Law Association of Zambia Directory of Members 2006
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Law Association of Zambia
No. 1 Lagos Road
Next to Old Cemetery
P.O. Box 35271
Telephone : 260-1-254401
Fascimile : 260-1-254428
E-mail :
The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) is a body corporate established by the Law Association of Zambia Act, Chapter 31 of the Laws of Zambia.
Being a body corporate, the Association can sue and be sued and is competent to enter into any contractual obligation of it’s choice. The Association’s main policy-making body is the Annual General Meeting, comprising all registered members of the Association, which membership presently stands at five hundred.
In between the Annual General Meetings the Association elects an Executive, comprising the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and eleven Council Members to run the day-to-day affairs of the Association. The Association has various committees of duly appointed Advocates responsible for various activities of the Association.
The objects for which the Association was established by Section 4 of Chapter 31 are:
- To further the development of law as an instrument of social order and justice and as an essential element in the growth of society.
- To provide a means by which lawyers, whatever their particular field of activity, can participate together fully and effectively in the development of society and its institutions.
- To encourage lawyers as individuals to join actively in the life of, and identity themselves with people and to utilise their skills and training in their service.
- To promote the education of lawyers at all stages and levels with particular emphasis on the broadening of such education.
- To consider the qualifications of lawyers and to make recommendations to the government thereon.
- To maintain and improve the standard of conduct of all members of the legal profession.
- To consider the legislation relating to legal aid and other ways of securing representation for persons who for any reason are unable to secure it, and to make recommendations to the government on matters thereon.
- To co-operate with other professional organisation and bodies.
- To promote research and development of the law in general and particularly in relation to:
- the applicability and suitability of received law.
- the character and content of Customary Law.
iii. the influence of industrial, commercial and technological
development on society and it’s institutions.
- To promote the reform of the law, both by the amendment of and the removal of the imperfections in the existing law, by the re-formulation, codification, or restatement of particular branches of the law.
- To participate, when called upon in draft legislation and to strengthen the machinery for the critical examination of it’s legal quality.
- To seek advancement of the rule of law of the rights and liberties of the individual.
- To promote the improvement and reform of the judicial and administrative systems, including tribunals and their procedure.
- To represent, protect and assist the members of the legal profession in regard to their conditions of practice, remuneration and otherwise.
- To protect and assist the public in all matters touching on and ancillary or incidental to the legal profession; and
- To do all such other things as may be conducive to the attainment of the afore-going objects.
PRESIDENT – Mr. William S. Mweemba
VICE PRESIDENT – Mr. Elijah Banda
HONORARY TREASURER – Dr. Overs Masozi Mufwakawiri Banda

Dr. Overs Masozi Mufwakawiri Banda
Members – Mr. Bradford Machila
- Abel Tembo
- Margaret Chalwe
- Drastress M. S. Neves
- Frightone Sichone
- James Banda
- Emily Kondwa Sakala-Chibiya
- Fraser Chishimba
- Musa Juma Mwenye
- Mutakela Lisimba
- Kafula Mwiche
- Likando Kalaluka
Administration of Justice Ms. Margaret Chalwe (C)
Mrs. Nicola Sharpe-Phiri
Mr. Constantine Chimuka
Mrs. Gertrude M. Mukata
Dr. Overs Banda Mr. Edgar Lungu
Mr. Andrew D M Mumba
Ms. Situmbeko Chocho
Mr. Chikosola P. Chuula
Administration of Justice Mr. Derrick Mulenga (C)
(Copperbelt) Mr. Wilson Mwale
Mr. Phillimon Pendwe
Major K. Kaunda (Rtd)
Business & Commercial Law Mr. M.Z. Mwandenga (C)
Committee (Lusaka) Ms. Katie Skippings
Mr. Constantine H.Chimuka
Mr. Chikwa Chibwe Mr. Kafula Mwiche
Mr. Christopher M Besa Mr. Katuta Nsemukila Mr. Andrew D M Mumba Mr. Austin Muhyila
Dr. Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula
Ms. Sashi Nchito
Mr. Augustine Hamwela
Ms. Namwandi Hamanyanga
Ms. Mukupa Kapasa
Mr. Joseph Jalasi
Mrs. Mwangala Zaloumis Mr. Michael Liweleya
Mr. Paulman Chuugu
Business & Commercial Law Mr. Elijah Chola Banda (C)
Committee (Copperblet) Mr. Chimuka Magubbwi
Mr. Chanda HJ Chileshe
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
Continuing Professional Ms. Drastress Neves (C)
Development Committee Mr. Bradford Machila
Mr. Michael Musonda
Mr. Lishomwa Muuka
Constitutional Review Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula (C)
Committee Ms. Margaret Chalwe
Mr. Musa Mwenye
Mr. Kelvin Hang’andu
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Dr. Overs Banda
Mr. Henry Chanda
Mrs. Mwangala Zaloumis
Mrs. Daisy N. Ng’ambi
Conveyancing Committee Mr. Solly Patel (C)
(Lusaka) Mr. K.K. Patel
Mr. Andrew Howard
Mr. Morris Chaiwila
Mr. Katuta Nsemukila
Mr. Elias K. Mutale
Ms. Beatrice Mulamfu
Mr. M.Z. Mwandenga Mr. Moses Phiri
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
Corporate Counsel Mr. Kafula Mwiche (C)
Committee Mr. Stephen Lungu
Ms. Lydia Chilumba Dr. Tukiya Mabula-Nkankasa
Ms. Katie Skippings
Mrs. Mwansa M. Mutimushi
Mr. Bonaventure Mbewe
Mr. Jordan Theu Mr. O. B. Chilembo
Ms. Namwandi Hamanyanga
Ms. Julia Chaila
Mr. Clement Tafeni
Mr. Jasper Mulongo
Electoral Rules Committee Dr. J.B. Sakala, S.C (C)
Mr. Edgar Lungu
Mr. Eric M. Kamwi
Ethics Rules Committee Mr. B. Mutale, S.C (C)
(Lusaka) Mr. A.A. Dudhia
Mrs. Mwangala Zaloumis
Mr. Fraser Chishimba Mr. Jitesh Naik
Mr. Michael Musonda Mr. H.H. Ndhlovu
Ethics Rules Committee Mr. Wilson Mwale (C)
(Copperbelt) Mr. C.S. Ndandula
Mr. Elijah Banda
Mr. Kelvin Msoni
Major K. Kaunda (Rtd)
Fundraising & Project Mr. Austin Muhyila (C)
Committee Ms. Chama M. Kapatamoyo
Col. Clement Mudenda
HIV/AIDS Committee Mrs.E. K. Sakala-Chibiya (C)
Mr. Martin Musaluke
Ms. Margaret Chalwe
Ms. Lillian Mushota
Mr. Billington Mosha
Ms. Beatrice Mulamfu
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
Mr. Owen Sinkamba
House Committee Mr. Mutakela Lisimba (C)
(Lusaka) Mr. Nathaniel Inambao
Mrs. Kondwa Sakala-Chibiya
Ms. Margaret Chalwe
Mr. James Banda
Mr. Likando Kalaluka
Ms. A. B. Chola Mwitwa
Mr. Abel Tembo
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Mr. William Ngwira
Mr. Kelvin Bwalya
Mr. Geoffrey Mulenga
Mrs. Mwansa M. Mutimushi
Mr. Stephen Lungu
Mr. Edward Sakala
House Committee Mr. V. K. Mwewa (C)
(Copperbelt) Mr. Derrick Mulenga
Mr. Malaro Nyirenda
Mr. Kelvin Msoni
Human Rights Committee Mr. Willy Mubanga (C)
(Lusaka) Mr. Mumba Malila
Ms. Chama M. Kapatamoyo
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Ms. Beatrice F. M. Ng’onomo
Mr. Bob M. Musenga
Mr. Henry Chanda
Mr. Nicholas Chanda
Mr. M. R. Makasa
Ms. Suzyo Namonga Ndovi
Mr. Abraham Mwansa
Mr. Augustine Hamwela
Human Rights Committee Mr. Wilson Banda (C)
(Copperbelt) Mr. Phillimon Pendwe
Mrs. D.P.S. Chabu
Mr. Chanda HJ Chileshe
Mr. Derrick Mulenga
Intellectual Property Law Mrs. M.G. Mwenda (C)
Committee Mr. Kanti K. Patel
Col. Paul Pandala Banda
Dr. Overs Banda
Mrs. Chanda N.Tembo
Mrs. A.M. Bobo Banda
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Mr. O. B. Chilembo
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
Information Technology Mr. Martin Musaluke (C)
Ms. Margaret Chalwe
Mr. Owen Sinkamba
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
International Relations Mr. James Banda (C)
Committee (Lusaka) Mr. Austin Muhyila
Mr. Kingsley Musongo
Mr. S.C. Mwanashiku
Mr. Morris Chaiwila
Ms. Beatrice Mulamfu
Gen. Gilbert C. Chileshe
International Relations Mr. Kelvin Msoni (C)
Committee (Copperbelt) Mr. Wilson Mwale
Mr. Derrick Mulenga
Mr. Robert Mwanza
Mrs. Daphine P.S. Chabu
Law Reform & Research Mr. William Mweemba (C)
Committee Mrs. Eness C. Chiyenge
Mr. Sarandos Zaloumis
Mr. Kingsley Musongo
Mr. Keith Musabandesu
Ms. Nkandu P. Chikonde
Ms. Tafuna Mumba
Mr. Abel Tembo
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Mr. Charles Nhari
Mr. Andrew D M Mumba
Ms. Situmbeko Chocho
Mrs. Daisy N. Ng’ambi
Mr. D.E. Ndhlovu
Mr. W. M. Forrest
Legal Aid Committee Mr. Likando Kalaluka (C)
(Lusaka) Mrs. Anne Mwanza Mr. Wilson Mweemba
Mr. M.R. Makasa
Mr. Katuta Nsemukila
Mr. Bradford Machila
Mr. Edgar Lungu
Ms. Beatrice F. M. Ng’onomo
Mrs. Kondwa Sakala-Chibiya Mr. Owen Sinkamba
Ms. Tafuna Mumba
Legal Aid Committee Mr. T.T. Shamakamba (C)
(Copperbelt) Mr. K. Mbindo
Mr. Robert Mwanza
Mr. Clement Tafeni
Legal Practitioners’ Dr. Julius Sakala, SC (C)
Committee Mr. Justin Chashi
Mr. Hillary Banda & Co.
Mr. Kingdom C. Banda, S.C
Mr. Samuel G. A. Twumasi
Col. Clement M.Mudenda
Mr. Silas Mambwe
Mr. Gregory Cornhill
Prof. Patrick M.Mvunga, S.C
Mrs. Nicola Sharpe-Phiri
Mrs. Mwila Lamba
Mr. Mulilo Kabesha
Mr. Enias Chulu
Legal Practitioners Practice Mr. Musa J. Mwenye (C)
Rules – Adhoc Committee Mr. John Mwanakatwe, S.C
Mr. Stephen Lungu
Mr. Justin Chashi
Ms. Margaret Chalwe
Litigation Committee Mr. Fraser Chishimba (C)
Mr. Austin Muhyila
Mr. Stephen Lungu
Mr. Kingsley Musongo
Mr. Katuta Nsemukila
Mr. M.R. Makasa
Mr. Billingtone Mosha
Mrs. Mwansa M. Mutimushi
Ms. Situmbeko Chocho
Mr. James A. Shonga
Mr. Nicholas Chanda
Mr. Derrick Mulenga
Major Kingsley Kaunda
Mr. Chimuka Magubbwi
Mr. Wilson Mwale
Mr. W. M. Forrest
Professional Purpose Mr. Bradford Machila (C)
Committee Mr. H. H. Ndhlovu Major Kingsley Kaunda
SADC Lawyers Committee Mr. Stephen Lungu (C)
Mr. Mumba Malila
Mr. Silvester C. Mwananshiku
Ms. Drastress Neves Mr. Austin Muyhila
Dr. Ngosa Simbyakula Mr. Kingsley Musongo
Ms. Beatrice F. M. Ng’onomo
Mr. T. K. Ndhlovu Ms. Nkandu P. Chikonde
Ms. Sashi Nchito
Ms. Namwandi Hamanyanga
Mrs. Daisy N. Ng’ambi
Mr. Abraham Mwansa
Mr. Allan Gozen Kasonso
Mr. John Kabuka
Mr. Robert Mwanza
Mrs. Daphne P.S. Chabu
Mr. Mwambo Mutale
Women’s Rights Committee Mrs. Nicola Sharpe-Phiri (C) Mrs. Pamela Mumbi Col. Clement Mudenda Mr. H. H. Ndhlovu Mrs. M.G. Johnson-Mwenda
Mrs. Winnie.S. Mwenda
Mrs. Nelly B. Mutti
Mrs. Daphne P.S. Chabu
Mrs. Eness C. Chiyenge
Mr. Stephen Lungu
Mrs. Maureen Mwanawasa
Ms. Namwandi Hamanyanga
CHAIRMAN – Mr. George Kunda, S.C
VICE CHAIRMAN – Mr. S. Nkonde, S.C., Solicitor General
SECRETARY – Ms. Mwenya Kaela-Bwalya
MEMBERS: – Mr. Mwenya Lwatula, S.C
Mr. Michael Musonda
Mr. Albert Mark Wood
Mrs. Majorie G. Johnson-Mwenda
Mrs. Abha Nayar Patel
Alphabetical Index of Members
Adam Dawood Hussein Aziz, SC. | A. D. Adams & Company | Lusaka |
Adams Juvenal Hilton | J H Adams & Company | Luanshya |
Achiume Marcus Kampumbu | FCK Chambers | Lusaka |
Akabondo Imonda | A Imonda & Company | Kitwe |
Akafumba Rikki Josephs | MAK Partners | Livingstone |
Akalutu Shepherd | ZANACO | Lusaka |
Banda Chifumu Kingdom, SC | Chifumu Banda & Associates | Lusaka |
Banda Elijah Chola | MNB Legal Practitioners | Kitwe |
Banda Hillary Damalekani C. | Hillary Banda & Company | Ndola |
Banda James | A. M. Wood & Company | Lusaka |
Banda Liya | Judiciary | Lusaka |
Banda Maggie | —— | Lusaka |
Banda Michael Anessie | Patents & Companies Registration Office | Lusaka |
Banda Michael Chauba | Banda Watae Advocates | Lusaka |
Banda Nixon Mabvuto | Anti-Corruption Commission | Lusaka |
Banda Overs Masozi M, Dr. | Chifumu Banda & Associates | Lusaka |
Banda Pandala Paul | Paul Pandala Banda & Company | Lusaka |
Banda Wilson | Wilson & Cornhill | Chingola |
Besa Christopher M | Zambia National Building Society | Lusaka |
Bwalya Albert Mwape | —- | Lusaka |
Bwalya Anne Deborah | Corpus Globe Advocates | Lusaka |
Bwalya Barnabas | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Bwalya Bobby Mack (Justice) | Betam Chambers | Lusaka |
Bwalya Chewe Katongo | D. H. Kemp & Co. | Lusaka |
Bwalya Dereck | Barclays Bank of Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Bwalya Kelvin Fube | KBF & Partners | Lusaka |
Bwalya Luo | Bellow | Lusaka |
Cave Paul Anthony Dodge | Cavmont Merchant Bank Limited | Lusaka |
Chaane George | A D Adams & Company | Lusaka |
Chabu Daphne Pauline Soko | Lumangwe Chambers | Ndola |
Chaila Julia Christine Zulu | Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc | Kitwe |
Chaiwila Maurice Mwango | Chaiwila & Chaiwila Advocates | Lusaka |
Chaiwila Towa Silweya | Office of the Commissioner for Refugees | Lusaka |
Chalenga Freddie Mumba | Freddie & Company | Kitwe |
Chali Isaac Chibulu Tantameni | Chali Chama & Company | Ndola |
Chalwe Margaret Kunda | Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Chama Chola | I. C. Ngonga & Co. | Lusaka |
Chamutangi Peter | ZCCM Holdings Plc | Kitwe |
Chanda Charles | CC Chambers | Lusaka |
Chanda Charles | Mahtani Group of Companies | Lusaka |
Chanda Henry Chilufya | Henry Chanda & Company | Lusaka |
Chanda Mason S M | Ellis & Co. | Ndola |
Chanda Nicholas Mumbi | Nicholas Chanda & Associates | Lusaka |
Chanda Priscilla Chomba | Tanzania-Zambia Railways Authority | Lusaka |
Chashi Justin | Mweemba Chashi & Partners | Lusaka |
Chembe Yvonne | Legal Resources Chambers | Lusaka |
Chewe Kangwa Annie | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Chibalange Musonda | Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers | Lusaka |
Chibalabala John | D.H. Kemp & Co. | Lusaka |
Chibale Agness Nonde | Zambia Law Development Commission | Lusaka |
Chikonde Priscilla Nkandu | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Chibangula Gary Davies | GDC Chambers | Lusaka |
Chibesakunda Chibesa | Public Pensions Service Fund Board | Lusaka |
Chibesakunda Mwelwa | Chibesakunda & Co. | Lusaka |
Chibesakunda Ng’ona Mwelwa | Centre for Consultancy in Governance | Lusaka |
Chibiya Muyoya | Pensions & Insurance Authority | Lusaka |
Chibundi Phillip Kafusha | Mulenga Mundashi & Co. | Lusaka |
Chibwe Ysakar Chikwa Stephen | Ysakar Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Chikoli Arnold | Mukata Zulu & Associates | Lusaka |
Chikuni Priscilla | Group 3 Security Limited | Lusaka |
Chilembo Oliver Bangala | O. B. Chilembo & Company | Lusaka |
Chilembo Todd Stewart | T S Chilembo Chambers | Lusaka |
Chileshe Basil | Mittal Chambers | Lusaka |
Chileshe Chanda H J | Lloyd Jones & Collins | Ndola |
Chileshe Dennis Bendix | Copperbelt University | Kitwe |
Chileshe Gilbert Chewe | Paul Pandala Banda & Company | Lusaka |
Chileshe Peter | Zambia State Insurance Corporation | Lusaka |
Chilumba Lydia Sameta | Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Chilufya Dismas Mbao Kapambwe | DMK Chilufya & Company | Kabwe |
Chilundu Watson | ZESCO Limited, | Lusaka |
Chimanga Goodall S. | GS Chimanga & Company | Ndola |
Chimembe Mwila Joseph | JMC & Associates | Lusaka |
Chimwala Poliana Milambo H | ZESCO Limited | Lusaka |
Chinene Harry | Workers Compensation Fund Control Board | Ndola |
Chinyanta Judith Mukaya | Communications Authority | Lusaka |
Chinyanwa Conceptor | Lusitu Chambers | Lusaka |
Chipande Rodney Abraham | Livingstone Partners | Livingstone |
Chipanzhya Mambwe | Zambia Competition Commmission | Lusaka |
Chipimo Elias Chileshe | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Chirambo Stembridge W. | Stembridge Chirambo & Company | Chipata |
Chisanga Aswell Bikoko | NAPSA | Lusaka |
Chisanga George Kangwa Musole | K. M. G. Chisanga Advocates | Lusaka |
Chisanga Mwenya Fulgency | FMC & Associates | Kitwe |
Chisenga Sydney | Shamwana & Company | Lusaka |
Chishala Eness Chiyenge | C. C. Mwansa & Associates | Lusaka |
Chishimba Fraser | Fraser Associates | Lusaka |
Chishimba Kasumpa Bornwell | Chishimba & Company | Kabwe |
Chisulo Samson Lee, S.C | Sam Chisulo & Company | Lusaka |
Chisunka Kennedy Chibangu | Mansa District Council | Mansa |
Chisunka Mathew Kasonde | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Chitabo Celestin Peter Mwila | Chitabo Chiinga & Associates | Ndola |
Chitambala Moses | Simeza Sngwa & Associates | Lusaka |
Chiti Lannette Kambole | LC & Company | Lusaka |
