Category: Sustainable Development

DPCW Webinar and HWPL Statement Regarding Myanmar Situation

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Greetings to all Messengers of Peace!       This is Lucy from IPYG.   I sincerely wish everything is going on well with you and your family! 1. The HWPL’s 5th Annual Commemoration of the DPCW   Mr. Pravin H. Parekh of ILPC reporting the DPCW progress report.JPG 루벤.png       First of all, we would like to express our gratitude for your interest and attendance at the HWPL’s 5th Annual Commemoration of the DPCW that was held on last Sun, 14th, March 2021. It was an annual event to celebrate the DPCW’s proclamation, joined by over 1,200...

ZANASU Vice President Steven Musonda Kanyakula sets June-July 2021 as internal election calendar for student unions 

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By Esther Munika Mwanashiku, Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda Zambia National Students’ Union (ZANASU) Vice President Steven Musonda Kanyakula says 2021 has been a very busy year for all governance and democratic institutions in Zambia, as all march towards conducting internal elections, to gain legitimacy ahead of Thursday 12th August 2021 Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government elections. During a ZANASU Press Briefing on Internal Institutional Elections and other National Issues held at Mika Lodges in Jesmondine, Lusaka on Friday, 2nd April, 2021,   Mr. Kanyakula, the  Zambia National Students’ Union deputy leader is equally urging political parties to adopt more...

Supporting entrepreneur initiatives will reduce Youth Unemployment-Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba

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*SUPPORTING ENTREPRENEUR INITIATIVES WILL REDUCE YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT-AMB. MWAMBA* By Esther Munika Mwanashiku Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda ZAMBIA’S Ambassador to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the African Union,  Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba says Zambia has a cadre of young and inventive entrepreneurs who are ready to take Zambia to great heights but lack capital, technical support and business mentorship. Speaking when he addressed the first Zambia Virtual Youth Summit organised by the Anakazi Center for Women Empowerment and Development, Mr. Mwamba said Zambians are determined to create a country of their own dreams. In a Press Statement issued by Yareka Mhango...

UPPZ President Charles Chanda holds a successful Northern Province Provincial Conference

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UPPZ President Charles Chanda holds a successful Northern Province Provincial Conference By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ)  President Charles Chanda is delighted following a successful Northern Provincial Conference. Mr. Chanda is elated that the Northern Province UPPZ provincial conference has proved critics wrong. In a Saturday 27th March Facebook post, Mr. Chanda, who practically believes that Zambians must personally own at least one piece of land says 70 delegates were drawn from all the 13 Constituencies. Said an elated Chanda, branded as CC2021: “In an amazing turn of events, and proving all our...

NTBC’s UNZA Medical Ventillator cheers Zambian Breweries and Lafarge

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NTBC’s UNZA Medical Ventillator cheers Zambian Breweries and Lafarge By Derrick Sinjela HIGHER Education Minister Brian Mushimba is elated that the Medical Ventillator technology launced in collaboration with the University of Zambia and the private sector will assist the Ministry of Health (MoH) in the fight against the Novel Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic. Dr. Mushimba called for the support of innovations by higher institutions of learning in Zambia. In a speech read for him by Higher Education Permanent Secretary (PS), Kayula Siame, Dr. Mushimba said home-grown innovations encourage local participation in the manufacturing sector. And Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for...

Invitation for application to stand as, Members of Parliament, Mayors, Council Chairperson and Councilors on Leadership Movement (LM) political party ticket Monday 22 March, 2021

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  Invitation for application to stand as, Members of Parliament, Mayors, Council Chairperson and Councilors on Leadership Movement (LM) political party ticket Monday 22 March, 2021 Notice issued by David Kalumba National Chairman Leadership Movement (LM) Members of National Executive Committee present, Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen. AS you all aware, Zambia goes to the poles on Thursday 12th of August, 2021 to elect the new leadership to run the National Affairs on behalf of the Zambians As Leadership Movement Party, We are very much ready to Participate in the Presidential General Election,and we are calling on all...

Where Is Our Bill? Zambian CSOs call for Tabling of the TOBACCO CONTROL LEGISLATION before Parliament

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By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda THE six (6) member Zambia Consortium on Tobacco Control has reiterated a  call urging  the Zambian Government, though Health Minister Dr. Jonas  Kamima Chanda to table tobacco control legislation (the “Tobacco Control Bill”) before Parliament adjourns sine die on Wednesday 12th May 2021. In a Wednesday 17th March Press Release circulated by Zambia Media Network  Against Tobacco (ZAMNAT) National Chairperson Paxina Phiri, the CSOs believe that tabling of  The Tobacco Control Bill is in essence domestication of the World Health Organization  Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (“WHO FCTC”) to which Zambia became a...

Highvie Hamududu calls for Policy Consistency in Zambia

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  By Derrick Sinjela PARTY of National Unity and Progress (PNUP) President Highvie Hamududu has criticized the government’s habit of changing policies like a ‘Yoyo’ literally translated as a a unwise, insane, or unpredictable person. In a Saturday 20th March 2021 video, PNUP President Hamududu reiterated an evidence-based thinking that nations are built on clear, consistent, superior and predictable policies. Mr. Hamududu said government policies should be based on short to medium term, and long-term strategies. Mr. Hamududu observed that these predictable and clear policies must be accompanied by the right leadership that provides the matching political will to be...

Highvie Hamududu’s Party of National Unity & Progress tours Zambia

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  By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda   PARTY of National Unity & Progress (PNUP) President Highvie Hamududu’s visit to farmers of Kalumbila area of North Western Province was a success and has been described by the party membership in the province as a long overdue mobilisation and familisation tour.   Earlier, flanked by PNUP Secretary General (SG) Kasote Singogo and Lusaka Province Coordinator and Chairperson for lands Kauta Mantunta Mwale, Mr. Hamududu shared a message of youth progress, with Radio Icengelo journalist, in Kitwe during a spirited mobilisation exercise on the Copperbelt and North Western Provinces.   As...

UPPZ Zambia holds 150 delegate Copperbelt Provincial Indaba

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UPPZ Zambia holds 150 delegate Copperbelt Provincial Indaba By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia WITH barely 144 days before the Thursday 12th August 2021 Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government Elections, United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia ( Uppz Zambia ) held a first-ever 150 delegate Copperbelt Provincial Conference in Kitwe, which has cheered President Charles Chanda. A delighted Mr. Chanda praised National Women’s President and Head of Mobilisation, Zaliwe Banda National Youth President Elvis Yunda Yunda, Madam Emma Musonda, Pastor George Mutale, Goodson Shebele, Oceance Katai and leaders for diligently coordinating a maiden Uppz Zambia provincial conference. Mr. Chanda expressed joy...

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