosopher Dr. Edgar Ng’oma
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Zambian Philosopher and Author SOAD Ambassador Dr. Edgar Ngoma
*EACH PERSON IS LIVING HIS OWN SCRIPT OF LIFE… *like each one’s finger prints are totally different the rest.*
*Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma~ Philosopher.*
A lot of people are confused and puzzled on how certain things play out in this life sometimes concerning their own life, most times they do not understand why certain things happen the way they do.
I have on several times been confronted by friends, close associates of mine , and sometimes ordinary members of public in the capital city of my country Zambia in Lusaka by unsuspecting citizens who have been my keen disciples without me knowing they have been following my wisdom corner articles religiously , who have at times confronted me with the hope of getting counsel on several life puzzles, situations mind boggling and other challenges beyond their imagination, indeed for some who have found me not busy, I have been helpful to them , and they have gone back smiling and relieved of the battle of the debates which go on their minds trying to figure out to understand and resolve life jixo puzzles .
What all of you will agree with me before I take you deep into today’s analysis of this life , it is important to acknowledge that each one of us, including your children for those of us who are parents or your parents for those of us who are children came to this earth( world) without our consent, and in anycase we couldn’t have consented to our existence because we were not there in anyway to give out that consent, obviously because of the way the origin of this life began and in its order of pattern.
This thought of not giving consent to our existence goes beyond everything else including the supernatural power itself, no one created it, it has always being there before time was created. He too God found himself existing with all the abilities he has without him choosing or selecting the abilities he has .
Having said that, it follows therefore that someone else or indeed something else was responsible for the origin of our existence, which would therefore berg for us to know a reason for our existence, which will lead us to the next question of finding out our purpose for our existence or indeed, the real meaning of this life to all of us living it including those who lived it and are now no more.
It is important therefore to state that every thing that you see and feel was created including time. Time was created when the earth started rotating on its axis to cause day and night 6021 years ago, let no one cheat and deceive you that the earh is billions of years old. There was no time before earth started rotating on its axis, time was actually created at the instance of the earth rotating on its axis and seasons were created by the instance of the revolution of earth around the Sun.
It therefore becomes extremely important that surely each one of us deserve to know why we exist, what is the purpose of our existence and the meaning of this life or else certain individuals have taken their own life for failure to understand why they should continue living because of certain circumstances they find themselves in beyond their comprehension which render their existence in this life useless and they have ended up commiting suicide.
Once upon a time I tried asking randomly different people close to me with the hope of finding out from them what they knew was the purpose of their existence in this life, believe me I got very funny answers, which I wouldn’t love to share with you here, in short no one gave me the right answer, including some very renown religious Bishops I asked in my country Zambia, they too did not know their real purpose of their existence on earth. Most of them said their purpose was to worship God and give him praise and glory.
Dont be surprised that some religious Bishops do not know the real purpose for their existence, what about you who is surprised about the bishops not knowing, do you know your purpose on this earth?
Story short ,the main purpose of our existence on this earth is for the prudent management of the earth on behalf of the supernatural being who put us here, and sooner than later we will name this power which is above all powers after a series of arguments are justified here in my write up.
QUESTION: Have human beings managed this earth prudently as entrusted ? Each one knows how much we have messed up this earth, for now let’s leave this topic for another day.
First thing first, in this life analysis, I have to prove to you that each one of us have a prearranged script for our life , and at this point dont ask me who arranged it, we will find out together as we get deeper into this life analysis.
Surely if you look at the way what the earth look like, how it works ~ rotation on its axis to cause day and night , and how it revolves around sun which is in the milkway orbit to cause different seasons, and if you further take a look at the contents and hosts of the earth, in the space at night, the stars and the moon, in the air during the day, the sun and the different birds and insects flying the skies ,on land, the forest, deserts, the animals ,lakes and rivers, seas and oceans together with marine life in them, in short all host of the earth it is a very big wonder and marvel of architectural work and a masterpiece of order of life and intelligence clearly displayed. Surely this order from any sane human being this order and display of intelligence can not be by itself but that someone must have been responsible of this intelligent design of life.
The relationship between living things from the sky, to those on land and the marine life in the waters, there is no doubt that there is a lot of intellectuality invested in the order of life carefully calculated, from one living thing to another , in a very orderly manner indeed intelligently positioned.
