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Illegal Kamwala shops demolished by Lusaka City Council

Illegal Kamwala shops demolished by Lusaka City Council

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By Mike Sichula The Speech Analyst 27.10.2018 THE Lusaka City Council has sent a strong warning to residents operating in the Central business district that whether poor or rich, no one should disregard existing by-laws when putting up structures in the City. Last night the Local authority demolished a block of shops illegally constructed in the railway reserve in Kamwala area. The block of shops was was constructed by Down Town Shopping Complex proprietor without the grand permission from City of Lusaka Planning Authority contrary to Section 65 of the Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015. Council...

UPPZ President Charles Chanda attends Lwindii ceremony as he launches ‘back to my village campaign’

UPPZ President Charles Chanda attends Lwindii ceremony as he launches ‘back to my village campaign’

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UNITED Prosperous and Peacefu Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda attended Lwindii ceremony during which the leader launched ‘Back to My Village campaign’ UPPZ President Charles Chanda attends Lwindii ceremony as he launches 'back to my village campaign' Posted by Francis Kope on Saturday, October 27, 2018   Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Dr. Onesmus Munyati encourages students to build interest in Sciences

Dr. Onesmus Munyati encourages students to build interest in Sciences

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By Choolwe Lawrence Mweemba, Public Relations Officer, Texila American University, Lusaka, Zambia. Office: +260 97 1269506, Mobile: +260 96 5135213 Skype: YOUNG people in Zambia have been encouraged to build interest in pursuing sciences if the country is to achieve meaningful development. Speaking at the 8th Texila Knowledge Talk Series in commemoration of the Mole Day, Senior Lecturer at University of Zambia in the Department of Chemistry, Onesmus Munyati, said a good perception of science is important especially among females. During a Thursday October 23rd, 2018 presentation, Dr. Munyati said that there is need for students to embrace sciences and...

LAFARGE ZAMBIA cleans Freedom Compound

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By  Zambia Communications Lafarge Zambia employees on Friday 26th October 2018, conducted a Voluntary Community Service (VCS) by cleaning up Freedom Compound (Township), which is next to the plant. The clean-up exercise involved to pick up all the garbage along the drainages and clean up the illegal dumpsites on TAP Road. Lafarge Zambia takes Health and Safety as a core value, hence the cleaning exercise which was to promote wellness as well as sensitize the community on the important of preserving our environment. This exercise was done also in line with the Presidential monthly, ‘Keep Zambia Clean, Green and Healthy Campaign’. Speaking at clean...

Joint Press Statement by Three Church Mother Bodies on The Arrest and Detention of Faith Leaders and The CTPD Staff in Ndola

Joint Press Statement by Three Church Mother Bodies on The Arrest and Detention of Faith Leaders and The CTPD Staff in Ndola

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By Michael Mazakaza (Mr) Communications Officer COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN ZAMBIA, Stand No. 377A, Ecumenical Centre Bishops Road, Kabulonga P.O. Box 30315, LUSAKA Tel: 260-211-267739; (+260) 977 571535/967420600  JOINT PRESS STATEMENT BY THREE CHURCH MOTHER BODIES ON THE ARREST AND DETENTION OF FAITH LEADERS AND THE CTPD STAFF IN NDOLA   Preamble We, the leaders of the three Church Mother bodies namely the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) and the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Prophetic Voice We have...

Reconnecting Chief Katuta Heritage Roots- 3000 people in Lupososhi witness Lewis Mwape’s “Our Child, Our Future” Campaign launch at Kalaba Primary School

Reconnecting Chief Katuta Heritage Roots- 3000 people in Lupososhi witness Lewis Mwape’s “Our Child, Our Future” Campaign launch at Kalaba Primary School

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By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka EDUCATION unlocks the future of the nation. After World War II; Japan invested in the education of its people with correct curriculum to develop the nation and her people. Rural Development needs broad thinking with a curriculum that is dovetailed into long-term economic vision and invest not only in today but in the tomorrow generations. Many of our Rural Areas are cut off from development. Educating our future is not about just building the Primary School or Secondary School or University and then you create barriers to access education. Poverty is one of the barriers...

U.S. Embassy Announces the 2019 GIST Tech-I Competition

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  By  Sean McIntosh Public Affairs Officer October 26, 2018 Phone: 357000  NR/1193/26/10/2018   Lusaka – The U.S. Embassy enthusiastically announces the 2019 Global Innovation through Science and Technology Initiative (GIST Tech-I), a competition organized by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. The 2019 GIST Tech-I Competition offers young science and technology innovators and entrepreneurs an opportunity to compete for mentorship, training, and seed capital to advance their ventures. Eligible applicants for the 2019 GIST Tech-I competition are startups from all areas of science and technology innovation, such as agriculture, education, energy, environment,...

Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on  Happy struggling journalists 2017

Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on  Happy struggling journalists 2017

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Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on Happy struggling journalists We have come a long way and we are far from our desired destiny. Our destiny will and it can never be free from conflict with those who want to hide information from citizens. It is time for the media to adapt to unfriendly authorities than to complain because those with power to cage and brutalise Journalists seem to be happy with the status quo. Remember the saying, there is no sweet without sweat. To inform, educate and entertain requires and demands hard work. Imagine a World without Journalists, just think...

Dr Kenneth Kaunda cannot reconcile HH and Lungu, but the reason why Zambia is going through all this mess

Dr Kenneth Kaunda cannot reconcile HH and Lungu, but the reason why Zambia is going through all this mess

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By SIKAILE SIKAILE ©2018 “BUILDING STRONG COMMUNITIES BY PROMOTING JUSTICE FOR ALL CITIZENS” LOOKING at what our nation is going through today, it always gives me more appetite to read about Zambian political and cultural history time and again. My OPINIONS are that Kaunda did lay a bad foundation for this nation and probably he is one of the key culprits why we are in this mess. There are serious issues that needs or rather would have needed serious Kaunda’s attention but he has ignored them all. 1. The Balotse Land agreement. Kaunda has been very mute on this matter as...

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