*Media Statement by *Senior Chief Mukuni*on Princess Sekute does not qualify to speak on befalf of the Chiefs of Southern Province on Bill 10 or any other matter*
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*Media Statement by *Senior Chief Mukuni*on Princess Sekute does not qualify to speak on befalf of the Chiefs of Southern Province on Bill 10 or any other matter* Sunday 5th July 2020 _PRINCESS SEKUTE DOES NOT QUALIFY TO SPEAK ON BEFALF OF THE CHIEFS OF SOUTHERN PROVINCE ON BILL 10 OR ANY OTHER MATTER_ By Senior Chief Mukuni* of the Leya people of Kazungula Livingstone, Zimba & Districts and all the Bene Mukuni I WISH TO categorically rebut the assertions reported by several news media including the National Broadcaster ZNBC two days ago, which stated that ‘Chieftainess’ Sekute spoke on...