Category: Entertainment


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  By Henry Chunza and SAEED SIMON BANDA SWIMMING has earned a second gold for Team Zambia after swimmer Mia Phiri secured and shared a gold medal with a South African swimmer in the 50m freestyle race. This makes Team Zambia’s medal table increase from nine (9) to eleven (11) as the competition came to a close. The disqualification from yesterday’s 100m backstroke was overturned and a silver medal was awarded back to Mia Phiri which now brings the total number of Team Zambia’s medals to eleven. In her heat Mia Phiri clocked 27.68 tying for gold with Jacobs Khwezi...

National Innovation Initiative (NII) CALL FOR CONCEPT NOTES The National Technology Business Centre (NTBC) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Lab invites innovators to submit proposals for innovation solutions to solve identified challenges drawn from the 10 provinces of Zambia in the following areas: Recycling solid waste Small-Scale Mining Climate Change and Agriculture Renewable and Alternative Energy Apply online now:

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National Innovation Initiative (NII) CALL FOR CONCEPT NOTES The National Technology Business Centre (NTBC) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Lab invites innovators to submit proposals for innovation solutions to solve identified challenges drawn from the 10 provinces of Zambia in the following areas: Recycling Solid Waste Small-Scale Mining Climate Change and Agriculture Renewable & Alternative Energy Apply online now: Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Spring Impact launches fully-funded consultancy programme for Southern African NGOS focused on Women’s Empowerment

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  SPRING IMPACT LAUNCHES FULLY-FUNDED CONSULTANCY PROGRAMME FOR SOUTHERN AFRICAN NGOS FOCUSED ON WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT Applications are now open for Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment, a new fully-funded scaling consultancy programme for locally-led NGOs in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe addressing issues related to women’s empowerment 8 NOVEMBER 2022: Spring Impact opens recruitment for Scale Accelerator: Women’s Empowerment, a fully-funded programme for ambitious, locally-led NGOs in Southern Africa who want to take their vital work to more people, in more places. NGOs across Southern Africa provide indispensable support to women and girls to enhance their power, skills, and opportunities economically,...

PRESS-RELEASE 10/14/2022 Methodological events “Modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language” in African countries: Tanzania

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  PRESS-RELEASE 10/14/2022 Methodological events “Modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language” in African countries: Tanzania On November 17 – 19, 2022, a series of three-day methodological events for teachers of Russian as a foreign language will be held in Lusaka (Zambia). Teachers of the Russian language of foreign schools, teachers working in universities and courses, teachers of bilingual kindergartens are taking part. The project was organized by the Zlatoust Educational and Publishing Center with the assistance of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Lusaka (Zambia), supported by the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent...

ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ 14.10.2022 г. Методические мероприятия «Современные методики преподавания русского языка как иностранного» в странах Африки: ЗАМБИЯ

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ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ 14.10.2022 г. Методические мероприятия «Современные методики преподавания русского языка как иностранного» в странах Африки: ЗАМБИЯ 17 – 19 ноября 2022 г. в Лусаке (Замбия) пройдет серия трехдневных методических мероприятий для преподавателей русского языка как иностранного. В ней примут участие учителя русского языка зарубежных школ, преподаватели, работающие в вузах и на курсах, воспитатели двуязычных детских садов. Проект организован Учебно-издательским центром «Златоуст» при содействии Российского центра науки и культуры в Лусаке (Замбия) и при поддержке Федерального агентства по делам Содружества Независимых Государств, соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и по международному гуманитарному сотрудничеству (Россотрудничества). Программа мероприятий отличается насыщенностью и разнообразием: участники прослушают лекции...

MULTICHOICE has donated five oxygen concentrators to University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and Levy Mwanawasa General Hospital

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By DERRICK SINJELA Tuesday 8th November 2022 Press Release MULTICHOICE has donated five oxygen concentrators to four children’s hospitals in the country including University Teaching Hospital (UTH) and Levy Mwanawasa General Hospital worth K225,000. The donation is part of its commitment to support communities with investments on issues that matter the most. The oxygen concentrators donated will ensure a consistent supply of oxygen to meet the rising demand at four hospitals. UTH received two oxygen concentrators whilst Levy Mwanawasa General hospital received one. Kitwe and Ndola central hospitals will each receive one. In presenting the donation to hospital management at...

Women Influencers Zambia inspires young females at the 2022 forum

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  BE the inspiration, was the theme for the 2022 Women Influencers Zambia forum held in Lusaka on November 5 aimed at sharing inspirational testimonies among young female influencers from diverse spheres of human endeavours, reports Francis Lungu. The women influencers concept started in 2017 and events of similar nature to inspire women have been held across the globe; France, Mexico and Russia among other countries. The manifesto of Women Influence was authored by Yanina Dubeykovskaya of the Russian House Zambia. In her opening speech for the 2022 edition of Women Influencers Zambia, Ms. Dubeykovskaya said the forum is anchored...


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By Lance Sannie Banda Freedom is categorized in four pillars namely; Political, Economic, Social and Religious Independence. Have we attained any of the four pillars in 58 years of the supposedly Zambia’s independence? Our colonizers have defined all the four pillars of independence and we have so far attained none of the four. Let me labour to explain why I believe that the four pillars of Independence are far from being attained; 1. *Political Independence* – The system of governance we are using is controlled and defined by the Colonizers. 58 years after Independence, Zambia does not have its own...

ZNMNGD National Coordinator Nelson Banda calls on United Nations Secretary General António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres to introduce sanctions on World Leaders who have failed to Promote Gender Equality

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By Saeed Simon Banda, Henry Chunza and Derrick Sinjela Monday, 24th October, 2022 AS the World celebrates the United Nations Day on 24th October, Zambia National Men’s Network for Gender and Development (ZNMNGD) National Coordinator Nelson Banda is calling on the United Nations (UN) Secretary General (SG) António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres to consider introducing sanctions on elected World leaders failing to advance gender equality and increased the participation of women in leadership structures of Member States, as such a deliberate measure will hold erring leaders accountable. Mr. Banda is worried that in many UN Member Countries, women are the...


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  By DERRICK SINJELA Commissioner General of Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS), Ms. Jeanette Makgolo led her team in a virtual meeting which shared with ZRA, the BURS experience on the Coordinated Border Management (CBM) and other trade facilitation reforms which have been implemented in Botswana, particularly, on their side of the Kazungula One-Stop-Border Post (OSBP). The ZRA team was led by Commissioner General, Dingani Banda during the Monday, 17th October, 2022. The two administrations have agreed to collaborate and harmonise process and procedures at Kazungula OSBP in order to improve processing efficiency; reduce the cost of doing business; maximise...

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