Easter Sunday 12th April 2020 Sermon by Father Jones Mutemwakwenda
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Let me start by wishing you a HAPPY EASTER.
This year we are celebrating Easter in our homes because of the coronavirus. Everyone has been told to stay at home, protect the National Health Service and save lives. It is important that we follow these measures given by the Government.
We started our journey to celebrate Easter today with Ash Wednesday on 26th February 2020. Ash Wednesday marked the start of Lent period. During Lent period, our Lenten Sermons were based on the book of Psalms. On 5th April 2020, we celebrated Palm Sunday to start the Holy Week.
Even though we could not meet together in Church, we had worship aid sent out every day in the Holy Week.
Today, we are celebrating Easter during the time of difficulty. How does it feel to say Happy Easter today? None of us ever expected that Easter will find us in this situation. It is in moments like this one when difficulties often make us ask this question “Where are you God?” And we want God to give us an answer.
The disciples of Jesus felt same too. They watched Jesus been beaten by the soldiers and killed Him. This shattered them because Jesus was the person they had invested their lives in. They found themselves in a difficulty situation and went into hiding for the fear of their lives. They may have asked “Where are you God?”
The disciples felt this way because the days that followed Jesus’ death they did not understand them. To them it meant all is lost. They did not understand that God does not abandon people in their hour of need. He is always present.
It was only when Jesus rose from the dead and walked into light that the disciples realised God had not abandoned them. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus brought hope to them. This is the same hope and power that Jesus has given us today as we celebrate Easter.
Let us come together and stand as one people and help bring an end to coronavirus.
May this day bring you blessings of love, joy, peace and hope.
Father Jones Mutemwakwenda Easter Sunday 12th April 2020