Invitation for application to stand as, Members of Parliament, Mayors, Council Chairperson and Councilors on Leadership Movement (LM) political party ticket Monday 22 March, 2021
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David Kalumba is Leadership Movement National Chairman
Invitation for application to stand as, Members of Parliament, Mayors, Council Chairperson and Councilors on Leadership Movement (LM) political party ticket Monday 22 March, 2021
Notice issued by
David Kalumba
National Chairman
Leadership Movement (LM)
Members of National Executive Committee present, Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen.
AS you all aware, Zambia goes to the poles on Thursday 12th of August, 2021 to elect the new leadership to run the National Affairs on behalf of the Zambians
As Leadership Movement Party,
We are very much ready to Participate in the Presidential General Election,and we are calling on all Zambians who sense the fierce urgency of now and are willing to take part in making a great Zambian Future.
Zambians of every tribe and race, weather you are rich or poor, disabled or not disabled, Young or Old. if you have the Heart to serve this country, You have a place and a duty in this country,
You have a place and duty in great Movement.We want to work with you to give Zambia the last hope for a great future, We want to work together with you in Reclaiming the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to the future generations- The Great Zambia.

David Kalumba is Leadership Movement National Chairman
<As leadership Movement party we believe that,Participation in this coming Presidential and General Elections Should be based on equal rights for all and divinity of fellow human beings, we believe that Participation should be enjoyed by all individuals including Womens and Men,Young people are the minorites privileged or non provoked.
These rights should be enjoyed equally by all without discrimination. Zambians should appreciate that Participation in any election is a duty and a responsibility that Constitute their claim to citizenship and it is the opportunity for them to take part and influence local and National Development.
<As an Opposition Political Party we have embarked on a numerous programs one of which is National Womens Empowerment We believe that putting Resources in Women’s hands is the best way to accelerate development and sustainably reduce poverty. we believe that when Women are empowered and given an opportunity to take up leadership roles they are powerful agents of change in their Communities. For this reason the leadership Movement party will adopt more a women to stand in the Coming general Elections. Young people will be equally given the same opportunity. We all know that , the highest key players in any given political party are Youths.
Therefore as an Opposition Political Party which believes in Empowering the Vulnerable, we hy decided they shall be no Nominations feels charged on all applicants on all levelsThis is in accordance with the Leadership Movement Policy of helping the Vulnerable and also Ensuring that everyone is given an opportunity to Stand and Participate in this Coming general Elections wether Rich or poor.

David Kalumba is Leadership Movement National Chairman
We believe Elections are not a
fund fundraising venture and as such we would want each and every individuals regardless of their status to have an equal opportunity to via for any Position without any discrimination.
We would like to inform the Nation and all our Members that all those Zambians, Men and Women and Youths who eligible and wish to stand as MPs, Mayor’s, Council Chairpersons and Councilors, today Monday 22nd of March , 2021
We are now open for receiving of application and the closing date shall be on Friday 9th April, 2021 at 17:00 hours.

David Kalumba is Leadership Movement National Chairman