Chiti Stanley Bwalya Kasonde | LC & Company | Lusaka |
Chitupila Kateule | Mulungushi Chambers | Lusaka |
Chiwale McRobby Vincent | ZESCO | Lusaka |
Chizu Honest Amon | IC Ng’onga & Co. | Lusaka |
Chocho Situmbeko | Chuula & Company | Lusaka |
Chongo Irene Musonda Lamba | Lloyd Siame & Company | Lusaka |
Chomba Frederick Mwela, SC | F.M. Chomba and Company | Chilanga |
Chomba Nzovwa Mwela | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Livingstone |
Chongo Musonda | MSM Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Chongwe Ignatius Mumba | Zambia Telecommuniations Co. Ltd. | Kitwe |
Chongwe Rodger Masauso Alivas, SC | RMA Chongwe & Company | Lusaka |
Chonta Charles Chileshe | Lewis Nathan Advocates | Lusaka |
Chugani Mohan | Chugani & Company | Kitwe |
Chulu Enias | Enias Chulu – Legal Practitioners | Ndola |
Chulu Jacob Elliot Laen | Central Board of Health | Lusaka |
Chuulu Matrine Miyoba | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Chungu Paulman | Ranchhod, Chuugu Advocates | Lusaka |
Chuula Patrick Chikosola | Chuula & Company | Lusaka |
Chuunga Fredrick Sulwe | Silweya & Company | Livingstone |
Cornhill Gregory | Wilson & Cornhill | Lusaka |
Daka Patricia | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Ndola |
Dean Victoria | Chibesakunda & Co. | Lusaka |
Dindi Noah Kaponda | Dindi & Company | Lusaka |
Dudhia Abdulla Ebrahim | Musa Dudhia & Company | Lusaka |
Dudhia Arshad Abdulla | Musa Dudhia & Company | Lusaka |
Dudhia Musa Isap Mahomed | Musa Dudhia & Company | Lusaka |
Dzekedzeke Sugzo McBride | Zambia Law Development Commission | Lusaka |
Eyaa Eyotia Linus | Anti-Corruption Commission | Lusaka |
Findlay Dessislava | Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Forrest William Myles | Forrest Price & Company | Kitwe |
Gani Ebrahim Abdul | A D Adams & Company | Lusaka |
Goma Kawama Simumba | – | Lusaka |
Gondwe Buta | Buta Gondwe & Associates | Lusaka |
Gray Anne Doma | Workers’ Compen. Fund Control Board | Ndola |
Gray Tiziana Marietta | Corpus Globe Advocates | Lusaka |
Haangala Constantine Chimuka | Ellis & Company | Lusaka |
Hachitapika Ruth Chimuka | Finance Bank Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Haimbe Dilys Nama Njolomba | Lisulo & Co. | Lusaka |
Haimbe Mark Mwempwa | Ysakar Legal Prctitioners | Lusaka |
Haimbe Mulambo Hamakuni | Copperbelt Energy Corporation | Kitwe |
Haimbe Mwangala Lubinda | Lusaka City Council | Lusaka |
Hatoongo Demetria Chimuka | Simeza Sangwa & Associates | Lusaka |
Hamakando Fred Hamuzwe M. | Batoka Chambers | Lusaka |
Hamanyanga George Hamala | Hamanyanga & Company | Lusaka |
Hamanyanga Namwandi | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Hamir Ali Mahomed, S.C | Ali M Hamir & Company | Lusaka |
Hamir Farhana Quadri | Christopher Russell Cook & Company | Lusaka |
Hamir Osman Mohammed | Ali M Hamir & Company | Lusaka |
Hang’andu Kelvin Nemba | Kelvin Hang’andu & Co. | Lusaka |
Hara Constantine | Fraser Associates | Lusaka |
Howard Andrew Guy | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Imenda Mwiya M. | Veritas Chambers | Lusaka |
Inambao Nathaniel Nawa | Freddie & Company | Lusaka |
Jere Ferdinand Msanide | Ferd Jere & Company. | Chipata |
Jalasi Joseph Alexander | Revenue Appeals Tribunal | Lusaka |
Jhala Eva Veiga | Malambo & Company | Lusaka |
Kabesha Mulilo | Kabesha & Company | Kabwe |
Kabimba Wynter Munacaambwa | W M Kabimba & Company | Lusaka |
Kabonga Valentine A. L. | ZIALE | Lusaka |
Kabuka Jane Kazora | J. Kabuka & Company | Ndola |
Kabuka John Lubumbe | J. Kabuka & Company | Ndola |
Kabwe Hobday | Hobday Kabwe & Company | Lusaka |
Kachaka Victor C | V. Kachaka & Company | Lusaka |
Kachamba Fortune Samuel | Ministry of Lands | Lusaka |
Kafwabulula Alex Chola | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Kaite John Kakungu | ZCCM Investments Holdings | Lusaka |
Kajokoto Reuben | Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation | Lusaka |
Kalaluka Likando | Ellis & Co. | Lusaka |
Kalenga Twaambo | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Kalikiti Alex | Investrust Bank Plc | Lusaka |
Kalima Meebelo | Kalima Chambers | Lusaka |
Kalinde Leonard Nkole | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Kalokoni James Gideon | Kalokoni & Company | Lusaka |
Kalonde Quintino Mumba | Quintino M Kalonde & Company | Ndola |
Kamanga Priscilla Mwenya | P. M. Kamanga & Associates | Lusaka |
Kamanga Shansonga Patricia N. | Kamanga & Company | Kitwe |
Kampata Theresa Mubutu Liswaniso | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Kampekele John Kasupa | K. K. J. Chambers | Lusaka |
Kapekele Harriet Kapampa | Corpus Globe Advocates | Lusaka |
Kamuwanga Beatrice Mwangala | M K B Chambers | Lusaka |
Kamwi Eric Mataba | Electoral Commission of Zambia | Lusaka |
Kanganja Joshua Lawson | Cabinet Office | Lusaka |
Kang’ombe Bernard Mwansa | Kang’ombe & Company | Ndola |
Kanja George Mpundu | Palan & George Advocates | Lusaka |
Kankasa Mwewa Kajoba | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Kaona Victor Malewa | Nakonde Chambers | Lusaka |
Kapasa John M | JM Kapasa & Company | Ndola |
Kapasa Mukupa | Zambia Privatisation Agency | Lusaka |
Kapasa Mwenya | ZIGI Insurance | Lusaka |
Kapatamoyo Maudy Chama | CKM & Associates | Lusaka |
Kapepe John Jnr. | Mak Partners | Livingstone |
Kapilikisha Francis Chowa | F C K Chambers | Lusaka |
Kapinga Peter | Zambezi River Authority | Lusaka |
Kapita Astridah Kangwa | Mainza & Company | Lusaka |
Kapumpa Mumba Smyth | Mumba S. Kapumpa Advocates | Lusaka |
Kashewe Muleya | ……. | Lusaka |
Kasonde Andrew Mutale | Kasonde & Company | Lusaka |
Kasonde Anthony | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Kasonde Linda Chishimba | Mulenga Mundashi & Co. | Lusaka |
Kasonde Patrick | Kasonde & Malama Associates | Ndola |
Kasonde Pixie Linda Mwila | PH Yangailo & Co | Lusaka |
Kasongo Mevis Kasongo | Copperblet Energy Corporation Plc | Kitwe |
Kasongo Obote Kamfwa | ZSIC/Wilson & Cornhill | Lusaka |
Kasonso Allan Gozen | Allan Gozen Kasonso & Company | Lusaka |
Kasote Donald Kirk | George Kunda & Company | Lusaka |
Katayi Kabwe Chungu | KCK Consultants | Lusaka |
Katebe Doris Katai | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Katolo Milner Joseph | Lukona Chambers | Lusaka |
Katongo Damson Chindeni | Jaques & Partners | Lusaka |
Katongo Kephas Kampamba | York Partners | Ndola |
Katunasa Chipili | Attorney Generals’s Chambers | Lusaka |
Katupisha Paul Gladson | Malambo & Company | Lusaka |
Katuta Bruno Chitwampya | Loboko Chambers | Lusaka |
Kaunda Kingsley Mutale | Kaunda Sabi & Associates | Ndola |
Kaulung’ombe Germano Mutale | Zambezi Sawmills (1968) Limited | Lusaka |
Kayukwa Godfrey Robert | Sambo Kayukwa & Company | Lusaka |
Kearns J. T. Andrew | V. Kachaka & Company | Lusaka |
Kondolo Mubanga | Zambia Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. | Lusaka |
Kongwa Francis Situmba | Kongwa & Company | Lusaka |
Kunda George, SC | George Kunda & Company | Lusaka |
Kunda Irene Mwezi | George Kunda & Company | Lusaka |
Kunda Marion Kabale | JB Sakala & Company | Ndola |
Kunkuta Joseph Musesha Chitundu | Patents & Companies Registration | Lusaka |
Kwenda Inonge | Mulenga Mundashi & Co. | Lusaka |
Lamba Chishimba | MNB Legal Practitioners | Kitwe |
Lamba Mwila Mwaba | Ellis & Company | Kitwe |
Limbani Kelvin Hancubwili | Judiciary | Livingstone |
Linyama Lubinda | Eric Silwamba & Co. | Lusaka |
Lipimile George Kapelwa | Zambia Competition Commission | Lusaka |
Lisimba Mutakela | Lisimba & Company | Lusaka |
Lisita Charles Akokwa | Central Chambers | Lusaka |
Lisulo Adrian Lisulo | Zamtel | Lusaka |
Liweleya Michael Munalula | Securities & Exchange Commission | Lusaka |
Locha Godfrey | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Lombe Catherine Mulenga | Director of Public Prosecutions | Lusaka |
Lombe William Chongo | WC Lombe & Co. | Mfulira |
Longwe Penjani Masiye | Boma Magistrate Court | Lusaka |
Lubamba Laban | Jaques & Partners | Kitwe |
Lukwanda Gilbert George Xavier | CL Mundia & Co. | Lusaka |
Lukwasa Martin Muyayi | Attorney Generals Chambers | Lusaka |
Lungu Edgar Chagwa | Andrea Masiye & Company | Lusaka |
Lungu Helen | NAPSA | Lusaka |
Lungu Stephen | Shamwana & Co. | Lusaka |
Lwatula Mwenya, S.C | Ellis & Company | Lusaka |
Lwambano Frank | Ellis & Company | Kitwe |
Mabula Tukiya Kankasa | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Mabutwe Clement | Mabutwe & Associates | Lusaka |
Machila Bradford | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Magubbwi Chimuka | Magubbwi & Associates | Ndola |
Maimbo Chibesa | Chifumu Banda & Associates | Lusaka |
Mainza Remmy | Mainza & Company | Lusaka |
Majula Betty Mwaka | Zambia Wildlife Authority | Lusaka |
Makai Ndala | Christopher Russell Cook & Co. | Lusaka |
Makala Kenny Hachuka | Makala & Company | Lusaka |
Makasa Mukula Robinson | M. Makasa & Company | Lusaka |
Malama Bwembya | Chilupe & Company | Lusaka |
Malama Steven C M | Jaques & Partners | Kitwe |
Malama Thomas Katuma | Communications Authority | Lusaka |
Malambo Vincent Blackson, S.C | Malambo & Company | Lusaka |
Malata Flavia Mwenya | Fraser Associates | Lusaka |
Malila Mumba | Mumba Malila & Partners | Lusaka |
Malipenga Robson Katoka | Robson Malupenga & Company | Lusaka |
Malupande Sandra Mukuka | Kitwe Chambers | Kitwe |
Mambwe Silas | Mambwe, Siwila & Partners | Lusaka |
Manda Mandy Munsaka | Lloyd Siame Company | Lusaka |
Mandhu Fatima | Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies | Lusaka |
Mandona Richard | Permanent Chambers | Lusaka/Kitwe |
Mapara Rita | Ernst & Young | Lusaka |
Mapate Sibiho Aloysius | Judicial Department | Mazabuka |
Masengu Michael G. | Michael Masengu & Company | Kitwe |
Masiye Andrea Sylvester | Andrea Masiye & Company | Lusaka |
Mataa Nawa | Celtel Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Mataka Lynda | Bank of Zambia/ Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, | Lusaka |
Mateele Namamgolwa | Public Service Pensions Fund Board | Lusaka |
Mathotho Stanley Edward Andrea | Electoral Commission of Zambia | Lusaka |
Matibini Lawrence M | LM Matibini & Company | Ndola |
Matibini Patrick | PatMat Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Matongo Dorothy Matembo | ZESCO | Lusaka |
Mayowe Christopher | Matanki Freight Limited | Lusaka |
Mazumba Douglas | Douglas & Partners | Kitwe |
Mbaluku Loveness Kolala | L.K. Mbaluku & Company | Kitwe |
Mbalashi Chilufya | — | Lusaka |
Mbambara Anock | Zambia State Insurance Corporation | Lusaka |
Mbewe Bonaventure Chakwawa | Barclays Bank Zambia PLC | Lusaka |
Mbewe Cecilia Nsenduluka | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Mbindo Kafunya | Jaques & Partners | Kitwe |
Mbushi Henry Bwanga | HBM Advocate | Lusaka |
Mensah Frank Joe | Frank Joe Mensah & Associates | Lusaka |
Mhango Norman H G | Nyangulu & Company | Lusaka |
Mibenge Alice Mwenzi | Agriflora | Lusaka |
Michelo Victor Namobe | Kitwe City Council | Kitwe |
Mitchley Owen Anthony Richard | AD Adams & Company | Lusaka |
Mittal Rajesh C | Mittal Chambers | Lusaka |
Miyoba Bernadette Muzumbwe | Director of Public Prosecution | Lusaka |
Miyoba Daniel Sichombo | Lusaka Water & Sewerage | Lusaka |
Mkandawire Maria F. | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Mkandawire Susan Mabaleka Mulikita | Communications Authority | Lusaka |
Mkokweza Charles | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Mpande Charity Chanza Nalungwe | Ndola City Council | Ndola |
Mondoloka Mwape | M. Mondoloka & Associates | Lusaka |
Moono Lacane | Nkana Chambers | Kitwe |
Mooya Flora Kantu | Tropicl Disease Research Centre | Ndola |
Mosha Billingtone | Chilupe & Company | Lusaka |
Mosho Lewis | Lewis Nathan Advocates | Lusaka |
Moyo Milimo | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Msoni Kelvin | JB Sakala & Company | Ndola |
Mtamira Chesya Bwanausi | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Mtonga Leya Ngoma | Workers’ Compensation Fund | Ndola |
Mubanga Duncan Kaela | AD Mwansa Mumba & Associates | Lusaka |
Mubanga Gershom Bwalya | Mubanga Associates | Ndola |
Mubanga Willie Aubbie Crispin | Permanent Chambers | Kitwe/Lusaka |
Mubashi Hugo Chomba | HC Mubashi & Company | Lusaka |
Mubonda Newton Kabanda | DH Kemp & Company | Lusaka |
Mudenda Frederick Syamulandabala | Lewis Nathan Advocates | Lusaka |
Mudenda Clement Mwendalubi | International Justice Mission | Lusaka |
Mudenda Nana Munsanda | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Mufuzi Lass | Chichi Enterprise | Lusaka |
Muhyila Austin Hinyungwe | A. H. M & Partners | Lusaka |
Mujuda Samson | Post Newspaper | Lusaka |
Mukande Louis Mwikisa | ML Mukande & Company | Lusaka |
Mukata Keith Akekelwa | Mukata Zulu & Associates | Lusaka |
Mukumbi Jonas | Mukumbi & Company | Kitwe |
Mukonka Caristo M | Zambia Postal Services Corporation | Ndola |
Mukuka Edward Mulenga | E.M. Mukuka & Company | Kabwe |
Mukuka Phillip | Lusaka City Council | Lusaka |
Mukupa Andrew Mwenya | Mulenga Mundashi & Co. | Lusaka |
Mukupa Martha | Makala and Company | Lusaka |
Mukwasa Morgan | Attorney General Chambers | Lusaka |
Mulamfu Beatrice Mukumbwa | Betam Chambers | Lusaka |
Mulele Maipepi | Zambia State Insurance Corp. Ltd | Ndola |
Mulele Moses Morris | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Mulembe Enoch | Human Rights Commission | Lusaka |
Mulenga Charles | Zambia Investment Centre | Lusaka |
Mulenga Derrick | Derrick Mulenga & Company | Ndola |
Mulenga Geoffrey Chilufya | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Mulenga Iven | KBF & Partners | Lusaka |
Mulenga Killian Ives | Kumasonde Chambers | Lusaka |
Mulenga Paul | Legal Resource Chambers | Lusaka |
Mulenga Mulemba Ngombo | Electral Commission of Zambia | Lusaka |
Mulenga Mutila | Mulenga Mundashi & Co. | Lusaka |
Mulengeshi Sydney | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Ndola |
Muleza Chad H. | Muleza & Company | Lusaka |
Mulenga Natalie Mwenya | Abha Patel & Associates | Ndola |
Mulikita Njunga Mulikita | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Mulima Linire | Zamtel | Ndola |
Mulonda Palan | Palan & George Advocates | Lusaka |
Mulonda Valerie Mutinta | NAPSA | Lusaka |
Mulongo Jasper Jeremiah Munachonga | Zamtel | Ndola |
Mulumba Mwansa Mutimushi | Zambia Breweries PLC | Lusaka |
Mulwila John Mubanga | Ituna Partners | Lusaka |
Mulwila Dorothy Agnes Kayeyi | Ituna Partners | Lusaka |
Mumba Andrew Dean Mwansa | AD Mwansa Mumba & Associates | Lusaka |
Mumba Levis | Ellis & Co. | Kitwe |
Mumba Tafuna Manase | Lusaka Water & Sewerage | Lusaka |
Mumbuna Wamuwi Mwenda | ———– | Kasama |
Mumpa Musonda Rodney | Chililabombwe Municipal Council | Chililabombwe |
Munalisa Lawrence | Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office | Livingstone |
Munakopa Lloyd Sikaulu | Jitesh Naik & Advocates | Lusaka |
Munansangu Moono Milimo | ZANACO | Lusaka |
Mundashi Michael Musonda | Mulenga Mundashi & Company | Lusaka |
Mundia Christopher Lubasi, S.C | CL Mundia & Company | Lusaka |
Muneku Charles Nathaniel | Charles & Charles | Lusaka |
Muneku Noriana Mseteka | Zambia National Building Society | Lusaka |
Mung’omba Wila D’israeli | Mung’omba Associates | Lusaka |
Munkombwe Dorcas | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Ndola |
Munsanje Hodges Mark | Patrick Zulu & Partners | Lusaka |
Munyama Africa Bruce | Nkwazi Chambers | Lusaka |
Munyinda Andrew Mututwa | Munyinda & Company | Lusaka |
Mupeso Bubile Grace Lungu | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Mupeta Douglas Bryson | D. M. Mupeta & Company | Ndola |
Musabandesu Keith P. Kabwe | M & M Advocates | Lusaka |
Musaluke Martin | MSM Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Musanya Alex Mukuka | Zambezi Chambers | Lusaka |
Musenga Bob Mwelwa | Public Service Pensions Fund Board | Lusaka |
Mushemi Mooka | Nhari, Mushemi & Associates | Lusaka |
Mushingwa Agneos | AM Mushingwa & Company | Ndola |
Mushipe Martha | Mushipe & Associates | Lusaka |
Mushota Lillian Jabani | Mushota & Associates | Lusaka |
Musopelo Lukaki Belinda | Director of Public Prosecutions | Lusaka |
Musonda Justin | AD Mwansa Mumba and Associates | Lusaka |
Musonda Michael | Michael Musonda & Company | Lusaka |
Musonda Patrick Chileshe | Zambia Railways | Kabwe |
