Communications Specialist Kelvin Chisanga elated as ‘covid 19’ sparks the zeal for studying online!
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Communication Specialist Kelvin Chisanga says ‘ZAMBIA’S economic landscape’ needs structural re-modelling!
ONLINE courses are now great opportunities to exposed to, and we should definitely need to seek ways and means in taking full advantage of online studies like never before.
Knowledge should be pursued with a deep sense of solving challenges that the country and regions are facing, as opposed to just passing examinations.
We all need to increase our knowledge economy especially for this country and within this time such as this, when the economic shapes have really been totally disrupted with Novel Coronavirus popularly known as COVID 19, its actually good to seek a broad range of online based courses now rather than later in order to widen the spectacle of education clothing that may also require a policy consideration strategy at government level, as it plays a key role in achieving fundamental economic reforms.
Our role as citizens and business community players now is to contribute to the body of knowledge so that we can all grow the capacities required in resuscitating our domestic economy through knowledge-based solutions, policy integration and formulation of workable strategies, to foster sound plans and smooth implementations of economic reforms that have a positive affinity for high value precision and speedy foundational investment returns.
Knowledge growth sparks a new wave of economic developmental change, it adds up to be part of a key agent of socioeconomic change in greater detail and in the acquiring of knowledge, this usually helps to have a readily-available synthesized opportunity which can be taken up in improving lives at family level and the nation at large.
However, it is gratifying to say that an increase in knowledge dispersion may help to come up with proven solutions and this is the reasons as to why our education sector should improve on quality at national level in Zambia.
Lastly, without education there will be no economic development and knowledge growth in the nation, this nation’s development can be required through strategies on sustainable goals and objectives that the government together with their cooperating stakeholders usually puts up to achieve.
Today knowledge speaks strongly from online education or facilities which has stood akin to the global challenging health scenario and should be pursued without interruptions as it can help in discovering solutions.