Check fake and crooked Covid 19 donations, Leslie Chikuse advises Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
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By Luswepo Mutepuka
A ZAMBIAN Governance activist Leslie Chikuse has cautioned Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya to be on a lookout as most donations to ongoing Coronavirus Disease (covid 19) donations are being staged managed by publicity seeking individuals.
Mr. Chikuse says the country is watching what stakeholders are donating and once contributions are not accountable or honoured as pledged recipients will be take to book.

Leslie Chikuse
Worried by what he termed as contributions made by questionable reputations and social standing, Mr. Chikuse told this _*Kwilanzi News Zambia*_ author in an interview in Lusaka that some of the donations are questionable on account that contributed do not have such resources.
Meanwhile Mr. Chikuse has stressed the need for unity of purpose for Zambia to effectively fight Coronavirus pandemic.
Mr. Chikuse says though the Zambian Government is doing everything possible there is need for all citizens beyond the religious and political divide to unite by following the guidelines spelt out by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya.

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya is Zambia’s Health Ministet