Musongo Kingsley | KM Associates | Lusaka |
Musukwa Andrew Musenga | Development Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Musune Stemon C. | R. H. Nketani and Comapny | Lusaka |
Musyani Gertrude Mukata | Zambia Privatization Agency | Lusaka |
Mutalama Edna | Zambia National Building Society | Lusaka |
Mutale Benjamin | Freddie & Co. | Lusaka |
Mutale Bonaventure Chibamba, S.C | Ellis & Company | Lusaka |
Mutale Brenda | Zambia State Insurance Corp. Ltd. | Lusaka |
Mutale Felix | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Mutale Joseph Bwembya | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Mutale Kananda Elias | MAK Partners | Livingstone |
Mutale Mwambo | York Partners | Ndola |
Mutasa Rumbizdai | National Legal aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Mutemwa Mutemwa | Mutemwa Chambers | Lusaka |
Mutofwe Willa Mungule | Shepande & Co. | Lusaka |
Mutti Nellie Butete Kashumba | Lukona Chambers | Lusaka |
Mutuna Nigel Kalonde | NKM Associates | Lusaka |
Muuka Lishomwa Nawa | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Muvwende Aven | Zambia Daily Mail Limited | Lusaka |
Muwamba Sekelebaka | Konkola Cioppermines PLC | Chingola |
Muya Zachariah M | MSM Legal Practitioners | Ndola |
Muyawala Moses Patrick | Dzekedzeke & Company | Lusaka |
Muyenga Mashebe Muteto | Muyenga & Associates | Mongu |
Muzyamba Muntanga Mpumaje | Ministry of Justice/Finance & National Plan | Lusaka |
Muzyamba Sol Chilikwazi Mudenda | Muzyamba & Co. | Livingstone |
Mvunga Patrick Mphanza, S.C | Mvunga Associates | Lusaka |
Mwale Peter | Peter Mwale & Company | Ndola |
Mwale Wilson E | Mwale Musonda Associates | Ndola |
Mwamba Chituwa Leah Simuziya | Mvunga Associates | Lusaka |
Mwamba Emmah | Public Service Pensions Fund Board | Lusaka |
Mwanabo Lastone | P.I.C.Z | Lusaka |
Mwanakatwe Paul Chipampe | JMM Consultants | Lusaka |
Mwanakatwe John Mupanga, SC | JMM Consultants | Lusaka |
Mwanakulanga Andrew | Luanshya Municipal Council | Luanshya |
Mwananshiku Sylvester Chibangu | M & M Advocates | Lusaka |
Mwanawasa Levy Patrick, SC | State House | Lusaka |
Mwanawasa Maureen Kakubo | State House | Lusaka |
Mwanda Florence | Zamtel | Lusaka |
Mwandenga Mudford Zachariah | Zambia Privatization Agency | Lusaka |
Mwansa Abraham | A M. C Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Mwansa Charity Chola Achiume | CC Mwansa & Associates | Lusaka |
Mwansa Emmanuel Bupe | EBM Chambers | Lusaka |
Mwansa Ernest Chitumwa | Mwansa Phiri & Partners | Lusaka |
Mwansa Kasumpa | Zambia Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. | Lusaka |
Mwanza Robert Yona | Robert & Partners | Kitwe |
Mwanza Iris Chiseche | Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Mwape Dancewell Bowa | Anti Corruption Commission | Lusaka |
Mwape Darlington | State House | Lusaka |
Mweemba Charlotte | Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Mweemba Keith | Drug Enforcement Commission | Lusaka |
Mweemba William Smith | Mweemba Chashi & Partners | Lusaka |
Mweemba Wilson | Mweemba & Company | Lusaka |
Mweemba Trust | Subordinate Court | Chipata |
Mwelwa Moses | Directorate of Legal Aid/Ministry of Justice | Lusaka |
Mwenda Leonard Jameson (Rt. Rev.) | Leonard Mwenda & Company | Lusaka |
Mwenda Marjorie Grace | MG Johnson-Mwenda & Company | Lusaka |
Mwenda Winnie Sithole | Sithole-Mwenda & Company | Lusaka |
Mwenya Anne Chibiliti | Chambeshi Metals PLC | Kitwe |
Mwenya Chibeka | Mwack Associates | Lusaka |
Mwenya Kaela-Bwalya | Ministry of Justice | Lusaka |
Mwenye Musa Juma | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Mwewa Gideon Katebe | Gideon & Partners | Lusaka |
Mwewa Vincent Kaunda | VK Mwewa & Company | Ndola |
Mwiche Kafula | Energy Regulatory Board | Lusaka |
Mwiimbu Jack Jacob | Mwiimbu & Company | Lusaka |
Mwikisa Paul Wasamuwu | PW Mwikisa & Company | Lusaka |
Mwitwa Eddie Kalela | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitioner | Lusaka |
Nachula Rita N N | Kitwe Chambers | Kitwe |
Nachalwe Nkusuwila | Shamwana & Company | Lusaka |
Naik Jitesh | Jitesh Naik Advocates | Lusaka |
Nair Celine Meena | Lusaka Stock Exchange Limited | Lusaka |
Namachila Bernard S. C | Office of the Vice President | Lusaka |
Nambeye Nancy | Zamtel | Lusaka |
Namwinga Sandi | ZCCM Holdings Plc | Kitwe |
Natala Mutina | Mvunga Associates | Lusaka |
Nchito Mutembo | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Nchito Nchima | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Nchito Sashi | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Ndandula Charles Sakavumbi | New Apostolic Church | Lusaka |
Ndemanga Sandra | Legal Resources Chambers | Lusaka |
Ndhlovu D Elack | Luso Chambers | Chingola |
Ndhlovu Hope Mukatimui | Human Rights Commission | Lusaka |
Ndhlovu Humphrey Hlazo | HH Ndhlovu & Company | Lusaka |
Ndhlovu Masauso Nelson | Chifumu Banda & Associates | Lusaka |
Ndhlovu Matiya | Central Chambers | Lusaka |
Ndhlovu Telephone Kay | National Airports Corporation | Lusaka |
Ndovi Suzyo Namoonga | Legal Resources Chambers | Lusaka |
Ndulo Patrick Matyola | Konkola Copper Mines Plc | Chingola |
Neves Drastrass Maria Sanana | Food Reserve Agency | Lusaka |
Ng’ambi Daisy Nkhata | Nyankhata Chambers | Lusaka |
Ng’ambi Nyuma Kapampa | Legal Resources Chambers | Lusaka |
Ng’anjo Nathan | National Housing Authority | Lusaka |
Ngenda Benjamin Lubinda | Ben Ngenda Advocates | Lusaka |
Ngenda Sipalo | Ngenda Chambers | Lusaka |
Ngoma Agnes Mkalimo | AN Chambers | Lusaka |
Ng’onga Isaiah Chifumbe | IC Ng’onga & Company | Lusaka |
Ng’onomo Beatrice Feleni Makomo | Ng’onomo & Associates | Lusaka |
Ngulube Anderson | Lusaka City Council | Lusaka |
Ngulube Richard | Tembo Ngulube & Associates | Lusaka |
Ngwira William | S B N Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Nhari Charles | Nhari, Mushemi & Associates | Lusaka |
Nhekairo Annette Chirumba | Zambia Law Development Commission | Lusaka |
Nkaka Nsama Chisaka | Lumangwe Chambers | Ndola |
Nketani Reuben Hisambi | RH Nketani & Company | Lusaka |
Nkonde Sunday Bwalya, S.C, S.G. | Messrs SBN Legal Practitioners/
Ministry of Justice |
Lusaka |
Nkhata Masauso | Lusaka City Council | Lusaka |
Nkunika Andrew | Directorate of Legal Aid | Lusaka |
Nonde Isaac Chisanga | Lewis Nathan Advocates | Lusaka |
Nsefu Millo Abel Alick | Zambia Railways Limited | Kabwe |
Nsemukila Kosta Katuta | Katuta Nsemukila & Company | Lusaka |
Nsofu Katongo | Katongo & Company | Kitwe |
Nyalugwe Kamwenje | Enviromental Council of Zambia | Lusaka |
Nyambe Prisca, S.C | Matimba Chambers | Lusaka |
Nyirenda Malaro | Kafunda & Company | Ndola |
Nyirenda William Boli, S.C | William Nyirenda & Company | Kitwe |
Nyirongo Gavu | William Nyirenda & Co. | Kitwe |
Okware Nicholas | Okware & Associates | Lusaka |
Patel Abha Nayar | Abha Patel & Associates | Ndola |
Patel Gulam Farid | Musa Dudhia & Company | Lusaka |
Patel Kanti Kanjibhai | Christopher Russell Cook & Co | Lusaka |
Patel Suliman | Solly Patel Hamir & Lawrence | Lusaka |
Patel Yonus Asmal | Asmal & Company | Lusaka |
Pendwe Philemon J C | Pendwe & Company | Kitwe |
Phiri Chivwara Kopeka | Mulungushi Chambers | Lusaka |
Phiri Elita Mwikisa | Zambia National Tender Board | Lusaka |
Phiri-Sunkutu Emelia | Environmental Council of Zambia | Lusaka |
Phiri Anthony Khetani | Anthony & Associates | Ndola |
Phiri Jack | Mwack Associates | Lusaka |
Phiri Moses | Mwansa Phiri & Partners | Lusaka |
Phiri Moses Lt. Col. | Zambia Air Force | Lusaka |
Phiri Ngaitila Zifela | USAID/Zambia | Lusaka |
Phiri Rhoda | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Phiri Selina | ZAMTEL | Ndola |
Pikiti Matthew Joseph Mweshi | Pikiti & Company | Lusaka |
Punabantu Lubasi Chanda | Bank of Zambia | Lusaka |
Punza Leonard Simbwalanga | Zambia Police HQ | Lusaka |
Ranchhod Dimple Sikand | Ranchhod Chuungu Advocates | Lusaka |
Roberts Alfred | Finance Bank Zambia Limited | Lusaka |
Sabi Samuel Mwape | Kaunda Sabi & Associates | Lusaka |
Samakayi Rose | Industrial Relations Court | Lusaka |
Sakala Chimbeka Kamilon | Mayowe & Company | Lusaka |
Sakala Emily Kondwa Chibiya | JB Sakala & Company | Lusaka |
Sakala David Oliver | David Oliver Sakala & Company | Lusaka |
Sakala Mabvuto | Legal Resource Chambers | Lusaka |
Sakala Julius Bikoloni, S.C | JB Sakala & Company | Ndola |
Sakuwaha Sharon Kutemba | P.I.C.Z | Lusaka |
Sambo Nsunka Kalobwe Rabbi | University of Zambia | Lusaka |
Sambo Pamela Towela | Local Authorities Superannuation Fund | Lusaka |
Sampa Anne Mwanza | Zambia National Commercial Bank | Lusaka |
Sampa Christopher Mofu | CM Sampa & Company | Lusaka |
Sampa Norman | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Samulela Maureen Mwaka | Pensions and Insurance Authority | Lusaka |
Samundengu Ngoma Mwaka | Zambia National Oil Company | Lusaka |
Sangwa John Peter | Simeza Sangwa & Associates | Lusaka |
Scott Veronica Kathleen | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Shamakamba Tom Trevor | Shamakamba & Associates | Ndola |
Shapi Gertrude Chola Chilungu | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Sharpe Nicola Ann | Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners | Lusaka |
Shepande Kennedy Mpolobe | Shepande & Company | Lusaka |
Shezongo Joyce Namuyobo | National Legal Aid Clinic for Women | Lusaka |
Shoko Juliana | BDO Corporate Services Limited | Lusaka |
Shonga James Abyudi | Shamwana & Company | Lusaka |
Siachiwena Mweetwa | Legal Resource Chambers | Lusaka |
Siakalima Zunga | Bango Associates | Lusaka |
Siame Benson | Dept. of Immigration Headquarters | Lusaka |
Siame Lloyd Vwambanji | Lloyd Siame & Company | Ndola |
Siame John | Ellis & Company | Ndola |
Siampwili Patrick | Freddie & Co. | Kitwe |
Siamutwa Charles | Corpus Globe Adocates | Lusaka |
Siamuzyulu Febby Maimbo Ziela | Zambia Postal Services | Lusaka |
Sibanda Pamela | International Justice Mission | Lusaka |
Sibanze Simuchoba | NKM & Associates | Lusaka |
Sichinga Dominic Luther Yeta | Minstry of Legal Affairs | Lusaka |
Sichone Frightone | Ministry of Lands | Lusaka |
Sikanyika Elsie Mulundu Mabula | Zambia National Tender Board | Lusaka |
Sikatana Fred Mundia | Veritas Chambers | Lusaka |
Sikatele Cecilia | National Assembly | Lusaka |
Sikazwe Chanza Kephas | Christopher, Russell Cook & Co. | Lusaka |
Sike Arthur | Corpus Globe Advocates | Lusaka |
Sikota Sakwiba | Central Chambers | Lusaka |
Simbyakula Ngosa, Dr. | Mabutwe & Associates | Lusaka |
Sindiso Khumalo Ngatsha | Judiciary Boma Subordinate Court | Lusaka |
Sinkende Jeremiah | Zambia China Mulungushi Textiles Ltd. | Kabwe |
Singine Brian Mataya | Times Printpak (Z) Limited | Lusaka |
Silwamba Eric Suwilanji, S.C | Eric Silwamba & Co. | Lusaka |
Silweya Henry | Silweya & Company | Lusaka |
Simamba Harry Bilika | Attorney General’s Chambers | Britain |
Simasiku Sharon | Judiciary | Lusaka |
Simbao Kensilick Mwamba | Mulungushi Chambers | Lusaka |
Simeza Robert Mbonani | Simeza Sangwa & Associates | Lusaka |
Simfukwe Kamo | Ministry of Justice | Lusaka |
Simukoko Geoffrey Wamusula | ZCDR Limited | Lusaka |
Simwinga Derrick Ali | Kitwe City Council | Kitwe |
Singini Brian Mataya | Times of Zambia | Lusaka |
Singogo Alisand | MSM Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Sinkamba Owen | Sinkamba Legal Practitioner | Lusaka |
Sitali Butler Asimbuyu | Energy Regulation Board | Lusaka |
Siwale Mugeni | NWASCO | Lusaka |
Siwila Amos | Mambwe Siwila & Partners | Lusaka |
Skippings Katie Anne | Price Waterhouse Coopers Limited | Lusaka |
Soko Josias, Dr. | Josias & Partners | Ndola |
Sokota Chileshe | Chifumu Banda & Associates | Lusaka |
Sondashi Ludwig S, Dr. | Sondashi & Company Advocates | Lusaka |
Sondashi Virginia Agnes | Munsaka Chambers | Lusaka |
Songolo Philimon | Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation | Lusaka |
Stacey Charles Anthony | Lloyd Jones & Collins | Ndola |
Suba In’utu Etambuyu | Kuta Chambers | Livingstone |
Sumaili Fanuel Kingsley Mumba | Mumba Malila & Partners | Lusaka |
Syanziba Lynn M. Bwampu | Ministry of Lands | Lusaka |
Tambulukani Douglas | Office of the Commissioner for Refugees | Lusaka |
Tafeni Clement Francis | Mopani CopperMines PLC | Kitwe |
Tembo Chimwemwe Kaluba | EBM Chambers | Lusaka |
Tembo Abel | Tembo Ngulube & Associates | Lusaka |
Tembo Chanda Nkoloma | Ministry of Justice | Lusaka |
Tembo Dumisani James | Chuula & Company | Lusaka |
Tembo Frankson | Frank Tembo & Partners | Lusaka |
Tembo Mtukuzi-Tukuza | Grant Thornton Associates Limited | Lusaka |
Tenthani Harriet Mwengwe | KBF & Partners | Lusaka |
Tembo Samuel Jeremiah Bezaliel | SJB Chambers | Chipata |
Thaker Bhupendra Bhailal | Cave Malik & Company | Ndola |
Theotis Armanda Desiree Anne | Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Theu Jordon | NAPSA | Lusaka |
Ticklay Abdul Aziz | AA Ticklay & Company | Lusaka |
Twumasi Samuel A G | Kitwe Chambers | Kitwe |
Vukovic Mbile Muwindwa Wina | Zambia Electricity Supply Cor. Ltd. | Lusaka |
Vundamina Kyansenga Chitoshi | National Airports Corporation Limited | Lusaka |
Wandi Rosewin Mutinta | Anti-Corruption Commission | Lusaka |
Wangwor Felicity Nyako | MNB Legal Practitioners | Lusaka |
Wanjelani Susan Mtonga | Ministry of Legal Affairs | Lusaka |
Watae Sydney | United States Agency for Int. Dev. | Lusaka |
Willombe Bevin Chansa | MMW & Company | Lusaka |
Wood Albert Mark | AM Wood & Company | Lusaka |
Wright Andy Jonathan Henry | Wright Chambers | Lusaka |
Yangailo Pengani Handerson | Yangailo & Company | Lusaka |
Young Pio Amilha | Standard Chartered Bank | Lusaka |
Yousuf Adam Musa A | AD Adam & Company | Lusaka |
Zaheeda Essa | Mahtani Group of Companies | Lusaka |
Zaloumis Irene Theresa | Kitwe City Council | Kitwe |
Zaloumis Martin Joseph Sarandos | Dove Chambers | Lusaka |
Zaloumis Mwangala Frances | Dove Chambers | Lusaka |
Zeko Irene Inonge Mbewe | Messrs I. Z. Mbewe Associates | Lusaka |
Zulu Mark Clement | Nixon Chambers | Lusaka |
Zulu Douglas | Zambia Revenue Authority | Lusaka |
Zulu George | G M Zulu & Associates | Lusaka |
Zulu Ian | IM Zulu & Associates | Lusaka |
Zulu Lekiwe Angela | Mukata Zulu & Associates | Lusaka |
Zulu Leslie Chembe | Central Chambers | Lusaka |
Zulu Lucas Mangani | Luangeni Chambers | Lusaka |
Zulu Sebastian Saizi, S.C | Zulu & Company | Lusaka |
- Mumpa Rodney Musonda, B, Advocate (May 1983), Chililabombwe Municipal Council, P.O. Box 210023, Tel: 382234, Fax: 382945
- Banda Wilson, B (1992), Advocate (1993) Wilson & Cornhill, Bwafwano House, Ground Floor, P.O. Box 10661 Fax: 313773. Also Wilson & Cornhill, 11 Ghandi Street Tel/fax: 312553, Cell: 096-902978, E-mail: Also: Premium House, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 38906, Lusaka
- Muwamba Sekelebaka, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Konkola Coppermines PLC, General Offices, Private Bag KCM (C) 2000
- Ndhlovu Elack Davison, B, Advocate (Dec. 1978), Luso Chambers, Musonko, Matuuka Lane, PO Box 10794. Tel: Cell: 096-947013
- Ndulo Matyola Patrick, B (UNZA), BSc. (Norway), Advocate, Konkola Copper Mines Plc, Private Bag KCM (C) 2000, Tel: 350000/351234/350202 Fax: 351311
- Chirambo Stembridge W., LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (April 1980), Stembridge Chirambo & Co., NAPSA House, Umodzi Highway, PO Box 510460, Cell: 097-847477, 097-717680.
- Jere Ferdinand Msanide, B, Advocate (Dec. 1976) Ferd Jere & Co. Plot No. 21/22, Parerinyatwa Road, Daya’s Building, P.O Box 510346, Telefax: 06-221817, Cell: 097-402394, E-mail:
- Mweemba Trust, LL.B, Advocate (June 2001), Subordinate Court, PO Box 510102, Tel:
(032) CHOMA
- Phiri Chilombo M. Bridget, B, Advocate (2001), Judiciary, Magistrates Court, PO Box 630335. Tel: 21275/211
(+255 51) DAR-ES-SALAAM
- Chanda M.S.M, LL.B (Hons. Dec. 1976), Advocate (Dec. 1978), Tazara, Stand No. 50 Nyerere Road, Tazara Headquarters, P.O. Box 2834. Tel (Res) 72402.
(05) KABWE
- Chilufya Dismas Mbao Kapambwe, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1985), D.M.K.Chilufya and Company, Plot No. 256-35, Jameson Avenue, Town Centre, Kabwe, PO Box 81156, Tel: 05-223496, Cell: 097-482454
- Chishimba Bornwell Kasumpa, LL.B, Advocate (8th 1978), Chishimba and Co., Plot 214 ‘B’, Independence Way, Justinian Chambers Building, P.O. Box 80971 Tel: 05-222514/224283.
