Category: Sustainable Development

Climate Smart Agriculture Strategies for Zambia – Analysis of Policies and Programmes

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Dear Friends & Colleagues Statistics from the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey of 2015 show that over 50% of the population live below the poverty line. This vulnerable population does not have sufficient capacity to cope with, or adapt to the impacts of extreme weather events. One of major contributors to extreme weather patterns has been deforestation. The country’s forest cover has been lost due to massive deforestations with losses in excess of 79,000 hectares of forest cover per annum (Integrated Land Use Assessment Report, 2016).   To effectively cope with climate change, there is need to develop adaptation and mitigative...


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STATEMENT BY THE CHURCH MOTHER BODIES ON THE CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) 28th March 2020 Preamble We, the leaders of the Church Mother bodies namely the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), the Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) and the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), greet you, as we pray together for one another, for our loved ones, and indeed for all God’s people in these trying times of the Coronavirus disease (COVID19) pandemic. We acknowledge the measures government has put in place and the call to the nation made by President Edgar C....

ZICTA advises consumers to sanitise ICT gadgets and use Digital Payment Platforms, prods Hanford Chaaba

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ZICTA advises consumers to sanitise ICT gadgets and use Digital Payment Platforms It is undeniable now that Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs) have become indispensable in our lives, for instance, we always move with mobile phones with us now just the way we move with wallets and handbags, noted Zambia Information Communication Technology (ZICTA) Corporate Communications Officer, Hanford Chaaba (Mr) in a Media Statement issued on Thursday March 26, 2020 In view of this global and national concern of the coronavirus diseases, Mr. Chaaba reiterated that it is important that members of the public remember to sanitise their key ICT...


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  Friday 6TH March, 2020 Muliyunda Lilembalemba PAGLORY UNIVERSITY Head of Corporate and Public Relations +260977676438 +260955676438 KABWE, Saturday, March 7, 2020… PAGLORY University Vice Chancellor Professor Egidio Machuta says women’s access to higher education is critical to breaking the barriers hampering their raise to positions of decision making. Professor Machuta who also is Paglory University President has associated the slow pace of sustainable development in the country to the low numbers of women involved in issues of national development. “We cannot be proud of household success and fail to translate the same success being recorded at household level to...

Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) Organizational Profile

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Zambia Land Alliance ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 1. BACKGROUND Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) is a network of non-governmental organizations advocating for fair land policies, laws and administrative systems that take into consideration the interests of the poor and marginalized. The Alliance was founded in 1997 and operates through a National office, eighti (08) national members, eightii (08) District Land Alliances (DLAs) and twoiii (02) district project offices. Each DLA has its own member network at district level. ZLA’s vision is to see a Zambia in which the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and vulnerable communities have secured access, ownership and control over...

Classic Woods Radio 98.9FM

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Programs Currently Running TIME NAME OF PROGRAM (1) 08:00-10:00hours ———————————- Breakfast show (Monday-Friday) (2) 13:45 & 18:45hours —————————— Main News Bulleting (3) 10:00 hour——————————————-News Headlines (Monday- Friday) (4) 10:00-12:00hours ———————————-Top 10 count down (every Friday) (5) 11:00-12:00hours ——————————— Classic Talk (Every Thursday) (6) 15:00-16:00hours ——————————— Community News (Monday- Friday) (7) 17:00-17:15hours ——————————— African News Edition (Monday-Friday) (8) 16:00-17:00hours ——————————— Rumba Drive Show (Every Friday) (9) 09:00-10:00hours ——————————— Community Matters (Every Saturday) (10)22:00-23:00hours ———————————Chakumutima Chimani Baba (Every Tuesday) (11) 21:00-24:00hours ——————————– Mankalidwe (Every Friday) (12) 08:00-10:00hours ——————————— Bible Review (13) 19:00-1945hours———————————- Sports Analysis (Every Monday, Thursday And Friday) Contact Details Office...

National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Joint Researchers’ Symposium on Solar delegates visit solar Projects at the University of Zambia (UNZA) Great East Road Campus Wednesday 20th November 2019

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We grew up in an environment of taking care of cattle, sheep and goats entrusted upon us by our parents

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Goodmorning fellow citizens, Sunday 16th February 2020 We grew up in an environment of taking care of cattle, sheep and goats entrusted upon us by our parents. This process which we are gratefully proud of, subsequently invoked in us a discipline that emphasized accountability in every little thing bestowed upon us by our elders.[blockquote style=”1″][/blockquote] It also taught us to understand the passion and effort with which God employs, in ensuring we are taken care of, as a sheep of His pasture. Here is a relevant scripture we would like to share with you, that underlines our above view: “For...

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