It is without doubt that some one or some supernatural power much more superior than a human being must have been behind that order of life and is responsible for the intelligent design of this kind of order of life.
Well, with my assumption in suggesting that someone or indeed something might have been responsible of putting the order which we see in this life , some people who do not believe in the existence of super natural power, will argue otherwise.
However, let me remind such people and educate them a little that because that very supernatural creature who is being referred to as responsible of creating man to have a free will and that he made man in the exact image of himself (supernatural God) and in his likeness, it therefore not surprising today that even the President of Philippine His Excellency Duterte can publicly challenge any person who has evidence to prove the existence of God to come forward to provide evidence to him the existence of God or indeed that supernatural power, after that proof, then he President Duterte will resign his position as President of the Philippine.
This is indeed freewill at its best being exercised by Phillipine President, and all those disputing a supernatural power created life, because he Duterte and all human beings are a clear display reprica of a supernatural creature who God transformed himself into them in this case into President Duterte , his life is supernatural and magical, and he President Duterte wants someone to prove to him the existence of God when he is there himself in existence as a proof of a supernatural power !
The evidence is so vividly overwhelming in himself, that his body has all proof of being made from elements found in the soil proof that he was made from soil, his breathe which was deposited into him was actually that supernatural power which reside in him to make him function with oxygen as breathe of life which activated him into being alive for the divine power , an image of a supernatural power to reside in him which contain the character and personality of that supernatural being.
Are you people following me? I am very very sure that if there is a person who understand President Duterte is His Excellency Duterte himself, if he truly does not understand himself which I can see is the case here , surely then, there must be someone who should understand him.
Story short, the exhibits to show a supernatural power exist are too numerous to mention but I will endeavour to mention a few references here.
First of all , President Duterte and all evolutionists must answer these few questions I have laid down here under in an orderly manner.
Do you know that on this earth there is a country called Israel (ancient Canaan) ?? Which is referred to as a model nation chosen by that self aclaimed supernatural being ?? And do you also agree that Assyria and Egypt are ancient kingdoms as quoted in the bible ?
Do you also know that there is a country called Iraq which is (ancient Babylonia) on whose soils Euphrates and Tigris rivers are found?
I know the answers to these questions is yes these places were there in ancient times and they are still there in present day as we speak.
Ask President Duterte and evolutionists whether Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylonian ever lived, and also whether Medes and Persia kingdom existed in present day Iran and whether Greece and Roman empire existed 3000 years ago, with Ceazer as Roman King by 68 BCE to 303 AD Roman empire still existed ?
If there is a subject which I have discovered to be the most important of all subjects I took at both primary and high school , it is history( HIS STORY~ history ) the story of man.
If President Dutente and all evolutionists never did history of the world at high School, let President Duterte supeona Professors of history or Religious studies from one of the many universities in the Phillipine or some from a Hebrew university in Jerusalem the Holy land Israel, then the President will know the truth, no doubt that God is that supernatural power which and intelligent designer we have been referring to.
Take for instance, who could have predicted knowing in advance things that were going to happen in a very orderly successive order 4000 years in the future about how world super power governments were going to change power after every 250 years systematically in an orderly manner, changing hands from one super power to another, until today in a uninterrupted orderly manner, from BABYLONIAN rule to MEDES AND PERSIA to GREECE then ROMAN EMPIRE, then the10 kingdoms in Europe and along the Mediterranean sea, then to the Pope in Vatican in Rome to great Britain to the beast which is USA with a mandate to be a police of the world , and Magog USSR as Eastern King together with China and the King of the South (Arabs) all systematically alligned in this order which was prophecied 4000 years ago by prophet Daniel when he was living in captivity in Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar was ruler and King of Babylon.
Surely in this account of history which is very correct that one night Nebuchadnezzar had two disturbing dreams of a statue of a big man standing with his arms folded. The statue had gold head, steel chest, bronze hip, iron legs and a mixture of iron and clay feet.
Then he Nebuchadnezzar saw in a while as the statue stood, a stone came from heaven and hit the foot destroying the entire statue into pieces .
Story short Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel to tell him the dream without him narrating it and after wards he must explain the meaning of the same dream.
