Pastoral Communique by the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) on Gassing, Suspected Ritual Killings and other Criminal Activities
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Father Emmanuel Chikoya worried by gassing
Thursday 20th February 2020
- Preamble
We, the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus.
- Gassing of citizens
We, the Council of Churches in Zambia are saddened and condemn in the strongest terms suspected criminal attacks and gassing of innocent Zambians in the comfort and safety of their homes by unknown criminals in the country. We may not have any information on the motive behind the gassing of people’s homes but what we know is that there is no amount of power, taste for riches, or any other motive that justifies the taking away of innocent lives by means of spraying unknown substances in the comfort of their homes, or any threat to their dignity. We also have no doubt that those involved in this crime are doing it for money.
We wish to remind them that in the book of Genesis 3:19 God told man that he shall work all his life to put food on the table. He did not say man shall kill another in order to put food on the table. This has always been God’s way for man to earn money and put food on the table. Therefore, whoever wants to make it in life must work hard without endangering the lives of fellow human beings who are created in God’s image. In view of the above, the Church finds what is happening in the country extremely saddening.
As you may be aware, when this problem started in Chingola, we, the Council of Churches in Zambia issued a Pastoral letter condemning the criminal activities. We were prompted to speak especially after the arrest of Bishop Joseph Kazhila for simply speaking for the people. It was clear people’s concerns were genuine. Unfortunately, the initial response was slow regarding what the people were going through in the mining town. This problem has now escalated and it is almost all over the country. We acknowledge the efforts made by government to deploy the army to complement the Police.
However, we note with serious alarm the emergency of armed groups that have been harassing motorists and the escalation of the gassing incidents to more towns in the country. It is against this background that we call for more concerted efforts to deal with this challenge of gassing, alleged ritual killings and other acts of criminality.
We call upon the Police and security wings to step up their efforts and bring the culprits to book so that there is closure to this very sad episode in the history of Zambia.
We note with serious concern the various speculations that there could be more to these criminal activities than what the eye can see. This calls for fervent prayers seeking God’s intervention, and as the Church, we have prayed and will continue to pray for peace and justice to prevail. We will also join other likeminded stakeholders in praying with us for our nation against this evil. Let’s continue praying for victory for everyone involved in fighting this evil. Our desire is to see a just and safe society where citizens live in peace with one another.
- To the Citizens (Mob Justice)
We strongly condemn instant mob justice that has resulted into an increasing number of dehumanising deaths and killings of innocent people. Our appeal to the Zambian citizenry is that let us allow the mandated institutions do their job as opposed to taking the law into our hands. Let us not allow ourselves to be consumed by anger caused by the perpetrators of these heinous crimes because this will make us sink to a level lower than them. As the Church we are there to speak for you and advocate for your safety through God our creator as well as through the Zambia Police and other law enforcement institutions in the country. In God we put our trust.
- To the Police and other security wings
We acknowledge the efforts the Zambia Police and other security wings have put in so far in an effort to curb the criminal activities. We are, however, appealing to the Police to expedite investigations and share regular and very accurate information with the general public in order to stop the speculations and suspicion among the people.
We are also appealing to the Police to always respect human rights during the discharge of their duties. We acknowledge the need for the Police to be firm but let this be done in a fair manner.
The citizens must run to the Police and not away from them. Do not down play the people’s legitimate concerns and fears as this has a tendency of leading to riotous and unruly behaviour by the people. We, therefore, condemn the use of live bullets when dispersing protesting citizens. We cannot accept the lose of lives at the hands of men and women in uniform who are supposed to protect human life. The Police must be professional in discharging their duties.
- To our political leaders
We have noticed with concern the back and forth propaganda and accusing fingers among our political leaders. We feel this is not the time for our political leaders to blame one another at the expense of working together to find solutions to this challenge. We expect our political leaders to put aside their differences and bring together their brains and expertise in curbing challenges such as this one. They may differ in the field of politics but when the country is faced with a challenge such as this one we expect them to work together. At the end of the day we have only one country Zambia which we must all work hard to protect. We, therefore, need to see responsible statements from all political leaders.
Now is the time to reason together from all political backgrounds. Let us all condemn this crime in unison and fight this to victory.
- To the Perpetrators
“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man – Genesis 9:6. You shall not commit murder – Exodus 20:13.
As Council of Churches in Zambia, we preach that human life is sacred and must be respected and protected. Anyone who willingly sheds another’s blood and takes away their life commits a sin to both God and mankind and must be punished in commensurate measure. No one has the right to take another’s life.
In Genesis 3:19 God told man that he shall work all his life to put food on the table. He did not say man shall kill another in order to put food on the table.
It is common knowledge that whoever wants to make it in life must work hard without endangering the lives of fellow human beings who are created in God’s image. Avoid shedding blood because you are inviting curses in your life.
- To our member Churches
We call on all our member churches to be alert and vigilant at all times to ensure Churches are very safe places for all. As they increase the levels of prayers they must also increase in the levels of security within and around their congregations.
We advise that every congregation must put in place ecumenical pastoral teams that would be handy in helping people during this challenge and other challenges people face going forward.
We also appeal to all our member Churches to avoid or minimise all activities that put their members’ lives at risk such as over-night church programmes. Dedicate a slot every Sunday to talk about human dignity and the sanctity of human life. No member belonging to our member Churches should involve themselves in mob justice. Let’s leave the law to take its course.
- To the General Public
Be alert and vigilant at all times. Be conscious of your surroundings and those of your neighbour. Know each other in the yards and next doors. Be each other’s keeper. Ensure your families are protected. Now is the time to work together as one bigger family. Cooperate with the security wings and do not harm them or destroy police stations and vehicles

Canon Emmanuel CHIKOYA turns 50 on Wed 27th Nov 2019
- To ‘Prophets’ and Clergy in general
We are concerned with the mushrooming of all manner of prophecies on Zambia by the so-called Prophets outside and within Zambia. We would like to express our displeasure over prophesying of falsehoods on our country. These prophecies are dividing the nation and this must come to an end with immediate effect. We note with grave concern prophecies that are subtly portraying certain clusters of Zambian citizens as being the backers of the gassing incidents thereby putting their lives at risk of being attacked by angry mobs. We urge all Clergy to spend quality time in preaching the holistic and saving Gospel of Jesus Christ as outlined in the book of Luke 4:18-22.
All Zambians must avoid entertaining these prophets who cannot even preach salvation and the Lord Jesus Christ. Zambians must instead stick to the word of God being taught by genuine Zambian clergy. We believe and trust that our Lord Jesus Christ will come in for us at this trying moment.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
May the grace of our Lord be upon Zambia.
Rev. Canon Emmanuel Chikoya
Pastoral Communique by the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) on Gassing, Suspected Ritual Killings and other Criminal Activities Thursday 20th February 2020