Category: Gender & health

Wednesday 23rd December 2020 Media Statement of the Socialist Party on the Economic Recovery Plan Delivered by DR Ngenda Mwikisa – General Treasurer and Second Vice President

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Statement of the Socialist Party on the Economic Recovery Plan Delivered by DR Ngenda Mwikisa – General Treasurer and Second Vice President In 2011, we the people of Zambia decided to change the stewardship of our economy from the MMD to PF. This was on the promise that the PF would bring about a vigorous and unrelenting fight against poverty. We can only assume now that the PF’s campaign in 2011 was never meant to be implemented as all the economic fundamentals have been deteriorating few years after they took over the Government. From the time the PF formed Government...

ZRHSG’s Mthoniswa Banda issues ‘Road Usage Travel Advisory to Zambian parents!’

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  By Mthoniswa Banda Consultancy Ltd Consultants at favourable media and public relations THE Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) is urging parents and school administrators to exercise maximum caution and care in their usage of Zambian roads these coming few days as they ferry pupils from home to their respective schools in readiness for the school new term. In a Sunday, 8th May, 2022 Press Statement, the Zambian Roads and Highway Safety Group has noted with dismay that most of the Zambian highways are not fit and safe for long distance travel as they are riddled with...

Zambia surrenders sovereignty to Western powers, PF’s Acting President Given Lubinda laments

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Zambia surrenders sovereignty to Western powers, PF’s Acting President Given Lubinda laments Press release Wednesday 25th May, 2022 Today, Zambia and the rest of Africa is celebrating African Unity Day, also known as Africa Freedom Day. The Day is meant to commemorate the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) now known as the African Union (AU). We observe this Day to mark the onward progress of the liberation movement, and to symbolise the determination of the people of Zambia in particular and the people of Africa at large to free ourselves from foreign domination. Fellow countrymen and women,...

COMMUNIQUÉ DE LA CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION DU CHEF DE L’ÉTAT LE PRÉSIDENT FÉLIX TSHISEKEDI EST ARRIVÉ CE MATIN À NEW-YORK POUR LA 77 EME ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DES NATIONS-UNIES Republique Democratique du Congo PRESIDENCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE CABINET DU CHEFDE LETAT CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION 1 + 243 81 28 81 734 – – – @Presidence_RDC Palais de la Nation, Av. Roi Baudouin / Gombe – Kinshasa / BP 201 Kin1 © Communiqué officiel du cabinet du Président de la République du Congo Fait à Kinshasa, le 19 septembre 2022 COMMUNIQUÉ DE LA CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION DU CHEF DE L’ÉTAT LE PRÉSIDENT FÉLIX TSHISEKEDI EST ARRIVÉ CE MATIN À NEW-YORK POUR LA 77 EME ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DES NATIONS-UNIES Accompagné de la Distinguée Première Dame Denise Nyakeru, le Président de la République Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo est arrivé aux premières heures de la journée de ce lundi 19 septembre à New York. Le Chef de l’État vient participer à la 77ᵉ session de l’Assemblée Générale des Nations-Unies, dont la journée inaugurale est prévue ce mardi 20 septembre. En sa triple qualité de Président de la RDC et Président en exercice de la CEEAC et de la SADC, le Président Félix Tshisekedi devrait prendre la parole du haut de la tribune des Nations-Unies à l’occasion de cette assemblée générale exclusivement en présentielle. Son allocution intervient dans un contexte national particulier marqué par l’agression avérée du Rwanda, les processus de paix de Nairobi et Luanda ainsi que les tumultes sur la présence de la mission onusienne au Congo, la Monusco. Pour toutes ces problématiques, le Président de la République Félix Tshisekedi attend de mobiliser la communauté internationale et obtenir d’elle un soutien multiforme et une réponse claire. Comme à chaque occasion que les dirigeants du monde se retrouvent, la question climatique revient dans toutes les allocutions et on ne peut évoquer cette problématique sans faire allusion à la RDC présentée comme un pays-solution. Les dirigeants du monde attendent aussi du Président Tshisekedi un mot sur la production des minerais stratégiques, lui dont le pays est dépositaire de ces matières précieuses rares qui rentrent dans la production des voitures électriques. Le bal des discours sera ouvert ce mardi 20 septembre avec le Président du Brésil comme le veut la tradition. COMMUNIQUÉ DE LA CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION DU CHEF DE L’ÉTAT PRESIDENT FELIX TSHISEKEDI ARRIVED THIS MORNING IN NEW YORK FOR THE 77TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS Republique Democratique du Congo PRESIDENCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE CABINET DU CHEFDE LETAT CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION 1 + 243 81 28 81 734 – – – @Presidence_RDC Palais de la Nation, Av. Roi Baudouin / Gombe – Kinshasa / BP 201 Kin1 © Communiqué officiel du cabinet du Président de la République du Congo Fait à Kinshasa, le 19 septembre 2022 COMMUNIQUÉ DE LA CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION DU CHEF DE L’ÉTAT PRESIDENT FELIX TSHISEKEDI ARRIVED THIS MORNING IN NEW YORK FOR THE 77TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS On Monday 19 September, the President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo arrived in New York in the early hours of the day along with the Distinguished First Lady Denise Nyakeru. The Head of State is due to attend the 77ᵉ session of the United Nations General Assembly, beginning on Tuesday, 20 September. In his threefold capacity as President of the DRC and current President of ECCAS and SADC, President Félix Tshisekedi is expected to speak at the United Nations during this exclusively face-to-face General Assembly. His address falls within a particular national context marked by the proven aggression of Rwanda, the Nairobi and Luanda peace processes, and the upheaval over the presence of the UN mission in Congo, Monusco. For all these issues, the President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi intends to mobilize the international community and obtain its support and a clear response. As is the case whenever world leaders meet, the climate issue is mentioned in all the speeches, and it is impossible to mention this issue without referring to the DRC, which is considered a solution country. World leaders also expect President Tshisekedi to comment on the production of strategic minerals, as the country is a holder of these rare precious materials that are used in the production of electric cars. In keeping with tradition, the speeches will open on Tuesday, 20 September with the President of Brazil.

