*Unemployed youths to receive Youth Empowerment Fund in 2021*
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By Chalwe Chanadala Youth Coordinator, Leadership Movement ( LM)
…… Leadership Movement will bring back the youth empowerment fund in 2021 once in power.
WITH Zambia been hit by COVID19 as the Leadership Movement, we feel majority of the Youths are living in Poverty.
As a caring government we in the Leadership Movement we promise to bring back the Youth Empowerment Fund which will help a huge number of unemployed youths.
Under the leadership of Dr. Richard Silumbe as a government will not allow politics in the disbursement of Youth Empowerment Fund.
To all my fellow youths don’t lose hope Zambia is our Country- rise up and dust yourselves.
*Issued by:*
*Chalwe Chanadala*
*Youth Coordinator*
*Leadership Movement ( LM)*

Leadership Movement President Dr Richard Silumbe Press Brief Monday 13 April 2020 Chalala Lusaka pix by Derrick Sinjela