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Muliyunda Lilembalemba
Head of Corporate and Public Relations
Friday 6TH March, 2020
Muliyunda Lilembalemba
Head of Corporate and Public Relations
KABWE, Saturday, March 7, 2020… PAGLORY University Vice Chancellor Professor Egidio Machuta says women’s access to higher education is critical to breaking the barriers hampering their raise to positions of decision making.
Professor Machuta who also is Paglory University President has associated the slow pace of sustainable development in the country to the low numbers of women involved in issues of national development.
“We cannot be proud of household success and fail to translate the same success being recorded at household level to national level success, it simply means certain factors playing a role at household level are either ignored, downplayed or withdraw their contribution when it comes to issues to benefit the whole Country, isn’t it? Yes, because a country is constituted through families and families record success because both man and woman work together towards the success of their family then why can’t this team work exhibited at household level be seen at national level,” Professor Machuta wondered.

KABWE, Saturday, March 7, 2020… PAGLORY University Vice Chancellor Professor Egidio Machuta
He says the 2020 International Women’s Day global theme, ‘I am generation equality: realising women’s rights’ challenges all Zambians to realize that sustainable development can only be achieved if the equality demonstrated at household level is replicated at national level as that shall give every citizen an opportunity to explore their potential within the spectrum of their rights regardless of their gender.
Professor Machuta associated Zambia’s slow development to the failure to tap in the potential of women for many years while limited national issues to men alone.
“Men need the support of their female counterparts at all levels of the economy and 2020 presents Zambia with yet another opportunity to reposition itself and embrace more women in the governance systems at all levels to ensure that equality is achieved. Concerted efforts are never for men alone but for both women and men and this is what Zambia has lacked for many years limiting the Country’s economic growth to male dominated leadership structures which has not helped this country since its independence and now is the time for generation equality and let us realize the women’s rights to move Zambia to greater heights,” he said.
He says women needed to take up their rightful role in national development issues to ensure that their dignity is protected.
“We need to be smart and systematic in our quest for Gender equality because our traditions and environments have always favoured the men folk and to change without addressing key issues that hampered the rise of women earlier, shall take a long time before gender equality is realized, therefore, empowering Zambia’s women with education must be our priority to ensure that the nation’s women are able to stand on their own and fight for their economic independence away from thinking that marriage is a preferable option for them. Our traditions need to speak to gender equality to ensure that from childhood a girl child is also trained to take over from their father as opposed to waiting to be given out in marriage by their parents,” said Professor Machuta.

KABWE, Saturday, March 7, 2020… PAGLORY University Vice Chancellor Professor Egidio Machuta
Professor Machuta further advised women against limiting their involvement in national issues to electable political positions only as there were more national avenues that required their contribution and was not limited to political positions.
“Paglory University wishes all Zambian Women all over the World a Happy Women’s Day”
Issued by: Muliyunda Lilembalemba
Paglory University Head Corporate and Public Relations

Muliyunda Lilembalemba
Head of Corporate and Public Relations