Speech by His Excellency, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia delivered at The State Funeral of Her Ladyship, Hon Mrs. Justice Irene Chirwa Mambilima, Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia
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Saturday, 26th June, 2021 State House Lusaka To Retired Major Joseph Mambilima and family; Brothers and Sisters in Christ; Fellow Mourners. The nation has been gripped with shock and owe for the past one month. We have lost his Excellency, Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, our founding father, father of this great nation, Zambia. And before we could come to terms with this huge loss, we lose another great Zambian – her ladyship, the Chief Justice. The lady, who has brought us here today, has left all of us in shock. We are still shocked because as we have...