Category: Editors Choice

ZATACA host Fund Raising Food Fair to Sponsor Scholarships and Donations …. Tamil Art and Culture Association – Zambia relationship cheers Siddharth Iyer

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  ZATACA host Fund Raising Food Fair to Sponsor Scholarships and Donations …. Tamil Art and Culture Association – Zambia relationship cheers Siddharth Iyer By Ashton Kelly Bunda ZAMBIA Tamil Art and Culture Association (ZATACA) Chairperson Siddharth Iyer tags the Indian community as an all weather partner to the Zambian commerce and trade and continues hosting a social corporate responsibility annual event initiated in1972, 50 years ago. Briefing Zambian Media on Sunday, 4th September, 2022 at Rhodes Park private school in Lusaka, Mr. Iyer says the social engagement target is to raise K100, 000 from food sold during a cultural...

Emeralds can finance Zambia’s K173.0 billion ($11.3 billion) 2022 budget,” prays UPPZ’s Charles Chanda By DERRICK SINJELA United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda says as anticipated the K173 billion (US$11.3billion) 2022 budget is heavily influenced by the changes in the political landscape, evidenced by the reiteration of the policy direction outlined by the New Dawn Administration. Recalling Finance Minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane’s K173. 0 billion budget theme: “Growth, Jobs and Taking Development Closer to the People,” Mr. Chanda urged Zambians to open their eyes as politicians continue to tell half-truths. Chanda implored the Zambian electorate and the UPND Administration led by President Hakainde Hichilema to realise that just 400 kilogrammes of emeralds can finance Zambia’s K173 billion 2022 national budget. “If Kagem Mining Limited sold 5625 carat of emerald at $28 million it then follows that l only need 400kg of good grade emerald to run the whole budget of the country. Is that not amazing that one person can fund the entire budget of seventeen million citizens. This is not a dream but reality that politicians and foreign investors have hidden from us. If Kagem in 2018 harvested seven tons what is four hundred kilograms. With seven tons it will be possible to run the country for six years. Zambians open your eyes,” Chanda advised. Kagem Mining Ltd in Zambia is 75% owned by Gemfields and 25% by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of Zambia. Kagem produced 230,500 carats of premium emerald for the year ended 3st December 2021 and has generated total cumulative auction sales revenue of USD835.3 million since July 2009. Alluding to Deuteronomy 28:12, Chanda reiterated UPPZ’s opposition to borrowing arguing that Zambia is too prosperous to condone debt as a development strategy. “The Lord shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow,” Chanda cited Deuteronomy 28:12. Protested Chanda: “Zambia is not poor and not a third world country”. NOTE: In 2007, Gemfields Group Limited (formerly Pallinghurst Resources Limited) (“GGL”) identified the coloured gemstone sector as an “overlooked” industry that offered a unique investment opportunity. Demand for coloured gemstones by the jewellery and fashion sectors was increasing, but supply was constrained and fragmented due to the lack of large, reliable producers able to consistently deliver sufficient quantities of gemstones. Pallinghurst saw an opportunity to unlock value by bringing capital, scale and professionalism to the industry, to which end it assembled a consortium of Pallinghurst Co-Investors, including the Group. Kagem, an emerald mine in the “Copperbelt” region of northern Zambia, currently producing nearly a quarter of the world’s emeralds, was the consortium’s first acquisition in the sector. Kagem had been producing emeralds for nearly 20 years but was performing badly due to a combination of poor management, theft, shareholder conflicts and a lack of capital. Through a series of transactions, the consortium acquired 75% of Kagem, with the balance held by the Government of the Republic of Zambia. In pursuing its vision for consolidating the sector, the consortium acquired majority control of AIM-listed Gemfields plc (“Gemfields”) by selling Kagem to Gemfields in a reverse takeover during 2008. MBUVA-CHIBOLELE The Mbuva-Chibolele licence is located on the Fwaya-Fwaya–Pirala Belt in the NRERA within the Kafubu area of the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, on the southern banks of the Kafubu River. It lies along the west-southwest strike from the nearby Fwaya-Fwaya emerald mining zone adjacent to the Kagem licence area. This pit was kept under care and maintenance from 2007 onwards so as to focus on operations at Kagem. However, following GGL’s acquisition of Gemfields, a decision was made to expand the Group’s emerald footprint and, accordingly, operations at Mbuva- Chibolele were resumed in late 2017. During October 2019, in accordance with the Licence Transfer Agreement between Gemfields Mining Limited and Kagem, the Chibolele, Kamakanga and Arinus licences held by Gemfields Mining Limited were transferred to Kagem. The transfer was approved by the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development. In February 2020, the remaining eight licences included under the same Licence Transfer Agreement were approved by the Ministry of Mines and Mineral Developments and transferred

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By DERRICK SINJELA United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda says as anticipated the K173 billion (US$11.3billion) 2022 budget is heavily influenced by the changes in the political landscape, evidenced by the reiteration of the policy direction outlined by the New Dawn Administration. Recalling Finance Minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane’s K173. 0 billion budget theme: “Growth, Jobs and Taking Development Closer to the People,” Mr. Chanda urged Zambians to open their eyes as politicians continue to tell half-truths. Chanda implored the Zambian electorate and the UPND Administration led by President Hakainde Hichilema to realise that just 400 kilogrammes of...