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Republique Democratique du Congo PRESIDENCE DE LA REPUBLIQUE CABINET DU CHEFDE LETAT CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION 1 + 243 81 28 81 734 – – – @Presidence_RDC Palais de la Nation, Av. Roi Baudouin / Gombe – Kinshasa / BP 201 Kin1 © Communiqué officiel du cabinet du Président de la République du Congo Fait à Kinshasa, le 19 septembre 2022 COMMUNIQUÉ DE LA CELLULE DE COMMUNICATION DU CHEF DE L’ÉTAT LE PRÉSIDENT FÉLIX TSHISEKEDI EST ARRIVÉ CE MATIN À NEW-YORK POUR LA 77 EME ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE DES NATIONS-UNIES Accompagné de la Distinguée Première Dame Denise Nyakeru, le Président...

Prince Philip finally shares burial space with Queen 👑 Elizabeth The Second

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BY TILLY ALEXANDER/ Moses Zangar Jr. Did you know Prince Philip is expected to be buried alongside his beloved wife, Queen Elizabeth II, having been temporarily interred in the Royal Vault until her death? Queen Elizabeth II’s husband Prince Philip passed away in April last year, with a funeral held in the same month. However, instead of being buried immediately, the late Duke of Edinburgh’s body was interred in a special royal vault so that he could be laid to rest alongside his wife after her death. The rarely seen Royal Vault is located beneath St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle,...

Felix Nkulukusa outlines ‘August 2022 Budget Performance’ transparency

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By DERRICK SINJELA, HENRY CHUNZA and SAEED SIMON BANDA In August, 2022, K11.9 billion was released to finance public service delivery with K3 billion as a wage bill for public service workers – including health, teaching, and service personnel, says Secretary to the Treasury, Felix Nkulukusa in a Ministry of Finance and National Planning Sunday, 18th September, 2022 Among the significant releases made in August, 2022, was K537.6 million which went towards payment of redundancy packages for former Indeni workers; K227.4 million for the Food Security Pack; K200.7 million for the Youth and Women Empowerment component under the Constituency Development...

“A call to action – against offensive tendencies,” prods Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka.

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By Most Rev. Dr. Alick Banda Archbishop of Lusaka. Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! 1. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ and people of good will. I hereby wish to address a thorny issue inter alia other issues that seem to be slowly taking root in our society, albeit complacency from the State and the law enforcement agencies. 2. In the last 12 months, we have witnessed an increase in the number of incidents and events that promote LGBTG+ tendencies contrary to the Laws of Zambia and our Zambian culture. Additionally, there has been an...

Kelvin Chisanga outlines:”The implications of Zambia’s debt restructuring process!”

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By Kelvin Chisanga Sunday, 18th September, 2022 In as much as debt has been the main precursor relating it to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout package, it is also a tough puzzle to work around with, especially with the questions surrounding debt restructuring plans mainly due to the complicity with a portfolio of national debts, which comprises of debts from capital market, bilateral parties and multilateral players altogether combined. Zambia went on, to issue three key debt instruments (Eurobonds) in 2012, 2014 and 2015 which are estimated to have a stock value of slightly above $3 billion worth of...

“Extreme hunger has more than doubled in 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots over past six years,” warns Gabriela Bucher, Oxfam International Executive Director

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“Extreme hunger has more than doubled in 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots over past six years,” warns Gabriela Bucher, Oxfam International Executive Director   “Extreme hunger has more than doubled in 10 of the world’s worst climate hotspots over past six years,” warns Gabriela Bucher, Oxfam International Executive Director By Oxfam in Southern Africa I Based in Malawi Office I Green Heritage Building I Private Bag B331, Lilongwe LESS than 18 days of fossil fuel companies’ profits would cover the entire UN humanitarian appeal for 2022 Ten of the world’s worst climate hotspots – those with the highest number...

Zambia Embassy in Moscow, Russia holds a special business brunch with representatives of Business Russia

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  A special business brunch was held today in Moscow with the Zambian Ambassador to the Russian Federation, HE Mr. Shadreck C. Luwita and the Business representative to Zambia of Business Russia Mr. Ashot Danielyan. Present, online, from the Zambian side was the Vice President of the Zambian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) Mr. Asheini Ashu Sagar. Others present at the brunch was the First secretary of the Zambian embassy in Russia, Vice President of Business Russia and a Representative of the Russian House in Zambia Ms. Yanina Dubeykovskaya. Ms. Yanina highlighted the importance of the humanitarian capital and...

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