Category: Gender & health

Mthoniswa Banda prods Garry Nkombo to ‘Relocate Bus Stations’ from CBDs and ‘Create New Bus Routes!

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Relocate All Bus Stations Away from the CBDs and Create New Bus Routes!  Signed: EJMB Mthoniswa Banda Group Admin – Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) 0977 405086 Lusaka 21/09/21 – THE Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) welcomes efforts by the UPND Government as announced by the Local Government Minister Mr. Garry Nkombo, to decongest the Lusaka Central Business District According to plans, Government intends to build two new bus stations; one behind Levy Mall and another on Kafue Road. However, the Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group feels this measure will in the short term decongest the CBD...

The Innovative Rhisotope Project Moves to Next Stage After Success of Phase One

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ON September 16th, the first phase of the Rhisotope Project aimed at curbing rhino poaching in South Africa using nuclear technologies – radioisotopes – was successfully completed. The initial stage of the project was dedicated to proving that there was no movement of the stable isotopes from the horn of the rhino into the body of the animal. In order to prove this, Igor and Denver, two rhinos, were darted and sedated, at which point the cocktail of stable isotopes was introduced into their horn. These two animals were isolated into a separate camp where they were closely observed. Highly...

Remain neutral and professional, Amos Malupenga urges Zambian media

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  By Theresa Kalenga and Derrick Sinjela MINISTRY of Information and Media Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga has launched the Voter’s Voice Post – Election Media Monitoring Report urging media houses and practitioners to remain neutral and non – partisan in coverage. Officiating at Lusaka’s Radisson Blu Hotel Thursday, 16th September 2021, Fourth Electoral Media Monitoring report by MISA-Zambia under the Voters’ Voice Project witnessed by Head of Delegation – European Union, National Director – MISA Zambia Austin Kayanda, BBC Media Action Country Director –Soren Johansson, director general – Independent Broadcasting Authority – IBA, Representatives from the Electoral Commission of Zambia...

Zambia’s electoral transition, cheers Mundia Paul Hakoola

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By Derrick Sinjela CONTINENTAL Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) Executive Director Mundia Paul Hakoola is delighted that Zambia is commemorating the International Day of Democracy, a month and three days after holding a Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Government election. Mr. Hakoola expressed satisfaction that celebrating the international day of democracy, commemorated annually on 15th September is being held in the aftermath of a peaceful transfer of political power from 6th Republican President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s Patriotic Front (PF) to Seventh (7th) Republican President, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, leader of the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance New Dawn Government. Hakoola...

Rosatom Technical Academy has started training El-Dabaa NPP personnel

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  Rosat om Technical Academy has started training El-Dabaa NPP personnel In early September, the first groups of specialists from Egypt’s El-Dabaa NPP began training at the St. Petersburg branch of Rosatom’s Technical Academy. The training programme is being carried out in the framework of contracts pertaining to the construction of Egypt’s first nuclear power plant. The opening ceremony for the training programme was attended by the Vice Board Chairman of NPPA Operation and Maintenance, General Supervisor of El-Dabaa NPP Project Management Mohamed Ramadan, Advisor to Rosatom’s Director General Vladimir Artisyuk, Director of Rosatom’s Educational Projects Valery Karezin, Vice President,...

DP President Harry Kalaba casting the net into the deep beyond 2021 elections

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By Theresa Kalenga Democratic party (DP) President Harry Kalaba has announced new changes to the structure of the DP and has noted that their are changes he introduced Mr. Jewish Chabi as Secretary General (SG). National Secretary Chabi is deputized by Thomas Sipalo appointed  as Deputy National Mobilization Chairperson. Mr. Kalaba noted that the retirement of PF from the government was a humiliation due to their pomposity and arrogance displayed during their reign. Kalaba noted that the party was founded for the poor but had begun flying in high seas of corruption hence sinking the boat. “As DP, a party that...

Breaking barriers: Russian woman leads the way on arctic ship

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Issued on: 08/09/2021 – 05:28 Diana Kidzhi, 27, is the most senior woman in Russia’s growing nuclear icebreaker fleet Ekaterina ANISIMOVA AFP 3 min ADVERTISING Aboard the ’50 Years of Victory’ (Russia) (AFP) Peering through her binoculars at icebergs ahead, Diana Kidzhi shouts at the helmsman of a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker approaching the North Pole: “Ten degrees left!” At just 27, Kidzhi is a chief mate — second in command to the captain — and sets the path the giant vessel will take through the frozen waters of the Arctic Ocean. Standing on the bridge of the ship, she is surrounded by...

Highvie H. Hamududu Is A Man To Watch In 2021- PNU

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  By Tumfweko Editor 01 Editor 01 4 years ago PARTY of National Unity (PNU) Interim Secretary General Kasote Singogo says Zambians must vote for Highvie Hambulo Hamududu on Thursday 12th August 2021 on account of his leadership credentials. Mr. Singogo brands Mr. Hamududu as a man to watch, stressing that the former Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairperson is determined to build a united and better Zambia. Singogo says the PNU is coalescing-bringing on board a diversity of interest groups passionate on developing Zambia. “Folks this is the man to watch in Zambia’s political landscape, a man who is issued...

CLRI’s Mundia Paul Hakoola’s ‘High Expectations’ as Zambian Parliament Opens

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By Derrick Sinjela CONTINENTAL Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) Executive Director Mundia Paul Hakoola is gladly bubbling with confidence as President Hakainde Hichilema opens the First Session of the Thirteenth National Assembly Opens on Friday 10th September, 2021 in Lusaka. Mr. Hakoola noted that as Parliament resumes its sessions with Zambia’s Second Female Vice President, Reverend Mutale Nalumango as leader of the August House, CLRI is optimistic of a positive future. In a Wednesday 1st September, 2021 Press Statement, a forward looking Hakoola expects a sober debate from the August House, as opposed to previous empty talk witnessed in the last...

Unauthorized vaccines valued At 150,000 used seized and destroyed

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Christabel Mutale Illiamupu (Mrs) Communication Specialist/Researcher/Consulta Lusaka, Tuesday 31st August, 2021 THE Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) has seized and destroyed a consignment of suspected COVID-19 vaccines named Hayat-Vax [SARS-COV-2 Vaccine] (Vero Cell), inactivated, valued at 150,000 United States Dollars (USD) equivalent to 10,000 thousand doses. This was necessitated due to the following reasons: 1. The vaccine is not registered or authorised by ZAMRA for use on the Zambian market; 2. The vaccine is not listed under the World Health Organization Emergency Use Listing procedure; 3. The importer did not have a pharmaceutical licence to sell, store, distribute or supply;...

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