- Kabesha Mulilo D.B, Advocate (Dec. 1986), Kabesha & Co, 3rd Floor, Mukuni House, Eastern Wing, Stand No. 210 Independence Way, Mukuni House P.O. Box 81484, Tel: 222596, Fax: 222713/222288, Cell: 097-780511, E-mail:
- Mukuka Edward Mulenga, LL.B, Advocate (Dec 1982), E.M. Mukuka & Co., Davey House, Independence Way, Dunavant Building, P.O. Box 80471,Cell: 097-828181, E-mail:
- Musonda Patrick Chileshe, LL.B (Z. 1987), Advocate (Dec. 1988), Zambia Railways Ltd, Kafue River Avenue, Shitima House, P.O. Box 80935. Tel: 05-221120, Fax: 05-221139/ Cell: 097-884477,
- Nsefu Millo Abel Alick, Advocate (April 1982), Zambia Railways, Kafue River Avenue, Shitima House, P.O. Box 80935. Tel: 05-221120, Fax: 05-221139 Cell: 097-865497
- Sinkende Jeremiah,B, Advocate (Dec.1993), Zambia China Mulungushi Textiles, Head Office Plot 2419 Kabwe-Ndola Road, PO Box 81091. Tel: 222311/2 Fax: 224916, Cell: 097-540239
- Mumbuna Wamui Mwenda, B, Advocate (Nov. 1988), C/o Mr. M. M. Mumbuna, SNV Zambia, PO Box 410576, Tel: 04-221495 (H) or C/O Nhari, Mushemi & Associates, 8th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 320313, Telefax: 221308, Fax: 266855, Cell: 097-869130, E-mail:
(02) KITWE
- Akabondo Imonda, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1993), A Imonda & Co., Obote Avenue, Compensation House, P.O. Box 21041, Tel/Fax: 221974, E-mail:
- Banda Elijah Chola, B (Z), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1986), MNB Legal Practitioners, Mukuba Pension House, President Avenue, P.O. Box 20817. Tel: 231863, Fax: 231862, Cell: 096-994892, E-mail:
- Chaila Julia Christine Zulu, B, Advocate (Dec.1984), Copperbelt Energy Corporation plc, 23rd Avenue, Nkana East, P.O. Box 20819, Nkana East, Tel: 244556/223466/244274/244211 Fax: 244212, E-mail:
- Chamutangi Peter Musengu, B (UNZA 1974), Diploma (Cambridge University 1982) Certificate Training for Trainers (Ireland 1986), Advocate (Oct. 1976), ZCCM Holdings plc, Kantanta Street, P.O. Box 20172, Tel: 245142 Fax: 245473, Cell: 096-735984, Email: Specialisation: General
- Chalenga Freddie Mumba, B (1995), Advocate (1996), Messrs Freddie & Company, Suite No. 212, 1st Floor, Mukuba Pension House, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 227060. Tel: 227621, 245432, 217621, Fax: 217621. E-mail:
- Chileshe Dennis Bendix, LL.B (UNZA Nov. 1998), Advocate (Nov 1989), LL.M (London), Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, P.O. Box 21692. Tel: 223015/222066/225155, Fax: 222469, Cell: 096 903170
- Chisanga Mwenya Fulgency, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (Dec. 1993), FMC & Associates, 2nd Floor, Compensation House, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 21832, Kitwe.
Telefax: 221182, Cell: 095-754018
- Chongwe Ignatius Mumba,B, Advocate (2001), Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited, Kitwe Regional, Katanta Street, P.O. Box 21410, Tel: 221581, (02) 220199 Cell: 096-757179
- Chugani Mohan, LL.B (1974), Advocate (1975), Chugan & Co. 3rd Floor, Legal and General Building, City Square, P.O. Box 20891, Tel: 228997, Fax: 230656
- Forrest William Myles, M.A. (GEOG, 1956), Dip.(Management Tech). 1956, Law Society of England, Qualifying Exam (1969), Advocate (Dec. 1976), Forrest Price & Co, Marble House, P.O. Box 21966, Tel: 224866, Fax: 229524, Email: Specialisation: Family/Matrimonial, Company/Commercial Law.
- Haimbe Mulambo Hamakuni, LL.B, Advocate (June 2001), Copperbelt Energy Corporation, 23rd Avenue, Nkana East, P.O 20819
(02) KITWE
- Kamanga Patricia N.S., LL.B, Advocate (1988), P.S. Kamanga & Co., Katilungu House, Plot 27, 3rd Floor, Room 1, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 20445. Tel: 229316 Fax: 229317
- Kasongo Mevis Kasongo, LL.B (1992) Advocate (October, 1994), Copperbelt Energy Corporation, Plc, 23rd Avenue, Nkana East, P.O Box 20819, Tel: 02-244274/02-244182, Cell: 097-783562, Email:
- Kauseni Adam Jack, LL.B, Advocate (May 1990), Holstens Trucking, Plot No. 1259, Freetown House, Freetown Road, PO Box 23101. Tel: 231855
- Lamba Chishimba, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), MNB Legal Practitioners, Mukuba Pension House, President Avenue, P.O. Box 20817. Tel: 231863, Fax: 231862, Cell: 096-994892, E-mail:
- Lamba Mwila Mwaba , LL.B, Advocate, Ellis & Co, Afcom House, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 21500. Tel: 226966/226518 Fax: 226639, Cell: 096-653741
- Lubamba Laban, LL.B (Hons) (UEA) 1967, Advocate, (August 1968), Jaques & Partners, Insurance House, City Square, P.O. Box 21766, Tel: 222933/222540/229171, Fax: 229177, Telex: ZA 52690
- Lwambano Frank M., LL.B, Advocate (Dec.1988), Ellis and Company, Afcom House, Plot 384, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 21500. Tel: 226966/226518 Fax: 226639/222933/229171
- Malama Steven Caution Mwaba, LL.B (Hons) (UEA) 1967, Advocate (August 1968), Jaques & Partners, Insurance House, City Square, Plot 101, P.O.Box 21766, Tel: 222933/222540/229171, Fax: 229177, Telex: ZA 52690 Cell: 096 787859, Email:
- Malupande Sandra Mukuka, B, Advocate (Jan. 2004), Kitwe Chambers, Plot 495/6, Permanent House, City Square, P.O. Box 21745. Tel: 222990/224297, Fax: 225682, Cell: 096-432400, Email:
- Mandona Richard Nsofu, Advocate (April 1978), Permanent Chambers, Permanent Chambers, Provident House, Matuka Avenue, Plot No. 4976, Office No. 202, PO Box 23215, Telefax: 220602 and also in Lusaka, Sapele Road, Pensions House, P.O Box 35702, Tel: 225884//220372, Fax: 225049, Cell: 095-758880/095-861659, Email:
- Masengu Michael G.,B (UNZA October 1977), Advocate (Dec. 1979), Michael Masengu & Co., Leanor House, Top of the Post Office, Parklands Shopping Centre, P.O. Box 20909, Tel/Fax: 229903.
(02) KITWE
- Mazumba Douglas, LL.B (UNZA 1996), Advocate (Z. November 1996), Douglas & Partners, 4th Floor Bowmaker House, PO Box 21699. Tel: 02- 221356, Fax: 02-221357, Cell: 096-787086
- Mbaluku Loveness Kolala, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 1994), L.K Mbaluku and Company, Buteko House, 3rd Floor, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 22638 or Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, Riverside, P.O Box 21692, Tel: 620373 Fax: 620373
- Mbewe Jacob, LL.B (1996), Advocate (28 Nov. 1997), Mbewe & Co., Room 143, 1st Floor Nchanga House, P.O. Box 20264, Tel/Fax: 245366 Specialisation: Civil Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Probate, Corporate Law, Taxation and Conveyancing.
- Mbindo Kafunya, LL.B, Advocate (4 Dec. 1987) Jaques & Partners, Insurance House, City Square, P.O.Box 21766, Tel: 222933/222540/229171, Fax: 229177, Telex: ZA 52690
- Michelo Victor Namobe, LL.B, Advocate (Oct.1994), Kitwe City Council, Nsansa Lane, Civic Centre, PO Box 20070, Tel: 228796 Fax: 224698.
- Moono Lacane, LL.B, Adv. (April 1996), Nkana Chambers, 2nd Floor, Room 90, Obote Avenue, AFCOM HouseAfcom House, Obote Avenue, Room 90, P.O. Box 23511. Tel/Fax: 231307, 095-460331,
- Mukumbi Jonas, LL.B, Advocate (July 1976), Mukumbi & Co., Provident House, Matuka Avenue, P.O. Box 22940. Tel: 221644/221475, Fax: 221475, Cell:096-941936
- Mwenya Anne Chibiliti, Advocate (1992), Chambeshi Metals PLC, Kitwe Chingola Road, P.O Box 21151, Tel: 744035/555
- Mwanza Robert Yona, LL.B, Advocate (April 1998), Robert & Partners, Oxford Avenue, Sanlam Building, PO Box 20200, Tel: 229383, Fax: 229382, E-mail
- Mumba Levis, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Ellis & Co, Afcom House, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 21500. Tel: 226966/226518 Fax: 226639
- Nachula Rita Noah Nsokolo, LL.B (UNZA 1982), Advocate (Z.April 1984), Kitwe Chambers, Permanent House, Plot 495/6, City Square, P.O. Box 21745, Tel: 222990/224297, Fax: 225682, E-mail
- Nalwamba Judith Mwaka, LL.B (UNZA 1988), Advocate (1999), Copperbelt University, P.O. Box 21962. Tel: 227946 Fax: 229354.
- Namwinga Sandi, LL.B, Advocate (April 1994), ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc, Kantanta Street, P.O. Box 20172, Tel: 245142,Fax: 245473, Cell: 097-878908, Email:
(02) KITWE
- Nsofu Katongo, LL.B. Advocate, () Katongo & Company, David Mwila House, President Avenue, P.O Box 22962
- Nyirenda William Boli, S.C, LL.B, Advocate (Z. 1981), Solicitor (England and Wales 1991), William Nyirenda and Co., Obote Avenue, Angoni House, P.O. Box 22144, Tel: 228414/228955/227557, Fax: 220539, Cell: 096-781374, 096-995086 Email: Specialisation: Finance Law, Securitinisation, Conveyancing and Litigation.
- Nyirongo Gavu, B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), William Nyirenda and Co., Obote Avenue, Angoni House, P.O. Box 22144, Tel: 228414/228955/227557, Fax: 220539, Email: Specialisation: Finance Law, Securitinisation, Conveyancing and Litigation.
- Pendwe Philemon J.C., LL.B, Adv, Pendwe & Company, Rooms 35 & 36 Northern wing Block, Mutondo House Complex, Professional Centre, Kantanta Street, P.O. Box 21593. Tel: 221770 Fax: 221388, E-mail:
- Siampwili Patrick, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Messrs Freddie & Company, Suite No. 212, 1st Floor, Mukuba Pension House, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 227060. Tel: 227621, 245432, 217621, Fax: 217621. E-mail:
- Simwinga Derrick Ali, Kitwe City Council, Civic Centre, Nsansa Lane, P.O. Box 20070. Tel: 221779/230729/228796 Fax: 224698.
- Tafeni Clement Francis, LL.B, Advocate (June 29,2001), Mopani Copper Mines PLC, Central Street, PO Box 22000, Cell: 097-880022, Email:
- Twumasi Samuel Gyamera Atta, LL.B, Advocate (5 Dec.1986), Kitwe Chambers, Plot 495/6, Permanent House, City Square, P.O. Box 21745. Tel: 222990/224297, Fax: 225682, Cell: 096-994832, Email
- Zaloumis Irene T.M., (Dec. 1979), Kitwe City Council, Nsansa Lane, P.O. Box 20070. Tel: 221779/230729/228796 Fax: 224698
- Akafumba Josephs Rikki, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (March 1999), Mak Partners, Plot No. 45 Airport Road, Mak House, PO Box 60762. Telefax: 322497, Cell: 097-775978, E-mail:
- Cheelo Wilson Kachesa, LL.B, Advocate (18.4.99), Mak Partners, Plot No. 45 Airport Road, Mak House, PO Box 60762. Tel/Fax: 322497.
- Chipande Abraham Rodney, LL.B, Advocate (May 1990), Livingstone Partners, Old Civic Centre Building, Plot 123 Mosi-o-Tunya Road, P.O. Box 60858. Telefax: 322857, Cell: 097-846566, Email:
- Chomba Nzovwa Mwela, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), National Legal Clinic for Women, P.O Box 60242, Tel: 03-320611, Fax: 03-320612, Cell: 095-804048, Email:
- Chuunga Frederick Sulwe, Advocate (Jan 1972), Barrister and Solicitor (1972), Silweya and Co., 2nd Floor Liso House, Mosi-o-Tunya Road, P.O. Box 61153. Tel: 320538, Fax: 323523, Cell: 097-878284. Also at Lusaka, PO Box 34426,
- Gitangali Tiku, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), E.K. Mutale & Co., Insurance House, 1st Floor, Suite F0-F2, Musi-O-Tunya Road, PO Box 60204. Tel: 097 786037 Fax: 322497
- Kapepe John Jnr, LL.B, Advocate (April 1998) Mak Partners, Plot No. 45 Airport Road, Mak House, PO Box 60762, Telefax: 322497, Cell: 097-782398, Cell:
- Munalisa Lawrence, LL.B, Advocate (May 1992) Office of the Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office, P.O. Box 60298, Tel: 323332, Fax: 323230, Cell: 097-436303.
- Mutale Elias Kananda, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (April 1979), Mak Partners, Plot No. 45 Airport Road, Mak House, PO Box 60762, Telefax: 322497, Cell: 097-806472, Email:
- Muzyamba Sol Chilikwazi Mudenda, LL.B, Advocate (April 1980), Muzyamba & Co., Musi-O-Tunya Blg, Mosi-o-Tunya Road, P.O. Box 60392 Tel/Fax: 324106 Also: Choma Book Room Building, PO Box 630150 Choma. Tel 097-777012
- Suba Inutu Etambuyu, AdvocateB, Advocate (April 1980), Kuta Chambers, Suite 507, 512-514, 5th Floor, New Wing Mosi-o-tunya House, Mosi-o-Tunya House, P.O. Box 61078. Tel/fax: 323924 Cell: 095-849020/097-797313, Email:
- Limbani Kelvin Hancubwili, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), Judiciary, Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 60110, Tel: 323308, Cell: 095/096-762686 E-mail:
- Zulu Anelo Willy, LL.B, Advocate (12/5/2000), Judiciary Department, PO Box 60110. Tel: 323308 Fax: 320629
- Adams Juvenal Hilton, (B.A. London), (August 1959), Advocate (July 1967 Lincolns Inn, London), Advocate (Z. July 1973), J.H. Adams & Co., 15th Street, Peart Building, O. Box 90774, Tel: 511074 Fax: 510785.
- Mwanakulanga Andrew, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.1982), Luanshya Municipal Council, 14th Street, Civic Centre, P.O. Box 90140. Tel: 511950/511650 Fax: 510650.
- Nsemiwe M. Titus, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1993), Nsemiwe and Company, Kafubu House, Zaone Avenue, P.O. Box 91061. Tel/Fax: 511363.
- Achiume Marcus Kampumbu, B (April 1973), FCK Chambers, 5th Floor, Design House No. 1377, Cairo Road, P.O Box 51258, Telefax: 220962, Cell: 096-798182, E-mail:
- Adams Aziz Husein Dawood, SC, LL.B (UNZA July 1974), Advocate (June 1977), Solicitor (England and Wales Aug 84), A.D. Adams & Co., 1st Floor, Farmers House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 33143. Tel: 228660, Fax: 228661 Specialisation: Banking, Commercial Law, Conveyancing, Civil Litigation, Constitutional Law, Company Law and Taxation.
- Akalutu Shepard, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1988), S. Akalutu and Associates, Nalikwanda House, Northmead, Sibweni Road, or Zambia National Commercial Bank, Cairo Road, ZANACO Headquarters, P.O. Box 33611, Tel: 238878 Fax: 223106, Cell: 097-794467.
- Banda Kingdom Chifumu, SC, LL.B (1975), Advocate (July 1976), Chifumu Banda & Associates, Plot No. 4608, Andrew Mwenya Road, Off Church Road, P.O. Box 31025. Tel: 250128, Telefax: 250137, Cell: 097-415411, Email: Specialisation: Litigation, Criminal, Corporate, Conveyancing, Divorce, Arbitration, Legal Drafting, Commercial Transaction, Immigration, Wills and Probate.
- Banda James, LL.B, Advocate (12 November 1999), A. M. Wood & Co, Advocates and Notaries, Longolongo Road, 3rd Floor, Godfrey House, P.O. Box 30028. Tel: 237957,Fax: 237963, Cell: 097-153113, E-mail:
- Banda Maggie, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), …. PO Box 35271, Tel: 254401, 254428, Cell: 097:826441, Email:
- Banda Liya, B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Judiciary, Independence Avenue, Chikwa Court, PO Box 50067, Tel: 253706, Cell: 096-745111, Email:
- Banda Michael Anessie Bobo, LL.B, Advocate (Jul y 1988), Patents and Companies Registration Office, Part of Stand 8471 Longacres, Haile Selassie Avenue, Mwayi House, P.O. Box 32020, Tel: 255425, 255151 Fax: 255426, Cell: 097-493826, 095/097-827738, Email:
- Banda Michael Chauba, LL.B (UNZA Dec 1984), Advocate (Dec. 1985), Banda Watae Advocates, Plot 1716, Jacaranda Road, MSB Complex, P.O. Box 51001, Tel/Fax: 254678, Cell: 096-721490, Email: Specialisation: Corporate Law
- Banda Nixon Mabvuto, B., Advocate (Z. Dec.1982), Anti-Corruption Commission, PO Box 50486, Tel: 234327, Fax: 237828, Cell: 097-748666, E-mail:
- Banda Overs Masozi Mufwakawiri, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1986), Chifumu Banda & Associates, Plot No. 4608, Andrew Mwenya Road, Off Church Road, PO Box 31025, Tel: 250128, Telefax: 250137, Cell: 095-834373/097-846127, E-mail:
- Banda Paul Pandala, (Col.)B (1991), Advocate (Dec 1993) Paul Pandala Banda & Co., House No. 17, Manda Hill Road, Olympia Park, P.O. Box RW 50437, Tel: 290189, Cell: 097-829124 E-mail:
- Besa Christopher Mutale, B, Advocate (2001), Zambia National Building Society, Century House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30420. Tel: 229194/97, Fax: Cell: 097-624743/2, Email: or
- Bowa Mwape Dancewell, B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), Anti Corruption Commission, Block 25, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 50486, Tel: 237914/237916/ 252722/ 253240, Cell: 097-804260, E-mail:
- Bwalya Anne Deborah, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Corpus Globe Advocates The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, P.O Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 095-757573, Cell:
- Bwalya Albert Mwape, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1986), O Box 33732, Cell: 096-638167,
- Bwalya Barnabas, B, Advocate (June 2001), Sharpe, Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Cell: 097-851361, E-mail:
- Bwalya Bobby Mack (Justice), B. Advocate (Dec. 1977) Betam Chambers, 6 Nyati Close, Rhodes Park, Off Addis Ababa Drive, PO Box 50742. Tel: 250312 Fax: 250293, Email: Consultant
- Bwalya Chewe Katongo, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) D.H. Kemp & Co., Plot No 8, Lungwe Bungu Road, Off Church Road, Cathedral of the Holy Cross Flats, P.O. Box 31000, Tel: 252381, Fax: 255081/255225, Cell: 097-353401, E-mail: or
- Bwalya Dereck, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (Dec 1988), Barclays Bank of Zambia Ltd, Kafue House, Cairo Road, PO Box 31396 Telefax: 237034/228858-66, Fax: 237034 Cell: 097-845824, Email:
- Bwalya Kelvin Fube, LL.B (Dec. 1985), Advocate (Nov. 1986), + & Partners, 1st Floor, E.W. Tarry Building, Cairo Road, Box 34444. Tel: 236449 Tel/Fax: 236450, Cell: 095/097-857864, Email: Specialisation: Investment, Commercial, Immigration, Criminal & Constitution Law.
