Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit…“Visit and Invest in Zambia Homecoming Campaign”
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By Tendai Posiana, Media and Communications Officer Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ)
ZAMBIA’S celebrated think-tank the Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) on the weekend of the 08 – 09 February met in Siavonga to plan the Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit to be held from the 18 – 22 May 2020, says Economics Association of Zambia National Secretary Mutisunge Zulu.
Mr. Zulu explained that Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit will be co-hosted in conjunction with Astria Learning of the United States (U.S) and will be targeted at boosting diaspora investment into Africa’s second largest copper producer Zambia.

Zimbabwean President Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa with Zambian President Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
The President of the Republic of Zambia Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu last year allocated significant hectarage of land in the tourist capital Livingstone for diaspora investment purposes in a project called Wakanda Joint Village with his Zimbabwean counterpart, Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa .
The Zambian hosted summit will target championing of women participation in inclusive and sustainable economic growth and development, a side line conference to be held in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province, on Monday 18 May 2020, while the other leg will target championing youth innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship to be convened at Government Complex in the capital Lusaka on Tuesday 19 May 2020.
The zenith of the event will be the Investment Summit to be held in Livingstone at the Chrismar Hotel and will be graced by His Excellency the President of Zambia alongside former Africa Union Ambassador to the United States Arikana Chihombori – Quao a key proponent of Pan Africanism and African Renaissance.

Ambassador Arikana Chihombori – Quao

Mirriam Nachilima EAZ Executive Director
Ambassador Chihombori Quao is the woman that woke up the Africa sleeping diaspora that has made most African states review their investment opportunity postures. Other delegates expected are African American dignitaries.
The Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit will aim at pooling a fund for women and youth empowerment to foster self-sustainable and entrepreneurship initiatives.
For a long time, African Renaissance has come under threat, but Africans are now realizing that resources and opportunity for economic independence reside on the continent. Africa faces vast challenges that repetitively confront it that require economic renewal which its inhabitants are deliberately realizing is within their power to correct this anomaly.
To complement the efforts of the Economic think-tank EAZ, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, a life – long member of the Association, has allocated land for diaspora investment purposes in Livingstone to entice an investment influx that will come with far-fetching benefits.
Further this conference will focus on investments of long-life spans that will ensure wealth and value is keeping housed within Zambia. Investors will be offered attractive incentives for investing in Zambia.

Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) President DR Lubinda Habazoka with Bank of Zambia (BoZ) Governor Dr. Denny Kalyalya and Deputy Governor Operations,Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu.
The Economic Association of Zambia board and secretariat led by Dr. Lubinda Habazoka have taken to be deliberate about effecting change with initiatives that will promote investment and champion women and youth empowerment towards self-sustainability, entrepreneurship with the aim of achieving economic development.

Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations — at United Nations.
This is just about one event the Association has under its sleeves to include the National Economic Summit (NES) under the theme Sustainable Development Goals – 10 years to SDG Where is Africa now? This will be another event that will make Zambia visible to the world in 2020. Other events for 2020 include the Africa Festival that will be targeted at marketing Zambian tourism to the outside world.
The Association is cognisant that these summits boost economic activity in host towns and with increased volumes in flight traffic and accommodation (occupancy).

Tendai Posiana

Mutisunge Zulu EAZ National Secretary
Address: Plot 11 Mwalule Road, Northmead, Lusaka