Category: Education

Commemorate World Teachers Day, prods ZNUT’s Joe Kasaka

Commemorate World Teachers Day, prods ZNUT’s Joe Kasaka

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By Favourite Jenala Kalando in Lusaka ZAMBIA National Union of Teachers (ZNUT) Spokesperson Joe Kasaka is urging teachers to embrace quality education services as enshrined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) number four: dubbed – “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Perhaps making reference to a view by Irina Bokova, Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), that “Education can, and must, contribute to a new vision of sustainable global development’, Mr. Kasaka wants teachers to act as perfect role models by being disciplined and continue offering...

Create Cooperatives Ministry, Highvie Hamududu implores President Edgar Chagwa Lungu 

Create Cooperatives Ministry, Highvie Hamududu implores President Edgar Chagwa Lungu 

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By Derrick Sinjela and Favourite Jenala Kalando in Lusaka AS ZAMBIA grapples with high poverty, high income inequality and high unemployment, Party of National Unity (PNU) President Highvie Hamududu urging President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to heed calls seeking immediate establishment of fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry. Preaching home grown solutions to Zambia’s myriad of socio-economic woes, Mr. Hamududu advised President Lungu to abolish one or two ministries to create space for the establishment of a fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry. Formerly Chairperson of the Expanded Parliamentary Committee on Estimates, Hamududu believes that once established, a fully-fledged Cooperatives Ministry will facilitate anticipated socio-economic transformation. “Government...

Is Education a right? Part 1 -by:Gabriel Kwanja 22/03/2010

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By:Gabriel Kwanja 22/03/2010   Education is a right indeed. An interest that should be recognized and is protected by law. This right should be enjoyed by everyone of this world regardless of background or creed. Education should go beyond sex, tribe, race, colour and class in society. It is supposed to bury the difference between the poor and rich.  Education has stages and different areas of interest; certainly every stage and area of study are very important and should be treated with equal importance in development. The Marxist believes that a strong base will support a good structure and a...

Social Media Taxes Draconian, must be stopped immediately, prods  

Social Media Taxes Draconian, must be stopped immediately, prods  

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PRESS STATEMENT Tuesday 14th August 2018 By Percy Chanda United Party for National Development (UPND) Chairperson for Mines and Freedom Fighter Taxes and more taxes for our already impoverished citizens as the morally and financially bankrupt PF leadership yesterday introduced social media taxes. We have said it before and we will say it again, that we have a PF leadership that drove us into an economic ditch through reckless borrowing and uneconomic irresponsible spending. Unfortunately they have no clue whatsoever on how to get us out of the economic mess they put us in. All they know is to keep squeezing...

UPPZ’s Able Ngwenya eyes Kasenengwa seat

UPPZ’s Able Ngwenya eyes Kasenengwa seat

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By Derrick Sinjela UNITED Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) Kasenengwa parliamentary aspirant Able Ngwenya is determined to clinch the vacant portfolio come Thursday 6th September 2018 on account of being a popular candidate. An optimistic 36-year-old Ngwenya says once elected Member of Parliament (MP) he will endeavor to reduce distance to secondary schools and increasing access to clean water in Kasenengwa constituency, Chipata Eastern Province. Born 31st December 1981, Ngwenya is worried that pupils trek five kilometers to a nearest secondary school, with teachers lacking accommodation, though Kasenegwa Constituency has sufficient primary education facilities. “My chances of winning are very...

The Proposed Refinancing Strategy of US $750 Million Eurobond Might Lead Zambia into a Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Proposed Refinancing Strategy of US $750 Million Eurobond Might Lead Zambia into a Sovereign Debt Crisis

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Contact Mr. Andrew Simpasa for further clarifications on 0977765775 or The planned engagement of a private company to pay off Zambia’s US$ 750 million Eurobond is a disaster in-waiting. JCTR is apprehensive with regard to use of a private equity to refinance the country’s Eurobond as the cost of the external debt might become too exorbitant to bear in the medium to long-term. To this end, this might further exacerbate the country’s foreign debt which currently stands at a staggering US$9.3 billion. Recently, the Ministry of Finance, in the 2018 First Quarter Economic Performance Report, announced that, “management of...

Understanding prostrate cancer, Dr. Mulindi Mwanahamuntu

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Doctor’s Corner with Dr. Mulindi Mwanahamuntu ‘a Healthy People, Build a wealthy Nation’   WHO posted the rumors on social media that at least 21 ejaculations per month protect against cancer of the prostate? Who posted it to my WhatsApp account? I nearly ignored the post but as the cold season progressed, I noted many people were posting the same message. Why are all these people sending and resending this message? What is the correct position on this matter? My worries have been that, if true, what will be the implication of this news to a lot of my childhood...



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THE CHINESE DEBT UNSETTLES STATE HOUSE By The Speech Analyst – Mike Sichula Finally the Government of Zambia is opening up regarding the much under Lock and key foreign debt stock though still not informing Citizens the exact debt it ows the Chinese Government. ……..Our Analysis comes in the wake of a statement issued by presidential aid, Mr..Amos Chanda, following a between President EDGAR Lungu and Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, Mr. Mr Li Jie, at STATE HOUSE yesterday. A reminder of what President Lungu had directed the Ministry of Finance was to stop debt contraction, cancel some existing loans, terminate...

It is the Matriarch Midwifery! by Dr. Mulindi Munahamunthu

It is the Matriarch Midwifery! by Dr. Mulindi Munahamunthu

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It is the Matriarch Midwifery! The World Health Organization has done much work on ensuring that women do not die in the process of giving birth. The process of giving birth has three main components: 1. Pregnancy (9 months) 2. Child bearing (10hrs of labour) and 3. Some 42 days after the baby is delivered. If the mother dies in any of these three processes of child bearing, it is regarded a needless preventable maternal morality and it points a finger to poor health systems. Such deaths denote a failure by the health system. Over the last 40 years, national...

Dare to Dream, prods UPPZ’s Leo Madalitso Musukwa

Dare to Dream, prods UPPZ’s Leo Madalitso Musukwa

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By Derrick Sinjela United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) leader Charles Chanda has adopted Youth League President Leo Madalitso Musukwa as an Elected Executive Mayoral of Lusaka candidate on Thursday 26th July 2018. Mr. Musukwa expressed delight moments after successfully filling nomination as a candidate for the Mayoral seat of Lusaka under the UPPZ ticket, as a youthful prospective Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in Zambia’s Capital City.     Musukwa challenged youthful generation to rally behind him to effectively make history, on account of a theme: “DARE TO DREAM”.     “This is our time and we shall make history!...

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