- Bwalya Luo, B, Advocate (No. 1988) Bellow, 4th Floor Suite No. 3, Premium House, Independence Avenue, PO Box 37293, Cell: 097-785257, E-mail:
- Cave Paul Anthony Dodge, LL.B (Hon. Society, Middle Temple UK – Feb. 1965), Cavmont Merchant Bank Ltd, Mukuba Pension House, Mukuba Pension House, P.O. Box 38474, Tel: 224286/7 Fax: 224304/224316
- Chaane George, Barrister and Solicitor (June 1967), Advocate (1968), A.D. Adams & Co., 1st Floor, Farmers House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 33143, Tel: 228660 Fax: 226881. Specialisation: Litigation and Conveyancing
- Chaiwila Maurice Mwango, LL.B (UNZA 1990), Advocate (May 1992), Chaiwila & Chaiwila Advocates, 7th Floor, Kulima Tower Suites 1, 2 and 3, Katunjila Road, P.O. Box 34750. Tel: 222623, Cell: 097-795621/ 096-795621/431479, Specialisation: Property Consultant
- Chaiwila Towa Silweya, LL.B, Advocate (May 1993), Senior Legal Advisor (UNHCR), Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (MHA), Chipowa Road, Rhodespark. P.O. Box 50997, Tel: 255473/4, Fax: 255637, Cell: 097, 849869, Email: or
- Chalwe Margaret Kunda, LL.B, Advocate (1997), Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 16, Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 35564, Tel: 257071/72, Fax: 251542 Mobile: 095-763596, 097-871712 E-mail: and
- Chama Chola, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Plot No. 1311, Lubu Road, Bunngano Suits 1, 2, & 3, P.O. Box 36309, Cell: 095/992431/096-755697, Email:
- Chanda Charles, B (UNZA 1996), Advocate (15 November 1996), CC Chambers, 5th Floor, Cusa House, Western Wing, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 36600, Tel: 223765, Cell: 095 945879/097-786944, Email:
- Chanda Charles, B, Advocate (May 1990) Mahtani Group of Companies, 5th Floor, Professional Insurance House P.O. Box 34376, Tel: 224124, 223386, Fax: 224256, Tel: 227509 Fax: 222151, Cell: 097-261203/097-651952, E-mail:
- Chanda Henry Chilufya,B (UNZA July 1975), Advocate (Dec 1976), Henry Chanda & Co., Plot 25/26, Nkwazi House, Nkwazi/Chachacha Roads, PO Box 37804, Tel: 234601, 225315, Cell: 096-954122
- Chanda Nicholas Mumbi, LL.B (UNZA 1996), Advocate (Z. November 1996), Nicholas Chanda & Associates, 5th Floor, Western Wing, Woodgate House, Nairobi Place, Cairo Road, PO Box 32609, Tel: 221872, Fax: 229035, Cell: 096-758222, 097-761863, Email:
- Chanda Mwamba, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.2000), Judiciary, Plot 438, Independence Avenue, Supreme Court, PO Box 50067. Telephone: 251330 Ext. 110.
- Chanda Priscilla Chomba, LL.B, Advocate (Apr. 2001), Tanzania-Zambia Railways Authority, Tazara House, Dedan Kimathi Road, P.O. Box 31784, Tel/Fax: 220646 Cell: 096-650723, Email: Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Chashi Justin,B (UNZA October 1984), Advocate (Dec 1985), Mweemba Chashi & Partners, Plot No. 4311,House No. 9, Katopolo Road, Rhodespark, P.O. Box 30284, Tel:257220, Fax: 257219, (Dir): 257221 Cell: 097-771789/96-434534, P.O. Box 30284. E-mail:
- Chembe Yvonne, B, Advocate (Dec. 1990) Legal Resources Chambers, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, PO Box 335162 Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, E-mail:
- Chewe Annie Kangwa, LL.B, Advocate (May 1998) National Legal Clinic for Women, Musonda Ngosa Road, 110A/150, Villa Elizabetha, P/B E578, P.O. Box 30851. Tel: 220595, Fax: 234747, Cell: 097-686309, Email:
- Chibalabala John, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), D. H. Kemp & Co. Plot No 8, Lungwe Bungu Road, P.O Box 31000, Tel: 252381/255225, Cell: 095-754326, Email:
- Chibalange Musonda, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002) Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers, Plot No. 4, Beit Road, P.O. Box 50106, Lusaka, Tel: 251359/251381.
- Chibale Agnes Nonde, Advocate, LL.B, Advocate (July 1989), Zambia Law Development Commission, Opposite South African High Commission, Kabulonga, P.O. Box 34670, Tel: 261976, Fax: 260290, Cell: 097-941769, E-mail:
- Chibesakunda Chibesa, B, Advocate (Dec 1992), Public Service Pensions Fund Board, Memaco House, P.O. Box 50588. Tel: 232035 Fax: 232319
- Chibesakunda Mwelwa, B, Advocate (February 1991), Chibesakunda & Co. Abacus House, Plot No. 2338, Kabelenga Road, P.O. Box 30279, Tel: 236319, Fax: 236478, Cell: 096-740387, Email: Specialisation: Corporate and Commercial Law
- Chibesakunda Ng’ona Mwelwa, Advocate (Dec 1967), The Centre for Consultancy in Governance and Parliaments for Africa, Plot No. 687A Makeni, PO Box 30956, Tel: 273986. Fax: 272421.
- Chibiya Muyoya, B (1990), Advocate (Dec.1991) Pensions and Insurance Authority, Cnr. Nationalist/John Mbita Rds, Former NCDP Building, Private Bag 30x Ridgeway, Tel: 255506, 250394, 097-821162/405393, Email: or
- Chibangula Davies Gary, B, Advocate (Dec. 2001), GDC Chambers, 5th Floor, South Wing, Design House, P.O Box 51258, Telefax: 220962, Cell: 097-101649, E-mail:
- Chibula Terence, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), National Assembly, Parliament Building, P.O. Box 31299, Tel: 292425/7 Fax: 292252
- Chibundi Kafusha Philip, B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Mulenga Mundashi & Co., 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34972, Tel: 225882 Fax: 225886, Cell:097/095-803861, or
- Chibwe Ysakar Chikwa Stephen, LL.B, Advocate (1996), Ysakar Legal Practitioners, Suite No. 24, Kambendekela House, Dedan Kimathi Road, PO Box 33519, Telefax: 223767, Cell: 096-668287/095-906516/96-759771, E-mail:
- Chifuti Costain, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2000), Judiciary Dept, Plot 438, PO Box 50067, Tel: 251330
- Chikampa George Hangoonta, LL.B, Advocate (June 2001), (Address Unknown).
- Chikoli Arnold, B., Advocate (Sept. 2004) Mukata Zulu & Associates, 4 Alex Masala Close, Off Chaholi Road, Rhodespark, PO Box 36181, Tel: 255862/255867, Telefax: 250105/257203, Cell:096-650876 E-mail:
- Chikuni Priscilla, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1998), Group 3 Security Ltd, Plot No. 5131, Chandwe Musonda Road, PO Box 31753. Tel: 288880, Cell: 097-655280/095-827978/097-857978 Email:
- Chilembo Oliver Bangala, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1982), O. B. Chilembo & Co, 11th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 30584, Tel: 238504, Fax: 238545, Cell: 097-842519, E-mail:
- Chilembo Todd Stewart,B (1984), Advocate (December 1985), T.S. Chilembo Chambers, 3rd Floor, Tazara House, Dedan Kimathi Road, P.O. Box 37723, Tel: 235983, Fax: 222790, Cell: 097-846029, Specialisation: Conveyancing and debt collection.
- Chileshe Basil, B, Advocate (April 1984), Mittal Chambers, First Alliance House, PO Box 34204, Telefax: 231964, Cell: 095-833729, E-mail:
- Chileshe Gilbert Chewe (Brig. Gen), LL.B, Advocate (May 1989), Paul Pandala Banda & Co., House No. 17, Manda Hill Road, Olympia Park, P.O. Box RW 50437, Tel: 290189, P.O. 50437, Lusaka, Tel: 231237, Fax: 231278, Cell: 097-829200, Email:
- Chileshe Peter, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Zambia State Insurance Corporation Ltd., Premium House, Plot 7431, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 30894, Tel: 225263 Fax: 222263, Cell: E-mail:
- Chilumba Lydia Sameta – Advocate (1993), Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited, Nairobi Place, Cairo Road, Woodgate House, PO Box 31955, Tel: 229285/6, Telefax: 227161, Cell: 096-720450/095-889444, Email
- Chilundu Watson, LL.B (1996), Advocate (April 1997), ZESCO Limited, Plot No. 6949 Great East Raod, P.O. Box 33304, Tel: 228084/96, Fax: 222753, Cell: 097-748673, Email:
- Chimembe Joseph Mwila, Advocate (Dec. 1987), JMC & Associates, 2nd Floor, Cusa House, Stand 628, P.O. Box 34855, Tel/Fax: 238496, Cell: 095-834143. Email: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Immigration, Citizenships and Criminal Law.
- Chimuka Constantine Haangala, Solicitor (February 1975), Advocate (1975) Ellis and Company, Ellis and Co., Phillip Ellis House, 8 Tito Road, Off Church Road, P.O. Box 31902, Tel: 252709/738/809 Fax: 251982, E-mail: Also at P.O. Box 71536, Ndola and PO Box 21500, Kitwe Specialisation: Litigation and International Intellectual Property.
- Chimwala Poliana Milambo Hamalambo, LL.B (December 1988), ZESCO Limited, Plot No. 6949, Great East Raod, P.O. Box 33304, Tel: 225466/228084/96, Fax: 225466/222753, Cell: 097-790922
- Chintu Mulenga Hubert, LL.B, Advocate (May 1991), Chintu & Company, Plot 685, Lotti House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30446, Tel: 237576/237548/223448.
- Chinyanta Judith Mukaya Tembo, LL.B (April 1988), Advocate (December 1988), Communications Authority, Legal Department, Plot 3141, Cnr Lumumba and Buyantanshi Road, Heavy Industrial Area, P.O. Box 36871, Tel: 246702/241236, Fax: 246701, Email:
- Chinyanwa Conceptor, B, Advocate (Dec. 1995) Lusitu Chambers, Independence Avenue, Private Bag 91, Tel: 256962, Fax: 256963, Cell: 097-878709, E-mail:
- Chipanzhya Mambwe, LL.B, Advocate (March 1999), Zambia Competition Commission, Cairo Road, 4th Floor, Main Post Office Buildings, P.O. Box 34919. Tel: 222787, 222775, Fax: 222789, Cell: 096-658609, E-mail:
- Chipimo Elias Chileshe, LL.B (UNZA), BCL (Oxon), Advocate (November 1989), Corpus Globe Advocates, Stand No. 2386, The Globe Building, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81, Fax: 238657, 096-760820, Email: Specialisation: Corporate and Financial Services.
- Chipman Nelly, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (Dec 1998), Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Email: or s&
- Chisanga Kangwa Musole George, LLB, LLM, FCCS, AHCZ, Advocate (July 1993) K M G Chisanga Advocates, Namibia Secialisation: Business and Commercial, Corporate Advisory Services, International Joint Venture Agreements, Securities and Taxation. Plot No. 1646 Illovo Zambia Sugar, Plc Building, Malambo Road, P.O Box 34485, Tel: 242824, 245572, Cell: 095-769398/097-405339/096-822335, E-mail: or
- Chisenga Sidney, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Shamwana & Company, Plot No. 19, Paseli Road, PO Box 32369, Tel: 232335/6, Fax: 232338, Cell: 096-731737, E-mail:
- Chiyenge Eness Chishala, LL.B, Advocate, C. C. Mwansa & Associates, Kaoma House, Ground Floor, Plot 2393, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 39012, Tel: 222043, Fax: 235375, Cell: 096-652962, Email:
- Chishimba Fraser, LL.B (Dec. 1990), Advocate (Dec. 1991), Fraser Associates, 1st Floor, Fintex House, Plot 1378, Dar-es-Salaam Place, Sapele Road, P.O. Box 35641. Tel: 227563/229387, Fax: 236893 Cell: 097-790850/095-800850. E-mail: Specialisation: Civil Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Probate, Corporate Law, Taxation and Conveyancing.
- Chisulo Samson Lee, SC, B, Advocate (1977), Sam Chisulo & Co. Plot No. 4974, Lewis Construction Offices, 1st Floor, Rear Building, Kabelenga Road, Opposite Mambilima House, P.O Box 50124, Lusaka Tel: 232062, 232563, Fax: 253553, Cell: 097-821430, E-mail: or
- Chisunka Matthew Kasonde, Advocate (Dec. 1983), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Fax: 221764.
- Chikonde Priscilla Nkandu, LL.B, Advocate (2002), MNB Legal Practitioners, Stand 6131, 5th Floor Godfrey House, Longolongo Road, PO Box 34207, Tel: 236920/236134, Fax: 236134, Cell: 097-845720, Email:
- Chitambala Moses, B Advocate (Oct. 2005) Simeza Sangwa & Associates, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, PO Box 36824, Tel: 227574 Fax: 220568, Cell:
- Chiti Lannette Kambole, LL.B (Dec 1983), L.C & Company, TransTrust Place,Plot 1223, Katopola Road, Rhodespark, P.O. Box 37219, Tel:235334/5 Fax: 250972/227262,Cell: 096-751346, E-mail: lc&
- Chiti Stanley Bwalya Kasonde, Advocate (Dec. 1978), L.C & Company, Plot 1223, Katopola Road, Rhodespark, P.O. Box 37219, Tel: 256805, 235234/5, Fax: 250972/227262, Cell: 096-752000, E-mail:
- Chitupila Kateule, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Mulungushi Chambers, Stand No. 8, Permanent House, Cairo Road, PO Box 36639, Tel: 221980/221911, Fax: 235896/7, Cell:
- Chiwale McRobby Vincent, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1998), Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd, Great East Road, P.O. Box 33304, Tel: 231989/223528, Fax: 225466, Cell: 095-849506. Email:
- Chizu Honest Amon, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (1999), IC N’gonga & Co, Plot No. 1311 Bungano, Suites, Lubu Road, PO Box 36309, Tel: 250974, Fax: 257368, Cell: 095-450221.
- Chomba Frederick Mwela, SC, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1967), F. M. Chomba and Company, Farm No. 411a/D/3, Chilanga, Off Kafue Road, PO Box 350091, Cell: 096-458201, E-mail:
- Chongo Irene Musonda Lamba, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.1993), Lloyd Siame and Company, 2nd Floor, CUSA House, P.O. Box 37418, Tel: 237241 Fax: 237242, Also at Ndola, Laurel House, PO Box 72897
- Chongo Musonda, LL.B, Advocate, MSM Legal Practitioners, House No. 4 Lunzua Road, Off Addis Ababa Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 36856. Tel: 254372, Fax: 253846, Cell: 097-858035, Email
- Chongwe Rodger M.A., , S.C, RMA Chongwe and Company, Plot No. 1653 Panganani Road, P.O. Box 31190, Tel: 212593, Cell: 097-333382/097-765673. Email: Alternative Email: or
- Chonta Charles Chileshe, LL.B, Advocate (1995) Lewis Nathan Advocates, Plot No. 87 Provident Street P.O. Box 37268, Telefax: 223174, Fax: 229868, Cell: 097-805342, Email:
- Chuula Chikosola Patrick, LL.B Hons (1990), Advocate (1994), Chuula & Co. Legal Practitioners. Plot No. 1273, Lubuto Road, Rhodes Park, Post Net Box 142 (Manda Hill), Tel: 256030, Fax: 256031, Cell: 096-763326, Email: Specialisation: General
- Chulu Jacob Elliot Laen, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1979), Central Board of Health, Ndeke House, Plot No. 7405, PO Box 32588, Tel: 255911, 253588/253179, Cell: 096-758666, E-mail: or
- Chuulu Miyoba Matrine, LL.B (December 1993), Advocate (April 1982), National Legal Aid Clinic for Women, stand No. 1109/150, Musonda Ngosa Road, P/B E578 or Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA), Plot. No. 14022, Off Katimamulilo Road, Olympia Extension, Tel: 237842/290512, Cell: 097-774617.E-mail:
- Chungu Paulman, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1993), Ranchhod, Chuungu Advocates, Plot No. 11058, Zimbabwe House, Opposite Ndeke House, Haile Selassie Avenue, PO Box FW 235,Tel: 257544, Fax: 257543, Cell:097-776281, Email:
- Cornhill Gregory, LL.B (UNZA 1992), Advocate (December 1993), LL.M Harvard (1996), Wilson & Cornhill, 5th Floor, Premium House, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 38906, Tel: 232282/5, Tel/Fax: 231823, Cell: 095/097-778688/095-884852, Email:
- Dean Victoria, LL.B, Advocate (Dec 2001), Chibesakunda & Co. Abacus House, Plot No. 2338, Kabelenga Road, P.O. Box 30279, Tel: 236319, Fax: 236478, Cell: 097-770218, Email:
- Dindi Noah Kaponda, Dindi and Company, Plot 1B, Room 115, 1st Floor, Western Wing, Above Cairo Chemist, Chiparamba Road, P.O. Box 34872, Tel/Fax: 229875, Fax: 231446, Cell: 097-821069, E-mail:
- Dudhia Arshad Abdulla, LL.B (E. August 1991), Advocate (Dec. 1992), Musa Dudhia & Co., Comesa Centre, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 31198, Tel: 228426-30, Fax: 222603/227188, E-mail: Specialisation: Commercial Litigation, Conveyancing and Matrimonial.
- Dudhia Abdulla Ebrahim, Barrister (February, 1961), Advocate (November 1965), Notary Public (June, 1979 Musa Dudhia & Co., Comesa Centre, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 31198, Tel: 228426-30, Fax: 222603/227188, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing and Commercial Legal Work.
- Dudhia Musa Isap Mohamed, Solicitor (E. February 1959), Advocate (Jan. 1960), Notary (March, 1965), Musa Dudhia & Co., Comesa Centre, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 31198, Tel: 228426-30, Fax: 222603. Email: Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Dzekedzeke Sugzo McBride, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Investigator General’s Office, P.O. Box , Tel: 261976, Fax: 260290, Cell: 097-410266, E-mail:
- Eyaa Eyotia Linus, B, Advocate (April 2005), Anti Corruption Commission, Block 25, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 50486, Tel: 237914/237916/251339/253240, Cell: 097-496855, E-mail:
- Findlay Dessislava, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 16, Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 35564, Tel: 257071/72, Fax: 251542 E-mail:
- Gani Ebrahim Adam, Advocate (April, 1970), A.D. Adams & Co., Farmers House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 33143, Tel: 228660 Fax: 228661
- Goma Kawama Simumba, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), PO Box 31853, Tel: 220295/096 766158 Email:
- Gondwe Buta, LL.B (1984), Advocate (Dec. 1985), Buta Gondwe & Associates, Development Bank Building, Stand No. 29, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34491, Tel/ Fax: 222867, Cell: 095-959800/097-803668, Email: Specialisation:
- Gray Tiziana Marietta, B, Advocate (October 2005), Corpus Globe Advocates The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 096-766809, Email:
- Hachitapika Ruth Chimuka, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Finance Bank Zambia Limited, 3rd Floor, Chanik House, Sapele Road, PO Box 37102, Tel: 221614, Fax: 223359, Cell: 097-815753/096-458864, Email:
- Haimbe Dilys Nama Njolomba, LL.B (Z. 1985), Advocate (May, 1989), Lisulo & Company, Opp. UNZA Gate, Plot 5839 Nanshila Road, Kalundu. Tel: 294970 Cell: 097-794969
- Haimbe Mark Mwempwa, Advocate (Oct. 1994), Ysakar Legal Practitioners, Dedan Kimathi Road, Kambendekela House, P.O box 33519, Telefax: 223767, Cell: 097-764636, E-mail:
- Haimbe Mwangala Lubinda, LL.B, Advocate (April 1995), Lusaka City Council, Civic Centre, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 30077. Tel: 253114
- Hamakando Fred Maambo Hamuzwe, B (Z. 1976), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1978), Batoka Chambers, 5th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 39313. Tel: 234650 Fax: 229283, Cell: 097-545060, Email:
- Hamanyanga Hamala George, B (UNN 1965), Advocate (April 19, 1971) Hamanyanga & Co., 201 Provident Street, Fairview, Grosvenor Court, Plot 104A, Near National Milling, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 34417, Tel: 225642
- Hamanyanga Namwandi, B (UNZA 1991), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1992), Dip. WL (UNZA 1995), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Telefax: 222375, Cell: 096-772204 Email:
- Hamir Ali Mohamed. SCB (UNZA 1970), Advocate (April 1971), Ali M.Hamir & Co, Westavia House, Plot No.9214, Lupenga Road, Off Los Angeles Road, P.O Box 36475, Tel: 288578/9, 289294, Fax: 288009/289295. Email: or
- Hamir Osman Mohammed, LL.B (UNZA 1993), Advocate (Dec.1993), LL.M (Cambridge),Ali M.Hamir & Co., Plot No.9214, Off Lumumba Road, Westavia House, P.O Box 36475Tel: 288578/9, Fax: 288009. E-mail:
- Hang’andu Kelvin Nemba, B (UNZA, 1996), Advocate (Z.1996), Kelvin Hang’andu and Co., 6th Floor, Premium House, Rooms 601 & 602, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 36381, Tel: 228293, 238812 Cell: 095-818587, E-mail: Specialisation: Civil Litigation, Corporate, Litigation Law, Media, Libel.