What shocked Nebuchadnezzar was the accuracy and precission Daniel stated the matters of the dream and further giving it its true meaning to the satisfaction of King Nebuchadnezzar.
Daniel explained how the world super powers were going to successively change from one to another until the coming of the same supernatural power coming down in human form and take charge of this earth physically and live among the descendants of Abraham in a spiritual new Jerusalem and spiritual new Israel on earth and not the present Jerusalem and present Israel they will be former. (Isaiah 65: 17 – 25 and Revelation 21: 1 – 20 )
What President Duterte and all those that need proof that a supernatural being exist should themselves try to answer the question of how both King Nebuchadnezzar and Prophet Daniel ended up receiving the same dream(vision) exactly the same dream in the same formating?
Secondly, what followed many years in a period of 4000 years how world super power governments correctly in the same sequence changed exactly how Prophet Daniel explained the matters of the dream of the King.
And the same prophecy Daniel explained how Israel was going to be a nation again after its residents living in exile for 4000 years will return to reconstitute the state of Israel and how Jerusalem which was in the hands of Arabs (Islam) for 4000 years on May14th 1948 Israel became an independent state as a nation again and how Jerusalem became its capital city again in November 2017 , and USA president Donald J. Trump recognised Jerusalem as the new Capital city of Israel as prophecied by Prophet Daniel.
I have no doubt to state that the supernatural being live outside time line , and he is indeed OMNISCIENT all knowing OMNIPOTENT, all powerful and OMNIPRESENT – present everywhere and in everything in the universe, because from the above events, it is so clear that he is indeed all knowing and all powerful and present everywhere in everything , and nothing seems to happen without his knowledge , participation or involvement, later alone nothing happens the way it likes unless it was designated to play out exactly the way the supernatural power would have alligned it to play out.
This is the more reason why our topic today tries to address that each one of us live our own script of life in this life’s “live drama” a script cut for each one of us by the one who is responsible for our existence , each one of us playing their own role in this movie.
I am compelled to philosophically conclude this way because after analysing a lot of situations and circumstances.
One starting point was the life drama of one out of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel one who wrestled with an angel of God ) Son of Jacob, JOSEPH.
The play out of life sequence of events surrounding the life of Joseph from a dreamer to a shepherd into being sold by his brothers to slave trades and ended up in ancient Egypt, and as a slave being acused of rape by her master’s wife Portipher for something he didn’t do , to being sent to prison for a period half the number of years Nelson Mandela former President of South Africa spent in jail, of 27 years , with Joseph spending a total of 13 years both in slavery and prison, since he was sold away in Cannan to Egypt.
QUESTION : Who was responsible of making Joseph see a vision of himself seated on a throne of authority as King Solomon at a tender age as a young youth of authority and in that vision he saw all the 11 of his brothers bow down to him? Something that was realised later, to happen exactly 20 years later when Pharaoh made him Prime Minister of Egypt second only to himself Pharaoh as the second highest man in the super power nation of the world at the time.
Another script of a life drama is of Nelson Mandela of South Africa who was jailed for a period of 27 years the same period the 1st President of Zambia Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda ruled Zambia.
He, Mandela’s story is not the same as Joseph’s but similar in many ways.He too after prison became the 1st South African black president ending almost over 200 years of black racial segregation and end of repressive laws against the black majority by white minority government in that country, South Africa.
The most phenomenal script of all scripts is the vision King Nebuchadnezzar ruler of Ancient Babylon saw which was interpreted by Prophet Daniel a story in the bible in the book of Daniel, where Nebuchadnezzar dreamed of a Statue as narrated above on how successive world super power government changed from one to another to the latter until today every thing played out exactly like Daniel prophecied.
QUESTION: WHO showed the same vision of the statue to both King Nebuchadnezzar and prophet Daniel independently ? Surely it should be someone who lives outside timeline.
I have no doubt that God who live outside timeline writes scripts for each one of us. I have a testimony to make out of the many testimonies I have highlighted above as well as my own personal experience as outlined below.
In a vision one week after President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa was sworn in as 3rd President of Zambia, I was driving towards Long acres roundabout from LUSAKA international hotel when suddenly , just as I was to enter the roundabout, a traffic police officer lifted up his left hand and pointing at my vehicle with his right hand facing me straight stopped me.
