Zambia Embassy in Moscow, Russia holds a special business brunch with representatives of Business Russia
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Zambia Embassy in Moscow, Russia holds a special business brunch with representatives of Business Russia
A special business brunch was held today in Moscow with the Zambian Ambassador to the Russian Federation, HE Mr. Shadreck C. Luwita and the Business representative to Zambia of Business Russia Mr. Ashot Danielyan.
Present, online, from the Zambian side was the Vice President of the Zambian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ZACCI) Mr. Asheini Ashu Sagar.
Others present at the brunch was the First secretary of the Zambian embassy in Russia, Vice President of Business Russia and a Representative of the Russian House in Zambia Ms. Yanina Dubeykovskaya.
Ms. Yanina highlighted the importance of the humanitarian capital and infrastructure that the Russian House is creating, including the Zambia-Russian Alumni Association, providing a base for human capital deployment by Russian business entering the Zambian market.
The partnership between ZACCI and Business Russia through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is economic parity in advocating for interests of both Russia nand Zambian.
The MoU was aimed at strengthening trade, service delivery, investment facilitation and economic relations between the two countries with a view of creating sustainable employment and wealth, business on foreign markets, amplify business-partnership mechanisms, and create new
opportunities for entrepreneurs from both economies.
This meeting was the second step following the signing of the MoU between Business Russia and the Zambian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lusaka on August 8, 2022.

Zambia Embassy in Moscow, Russia holds a special business brunch with representatives of Business Russia