Small Scale Farmers a hope to Zambia’s National Food Basket
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By Edah Chimya, Executive Director, Zambia Alliance of Women ( ZAW)
ZAMBIA Alliance of Women is delighted with the results of latest Crop Foresting Survey announced by Honourable Michael Katambo MP – Minister of Agriculture.
With the outcome that Zambia’s 2020 Maize Production has increased to 3Million tonnes from 2Million tonnes last year. ZAW is especially excited to note that the increase in production was not only maize focused but that other crops such as Sorghum, Rice, Millet, Sunflower, Soya beans, Irish Potatoes, Bambara nuts, Cow peas, Sweet Potatoes, Wheat, Barley and Popcorns equally recorded increase in production, a sign that farmers are moving away from mono cropping and embracing Crop diversification.

President Lungu with ZNFU 2018 with Zambia National Farmers’ Union (ZNFU) – Mr. Jervis Zimba, ZNFU Board and Trustees; Minister of Agriculture Hon. Michael Katambo MP; and Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, Hon. Kampamba Mulenga
Zambia Alliance of Women is proud of small holder farmers especially Women for the 69 % Increase of Maize Production, 199.37% increase of Sorghum production, 81% increase of Millet production,106% increase of Irish Potato production and 190% Increase of Sweet Potato Production which will result into our Country being Food Secure.
ZAW thereby calls for timely disbursement of Inputs under the Farmer Input Support Program as Small holder Farmers have demonstrates to be a hope for the National Food Basket through this increase in Crop Production.
*Issued by:*
*Edah Chimya*
*Executive Director*
*Zambia Alliance of Women ( ZAW)*

Edah Chimya, Executive Director, Zambia Alliance of Women ( ZAW)