Soon , after a few seconds, I saw a presidential motorcade appear , first were police BMW motorcycles, then next were BMW cars , and finally the Presidential Mercedes Benz carrying the President appeared with its windows wide open so that one could clearly see the President inside because ordinarily the windows are tinted.
To my amazement who do I see as President in that vision !! BOOO ! it was Michael Chilufya Sata! I exclaimed in my vision after which I woke up.
10 years later, President Sata for sure became President of Zambia in 2011, and what was shocking was that for two months or so President Sata was still coming from his old residence in Rhodes Park working at state house and each morning he was being driven from his residence to state house passing through the same Longacres roundabout in my vision.
Like in the vision I had 10 years ago one morning I was driving from intercontinental hotel to Longacres roundabout, amazingly, exactly what I saw in the vision 10 years ago is what was played out to me, President Sata was being driven to state house coming from his home in Rhodes park. It really played out exactly like in the vision I had 10 years past.
If you think this fiction, I left proof with several of my close associates and one of them is;
Ambassador George Kanyamula Zulu, another is Chali Sexy Mubanga, Charity Banda PF die hard SUPPORTER and others are;
Samson Zulu, former body guard to President Sata while he was in the opposition, Judge Ngoma former, bodyguard to President Sata and Mr. Sata himself , I told him he was going to be president one week after I received this vision in 2001.
Infact, as for Mr. Sata I told him a lot of things which were going to happen to him sometimes many years, months, weeks , hours before they happened. All his tribulations of arrests by police DEC summoning by ACC acquittal and re-arrests to the 2 loses of 2006 and 2008 , and the reasons why he was not being declared winner even if he won both elections I told him all that before it happened.
I even knew who was going to succeed President Sata way before he died , and while President Sata was still in hospital in London where he later died from , I told President Lungu from his Lewanika close residence, that he was going to be the next President of Zambia succeeding President Sata, but he argued with me in the presence of his wife now first lady Mama Esther Lungu, saying that President Sata will recover from his ailment and was going to return to the country to continue to rule Zambia, to which I disagreed and I categorically told President Lungu that he will not return to rule again;
” *You will be the next president of Zambia, and Mulamu who is seated here and listening to this conversation as a witness will be first lady “* I said,
To which the now first lady rebuked me and said in her own words;
” aah Mulamu osakamba so, ise tingakhale ba First lady ise?? Ba first lady baliko ba Dr. Christine Kaseba ” she said while laughing.
(” don’t talk like this brother in law , can I be first lady? The first lady is Dr. Christine Kaseba “) while laughing.
Ofcourse he will be the next President of Zambia, I insisted to both of them that they will come and attest to the prophecy when it will be fulfilled. Today, we are all facing reality of the prophecy and can confess that the prophecy was true and from a supernatural power living outside timeline.
I am sure these two ; the President and the first lady are both very much alive , those of you who are close to them may verify by asking them to confirm whether indeed I warned them or whether not I am just hallucinating here. However, it was good that I shared the same talk with independent people who are prominent citizens of Zambia you may verify with.
Among such prominent people were;
~ former Home affairs Minister Lameck Mangani, Ambassador George kanyamula Zulu, Prominent Lusaka lawyer and aspiring presidential candidate in the August 2021 election in Zambia, KBF , Chataya Dickson Manda former ZISS agent , others include NRP President Dr. Cozmo Mumba among the many I whispered to.
Story short, there is no doubt that there is a super natural power which is a source of all what life consist both living and none living things or else in my case how was I going to accurately know the things I accurately prophesied when I dont live outside time line. Obviously there is a supernatural power which live out of time line that leaked the events to happen in the far future out to me, before it played out in real life time.
Just like a sript writer of a DSTV soap drama Mpali would leak out to anyone he wishes to know how the soap opera Mpali would end or indeed just one episode of the script he has written would play out before it is even acted by actors, no one else would know , not even the main character Nguzu would know if the script wrriter has not leaked it to him.
God has worked out our script very thorough for each one of its creation like in the above example and is the director of his own script. Every thing plays out without exactly with no dot of a mistake or else he wouldn’t be God almighty if his works are by chance.