- Hara Constantine, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 2001), Fraser Associates, 1st Floor, Fintex House, Sapele Road, Dar-es-salaam Place, PO Box 35641, Tel: 229387, Fax: 236893, Cell: 097-224167/096-434091 Email:
- Hatoongo Demetria Chimuka, LL.B, Advocate (2002), Simeza Sangwa & Associates, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, PO Box 38264, Tel: 227484, Cell: 096-739465, 097-712277, E-mail:
- Howard Andrew Guy, Advocate (Dec. 1995), Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Cell: 097-742121 Email:
- Imenda Mwiya M, LL.B, Advocate, Veritas Chambers, Rooms 46-48, St. 11052 Carousel Shopping Centre, Lumumba/Kafue Roads, P.O. Box 30653, Tel/Fax: 223922, Cell: 097-709146
- Inambao Nathaniel Nawa, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (December 1998), Freddie & Company, 3rd Floor, Western Wing, Godfrey House, Corner Kabelenga & Longolongo Roads, PO Box 50939, Tel: 237226/8, Telefax: 228005, Cell: 097-610044, E-mail:
- Jalasi Joseph, B, Advocate (November 1996), Revenue Appeals Tribunal, Plot No. 7940/7941, 1st Floor, Kambendekela House, Dedan Kimathi Road, Private Bag 565X, Tel: 228975/228775/232688, Fax: 232688, Cell: 097-849517, Email: or
- Jhala Eva Veiga, LL.B, Advocate (1979), Malambo & Company, Plot No. 18959, Off Katima Mulilo Road, Moomba House, Private Bag E342, Tel: 295194 Fax: 295200, Cell: 097-791159, Email:
- Kabimba Wynter Munacaambwa. LL.B (UNZA 1981), Advocate (1984), W.M Kabimba & Co., Godfrey House, 3rd Floor, Kabelenga/Longolongo Roads, P.O. Box 36571, Telefax: 238615, Cell: 096-760258/764666, E-mail: Specialisation: Corporate & Taxation Law, Civil.
- Kabonga Valentine A.L, B, Advocate (20 April 1979), Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education ( ), Plot No. 9& 11, Andrew Mwenya Road, P.O. Box 30090. Tel: 254557/254581, Fax: 254620, Cell: 095-801803, Email:
- Kabwe Hobday, B (1994), Advocate (1996), Hobday Kabwe & Company, Zimco House, 6th Floor, Suite 607 and 608, P.O Box 30234, Tel: 223467, Fax: 223458, Cell: 097-773876, Email:, Specialisation: Litigation, Corporate, Taxation, Conveyancing, Criminal and Commercial
- Kachaka Victor Chibvumbu, B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), V Kachaka & Co, Cairo Road, 13th Floor Design House, P.O. Box 38525, Tel: 284481, Cell: 097-697230/097-678981, E-mail: or
- Kachamba Fortune Samuel, B, Advocate (April 1986), Ministry of Lands, Independence Avenue, Mulungushi House, P.O. Box 30069. Tel: 252577, Cell: 097-753599, E-mail:
- Kafwabulula Alex Chola, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2002), MNB Legal Practitioners, 5th Floor, Godfrey House, Corner of Kabelenga and Longolongo Roads, PO Box 34207, Tel: 236920-1, Cell: 097-745763, E-mail:
- Kaite John Kakungu, LL.B, Advocate (December 1987) ZCCM Investments Holdings plc, Mukuba Pension House, Plot 5309, Dedan Kimathi Road, PO Box 30048, Tel: 232388/, Fax: 220449, Cell: 097-846123 E-mail:
- Kajokoto Reuben, B, Advocate (October 2005), Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Alick Nkhata Avenue, Mass Media Complex, P.O Box 50015, Tel: 253115/251443, Fax: 254013, Cell 097-782778, E-mail:
- Kalaluka Likando, B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Ellis & Company, Phillip Ellis House, No. 8 Tito Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 31902, Tel: 252709/252809, E-mail:
- Kalenga Twaambo, B, Advocate (January 2004), Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 096-753234, Email:
- Kalikiti Alex, LL.B (Sept.1993), Advocate (Sept 1994), Investrust Merchant Bank Limited, Freedom Way, O Box 32344, Tel: 238733, Fax: 237060, Cell: 096-762099, E-mail:
- Kalima Meebelo (Nov 1998), Kalima Chambers, Plot/Stand No. 7, Addis Ababa/Beit Road, Kalima House, Rhodes Park, P.O. Box RW 51209, Cell: 097-827566/096-822779.
- Kalinde Leonard Nkole, LL.B, Advocate (November 1996), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, PO Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Cell: 95-703604, E-mail:
- Kalokoni Gideon James, B (UNZA 1996), Advocate (Z.1996), Kalokoni & Co, 7th Floor, Anchor House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30451 Telefax: 227924, Cell: 097-708045, E-mail:
- Kamanga Priscilla Mwenya, LL.B (1987), Advocate (Feb.1990) P. M. Kamanga & Associates, Ground Floor, Kambendekela House, Suite No. 1, Dedan Kimathi Road, P.O. Box 31466, Tel: 231185/222964, Fax: 222963, Cell: 095-807120, Email: or, Specialisation: Conveyancing, Legal Drafting.
- Kamfwa Kasongo Obote, LL.B (UNZA 1992), Advocate (Dec.1993), Zambia State Insurance Corporation Ltd., Premium House, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 30894, Tel: 225816,225032, Fax: 224631, Telex: 42521, Or Wilson & Cornhill, Telefax:231823 Cell: 097-775660, E-mail: Specialisation: General.
- Kampata Theresa Mubutu Liswaniso, LL.B, Advocate (November 1996), Zambia Revenue Authority, Kabwe Roundabout, P.O. Box 35710. Tel: 229214-18, Ex. 2217, Fax: 222828, Cell: 097-846483, E-mail:
- Kampekete John Kasuba, B, Advocate (May 1983), K. K. J. Chambers, Plot No. 58 Cha Cha Cha Road, Leeds House, P.O Box 38252, Telefax:, Cell: 099-305594
- Kapekele Harriet Kapampa, B, Advocate (October 2005), Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 096-742780, Email:
- Kamuwanga Beatrice Mwangala, (Dr), LL.B (1976), LLM (1979), PHD (Dec. 88), Advocate (1989), Conflict Resolution (1989), M B K Chambers, Suit No. 5, 1311 Lubu Road, Buungano House, P.O Box 33713, Tel: 257367, Fax: 250334, Cell: 097-344987/ 097-821506, E-mail: Specialisation: International Trade, Investment Law, Women Law and Development, International Tax law.
- Kamwendo Isaac, Times Printpak (Z) Ltd, Legal Dept, Times House, Freedom Way, PO Box 30394, Tel: 229076.
- Kamwi Eric Mataba, Advocate (November 1999), Electoral Commission of Zambia, Haile Selassie Avenue, Ndeke Annex Building, PO Box 50274 Tel: 251612, 253155-7, Fax: 253884/250081, Cell: 096-450497, E-mail:
- Kanganja Joshua Lawson, Dr., LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 1972) Cabinet Office, PO Box 30208, Tel: 253476/254511, Fax: 251481, Cell: 096-750644
- Kanja George Mpundu, LL.B, Advocate (2001), (1995) Palan & George Advocates, 6th Floor, Premium House, Independence Avenue, PO Box 32091. Tel: 232304, Fax: 232305, Cell: 096-439236, Email:
- Kankasa Mwewa Kajoba, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), National Assembly, Parliament Buldings, Plot No. 5030, Parliament Road, PO Box 31299, Tel: 292252, 292425-36, Fax: 292252, Cell: 097-475333,, or
- Kaona Victor Malewa, LL.B (UNZA 1993), Advocate (Oct. 1994), Nakonde Chambers, Cha Cha Cha House, 1st Floor, Cha Cha Cha Road, P.O. Box 31226, Tel: 222427, Fax: 238076, Cell: 096-754812, E-mail:
- Kapasa Mukupa, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), Zambia Privatization Agency, Nasser Road, Privatization House, P.O. Box 30819, Tel: 223859, 220177, 222858, Fax: 225270, Cell: 097-809083, Email:
- Mwenya Kapasa, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) ZIGI Insurance, Dedan Kimathi Road, Mukuba Pension House, PO Box 37782, Tel: 226835, Fax: 231564, Cell: 097-804600, E-mail:
- Kapatamoyo Chama Maudy, Advocate (Dec.1995), CKM & Associates, Anchor House, Sapele Road, P.O. Box 310294 CH, Tel: 223946/Cell: 097-170490, 096/097-724031, Email: Specialisation: General
- Kapilikisha Francis Chowa, Advocate (April, 1996), F C K Chambers, Design House, Dar-es-saalam Place, Off Cairo Road, P.O Box 51258. Tel: 220962, Cell: 096-798182/096-736748, Email: or
- Kapinga Peter, LL.B (UNZA 1986), Advocate (July, 88), Zambezi River Authority, Kariba House, Stand 32, Cha Cha Cha Road, P.O Box 30233, Tel: 227970/3, Fax: 227498, 228401/2, Cell: 096-626685/096-762721, Telex: ZA 42421 ZRA. Email:
- Kapita Astridah Kangwa, LL.B, Advocate (November 1997), Mainza & Company, 4th Floor, Chester House, Cairo Road, PO Box 38143, Tel/Fax: 223126, Cell: 095/097-828334, Email:
- Kapumpa Mumba Smyth, LL.B, Advocate (October 1972), Mumba S. Kapummpa Advocates, 7th Floor, Kabelenga /Longolongo Roads, Godfrey House, PO Box 33066, Tel: 225825, Fax: 225826, Cell: 095/096-762035, 097-881642, E-mail:
- Kashewe Muleya, LL.B, Advocate (April 1981), Plot No. 14559/M, Off Chifwema Road, PO Box 30018, Cell: 097-960132
- Kasonde Andrew Mutale, LL.B, Advocate (Z. 26 Nov. 1963) Barrister Solicitor, Gray’s Inn, London, Kasonde & Co, 8th Floor, Anchor House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 35304, Specialisation: General
- Kasonde Anthony, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Email: s&
- Kasonde Linda Chishimba, LL.B, Advocate (November, 2001), Mulenga Mundashi & Co., 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34972, Tel: 225882 Fax: 225886, Cell: 097-882632, Email: or
- Kasonde Pixie Linda Mwila Yangailo, LL.B (1993), Advocate (1993), PH Yangailo & Co, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 35972, Tel: 238195, Fax: 238196, Cell: 097-772553, Email: Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Kasonso Allan Gozen, Advocate (April, 1996), Allan Gozen Kasonso & Company, Plot No. 8357, Sentor Motors Building, Room 2, Opposite Chandwe Musonda Road along Great North Road, P.O. Box 37356, Tel: 231447, 097-795392/784461, E-mail:
- Kasote Donald Kirk, Advocate (1990 May), George Kunda & Company, Plot 6798 Chiwalamabwe Road, Olympia Ext., P.O. Box 31283, Tel: 295551 Fax: 295549 Email:
- Katayi Chuungu Kabwe, B (Hons. 1992), Advocate (Dec.1993), KCK Consultants, Plot No.126G, Kabulonga, PO Box 50022 Tel: 260123/235014, Cell: 095/097-781740/ 096 759551, Email:
- Katebe Doris Katai, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1981), National Assembly, Parliament Building, Parliament Road, PO Box 31299 Tel: 292425/36, 290808 Fax: 292252, E-mail:
- Katolo Milner Joseph,B, Advocate (April 2005), Chambers, Tito Road, Lex House – Suite 4, PO Box 31160, Tel: 254748, Cell: 097-400914, Email: or
- Katongo Damson Chindeni, B (Hons.March 1967), Barrister & Solicitor (Aug.1968), Jaques & Partners, 4th Floor, Anchor House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 30275, Tel/Fax: 226173, Cell: 097-881227 Telex: ZA 42790, Fax: 226173 Email: Specialisation: Commercial & Business.
- Katunasa Chipili, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), Attorney General’s Chambers, Fairley Road, P.O. Box 50106, Tel: 251588, Fax: 253452, Cell: 097-503823/097-881924, E-mail: Email:
- Katupisha Paul Gladson, B, Advocate (October 2005), Malambo & Company, Plot No. 18959, Moomba House, Off Katima Mulilo Road, Private Bag E342, Tel: 295194, Fax: 295200, Cell: 097-772629, Email:
- Katuta Bruno C.K,B, Advocate (April 1981), Loboko Chambers, AW Dewar Building, 20th Century Cinema Lane, Katunjila Road, PO Box 35981, Tel: 236674, Cell: 097-761911.
- Kayukwa Godfrey Robert, B (1982) Advocate (Dec.1983), Sambo Kayukwa & Co, CUSA House, Stand 628, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 36855 Cell: 095/097-799141
- Kaulung’ombe Germano Mutale, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1986), Marshall Chambers/ Zambezi Sawmills (1968) Limited (in liquidation), Stand 2642, PO Box 51230, Muyuni House, Kawmwala, Tel: 220025, Cell: 095-786385/097-759846, E-mail:
- Kayuma Mary Natchihulu Chitebe, Advocate (Dec.1986), Stand No.25, Development Bank of Zambia, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O Box 33955, Tel: 24072. Fax: 222426 Also: C. Kayuma Associates, 5th Floor Anchor House, PO Box 33955, Tel: 231849. Also Ndola at P.O. Box 240098 Ndola.
- Kearns Andrew Thomas J, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1998), Messrs V Kachaka & Co, Cairo Road, 13th Floor Indeco House, P.O. Box 36181, Tel: 095 702389, email
- Kondolo Mubanga Mweniweingwe, LL.B, Advocate (1988), Zambia Electricity Supply Company Ltd, Head Office, Stand No. 6949, Great East Road, PO Box 33304, Tel: 223528, Fax: 225466, Cell: 097-678966, Email:
- Kongwa Francis Situmbwa, B, Advocate, Kongwa and Company, Plot No.260 Lumumba Road, Lusaka High School Building, PO Box 36710, Tel: 232848, Fax: 236066, Cell: 097-888235, Email: or
- Kunda Christina, Advocate (Nov.1989), Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No.2386, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 32115, Tel: 235480/1, Fax: 238657. Specialisation: Corporate Advisory Litigation, Acquisitions, Privatization. Email:
- Kunda George, SC, B (Z.1980), Advocate (Z.28 April 1982), Solicitor (Supreme Court of England and Wales, June 1990), George Kunda and Co, Plot 6798 Chiwalamabwe Road, Olympia Ext., P.O. Box 31283, Tel: 295551, Fax: 295549, Cell: 096-783402, E-mail: Specialisation: Civil and Criminal Litigation, Commercial Corporate, Land Litigation, Conveyancing, Business Transactions and Investment Law.
- Kunda Irene Mwezi,B (Z.1981), Advocate (Z. Dec. 23,1983), Solicitor of the Supreme Court (England and Wales, June 1990), George Kunda & Co, Plot 6798 Chiwalamabwe Road, Olympia Ext., P.O. Box 31283, Tel: 295551, Fax: 295549, Email:
- Kunkuta Musesha Chitundu Joseph, C., B, Advocate (December, 1978), Patents and Companies Registration Office, Plot No. 8471, Haile Selassie Road, Mwayi House, P.O. Box 32020. Tel: 255151/255025 Fax: 255426 Email:
- Kwenda Inonge, B, Advocate (2001), Mulenga Mundashi & Co., Development House, Katondo Road, P.O. Box 34972, Tel: 225886 Fax: 225886, Cell: 096-439328, Email: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Litigation, Debt Collection, Commercial Transactions, Trade Marks and Patents.
- Lipimile George Kapelwa, LL.B, CIPA, ATA, Advocate (Sept.1988), MSc. (Intellectual Property), Zambia Competition Commission, Cairo Road, Main Post Office, PO Box 34919. Tel: 222775, Fax: 222789, Cell: 097-790333, Email: Specialisation: Intellectual Property.
- Linyama Lubinda, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Eric Silwamba & Company, House No. 11 Matandani Close, Rhodes Park, Post Net Box 571 Private Bag E891, Telefax: 256530, Cell: 096-750703, E-mail:
- Lisimba Mutakela, B (1995), Advocate (Nov.1996), Lisimba & Company, Longolongo/Kabelenga Road, Godfrey House, 6th Floor, Suites 612-614, PO Box 35929, Tel: 223928/223918, Cell: 097-755710/097-787174, Email: , also in Mongu, 3rd Floor, Provident House, cables: LISCO
- Lisita Charles Akokwa, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004) Central Chambers, Plot 874, Lex House, Tito Road, PO Box 50468. Tel: 253796/253610, Cell: 095/097-747491, E-mail: or
- Lisulo Adrian Lisulo, LL.B, Advocate, Zamtel, Legal Department, 4th Floor, Indeco House, Cairo Road, PO Box 34882, Tel: 225645, Cell: 096-746721, E-mail:
- Liweleya Michael Munalula, LL.B (Dec.1984), Advocate (Z. Dec, 1986), Stock Broker (1994), Legal Counsel, Securities and Exchange Commission, 8th Floor, National Savings & Credit Bank Blg, Cairo Road North-End, P.O. Box 35165, Tel: 227012/225988, Fax: 225443, Cell: 097-877495 Email: Specialization: Securities Law.
- Locha Godfrey, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), Zambia Revenue Authority, Kabwe Roundabout, P.O. Box 35710. Telefax: 222828, Cell: 096-846214, E-mail:
- Lombe Catherine Mulenga, B, Advocate (April 2005) Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheetah Road, Kabulonga, PO Box 50106, 251359/251381, Cell: 097-489017, Email:
- Longwe Penjani Masiye, LL.B, Advocate, Boma Magistrate Court, Church Road, PO Box 31279, Tel: 228855
- Lukwanda Gilbert George Xavier, LL.B, Advocate (1981), CL Mundia and Company, 1st Floor, Bible House, Freedom Way, P.O. Box 35492, Tel: 220272/67/88, Fax: 220272, Cell: 095-817982, E-mail:
- Lukwasa Martin Muyayi, LL.B, Advocate (1998), Attorney Generals Chambers, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Fairley Lane, P.O. Box 50106, Tel: 250438, Cell: 097-766205, Email:
- Lungu Edgar Chagwa C., LL.B, (Z.1981), Advocate (May, 1983), Andrea Masiye & Co., Stand No. 874, Suite 2, Lex House, Tito Road, Addis Ababa Drive Roundabout, P.O Box 30757, Tel: 250941, Fax: 254842, 250941, Cell: 097-857632, Email: Specialisation: Board Secretarial Practice and procedures.
- Lungu Helen, B, Advocate (2001), National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Lusaka House, Cairo Road, Corner Lumumba/Ben Bella Roads, PO Box RW 51275, Tel: 222705, 224869/229489, Cell: 097-876665, E-mail:
- Lungu Stephen, LL.B, (May 1992), LL.M( ), Advocate (Dec. 1992), Shamwana & Co., Plot No. 19, Paseli Road, P.O. Box 32369, Tel: 232335/6, Fax: 232338, Cell: 097-860184, Email: or Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Lwatula Mwenya, SCE., DIP.S.W (Z.1967), Advocate (June 1975), Ellis and Company, P.O. Box 31902, Phillip Ellis House, No. 8 Tito Road, Tel: 252709/738/809, Fax: 250802. Also President Avenue, Berverly House, PO Box 71536, Ndola Also: Obote Avenue, PO Box 21300 Kitwe Email: or Embassy of China, 5 Dong si Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing, China Tel: 6532 1554/1526/1585(R)/1891 (F) Email:
- Mabula Tukiya Kankasa Dr, B (1980), LLM (Harvard 1982), Ph.D (London 1991), Stockbroker (1998), Advocate (15 Nov. 1996), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Telefax: 222375, Cell: 097-787251, E-mail: Specialisation: Commercial Law, Securities Law, Human Rights Law.
- Mabutwe Clement, LL.B (UNZA 1975), Advocate (June 1976), Mabutwe and Associates, Plot 158/B Mulombwa Close, Off Bwinjifumu Road, PO Box 37991, Tel: 225948, Cell: 095-887475, Email: Specialisation: Commercial and Banking Law.
- Machila Bradford, B (Hons), (1990) LL.M, University of London, Advocate (1991), Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 097-752403, Email: Specialisation: Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Company Secretarial, Conveyancing, Banking and Insolvency.
