NAPSA still Financially Sound assures Muyangwa Muyangwa
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National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) Director General Muyangwa Muyangwa has assured that the authority has sufficient liquidity to meet all its liabilities including payments of the pre-retirement lump sum as opposed to assertions from some sections of the society that NAPSA is on the verge of liquidation.
Speaking during a Press Briefing at NAPSA head office on 26th October 2023, a delightfully confident Mr. Muyangwa said some properties and land parcels being sold was in a bid to to raise funds due to liquidity challenges caused by the payment of benefits under the newly introduced pre-retirement lump sum benefit.
On the decision to sale some properties and land parcels, Muyangwa defended the move as purely a long-term strategic investment decision aimed at improving the performance of the real estate asset class whose return on investment has not been very good for a long time now.
“We are aware of people in some sections of society have misunderstood situation and are spreading falsehood that NAPSA is selling some properties and land parcels land due liquidation challenges and that we might fold up and leave retirees for dead,”Muyangwa explained.
The board chairperson narrated that in the year 2022 NAPSA undertook a review of its investments to identify assets that were not contributing positively to the return on the portfolio management identified various assets classes including bare land parcels and some commercial properties which were not contributing positively to the return on portfolio management. KNZ TV

NAPSA still Financially Sound assures Muyangwa Muyangwa

NAPSA still Financially Sound assures Muyangwa Muyangwa

NAPSA still Financially Sound assures Muyangwa Muyangwa