This supernatural power that control life work like this ; these phones we use of different types and makes, computers of different make and almost all signal receiving gadgets are all in one way or another connected to a satellite for them to function accordingly which and the same satellite is hosted in space where it transmits from.
Just like all radios with different frequencies get their their signals from one source when tuned to a particular frequency, they will broadcast the signal of a particular Radio frequency wave they are tuned or configured to receive.
Equally this supernatural power which all life is connected to, as its source, the power control all life to continue performing its function. How? Just like in the two examples above , the spirit operating in our body which make us function differently from one to another is linked to this supernatural power, this is why this same God says;
” I am *Omniscient*; all knowing,
*”Omnipotent*, he is all powerful ;
*”Omnipresent* ; he is present and found every where there is his creation.
Just like a transmitter has its own range of radius to which it can transmit its signal, it doesn’t matter where you are as long you are within radius of the signal electromagnetic waves, your radio or television will pick up the signal and play.
Like in the above example in the case of this supernatural being, as long as you exist you are within his reachable range you are electromagnetically connected to him as radio and TV waves are connected to a satellite in outer space , therefore God can switch you on at birth and off at death.
This is why he says in Deuteronomy 32: 39 :
*”See now, that even I,am He, I work with no other gods, I kill and I make alive, I wound and I heal , nor is there any other who can deliver out of my hand. “*
But a fool in his heart says there is no God amidst so much evidence of the existence of God as articulated when dealing with Philippine’s President Duterte.
I personally have no doubt that God who is supernatural being with supernatural power which connect all His creation to himself is directly responsible of our existence on earth and determines our different destinies, I therefore have no doubt he has written the life script of each person living today . He knew when you were going to be born and when you are going to die, from which parents , geographical locations, the people you would associate with, a wife you are married to or your wife to be all was and is done by him, and what you yourself did was to discover and to confirm it when you met your husband or wife.
Of course I know there could have been attempts previously before you met your husband/wife and failed to marry those ladies and gentlemen you met in your journey in this life , believe me that was not the choice of the one who purposed your life, that was marely your choice but what God arranged for you is what you have now .
Do not have any regrets about the problems you might be going through now with your spouse, it is part of a life package for you, just peservere, dont relent , it is part of life dont break up with your partners who you shared vowls with.
Whatever is happening to you now or whatever has happened to you in the past including what is currently happening to you now, believe me, it was tailored to happen that way, certain bad things happened to you as a lesson and certain good things which happened to you were meant for you to appreciate life because what make up this life exciting is the combination of challenges and successes , remember each one of us we continue to learn new things every day because this world is an Open University.
Where you are today, and whatever has happened to you in your entire life and what is happening to now has been part of your life script , and please accept everything that happened to you good or bad, good friends and bad ones , have no regret about it that was what was packaged for you. Good and evil is meant for you to appreciate life, challenges and overcoming them is what make this life exciting.
Today we are battling with COVID, believe me , there are certain people this COVID has come to escort them to their timely grave, remember there is no untimely death, all deaths happen when they are supposed to happen and under whatever circumstances one dies he was meant to die that way, no matter how they can hand sanitise, social distance, masking and quarantine, they will die of it. On the contrary there are certain people who no matter what this COVID will do, it will not be an issue to them , it might attack four times like it has done to my young brother NOT Buyzed Founder/campaigner, who has been attacked four times but survived all the 4 attacks, this is the case with all those who have been attacked by COVID but never died of it.
Another case is when I visited my big brother Ambassador George Kanyamula Zulu at his residence.
He was seated in the verandah having a good fresh air from the plants in his yard. Surprisingly this time around he offered me a chair 3 metres away from him covering both his nose and mouth with a local chitenge clothe made mask. Upon being offered a chair far away from him I asked him,
” why today we are going to sit three metres apart? I asked.
In reply Ambassador Zulu said,
” Aah Duma I am very scared of this COVID! Yesterday this COVID picked my elder brother Sebastian Size Zulu, he is no more, I scared I could be next, so I will do anything in the book to prevent this COVID ever coming near me.” He said seriously.
After he finished saying that I went into a freenzy laughter, laughing at him for over a minute. After the laughter I had this little prophecy to foretell.
