A Virgin with Child Venue: Chilenje South Baptist Church Preacher: Pastor Million Kambuli
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Sir MillionJr Kambuli

Sir MillionJr Kambuli with wife Theresa Sabe Kambuli

Sir MillionJr Kambuli preaching at Chilenje South Baptist Church in Lusaka
Text: Isaiah 7:14
Tittle: A virgin with Child
Venue: Chilenje South Baptist Church
Preacher: Pastor Million Kambuli

Sir MillionJr Kambuli with wife Theresa Sabe Kambuli
God demonstrates His faithfulness to a promise that He made with King David concerning the Davidic dynasty by giving the ultimate sign to the House of David. The sign would be a virgin born Son named Immanuel, God with us. As we examine this passage carefully, we will see from the historical context that Matthew is not taking verse 14 out of context in order to “proof-text” the virgin birth of Jesus. Moreover, the context is clearly pointing to the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus as the fulfillment of this passage in Isaiah 7. The Lord Jesus Christ is the sinless Immanuel and God manifest in human flesh. This morning I would love to draw to your attention three things as we consider the text Isaiah 7: 14 on a subject I have entitled; A virgin with child.
1. The context of the virgin birth.
2. The content of the virgin birth.
3. The comfort of the virgin birth.
And I will be making points of application as we look at each point. Now let us look at the points one by one.
1. The context of the virgin birth.
In the Eighth Century BC there was a king of Judah named Ahaz. He had heard about a planned coup d’etat by two other kings that wanted to overthrow him and replace him with a puppet king. Ahaz was a believer in the Lord but was living in sin, sadly it was gross sin. He had an arrogant spiritual attitude because he thought he was indispensable to the plan, program, and purposes of God. In his thinking, God needed him more than he needed to walk with God and let Him work in his life. That is a dangerous attitude to have, especially when you are dealing with the Living God.
The events of the reign of King Ahaz are recorded in II Kings 16 and II Chronicles 28. The summary statement of his spiritual walk with the Lord is very alarming. It states: …and he did not do what was right in the sight of the LORD, as his father David had done. For he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and made molded images for the Baals. He burned incense in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, and burned his children in the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel. And he sacrificed and burned incense on the high places, on the hills, and under every green tree (II Chron. 28:1b-4).
Ahaz apparently had trusted the Lord at one time in his life for his eternal salvation.
The Bible seems to indicate that he had a relationship with God (not a great one, but a relationship none the less).
In II Kings 16:2 it says he did not walk in the sight of the LORD his God. II Chronicles 28:5 says that “the LORD his God delivered him into the hand of the king of Syria.” Even the LORD Himself said to Ahaz, “Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God” (Isa. 7:11).
Yahweh was his God, yet Ahaz was terribly unfaithful to Him (II Chron. 28:22).
King Ahaz is not a person we should hold up as a role model, except as a warning to those believers in the Lord Jesus who are unfaithful to the Lord and have gotten away from Him (I Cor. 10:6).
In this chapter( Isa7), Isaiah reminded Ahaz that God had made a covenant with David and promised him that a Davidic ruler would one day sit upon the throne of David forever (II Sam. 7:12-17).
Isaiah had admonished Ahaz to trust the Lord only, yet Ahaz wanted to trust Tiglath-Pileser III to take care of his foreign policy problems. Ahaz goes to Damascus to pay tribute and homage to Tiglath-Pileser III who, at this time, was not only king of Assyria, but Babylon as well (II Kings 16:9, 10). Isaiah warns Ahaz again about trusting Tiglath-Pileser III (Isa. 14:3-21) and reveals the king’s true intentions to Ahaz. The king of Assyria and Babylon wanted to “sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north” (Isa. 14:13; cf. Ps. 48:1-3). His intentions were to conquer Jerusalem! Ahaz would not believe this. In apparently what was the “straw that broke the camel’s back”, Ahaz made a plan of the altar that he saw in Damascus and sent it back to Jerusalem to be constructed. When he got back to Jerusalem, he offered sacrifices on this unbiblical altar (II Kings 16:10-18). God’s patience and long-suffering ran out and Ahaz died (Is14:28).
In Isaiah chapter 7, Isaiah reminded Ahaz that God had made a covenant with David and promised him that a Davidic ruler would one day sit upon the throne of David forever (II Sam. 7:12-17).

Sir Million KambuliJr with wife Theresa Sabe Kambuli in traditional Zambian attire
God demonstrates His faithfulness to a promise that He made with King David concerning the Davidic dynasty by giving the ultimate sign to the House of David.
The sign would be a virgin born Son named Immanuel, God with us.
we see from the historical context that Matthew is not taking verse 14 out of context in order to “proof-text” the virgin birth of Jesus (1:22, 23).
Moreover, the context is clearly pointing to the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus as the fulfillment of this passage in Isaiah 7.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the sinless Immanuel and God manifest in human flesh.
2. The content of the virgin birth.
As we look at the content of the virgin birth we are simply looking at a question; what is this virgin birth all about
This virgin birth composed of two miracles.
a) The virgin birth itself (Mathew 1:18-23)
How can a virgin give birth? This question troubled joseph who happened to be Mary’s husband.
Obviously he wondered, that I did not sleep with Mary but yet she is pregnant, scripture tells us that joseph decided to divorce Mary secretly.
Even Marry herself was confused about the virgin birth, how will this be possible I have never slept with a man? Mary asked the angel (Luke1:34 -37)
b) God being born as man (1 timothy3:15-16)
How can God be born?
Yes Jesus is God incarnated. (Isaiah 9:6-7)
The Jehovah’s Witness Jesus cannot save them because their Jesus is not God.
Man owes God and he cannot pay God what he owes him. Man cannot save himself.
If someone is to pay God, he must be man because he is representing man who has a debt to pay and he must be God for the sacrifice to be perfect and acceptable to God. For that reason Jesus is both man and God.
3. The comfort of the virgin birth.
What is the importance of the virgin birth?
1. The virgin birth made it possible for Jesus to be born without inheriting sin. (Luke 1:35)
The child was to be called Holy.
The working of the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus also explains Jesus did not receive a sinful nature from Mary.
Contrary to the Roman Catholic who claim Mary was holy and free from sin.
Mary too was a sinner who needed salvation from the God she gave birth to.
2. The virgin birth clearly shows us that salvation ultimately comes from God. (Gala4:4-5)
Salvation is a supernatural work of God.
3. The virgin birth made possible the uniting of humanity and deity in one person. (Gala4:4)
The virgin birth made it possible for Jesus to have two natures i.e. Man and God
A normal birth of man and woman cannot bring about the birth of God.
1. Jesus Christ is the God of the old testament who has now come in the flesh
2. Jesus Christ is the true Israelite, the true son of David and thus the true son of God.
3. Jesus Christ in his humanity is the true new creation.
4. Jesus Christ is the temple in which God dwells amongst his people.
5. Jesus Christ is the true prophet, priest, king and Wiseman.
6. Jesus Christ is the true faithful people of God.
Beloved the name Jesus means savior .If you are here and your life is sinful. Repent and come to God. Place your faith in the finished works of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Sin is not a minor thing to God. Hide yourself from the coming judgement of God and you can only hide yourself in Jesus Christ, the one whom God anointed that he was to be born to save sinners. Mathew 1:21. Amen.