ZESCO power generation still constrained due to low water levels at Kariba – says Hazel M. Zulu
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Kariba dam
13th March 2020, Lusaka: Zesco Limited wishes to inform its esteemed customers and the general public across the country that power generation at the Kariba dam is still restricted due to the low water levels attributed to the reduced inflows into the lake despite the rains that the country has experienced this season.
This implies that the power utility will continue with the load shedding programme of between 10 to 12 hours daily until a review is conducted at the end of April 2020.
“Load shedding of up to 12 hours daily remains critical to protect the power system from collapse and ensure that the available power is shared equitably, and generation is sustained into the next rainy season”.
“We need to appreciate that due to the severe draught that was experienced in the previous season, the water that was allocated by the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA), for power generation was depleted leaving the Kariba dam at its all-time low”.
As at 12th March 2020, the water levels at Kariba was at 12% full compared with 42.99% full at the same time last year. The ideal capacity of the lake is 69% full, implying that the water levels are significantly low.
It is, therefore, imperative to note that despite the 2020 rainfall projections of normal to above normal rainfall for the Kariba upper catchment area the dam may not record a significant increase in the water levels.
We continue to urge our customers to consistently use power prudently by employing energy efficient initiatives such as using alternative sources of lighting like energy saving bulbs and solar, completely switching off appliances when not in use, using solar geysers for heating and gas for cooking.

Hazel M Zulu (Mrs.) Public Relations Manager ZESCO Limited hmzulu@zesco.co.zm
Issued by
Hazel M Zulu (Mrs.)
Public Relations Manager
ZESCO Limited