- Machila Natasha Chiumya, B, Advocate (November 1999), Plot No. 146, Chitemwiko Road, P.O Box 34608, Tel: 264630, Cell: 096-952661, Email:
- Maimbo Chibesa, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Chifumu Banda & Associates, Plot No. 4608, Andrew Mwenya Road, Off Church Road, PO Box 31025, Telefax: 250137, Cell: 095-833919, E-mail
- Mainza Remmy, B, Advocate (Oct.1994) Mainza & Company, 4th Floor, Chester House, Cairo Road, PO Box 38143, Tel/Fax: 223126, Cell: 097-997991/097-792737, E-mail:
- Majula Betty Mwaka, LL.B, Advocate (Jan. 1992), Zambia Wildlife Authority, Kafue Road, Great South Road, Chilanga, Private Bag 1, Tel: 278482, Cell: 097-849570, E-mail: or
- Makai Ndala, B Advocate (October 2005) Christopher Russell Cook & Co, 4th Floor, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 34091/30605, Tel: 229366 Fax: 225713/225158, Cell: 097-705900, Email: or
- Makala Kenny Hachuka,B (UNZA 1984), Advocate (Dec. 1985), Makala & Co., Plot 1130, Parirenyatwa Road, Fairview, P.O. Box 33431, Tel: 223895, Fax: 226312 Cell: 095-995515, Email: Specialisation: Banking, Conveyancing and Commercial Law.
- Makasa Robinson Mukula, BA (ED.1980), LL.B (Z. 1989), Advocate (Dec. 1992), M. Makasa & Company, 21st Floor, Findeco House, P.O. Box 310263. Tel: 237563, Fax: 282321 Cell: 097 822348, E-mail: Specialisation: Litigation, Criminal, Civil, Conveyancing, Divorce, Wills and Probate, Commercial Transactions, Industrial Relations Law.
- Malama Bwembya, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Chilupe & Company, 1st Floor, Superannuation House, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 33204 Tel: 227880, Cell:097-883713/ 096-784088, Email:
- Malama Thomas Katuma, LL.B, Advocate (April 1996), Communications Authority, Legal Department, Plot 3141, Cnr Lumumba and Buyantanshi Road, Heavy Industrial Area, P.O. Box 36871, Tel: 246702/241236, fax: 246701, Cell: 095-919714, Email:
- Malambo Vincent Blackskin, SC, B (UNZA Nov. 1983), Advocate (Dec. 1984), Advocate & Notary Public (Jan. 1995), Malambo & Company Advocates & Notaries, Plot No. 18959, Moomba House, Off Katima Mulilo Road, Private Bag E342, Tel: 295194, Fax: 295200, Cell: 097-790959, Email:
- Malata Flavia Mwenya, LL.B, Advocate (April 1995), Fraser Associates, 1st Floor, Fintex House, Dar-es-Salaam Place, Sapele Road, PO Box 35641, Tel: 229387/227563 Fax: 236893, Cell: 097-958777/097-806414, Email:
- Malila Mumba, LL.B (Z. 1987), LLM (Cantab. 1989), Advocate (1989), Mumba Malila & Partners, 9th Floor, Premium House, Plot 7431 Independence Avenue, P.O Box 34302. Tel: 234621, Fax: 234620, Cell: 095/097-772638. Email: or Specialisation: Corporate Law/Commercial Transactions.
- Malipenga Robson Katoka, LL.B, Advocate (March 1999), Malipenga & Company, 5th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, Room 503 – 4, PO Box 38454, Tel: 231465, Fax: 231467, Cell: 095-209040/099-543713.
- Mambwe Silas, LL.B (UNZA 1992), Advocate (Dec. 1993), Mambwe Siwila & Partners, 7th Floor, Godfrey House, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32421, Tel: 220859 Fax: 220860 Cell: 097-805491/097-430222/095-791083, E-mail: Specialisation:
- Manda Mandy Munsaka, LL.B, Advocate, (Dec.1993), Lloyd Siame and Company, 2nd Floor, CUSA House, P.O. Box 37418, Tel: 237241 Fax: 237242, Also at Ndola, Laurel House, PO Box 72897
- Mandhu Fatima, B, Advocate (Nov. 1990), Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS), Dedan Kimathi Road, Plot 5309, PO Box 35243. Tel: 232093-95, Fax: 222542, E-mail: or
- Mapara Rita, B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Ernst & Young, 1st Floor, Development House, Corner Katondo/Chachacha Roads, PO Box 32385, Tel/Fax: 236120/21 227022, Cell: 097-578746/097-810689, E-mail:
- Masiye Andrea Sylvester, Matriculation (1948), Army School of Education, Kenya, Army Instructors’ Middle East Command, Egypt; LL.B (UNZA 1975); Advocate (Z. 20th April 1979), Member IBA (1984). Andrea Masiye & Company, Stand No. 874, Suite 2, Lex House, Tito Road, Addis Ababa Drive Roundabout, P.O Box 30757, Tel/Fax: 254842,250941, Email: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Corporate, Civil, Criminal Law and Commercial Transactions.
- Mataa Nawa, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), Celtel Zambia Limited, Plot No. 514, Celtel House, Nyerere Road, PO Box 320001, Tel: 250707/250595 Fax: Cell: 097-770029, Email: Specialisation: Corporate Law
- Mataka Lynda, LL.B, Advocate (July. 1998), Bank of Zambia, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Telefax: 222375, or Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 16, Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 35564, Tel: 257071/72, Fax: 251542, Cell: 096-455843, Email:
- Mateele Namangolwa, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheetah Road, Kabulonga, 251359/251381, Cell: 097-494297, Email:
- Matibini Patrick, , LL.B (Dec. 1982), LL.M (Nov. 1989), Advocate (20th Dec. 1984), PatMat Legal Practitioners, Suite 3 of S/D 3, Off Musonda Ngosa Road, Villa Elizabetha, PO Box 30031, Tel: 231774, Fax: 231774, Cell: 097-896366/097-629954, 097-790737 Email:
- Mathotho Stanley Edward A., B, Advocate (May 1983), Electoral Commission of Zambia, Haile Selassie Avenue, Ndeke Annex, PO Box 50274, Tel: 251612, 253155-7, Fax: 253884/250081, 097-857466, E-mail:
- Matongo Dorothy Matembo, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Zesco Limited, Head Office, Plot 6949 Great East Road, PO Box 33304, Tel: 228084/9, 223528, Fax: 225466, Cell: 096-431805, E-mail:
- Mayowe Christopher, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1992), Matanki Freight Limited, Plot No. 8357, Sentor Motor Building Private Bag 259 X RW, Cell: 096-584576/095-752775
- Mbalashi Chilufya,B (UNZA 1981), Advocate (1982), LLM (Harvard Law School, USA 1988), ….. Leopards Hill Road P.O. Box 51216, Tel: 233708, Cell: 095-812253, Email: Specialisation: Banking and Finance.
- Mbambara Anock, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), Zambia State Insurance Corporation Ltd., Premium House, Plot 7431, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 30894, Tel: 225263 Fax: 222263, Telex: 42521, Cell: 096-432127, E-mail: or Specialisation: General.
- Mbewe Bonaventure Chikwakwa, LL.B (Nov. 1998), Advocate (May 1990), Barclays Bank Zambia PLC, Plot No. 1, Nairobi Place, Cairo Road, Kafue House, O. Box 30080, Tel: 226076, Fax: 226185, Cell: 097-886462/097-482292, Email: Specialisation: Insurance, Aviation, Corporate and Employment.
- Mbewe Cecilia Nsenduluka, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1996), National Assembly, Parliament Building, Parliament Road, Stand No. 5030, PO Box 31299. Tel: 292252, 290808/292425-36, Cell: 097-892856 E-mail: or
- Mbushi Bwanga Henry, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.23, 1981), HBM Advocate, ZIMCO House, P.O Box 37775, Telefax: 221502, Cell: 095-435836/097-442914, Email: or
- Mensah Frank Joe, B.A (1969), P.G.C.E (1972), LL.B (1986), Advocate (Dec. 1988), Frank Joe Mensah & Associates, Cha Cha Cha House, 1st Floor, Rooms 9-10, Chachacha Road, PO Box 36608, Tel: 223485, Fax: 223495, Cell: 097-313558/096-432933, Specialisation: Civil, Criminal and Conveyancing.
- Mhango Norman Huck Ganje, LL.B (Z. October 1977), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1978), Nyangulu and Co, Design House, 3rd Floor, Dar-es-salaam Place, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 32049, Tel/Fax: 221008, Cell: 097-751585.
- Mibenge Alice Mwenzi, LL.B (Univ. of Lon), Advocate (1998), MTN (Zambia) Limited, Longolongo Road, P.O Box 35464, Tel: 096-750750, Fax: 096-761234, Cell: 096-220022, Email:
- Mitchley Anthony Owen Richard, LL.B (Inner Tempe, London 1951), Advocate (July 1955), A.D. Adams & Co., Farmers House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 33143, Tel: 228660, Fax: 228661
- Mittal Rajesh Chandra, LL.B (Meerut University India), Advocate (1999), Mittal Cchambers, Alliance Building, PO Box 34204, Tel: 236339/236269, Fax: 231964, Cell: 096-766321, E-mail:
- Mkandawire F. Maria, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 92), Bank of Zambia, Bank Secretariat, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888
- Mkandawire Susan Mabaleka Mulikita, LL.B (1995), Advocate (Dec. 95), Communications Authority, Plot No. 3141 Buyantanshi Road, P.O. Box 36871, Tel: 246702, Fax: 246701, 097-805718, E-mail: or
- Mkokweza Charles L., LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (1998), Corpus Globe Advocates, PO Box 32115, The Globe Building, Longolongo Road, Tel: 235479/81, Fax: 222857, Cell: 097-773242, E-mail: Specialisation: Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Taxation, Employment Law and Competition Law.
- Mondoloka Mwape, LL.B (Z. November 1989), Advocate (Dec. 1990), Dip. Woman’s Law (August 1995), M. Monodoloka & Associates, Plot No. 90a/80 Central Street, Jesomondine, Private Bag E10 Box 234, Tel: 291758 (R), Cell: 096-752029 Email: Specialisation: Business and Corporate Law.
- Mosha Billingtone, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Chilupe and Co., 1st Floor Superannuation House, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 33204, Tel: 227879/81, Fax: 222768/69, 097-808024, Email: or
- Mosho Lewis, LL.B (UNZA 1994), Advocate (1995), Lewis Nathan Advocates, Plot No. 87 Provident Street P.O. Box 37268, Telefax: 229860/223174, Fax: 229868, Cell: 096-659687, Email: or Specialisation: Commercial Transactions including, money and capital market finance, competition, mergers and aquisitions
- Moyo Milimo, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, PO Box 30080, Tel: 228888,Fax: 225656, Cell: 841573, E-mail
- Mtamira Chesya Bwanausi, LL.B (Dec. 1985), Advocate (), National Legal Clinic for Women, 110A/150 Musonda Ngosa Road, Villa Ellizabetha, P/B E578. Tel/Fax: Tel: 253974/75, Fax: 254673
- Mubanga Duncan Kaela, LL.B, Advocate, AD Mwansa Mumba & Associates, Plot No. 1020, Cairo Road, North-end, Next to Total Filling Station, PO Box 32956, Tel: 231403, Cell: 096-750477
- Mubanga Willie Aubbie C., LL.B (Z.1975), Advocate (July 1977), Permanent Chambers, Provident House, Matuka Avenue, Plot No. 4976, Office No. 202, PO Box 23215, Telefax: 220602 and also in Lusaka, Sapele Road, Pensions House, P.O Box 35702, Tel: 225884/220372, Fax: 225049, Cell: 095-861659, Email: Specialisation: General.
- Mubashi Hugo Chomba, LL.B (July 1972), Advocate (Z. Jan. 1976), HC Mubashi & Company, Plot 5430 Kasangula Road, Kalundu, P.O. Box 34689, Tel: 290188, Cell: 095-802346. Specialisation: Corporate, Conveyancing.
- Mubonda Newton Kabanda, Advocate (Dec. 1986), D.H. Kemp & Co., Suez Road, Plot No. 6941, Off Church Road, Cathedral of the Holy Cross Flats, P.O. Box 31000, Tel: 252381, Fax: 255081/255225.
- Mudenda Clement M.(Col), LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), International Justice Mission, Plot No. 70, Independence Avenue, Private Bag 91, Woodlands,Tel: 256962, Fax: 256963, Cell: 097 783284, Email:
- Mudenda Fredrick Syamulandabala, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), Lewis Nathan Advocates, Plot No. 87, Provident Street, Makishi Road, Fairview, P.O. Box 37268, Tel: 223174, Fax: 229860, Cell: 095/096-430040 E-mail:
- Mudenda Nana Munsanda, B Advocate (May 1985) Zambia Revenue Authority, Revenue House, Kabwe Roundabout, Luanshya Road, P.O. Box 35710, Telefax: 226226, Fax: 097-312478, E-mail:
- Mufuzi Lass, LL.B (Z. 1983), Advocate (Z.Dec 1984), Chichi Enterprise, Plot No. 18231 Libala South, P.O. Box 31268, Cell: 096-748061
- Muhyila Austin Hinyungwe, LL.B (Z. 1987), Advocate (Z. 1988), A. H. M & Partners, Plot No. 176, Suite C, Parirenyatwa Road, Fairview (Opposite NICO Insurance Zambia Limited), P.O. Box 36222, Telefax: 223796, Cell: 095/096/097-793616, E-mail:
- Mujuda Samson LL.B Advocate (October 2005) Post Newspaper Limited, Bwinjimfumu Road, Private Bag E352, Tel: 231092, Fax: 229271, Cell: 097-778651, E-mail:
- Mukande Louis Mwikisa, Advocate (Dec. 1982), M L Mukande & Company, Plot No 1285, Lungwe Bungu Road, P.O. Box 30134. Tel: 257693 Fax: 257692, Cell: 097-824115, E-mail:
- Mukata Keith Akakelwa, LL.B, Advocate, Mukata Zulu & Associates, 4 Alex Masala Close, Off Chaholi Road, Rhodespark, PO Box 36181, Tel: 255862/255867, Telefax: 250105/257203, Cell: 096 766131/095-903679, E-mail:
- Mukuka Phillip, B, Advocate (July 2003), Lusaka City Council, Independence Avenue, Civic Centre, P.O. Box 30077. Tel: 253114, Fax: 252141, Cell: 097-459773, E-mail:
- Mukupa Andrew Mwenya, B, Advocate (Jan. 2004) Mulenga Mundashi & Co., 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34972, Tel: 225882/225886, Fax: 225856, Cell: 097-774747, Email:
- Mukupa Martha, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Makala and Company, Plot No. 1130, Parirenyatwa Road, P.O Box 33431, Tel: 223895, Fax: 226312, Cell: 097-824854, Email:
- Mulamfu Beatrice Mukumbwa, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 1977), Betam Chambers, 6 Nyati Close, Rhodes Park, Off Addis Ababa Drive, PO Box 50742. Tel: 250312 Fax: 250293, Cell: 096-751370/095-902663, Email: Specialisation: General
- Mukwasa Morgan, B, Advocate (April 2005) Attorney General’s Chambers, Ministry of Justice, Fairley Raod, Ridgeway, P.O Box 50106, Tel: 251588/252045-7 Fax: 253452, Cell: 097-459940
- Mulele Moses Morris, LL.B (Nov. 1986), Advocate (May 1993), National Assembly, Stand No. 5030, Parliament Road, Parliament Building, P.O. Box 31299, Tel: 290808/292425/36, Fax: 292252, Cell: 097-762000, E-mail:
- Mulembe Enoch, B, Advocate (Dec. 1993), Human Rights Commission, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 33812, Tel: 251327/57, Fax:251342, Cell: 095-992692/097-754316, E-mail:
- Mulenga Charles, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 95), Zambia Investment Centre, Plot No. 6457, Los Angeles Boulevard, P.O. Box 34580,, Tel: 255498, Fax: 252150, Cell: 096-762306, 097-750363, E-mail:
- Mulenga Geoffrey Chilufya, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Bank of Zambia, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Telefax: 222375, Cell: 097-863297, Email:
- Mulenga Iven, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) KBF & Partners, 1st Floor, E.W. Tarry Building, Cairo Road, Box 34444. Tel: 236449 Tel/Fax: 236450, Cell E-mail:
- Mulenga Killian Ives, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.1991), Kumasonde Chambers, 9th Floor Zimco House, Cairo Road, PO Box 51180, Telefax: 235823, Cell 095/096-887740/097-759214, E-mail:
- Mulenga Mutila, LL.B, Advocate (May 1983), Mundashi Mulenga & Co., 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34972, Telefax: 235847, cell: 095-888541, E-mail:
- Mulenga Paul, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), Legal Resources Chambers, Woodgate House, 2nd Floor Heroes Place, Cairo Road, PO Box 35162, Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, E-mail:
- Muleza Chad H., LL.B (1979), Advocate (Dec. 1981), Cert. In Inter. Trade & Investment Law (1986), Muleza & Co, Suite No. 1 Plot No. 3/110a, Musonda Ngosa Raod, Villa Elizabetha, P.O. Box 36182, Tel: 227407, 227376, Fax: 227393, Cell: 095/097-778154, E-mail:
- Mulikita Njunga Mulikita, LL.B Advocate (April 1995), Corpus Globe Advocates, Plot No. 2336, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81, Fax: 238657, Cell: 096-459362, Email:
- Mulonda Palan, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), Palan & George Advocates, 6th Floor, Premium House, Independence Avenue, PO Box 32091. Tel: 232304, Fax: 232305, Cell: 097-802566, Email:
- Mulonda Valerie Mutinta Mululuma, LL.B (Oct. 1993), Advocate (October 1994), National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Lusaka House, Cairo Road, Corner Lumumba/Ben Bella Roads, PO Box RW 51275, Tel: 221113, 222705, Fax: 224869, Cell: 097-582568 Email: or Specialisation: General
- Mulumba Mwansa Mutimushi, B, Advocate (2001), Zambia Breweries PLC, P.O Box 31293. Tel: 212196, Cell: 096-781525, Email:
- Mulwila Dorothy Agnes Kayeyi,B, Advocate (Dec. 1985), Ituna Partners, 7th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 32314, Tel: 222660/220647/222688, Fax: 229149, Cell: 095-764300/095-764300/097-772725, E-mail:
- Mulwila John Mubanga, (Dr.),B (1974), LL.M (1977), PH.D (1980), Advocate (April 1987), Ituna Partners, 7th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 32314, Tel: 222688, 222660, Cell: 095/097-781435, E-mail:
- Mumba Andrew Dean Mwansa, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 1994), AD Mwansa Mumba & Associates, Plot No. 1020, Cairo Road, North-end, Next to Total Filling Station, PO Box 32956, Tel: 231403, Fax: 235136, Cell: 096-744867, 095-818776
- Mumba Tafuna Manase, LL.B, Advocate (2002), Lusaka Water & Sewerage Co. Limited, Plot 871, Katemo Road, PO Box 50198, Tel: 250666, Cell: 097-623842, E-mail:
- Munakopa Lloyd Sikaulu, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Jitesh Naik Advocate, Sitwe Plaza, Cha Cha Cha Road, Plot No. 742, P.O. Box 31176, Tel: 227216-7, Fax: 226928, E-mail:
- Munansangu Milimo Moono, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (March 1999), Zambia National Commercial Bank, Cairo Road, ZANACO Headquarters, P.O. Box 33611, Tel: 221358/221380 Fax: 224054/223082, E-mail: Cell: 097-766795, Email:
- Mundashi Michael Musonda, LL.B (Z.Dec. 1984), Advocate (Dec. 1985), Mundashi Mulenga & Co., 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Street, P.O. Box 34972, Tel: 225882/225886, 235846, Fax: 235847, Cell: 095/097-775538, Email: Specialisation: Insurance related work, Commercial Practice, Taxation laws, Custom and Excise.
- Mundia Christopher Lubasi, C, LL.B (Z.Nov. 1979), Advocate (23 Nov. 1981), Dip. In Arb. (June 2000 AFSA), CL Mundia and Company, 1st Floor, Bible House, Freedom Way, P.O. Box 35492, Tel: 220272/67/88, Cell: 095-889420, Fax: 220272, E-mail: Specialisation: General, Arbitration and Mediation.
