Obama on Climate Change: The Trends Are ‘Terrifying’

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HomeSKIP TO CONTENTSKIP TO NAVIGATIONVIEW MOBILE VERSION https://nyti.ms/2cqUPpG Obama on ‘Terrifying’ Threat of Climate Change By A.J. CHAVAR, BEN LAFFIN, MARK LANDLER and CORAL DAVENPORT 3:25 13:43 Continue reading the main storyVideo Obama on ‘Terrifying’ Threat of Climate Change In an exclusive interview on his legacy, President Obama speaks to The Times’s Mark Landler and Coral Davenport on climate change while visiting Marine Corps Base Hawaii. By A.J. CHAVAR, BEN LAFFIN, MARK LANDLER and CORAL DAVENPORT on Publish DateSeptember 8, 2016. Photo by A.J. Chavar/The New York Times. Watch in Times Video » The New York Times U.S. The Obama Era...