Rainbow news zambia

Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited ‘Long Tour of Duty’ by Derrick Sinjela – Monday 18th May 2020

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Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited ‘Long Tour of Duty’ By Derrick Sinjela – Monday 18th May 2020 RAINBOW Newspaper Zambia Limited took a bus into town, then reached Cairo Mall, and took a walk to Lottie House, found lifts not working and had to leap to sixth floor, then walked to Kabwe Roundabout after passing Lotus House. When I reached Kabwe Round about I took a stretch between Great East Road or the Zesco Limited Bridge and Star Motors which young people call pa Toyota Zambia, with Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia (PICZ) on my left. Then heading east, I passed the...

The Launch Keynote Speech at the Launch of Women Vision 2020: More Women in Parliament; Support Article 47.2, Tuesday 19th May 2020 at the New Government Complex, Lusaka Zambia By Mrs Rosemary Lasty Chanda Mumbi

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  The Launch Keynote Speech at the Launch of Women Vision 2020: More Women in Parliament; Support Article 47.2, Tuesday 19th May 2020 at the New Government Complex, Lusaka Zambia By Mrs Rosemary Lasty Chanda Mumbi – Retired Provincial Education Officer Copperbelt Province, a teacher, hope, faith N’gombe. Founder of Women in Africa (ASAWA) Members of The Diplomatic Corp, United Nations (UN) family, Leaders of Civil Society Organisations, Members of The Press, Ladies and Gentlemen, ALLOW me to thank you most sincerely for coming to attenf this very historical media launch of “Women Vision 2020” A vision ladies and gentlemen...

“Drug Enforcement Commission in the first quarter of 2020 recorded 1013 drug related offence arrests,” confirms Theresa Katongo

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PRESS STATEMENT Lusaka, Wednesday, 20th May 2020  Issued by: Theresa Katongo Public Relations Officer Drug Enforcement Commission Drug Interdiction THE Drug Enforcement Commission in the first quarter of 2020 recorded 1013 arrests for various drug related offences countrywide, representing a twenty (20) per cent reduction from 1, 279 arrests recorded in the same period in 2019. Of the total arrests recorded for drug related offences 959 comprised males and fifty-four (54) females. The total arrests also included 75 juveniles. Further, of the total arrests, 167 convictions were recorded with 31 cases disposed of through other legal provisions while 514 cases were still...

“Vice-President Inonge Mutukwa-Wina ‘s call for improved Fiscal Transparency is Justifiable,” insists PFM-G Senior Economist Bright Chizonde

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Public Financial Management Consult Phone: +260976747893 Email: pfmgconsult@gmail.com 8th Street, Chelston Green, Lusaka FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: Wednesday 20th May 2020 The call for improved Fiscal Transparency is Justifiable   By Bright Chizonde THE call for improved fiscal transparency concerning the management of donations and other public funds meant for combating COVID-19 is justifiable. Zambia ranks among the least transparent countries in terms of public financial management and thus the public and other stakeholders are well within their right to demand for increased transparency. PFM-G Consult therefore commends the decision taken by her Honor the Vice President, Madam Inonge Mutukwa-Wina...

“Communication Specialist Kelvin Chisanga says ‘ZAMBIA’S economic landscape’ needs structural re-modelling!”

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By Kelvin Chisanga Communication Specialist Sunday 17th May, 2020 ZAMBIA’S economic landscape needs structural re-modelling! There are strong predictions and general feelings that inflation will not drop within the stipulated corridor policy blankets, as we are currently seeing an increase on prices in a number of commodities especially essential goods and services following the surge witnessed on the cost of forex value, as novel coronavirus is taking a serious economic toll globally. We are likely to witness a sustained upswing in inflation rate hovering around 15% or over to 16.9%, even though hopes are quite there to see a small...

COVID-19 Reveals the Unseen Inequalities and Illiteracy at Zambia’s Higher Education Level

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Written by Author/Consultant: MUPONDA SYDNEY Cell: +260975016180 Email: kanjipondele@mail.com COVID-19 Reveals the Unseen Inequalities and Illiteracy at Zambia’s Higher Education Level THE coronavirus pandemic has exposed stark inequalities in Zambia’s educational system. Equally, the illiteracy levels at higher education based on a comprehensive definition that goes beyond reading and writing but use of digital spaces have clearly been exposed. In the previous edition we looked at how the vulnerable have been left behind due to the use of Television and E-learning platforms. The response was overwhelming with targets being primary and secondary school levels. However, the debate continues with the...

Leadership Movement (LM) President Dr. Richard Silumbe to offer relief support to floods hit areas

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Leadership Movement (LM) President Dr. Richard Silumbeto offer relief support to floods hit areas,l https://rainbownewszambia.com/2020/05/16/leadership-movement-lm-president-dr-richard-silumbeto-offer-relief-support-to-floods-hit-areasl Posted by Derrick Sinjela on Saturday, May 16, 2020 *Leadership Movement to offer relief support to floods hit areas* *- Lusaka Saturday 16th May, 2020* The Leadership Movement (LM) come 2021 in government we have plans to mitigate and offer relief support to floods hit areas. LM is concerned with the currently situtation in some parts of our country that have been hits by floods which are receiving less attention from authorities. Fellow country men and women as we are experiencing floods we must be...

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