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Introduction Tuesday the 27th November 2018 chaired by Chasefu District chairperson Mrs Banda Chimwememwe
Chasefu district receives a short in the arm from a renourned NGO operating in the district towards the fight against COVID 19 or Corona virus that has claimed thousands of lives world over and Zambia has since recorded two (2) deaths to date.
The fight against this desease can not be left to Government alone as the effects of the pandemic are so devastating and overwhelming to the people and the economy.
It is for this particular reason that the board of ChEST lead by Mr Misheck Nyambose decided to make a donation to the district Epidemic Preparedness Committee chaired by the district commissioner towards this cause.
The foundation Treasurer Mrs Mercy Tembo and Mr Yamikani Zimba lead the team of board of trustees in handing over a cheque of One thousand kwacha (k1000) to the district commissioner Mr Mustafa Banda and his committee at his office in Emusa yesterday Tuesday the 13 of April ,2020.
ChEST, which has become a house hold name in chasefu district under its chairman Mr Misheck Nyambose due to the several developmental projects ie education (schools), Health facilities, support towards Youths and Women which have been undertaken in the district, believe in preserving life hence making the donation.
As ChEST, we believe in the saying that “Those who offer to help others do so not necessarily because they have more but because they value friendship above money, they are generous, they are giving, they believe in sharing and after all, sharing is caring. ”
It is our belief that the token of support will go a long way in helping the district in preparing for the possible challenges that may arise if the epidemic reaches Chasefu.
As you are all aware, this virus is very contegous and devastating. A few weeks ago it was heard from a distance in Wuhan (CHINA), other European Countries, USA. but today it is in our own country Zambia particularly Lusaka district, coperbelt and kafue. Therefore no one is safe even in chasefu that until we strictly adhere to what the health althourities are saying, it may spread quickly and badly hit us.
Our appeal to the people of Chasefu and the Nation as a whole is that let us heed to the directives given by our Republican President Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Minister of Health of observing social distance from each other, avoiding unnecessary travel, washing hands regularly with soap or sanitizing hands, avoiding hand shakes, wearing masks, avoiding large gatherings at funerals, meetings etc
With the Almighty God’s help, coupled with the effort, leadership and good will shown by the Government so far, it is possible that if we work together we can fight and conquer Corona virus desease in Zambia.
As ChEST we do all this for you people of chasefu because you are in our hearts, we value you and we care for you.
With ChEST, Chasefu will not be same again.
ChEST – “Service to people”