Category: Entertainment


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Friday, 17th February, 2023: Pretoria, South Africa IWMI SUPPORTING ZAMBIAN GOVERNMENT WITH POST-FLOOD RECOVERY STRATEGY ASSISTANCE PRESS RELEASE The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is working with the Zambian government for improved knowledge generation and effective advisory services following the floods that affected more than 20,000 people in Zambia in 2023. Zambia’s Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has reportedly described the ongoing floods in the Southern and Central Provinces of the  country as “catastrophic”. A rising number of communities are at risk of contaminated flood waters, submerged sanitation, collapsed infrastructure, damaged homes, and imminent waterborne diseases that stem from...

Education is a right in Zambia, Douglas Munsaka Syakalima tells Education Ministers Group of 77 Plus China

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Education is a right in Zambia, Douglas Munsaka Syakalima tells Education Ministers Group of 77 Plus China ….“Zambia Promotes Quality Education and Innovation at G77 Meeting.” By DERRICK SINJELA, SAEED SIMON BANDA, HENRY CHUNZA and MALVIN NKHOMA In a Paper virtually presented by the Minister of Education in Zambia Douglas Munsaka Syakalima at the Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Group of 77 Plus China, Zambia reinforced that access to literacy is a right. Deliberating as an abstract, Syakalima indicated without hesitation that the Government of Zambia recognizes education as a right for all citizens and interprets quality...

“The Nederburg Mastercook Chefs Competition” clocks 10 year

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Mastercook Zambia Press Release Thursday, 2nd February, 2023 Launch of Season Five (5) of The Mastercook Zambia Cooking Competition During a Thursday, 2nd February, 2023  media gathering at Lusaka’s The Urban Hotel Crossroads intersection of Leopards Hill Road and Lake Road,  Mastercook Zambia announced the start of the Fifth (5th) Season of the Reality TV Chefs competition which will see the brand partner with Distell Zambia’s Nederburg Wines. The Show will now be referred to as “The Nederburg Mastercook Chefs Competition”. Speaking during the launch, Distell Zambia Head of Trade, Amusaa Zaza, said his beverage firm is proud to be...

Professor Fastone Matthew Goma extols MoH’s Sylvia Tembo-Masebo a good health champion

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  By DERRICK SINJELA THE Ministry of Health (MOH) joined the First ever ‘Tobacco Control Health Race (Walk) and Aerobics Mania’ organized by the Centre for Trade Policy and Development (CTPD) Executive Director Isaac Able Mwaipopo and Center for Primary Care Research director, Professor Fastone Matthew Goma on Saturday, 28th January, 2023. The Tobacco Control Health Race and Aerobics Mania at East Piaza, East Park Mall themed: ‘Pass The Tobacco Control Bill & Protect The Present and Future Generation”, choreography by Coach Tiger and the Defined Style Fitness Crew The walk and aerobics were held to promote healthy lifestyles and...

Aluta Continua Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Tanzania Ambassador Anthony Bwalya… listen or read this trajectory by Veteran Journalist Comrade Charles Chisala

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Aluta Continua Zambia’s Deputy High Commissioner to Tanzania Ambassador Anthony Bwalya… listen or read this trajectory by Veteran Journalist Comrade Charles Chisala ACCEPTING CHANGE: BALM TO THE SOUL …Will save you from unnecessary stress. By Charles Chisala, Veteran Journalist and Media Trainer/Consultant IT reminds me of my own ‘redeployment’ in 2012 after the change of government. The entire News Desk was dismantled and its staff earmarked for dismissal, demotion or redeployment. I was the Deputy News Editor. What a turbulent time. One day a minister rudely stormed into our editorial meeting brandishing a list of journalists perceived to be...

CUTS calls for a robust strategy to get the most out of debt negotiations with the Official Creditors Committees, including China

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CUTS calls for a robust strategy to get the most out of debt negotiations with the Official Creditors Committees, including China By Saeed Simon, Banda, Henry Chunza, Muleya Idaho Chongo, Malvin Nkhoma and Derrick Sinjela THE Sunday, 22nd to Tuesday, 24th January, 2023 visit by International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva-Kinova, themed ‘Zambia towards a More Resilient and Inclusive Future’ has been of notable importance and a great opportunity for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and interested stakeholders to share perspectives and concerns on future programme support , says an optimistic CUTS international Lusaka CUTS Country Director Angela...

President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema @”Feed Africa: Food Resilience And Food Sovereignty” African Union – AfDB & IFAR – Dakar 2 on Agriculture Summit January 2023

President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema @”Feed Africa: Food Resilience And Food Sovereignty” African Union – AfDB & IFAR – Dakar 2 on Agriculture Summit January 2023

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Hakainde Hichilema @”Feed Africa: Food Resilience And Food Sovereignty” African Union – AfDB & IFAR – Dakar 2 on Agriculture Summit January 2023 Fellow citizens, “We have arrived in Dakar in the Republic of Senegal along with other Heads of State, at the invitation of His Excellency Mr Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairman of the African Union, to participate in the Dakar 2 on Agriculture Summit under the theme, “Feed Africa: Food Resilience And Food Sovereignty”. The conference that is being held in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Fund For...

ZCCM Investments Holdings appoints Dr. Ndoba Joseph Vibetti as Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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ZCCM INVESTMENTS HOLDINGS APPOINTS DR. NDOBA JOSEPH VIBETTI AS Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Saturday, JANUARY 21, 2023 ARNBETHNIC The Board of Directors of ZCCM Investments Holdings has announced the appointment of Dr. Ndoba Joseph Vibetti as the new Chief Executive Officer of ZCCM-IH, effective Wednesday, 1st February, 2023. Dr. Vibetti brings over 35 years of experience in the mining, financial and academic sectors, having spent the majority of his career with the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa in various roles. Dr. Vibetti currently serves as a Consulting Dealmaker in IDC South Africa’s Mining & Metals Strategic Business Unit, leading...

Africa Confidential: Zambia’s Seventh President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema (HSH7) faces critical delivery test!

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  Africa Confidential: Zambia’s Seventh President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema (HSH7) faces critical delivery test! Wednesday, 18TH JANUARY 2023 Belts are tightening and scepticism is growing about the government’s ability to fulfil its election pledges At the present rate of progress President Hakainde Hichilema and his United Party for National Development (UPND) – elected in a landslide by voters fed up with six years of sleaze and chaos under President Edgar Lungu – risks reaching the half-way mark of their five-year term having fulfilled few of their campaign promises. Hichilema’s measured statesmanship and sobriety are a welcome change, but he is...

Lower Zambezi Mining Stop The Insanity, protests UNIP President Bishop Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba!

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Lower Zambezi Mining Stop The Insanity, protests UNIP President Bishop Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba! Saturday, 21st January 2023 Press Statement by Bishop Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba President of the United National Independence Party (UNIP) AS President of the United National Independence Party (UNIP) we are issuing this statement concerning the rash and preposterous attempts of Kangaluwi Copper Mine to mine in the Lower Zambezi National Park. We do so because UNIP was the first post Independence Party in power and has for decades been a strong advocate and supporter of wildlife conservation and broader environmental issues. In fact 1964 alongside...

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