The New Dawn Government will deliver prosperity for all Zambians Thursday,1st September, 2022 Press Statement
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UPND Alliance Spokesperson Dr. Daniel Mvula Shimunza with Pan African Radio 96.1FM Station Manager and People’s Debate anchor Caeser Edward Sindele
By Dr. Daniel Mvula Shimunza
UPND-ALliance Spokesperson
As the UPND-ALLIANCE COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS, We are delighted, to be associated with the New Dawn government, and MR. HAKAINDE HICHILEMA, in Particular, as the Republican President. We are confident that the four fundamental values and objectives that brought the Alliance Partners together, are now working for the common good of all the Zambian People, albeit, not at the speed we all want, because of processes required to achieve them, sometimes.
These include among others ; restoring and reconstructing the broken down economy, by the Patriotic Front (PF) regime, restoration of the rule of law, restoring of the social order, and unifying the Country, beyond hegemony and tribe.
THE UPND-ALLIANCE, has gladly, noted the following scores thus far, by the New Dawn government, on the economic climate of the country:
1. THE IMF BAILOUT OF 1.4 BILLION DOLLARS, AS PART OF RECONSTRUCTION AND REBUILDING OF THE ECONOMY, and debt restructuring and management, broken down by the Patriotic Front ( PF) regime. While the (PF) failed to even get a Staff Agreement on an IMF BAILOUT, by Four Ministers of Finance, due to lack of Credit Worthiness with lending bodies internationally, the New Dawn government, has now gotten the Board Agreement, hopefully, to be acutalised, sooner than later.
This news is encouraging to the required investor confidence, to build towards economic growth reforms and national development. The commitment to fiscal discipline and frugality, rather than consumptionism of the (PF), is seen in the stability of the monetary policy rate and inflation, reducing to a single digit, within a Year, respectively.
The reduction in fuel prices, is testimony of the cost reflective tariffs that will soon stabilise. The IMF bailout, will act as a stimulus for investor confidence. The dominal effect, is economic growth by attracting more compounded investments into the country. Consequently, the short term ,to medium term bilateral and multilateral economic arrangements, will be covered, as we anticipate the long term growth trajectory .
The rationale of going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was to cluster together all Creditors, so as to create leverage to renegotiate the indebtedness and defaults occasioned, by failed macroeconomic and monetary policies of the PF regime. This was to circumvent the tedious processes of renegotiating our debt, on a case by case basis.

Finance Minister Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane
3.THE APPRECIATION OF THE CURRENCY ( KWACHA) , is another milestone of effective monetary policies of the New Dawn administration. This will soon result in reduction in the cost of doing business and the cost of living. The benefits will be prosperity to the Zambian people , who have sacrificed a lot of austerity measures, in order to restore the economy, in the long run.
The New Dawn administration, will deliver on all the promises we made to the Zambian people. This can be seen in the recent developments, as scores stated above. Zambia will indeed prosper under the new dawn government. The good news is that the process of recovery is turning steadily , sometimes, not as fast as we should want. Actualisation of prosperity for all, is the ultimate goal, for the UPND-ALLIANCE.
Surely , No one can Fix the Fixer as

IMF’s Kristalina Georgieva Backs Zambia
BALLY, because “Bally will FIX it”. If it’s not broken ,don’t try to fix it ! Before we criticise, we must contribute the alternatives, effectively. The Opposition Political Parties, must Offer credible checks and balances, as fault- finding, is not authentic relevance on our political scene. Insulting the Presidency or disrespecting our Mothers, is Not offering credible checks and balances, by Opposition. Vindictiveness and bitterness, where Opposition become blind to progress, is great folly. Let’s have civility in politics!

President Hakainde Hichilema with UPND Alliance Council-of Presidents