Category: Sustainable Development

Happy60thbirthday to Edem K. G. Djokotoe Sunday21stJune2020 born Tuesday21stJune1960 #DoubleheaderFather’sDay Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited

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Happy60thbirthday to Edem K. G. Djokotoe Sunday21stJune2020 born Tuesday21stJune1960 #DoubleheaderFather’sDay Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited  Edem Djokotoe: THE UNREAL REALITIES OF JOURNALISM  zamobserver 6 months ago ” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” /> Edem Djokotoe By Edem K G Djokotoe THE UNREAL REALITIES OF JOURNALISM A young Times of Zambia reporter has made some insulting claims about me and my views about journalism to a close friend. He says I am just an angry and bitter old man who is ignorant about “the real realities” of journalism. He is right about one thing. I am angry– as in BruceBanner/Incredible Hulk “You-won’t-like-me-when-I-am angry” angry because...

Ref: ‘Inciting Youths to attack News Diggers’ Managing Editor Joseph Mwenda responds to Information Dora Siliya’s Dora Siliya’s letter

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Honourable Ms Dora Siliya, MP Minister of Information and Broadcasting, New Government Complex, Nassar Road. P.O. Box 51025. Lusaka. June 14, 2020 Dear Madam, REF: INCITING YOUTHS TO ATTACK NEWS DIGGERS We are in receipt of your letter dated June 12, 2020 in which you, as Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, expressed concern over what you termed as the use of a derogatory word “stupid” by ourselves in reference to one of our editorial comments. We are grateful, Honourable Minister, that you reached out to us to express your concern and to offer your advice on behalf of government....

Accelerating Africans’ industrialisation based on agriculture as a business, prods Thomson Silomba

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  ACCERALATING AFRICAN`S INDUSTRIALIZATIONS BASED ON AGRICULTURE AS A BUSINESS WRITTEN BY: SILOMBA THOMSON – Agents of Change Foundation Zambia (ACFZ) +260971602312 Kabwe, Central Province Most of African countries got independence in the early 60s. Since then, this has remained only political independence, that, evidently, this has been the thick genesis to most of countries experiencing conflicts and pandemonium provisions that have left most of people homeless and bursting them in informal sector. Without a thick doubt, most countries has suffered economically due to lack of accountability, transparency and not knowing the game they are in, leaders. I say so,...

Zambia will not end poverty by 2030, predicts Action Aid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Ziba

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By Favourite Jenala Kalando ACTION Aid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Ziba says it is impossible for the country to meet the global United Nations (UN) target of ending poverty by 2030 because resources meant to address achieve the goal continue being diverted to debt servicing. A worried Mrs. Ziba argued in an interview in Lusaka that the diversion of poverty alleviation resources to debt servicing has put a strain on delivery of social services such as Health, Education and Agriculture to name but three sectors. Mrs. Ziba has therefore appealed to government through Finance Minister Dr. Bwalya Ng’andu to consider...

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