Press Statement in response to The Zambia Daily Mail headline of 8 April, 2017 titled, “John Mambo defrocked – Church of God revokes title of Bishop”
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By Bishop John H. Mambo Founding President Chikondi Foundation/Nyamphande Orphanage 13 April, 2017 Lusaka, Zambia Members of the press, ladies and gentlemen: I wish to give my response to the news headline that appeared in The Zambia Daily Mail of 8 April, 2017 titled, “John Mambo defrocked – Church of God revokes title of Bishop”. I was quite all this while because I was waiting for the National Overseer’s response to the matter. Members of the press, you may wish to take note of the following: 1. Church Administrative protocols It is only the National Overseer of the Church of...