” ndabezithe with due respect to your worries, the reality is that no matter what you are doing now, if you were predestined to contract this COVID, no matter how much you can prevent it, you will still catch it, and when you catch it, like you, for example I already know that you wont die of it , no matter how many times you catch it nothing will happen to you.”
I continued ,
“There are some people who this COVID has come to pick up and send them to their timely grave, and no matter how much they can protect themselves like you have done, they will still pick it and die of it.”
After saying this, I again went into laughter, laughing at him, because he insisted that he wont relax the mask from his face saying that, that was my opinion about life whichcouldbe wrong.
I wondered how now, my power of discernment has been reduced to opinion just because of his fear of this COVID which is a normal common flue that its promoters have code named it COVID 19 purely for their own expediency?
Story short, after 10 days in the night I receive a call from Ambassador Zulu, saying,
“Duma, a day after your visit at my home, I was feeling funny in my body, and I went to the hospital to test for COVID, and I tested positive, I was immediately put on medication, and today I went back to the hospital to see my current status ,and fortunate for me , I have tested negative” he said while laughing.
In reaction I said,
” Are you mocking me or you are serious?”
Zulu, ” I am serious Duma”
Me, ” Aaah !! I cant believe it !! ”
Zulu, ” yes Duma , it is true ! He exclaimed , I was in self quarantine for the past 10 days and I am here at home now ”
Me, ” went into a frizzy laughter and said to him, l don’t understand you anymore !! how you could ignore my power of discernment this time around, when in the past, I have advised you accurately and never made a mistake, sometimes I have done so to both of you and late President Sata (MHSRIEP) who you are aware never doubted my warnings which were to come years, months, weeks and days before they happened , with the few he disobeyed he regretted disobeying them, but you are aware that 99% of what I used to warn him he obeyed, and there were no mishaps.!!” I reminded him to which he acknowledged in the affirmative.
Zulu, ” Duma , you know that I have always obeyed all your warnings in the past , and I will continue to do so now and in the future, but on this one I was so scared because of the death of my brother Size Zulu ( fmr Justice Minister in Sata’s govt). End of quote.
I further reminded Ambassador Zulu that even in the sinking titanic ship which killed almost every one there were survivors not because they were clever but because they were not to die at that particular time.
Having said the above narrative, it is always prudent to be obedient and submissive to the government of the day like Ambassador Zulu did, even if you don’t like the leaders who are giving such decree, by obeying the COVID rules because every government exist by God’s providence in his script on who will rule a nation at any particular time, whether cruel or caring to citizens we should obey that government.
Remember it is the same God who created good and evil to live side by side, remember also that the God of the Lion is the same God of the impala and the creator of snake is the same creator of a rat.
Indeed the President of the Philippines will one day soon know God.
However, what I have written here is factual, truthful and proven as recounted.
No fiction nor exaggeration. Whatever is happening to us now was meant to happen that way. Even here where we are today , doing what we are doing , and living where we are living and living where we are living with the people around us, this is how it was meant to be.
Don’t regret anything about what you did in the past and where you are today, it was meant to happen that way and there was a reason why it happened that way, for example, the education standard you have attained is enough for the assignment in your life, because each one of us have our own portions of accomplishment.
Indeed the philosophy of life is interesting because certain people want to live in a certain way not in their script and such people are chasing dreams which they will never realise because it is not part of their script of life.
However ,this does not mean you should stop trying things, you are encouraged to aim high but once you fail to achieve some of the things you try don’t be disappointed, the reason is simple, it was not meant for you to achieve but someone else’s life script to achieve.
Remember that the things you have achieved others have tried them but failed to achieve, and on the contrary the things you have failed to achieve others have easily achieved.
Do not think that because another person has failed to achieve something, even you if you try it you will also fail.
On the contrary do not think that because so and so has become this or that you can also become or achieve!!
No, always obey your instinct and do whatever your instinct dictate to you because that is the divine power I talked about which is driving you to your life script destiny.
For now let me end here unless I receive questions which I am very sure I am ready to answer.
I submit.
*Author: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma~ Philosopher*

Zambian Philosopher and Author SOAD Ambassador Dr. Edgar Ngoma