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  _______________ ANYONE who rejoices at Zambia’s mere contraction of more debt is an idiot. Much needs to be done, much more, both in terms of thought and deed, is required of us all citizens if Zambia’s economy is to recover and become sound. Ebullient, Hakainde HICHILEMA, to me: ‘Dr BANDA, it is wrong to borrow for consumption. It is foolishness itself.’ We were about 15, 000 ft above sea level in a helicopter on a campaign trail, chatting, the lush green of Zambia’s vegetation, full of promise, visible beneath us. Wallace CHAKAWA, Hakainde’s cousin, a Ukwa bag betwee his...

Multichoice Zambia’s 27 year entertainment profile cheers Leah Kooma

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By DERRICK SINJELA and Citizen Journalist SAEED SIMON BANDA MULTICHOICE Zambia Managing Director Leah Kooma is elated to serve as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at a time she describes as exciting in the Multichoice business. Officiating at a Thursday, 1st September, 2022 Multichoice Zambia Showcase, in Lusaka, Mrs. Kooma assured customers of fulfilling every promise made since inception 27 years ago, built on a foundation of delivering exciting entertainment and an exceptional service. And during a colourful event at Rhapsody’s Cafe & Wine Bar, on Lusaka’s Nangwenya Road, Showgrounds, spiced with splendid performances by Victor ‘Kabova’ Chushi and King Buga...

The New Dawn Government will deliver prosperity for all Zambians Thursday,1st September, 2022 Press Statement

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By Dr. Daniel Mvula Shimunza UPND-ALliance Spokesperson As the UPND-ALLIANCE COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS, We are delighted, to be associated with the New Dawn government, and MR. HAKAINDE HICHILEMA, in Particular, as the Republican President. We are confident that the four fundamental values and objectives that brought the Alliance Partners together, are now working for the common good of all the Zambian People, albeit, not at the speed we all want, because of processes required to achieve them, sometimes. These include among others ; restoring and reconstructing the broken down economy, by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime, restoration of the rule...

ERB Vice Chairperson James Banda revises September 2022 Petroleum Pump Prices in Zambia downwards

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By SAEED SIMON BANDA and DERRICK SINJELA THE Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has adjusted the pump prices of petroleum products downwards by Kl.65/litre for petrol, Kl.75/litre for diesel and Kl.72/litre for kerosene for the month of September 2022. At the last review on 31st July, 2022, which yielded the August 2022 fuel prices, the average price of petrol, diesel and kerosene was US$123.05/bbl, US$146.52/bbl, US$135.36/bbl, respectively, compared to US$106.87/bbl, US$131.25/bbl, US$124.23/bbl respectively, for the current price review. According to ERB Vice – Board Chairperson James Banda, the movements represent a decline of 13.15%, 10.42%, 8.23%, respectively, in prices of petrol,...

Bank Towers Competing to Kiss the Gods in Toronto’s Central Business District at King and Bay Streets

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Bank Towers Competing to Kiss the Gods in Toronto’s Central Business District at King and Bay Streets. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

INDENI closure worries UNIP Acting President Mike Kaira

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By Derrick Sinjela The United National Independence Party (UNIP) is unhappy following the closure and eventual transformation of INDENI into an oil marketing operator. In a Thursday, 1st September, 2022 Press Statement released from Ndola, Copperbelt Province UNIP Acting President Mike Kaira protested the turning of INDENI into an oil marketing operation. A greatly disturbed Kaira lamented that UNIP is saddened over the development on account of reason which prompted it’s formation still being as valid as at INDENI’s establishment. Kaira recollected that as a land locked country, surrounded with eight neighbours, Zambia was made to uplift her fuel from...


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AKKUYU NUCLEAR has become a partner in a project to monitor, protect and save the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) and Nile softshell sea turtle (Trionyx triunguis) in the Göksu River Delta Conservation Area. The project is implemented by the General Directorate of Natural Heritage Protection under the Ministry of Environment, Urban Planning and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey. The project held a traditional environmental clean-up event on the sea turtle nesting area at Kum Mahallesi beach near Tashuçu, where the builders of the nuclear power plant live. The campaign was also aimed...


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By Edmond Miti TECHNOLOGY and Science Minister Felix Chipota Mutati has said the preservation of culture should be paramount in order to solidify its values and pass on tradition to the future generations. Mr. Mutati has also urged those gifted to sing to work hard and use their imagination to make music as part of expression as Zambains’ culture is that of happiness and meaningfulness. The minister made the call when he officiated the launch of a musical album by the 08:15 Choir of St Ignatius Catholic Parish in Lusaka’s Rhodespark residential area which is titled ‘kutinaeba amabwe’ translated as...

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