- Muneku Charles Nathaniel, LL.B (UNZA 1983), Advocate (Dec. 1984), Charles and Charles Associates, 3rd Floor, Development House, Katondo Road, P.O. Box 37619, Lusaka, Tel: 238801, Fax: 235789, Cell: 097-807232 Email: Specialisation: General
- Muneku Noriana Mseteka, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1998), Zambia National Building Society, 3rd Floor Century House, Cairo Road, PO Box 30420. Tel: 224188/229197 Fax: 225510, Email: or
- Mung’omba Willa Disraeli, BA, LL.B (1965), Barrister at Law (1968), Advocate (Nov. 1970), Mung’omba Associates, The Lawyers’ Inn, 42 Kudu Road, Kabulonga P.O. Box 35476, Tel: 260055/58 Telefax: 262110, Fax: 256317, Cell: 097-770606, Email: Specialisation: Commercial Law, Banking, Investment & General Commercial transactions, International Law.
- Munsanje Hodges Mark, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (Dec. 1991), Patrick Zulu & Partners, NAPSA Buildings, Jacaranda Road, PO Box 35449, Tel: 256817, Fax: 253475, Cell: 097-789499, Email: Specialisation
- Munyama Bruce Africa, Barrister (July 1963), Advocate (June 1967), Nkwazi Chambers, Plot 6392 Duduza Chisizda Crescent, Opp. Ndeke Hotel, Longacres, P.O. Box 36870, Tel: 254968, E-mail: Specialisation: Corporate and Tax Law.
- Munyinda Andrew Mututwa, LL.B (UNZA Dec. 1971), Advocate (July 1976), Munyinda and Company, 12th Floor, Findeco House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 50891, Tel: 222277. E-mail: Also at 5th Floor, Zambia National Provident Fund, Mongu. Specialisation: Commerce, Stock Exchange, Financial Agreements, Construction Contracts.
- Mupeso Bubile Grace Lungu, LL.B, Advocate (26 Nov. 96), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, Telefax: 222375.
- Musabandesu Keith Paul Kabwe., LL.B (UNZA June 1993), Advocate (Dec. 1993), Messrs M & M Advocates, 3rd Floor, Woodgate House, Private Bag 442X, Ridgeway. Tel: 225332/231810, Fax: 225630, Cell: 097-827729,Email: Specialisation: Corporate Law, Commercial and Business Law, Civil Litigation, Conveyancing, Legal Drafting & Banking, Email:
- Musaluke Martin, LL.B (Z. Aug. 1994), Advocate (Oct. 1994), MSM Legal Practitioners, House No. 4 Lunzua Road, Off Addis Ababa Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 36856. Tel: 254372, Fax: 253846, Cell: 096-766246, Email: or
- Musanya Alex Mukuka, LL.B (1975), Advocate (Dec. 1976), Zambezi Chambers, Ulendo Building, Mumbwa Road, P.O. Box 32749, Tel: 253904, Cell: 097-875203
- Musenga Bob Mwelwa, LL.B (UNZA 1996), Advocate (Z. Nov. 1996), Public Service Pensions Fund Board, Stand No. 7534, Sapele Road, PO Box 38411, Tel: 232035, Fax: 232319, Cell: 097-452817/095/096-450718, Email: or
- Mushemi Mooka, B. Advocate (May 2000), Nhari, Mushemi & Associates, 8th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 320313, Telefax: 221308, Fax: 266855, Cell: 095-889863 097-850168, Email:
- Mushipe Martha, LL.B (UNZA), Cert. H.R. (France/Switzerland), DWL (Zimbabwe), ASCZ, AHCZ, Advocate (Nov. 1988), Mushipe and Associates, 8th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, PO Box 33813, Tel: 231188, Fax: 236303, 262713.
- Mushota Mwansa Lillian Jabani, LL.B, Advocate (Z.May 1985), Mushota and Associates, Lotti House, 3rd Floor, Room 2, Cairo Road, P/B W411, Tel/Fax: 225014, Cell: 097 – 773687, Email:
- Musopelo Lukaki Belinda, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheetah Road, Kabulonga, 251359/251381, Cell: 097-441693, Email:
- Musonda Edward, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Lisulo & Company, Opp. UNZA Gate, Plot 5839 Nanshila Road, Kalundu. Tel: 294970 Cell: 97 794969
- Musonda Justin, LL.B (UNZA), Advocate (July 2000), AD Mwanda Mumba and Associates, PO Box 32956, Tel: 231403, Cell 097-439559, 097-806472, E-mail:
- Musonda Michael, LL.B (Z. Nov. 1986), Advocate (Nov. 1987), LL.M (London, 1989), M. PHILL (Oxon 1991), M. Musonda & Company, 35 Los Angeles Boulevard, Longacres, P.O. Box 36470, Tel: 251824,Fax: 251834,Cell: 096-751382, Email: specialisation: International Business, Commercial and Corporate Law.
- Musongo Kingsley, Dip. Edu (1979), LL.B (1990), Advocate (May 1992), KM Associates, Plot No. 131/7, 10th Floor, Anchor House, Cairo Road, PO Box 37059, Telefax: 231495, Cell: 096-780433, E-mail: Specialisation: Insurance Law.
- Musukwa Musenga Andrew, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Development Bank of Zambia, Stand No. 25, Katondo Street, Development House, PO Box 33955, Tel: 228576/227037, Fax: 222426, Cell: 097-800612, Email:
- Musune Stemon, LL.B, Advocate (20 Dec. 1984), RH Nketani & Co, Room No. 1, 3rd Floor, Lotti House, Cairo Road, PO Box 36806. Tel: 224015/228931, Cell: 097-485553
- Musyani Gertrude Mukata, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), Zambia Privatization Agency, Nasser Road, Privatization House, P.O. Box 30819, Tel: 223859, 220177, 222858, Fax: 225270, Cell: 095-762033/097-773245, Email: Specialiastion: Corporate, commercial, conveyancing and litigation
- Mutalama Edna, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Zambia National Building Society, Century House, PO Box 30420, Tel: 231541, Fax: 225510, Cell: 097-688657, E-mail:
- Mutale Benjamin,B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Freddie & Company, 3rd Floor, Western Wing, Godfrey House, Corner Kabelenga & Longolongo Roads, PO Box 50939, Tel: 237226/8, Telefax: 228005, Cell: 097-830212, E-mail:
- Mutale Bonaventure C., SC, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1976), Ellis and Company, Ellis and Co., Phillip Ellis House, 8 Tito Road, Off Church Road, P.O. Box 31902, Tel: 252709/738/809 Fax: 251982, E-mail: Also at P.O. Box 71536, Ndola and PO Box 21500, Kitwe Specialisation: Litigation and International Intellectual Property.
- Mutale Brenda, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Zambia State Insurance Corp. Limited, Premium House, Independence Avenue, PO Box 30894, Tel: 229343/57, Fax: 222263, Cell: 096-625870/096-732727, E-mail: or
- Mutale Felix, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004) Sharpe, Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Cell: 095-450138/097-752094, Email:
- Mutale Joseph Bwembya R., B, Advocate (October 1997), National Assembly, Parliament Building, Parliament Road, P.O. Box 31299, Tel: 294888, 290808/292425/7, Fax: 292252, Cell: 097-765593
- Mutasa Rumbidzai, B, Advocate (January 2004) National Legal Clinic for Women, Musonda Ngosa Road, 110A/150, Villa Elizabetha, P/B E578, P.O. Box 30851. Tel: 220595 Fax: 234747, Cell: 097-882910, Email:
- Mutemwa Mutemwa, LL.B (Z. 1984), Advocate (Z. 1985), Mutemwa Chambers, Plot No. 9633, Central Street, Off Great East Road, Chadleigh, P.O. Box 30993, Cairo Road, Tel: 291826/27, Fax: 291828, Cell: 097-318752/ 097-877979/095-888410, E-mail:
- Mutofwe Willa Mungule, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2002), Shepande and Company, 4th Floor, Design House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 36939, Telefax: 237566, Cell: 096-726735, Email:
- Mutti Nellie Butete Kashumba, LL.B (1979), Advocate (Dec.1980), Lukona Chambers, Lex House, Tito Road, P.O. Box 31160, Tel: 254748 Fax: 253166, Cell: 097-773521, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Litigation, Debt Collection, Commercial Transactions, Trade Marks and Patents.
- Mutuna Nigel Kalonde, LL.B (UNZA 1985), Advocate (Nov. 1985), NKM & Associates, Plot No. 3/110a, Musonda Ngosa Road, Diocese of Lusaka Building, P.O. Box 35822, Telefax: 229610, Cell: 096-783426, Email:
- Muuka Nawa Lishomwa, Advocate (Dec. 1988), Zambia Revenue Authority, Revenue House, Kabwe Roundabout, Luanshya Road, P.O. Box 35710, Tel: 222828 Fax: 222828, Cell: 097-790770/096-752009, Email: or
- Muvwende Aven, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1992), Zambia Daily Mail Limited, Longolongo Road P.O. Box 31421, Tel: 225881, Fax: 225881, Cell: 097-859682, Email:
- Muyawala Moses Patrick, LL.B (UNZA June 1993), Advocate (April 1996), Dzekedzeke & Co, Findeco House, 14th Floor, Cnr. Independence/Cairo Roads, P.O. Box 30685, Tel: 225582, Fax: 232584, Cell: 097-758159
- Muzyamba Muntanga Mpumaje , B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Ministry of Justice/Finance & National Planning, Fai rley Road, P.O Box 50062, Tel: 254583, Fax: 252142, Cell: 095-746985
- Muzumbwe Bernadette Miyoba, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002) Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers, Plot No. 4, Beit Road, P.O. Box 50106, Lusaka, Tel:251359/251381
- Mvunga Patrick Mphanza (Prof), S. C, LL.B (Z.1970), LL.M (Harvard 1971), Advocate (Sept. 1973), PH.D (London 1978), Mvunga Associates, 3rd Floor, Anchor House, Sapele Road, P.O Box 37988, Tel: 226881 Fax: 231636, Cell: 097-788893, Email:
- Mwamba Chituwa Leah Simuziya, B Advocate (October 2005) Mvunga Associates, 3rd Floor, Anchor House, Sapele Road, P.O Box 37988, Tel: 226881 Fax: 231636, Cell: 097-759902, E-mail:
- Mwamba Emmah, LL.B (1996), Advocate (1997), Public Service Pensions Fund Board, Stand No. 7534, Sapele Road, PO Box 38411, Tel: 232035, Fax: 232319, Cell: 095-762003/096-433036, Email:
- Mwanabo Lastone, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002) Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia Limited, Heroes Place, Cairo Road, Professional Insurance House, PO Box 34264, Tel: 228956/224124, Cell: 096-742845, Email:
- Mwanakatwe Paul Chipampe, Advocate (Dec. 1990), JMM Consultants, 6th Floor, Findeco House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30481, Tel: 222201 Fax: 220126, Cell: 096-754433
- Mwanakatwe John Mupanga, SC Barrister (England 1964), Advocate (Z.Jan. 1966), JMM Consultants, 6th Floor, Findeco House, P.O. Box 30481, Tel: 222201/264365 Fax: 220126, Cell: 097-771726, Specialisation: Legal Finance, Development Consultant.
- Mwananshiku Kampamba Pam, LL.B, Advocate (2000), Ministry of Legal Affairs, Attorney General’s Chambers, Fairley Road, PO Box RW 50106, Telephone 253686/252786
- Mwananshiku Sylvester Chibangu, LL.B, Advocate ((Apr. 1994), Messrs M & M Advocates, 3rd Floor, Woodgate House, Private Bag 442X, Ridgeway. Tel: 225332/231810, Fax: 225630, Cell: 097-773101, E-mail: Specialisation:
- Mwanawasa Maureen Kakubo, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), State House, P.O. Box 31283, Tel/Fax: 292880 Email:
- Mwanawasa Levy Patrick, SC, LL.B (1973), Advocate (June 1975), State Counsel (1992), State House, P.O. Box 31283, Tel/Fax: 292880 Email:
- Mwanda Florence, B. Advocate ( ) Zambia Telecommunications Ltd, Legal Department, Lamya House, PO Box 30099 Tel: 235613
- Mwandenga Mudford Zachariah, LL.B (October 1981), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1982), Zambia Privatisation Agency, Privatisation Building, Nasser Road, P.O. Box 30819, Tel: 232711, 221467 Fax: 221467 Fax: 225270, Cell: 096-750865, E-mail: or Specialisation: General
- Mwansa Abraham, LL.B, Advocate (April 1998) A M C Legal Practitioners, Stand No. 176, Parirenyantwa Road, Suit E, Rhodes Park, PO Box 32884, Telefax: 237394, Cell: 097-300400, Email:
- Mwansa Charity Chola Achiume, LL.B (Z.1981), Advocate (24 May 1988), Solicitor of England and Wales (1992), CC Mwansa & Associates, Kaoma House, Plot 2393, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 31901. Tel: 238602, Cell: 096-751166, E-mail:
- Mwansa Egipso, LL.B, Advocate (2000), Judiciary, Supreme Court Building, PO Box 50067, Tel: 251330
- Mwansa Emmanuel Bupe,B (Z.1981), Advocate (May 1983), EBM Chambers, Plot No. 6248, Former Sheriff’s Yard, Jacaranda Road, P.O. Box 32081, Tel/Fax: 252185 Cell: 097-845677, Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Mwansa Ernest Chitumwa, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1987), Mwansa Phiri & Partners, 163 Lumumba Road, P.O. Box 35868, Tel: 225656/225661/222229, Cell: 097-792279, E-mail:
- Mwansa Kasumpa, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Zesco Limited, Plot 6949 Great East Road, P.O. Box 33304, Tel: 231989/228084, Fax: 225466, 095-778686 Email:
- Mwape Darlington, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1993), State House, President Lane, PO Box 30135, Tel: 260317.
- Mwanza Iris Chiseche, B, Advocate (Dec. 1993) Centre for Infectious Research in Zambia Limited, Plot No. Benkale Road, PO Box 34681, Telefax: 293783, Cell: 096-800755, E-mail:
- Mweemba Charlotte, B Advocate (Sept. 2004) Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 16, Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 35564, Tel: 257071/72 Tel/Fax: 251542, Email:
- Mweemba Keith Hastings Mapenzi, B, Advocate (April 2005) Drug Enforcement Commission, Plot No. 5000, Government Road, Central Statistical Office Building, P.O Box 475X RW, Telefax: 253031, Cell: 097-876311
- Mweemba William Smith, LL.B (Z. Nov. 1980), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1981), Mweemba Chashi & Partners, Plot No. 4311,House No. 9, Katopolo Road, Rhodespark, P.O. Box 30284, Tel: 257220, Fax: 257219, (Dir.): 257221, Cell: 095-753913/ 097-882296, Email: Specialisation:
- Mweemba Wilson, LL.B, Advocate (8/4/98) Mweemba & Company, Plot No. 193, Eureka House, Freedom Way, PO Box 35556, Telefax: 221443, Cell: 096-439179, Email:
- Mwelwa Moses, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Directorate of Legal Aid, Ministry of Justice, P.O. Box 32726, Tel: 228971/4, Cell: 096-920099/097-569500, Email:
- Mwenda Leonard Jameson (Rt. Rev.), LL.B, Advocate (May 1985), Leonard Mwenda and Company, 29 Circular Drive, Woodlands, PO Box 36407, Tel: 264260, 264516, Cell: 097-848145, E-mail:
- Mwenda Marjorie Grace, A (1975), LL.B (1978), Advocate (1980), LL.M (1989), MG Johnson-Mwenda & Co, 1st Floor, CUSA House, Cairo Road, Plot 628, P.O. Box 33645, Tel: 260-1-223261, Fax: 260-1-224692 Cell: 096-755579, Email: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Industrial Property, Commercial and Business Law and Arbitration.
- Mwenda Winnie Sithole, LL.B (1980), Advocate (Dec. 1981), LL.M (1990), Sithole-Mwenda & Company, 9th Floor, Premium House, Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 37339, Tel: 231890,238449, Dir (236453) Dir: 231890 Fax: 238449, Email: Specialisation: Corporate Law, Conveyancing and Commercial Law.
- Mwenya Chibeka, LL.B, Advocate (May 1989), Mwack Associates, Plot No. 7940 & 7941, Dedan Kimathi Road, Kambendekela House, P.O. Box 33872, Telefax: 227951 Fax: 226826, Cell: 097-776113, Email:
- Mwenya Kaela-Bwalya, LL.B, Advocate (Sept.2002) Ministry of Justice, Cell: 097-826008, E-mail:
- Mwenye Musa Juma, LL.B, Advocate (Nov.1999), Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitioners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, 096/097-800198/097-770198,E-mail: or Specialisation: General.
- Mwewa Gideon Katebe, LL.B (UNZA 1992), Advocate (Dec. 1993), Gideon & Partners, 7th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, PO Box 33690, Cell: 096 – 766413 Specialisation:
- Mwiche Kafula, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Energy Regulatory Board, Nasser Road, Premium House, PO Box 37631 Tel: 236002, Fax: 236003/33, Cell: 095-790552, E-mail:
- Mwiimbu Jacob Jack, LL.B (1984), Advocate (Dec. 1986), Mwiimbu & Co, Premium House, 3rd Floor, Independence Avenue, P. Box 31645 Tel: 223967/66 Cell: 097-801281/096-769625
- Mwikisa Paul Wasamuwu, LL.B, Advocate (7th 1979), P.W. Mwikisa & Co, 3rd Floor, Tazara House, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 51065, Telefax: 222790, Cell: 097-449516, E-mail:
- Mwitwa Anna Bernice Chola, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Ministry of Lands, Independence Avenue, Mulungushi House, P.O. Box 30069. Tel: 250610/252577/252288/252323/252320, Cell: 097-862824, E-mail:
- Mwitwa Eddie Kalela, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Sharpe, Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Cell: 097-784530, Email:
- Mwondela Kaumbu, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Makala & Co., Plot 1130, Parirenyatwa Road, Fairview, P.O. Box 33431, Tel: 223895, Fax: 226312 Cell: 097-779615, Email:
- Nachalwe Nkusuwila, B, Advocate (Jan. 2004), Shamwana & Co., Plot No. 19, Paseli Road, P.O. Box 32369, Tel: 232335/6, 2535756, Fax: 232338, Cell: 097-887235, Email: or
- Naik Jitesh, LL.B (1983), Advocate (Dec. 1984), Jitesh Naik Advocate, Sitwe Plaza, Cha Cha Cha Road, Plot No. 742, P.O Box 31176, Tel: 227216-7, Fax: 226928 Email: Specialisation: Banking and commercial law, conveyancing, litigation, debt collection
- Nair Celine Meena, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Lusaka Stock Exchange, Farmers House, 3rd Floor, Central Park, Cairo Road, PO Box 34523. Tel: 228391, Fax: 225969, Cell: 095/097-788466, E-mail: or
- Namachila Bernard S. C. B, Advocate, Office of the Vice President, Iindependence Avenue, PO Box 50773, Tel: 251081, Fax: 250009, Cell 097-787415
- Nambeye Nancy, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Zamtel, Legal Department, 4th Floor, Indeco House, Cairo Road, PO Box 34882, Tel: 225645
- Natala Mutinta, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), Mvunga Associates, 3rd Floor, Anchor House, Sapele Road, Box 37988, Tel: 226881, Fax: 231636, Cell: 097-809928, Email:
- Nchito Mutembo, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1992), Legal Practitioners, 3rd and 4th Floors, Godfrey House, Stand No. 6131, Longolongo Road, PO Box 34207/50349, Tel: 236920/236134, Fax: 236134, Cell: 097-770747, E-mail:
- Nchito Nchima Manley, LL.B (Z.Nov. 1986), Advocate (Dec. 1987), MNB Legal Practitioners, 3rd and 4th Floors, Godfrey House, Stand No. 6131, Longolongo Road, PO Box 50349, Tel: 236920/236134, Fax: 236134, Cell: 097-770737, E-mail:
- Nchito Sashi, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), MNB Legal Practitioners, 3rd and 4th Floors, Godfrey House, Stand No. 6131, Longolongo Road, PO Box 34207, Tel: 236920/236134, Fax: 236134, Cell: 096-762868, E-mail:
- Ndandula Charles S., LL.B, Advocate (23 Dec. 1990), New Apostolic Church, Plot No. 8145/8146, Kasiba Street, New Apostolic Church Offices, PO Box 31761, Tel: 252139/252785/250325, Fax: 252145, Cell: 095-880810/097-778263, E-mail:
- Ndemanga Sandra, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Legal Resources Chambers, Cairo Road, Woodgate Hosue, PO Box 35162, Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, Cell: 637757, Email:
- Ndhlovu Hope Mukatimui, LL.B, Advocate (May 2000), Human Rights Commission, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 33812, Tel: 251327/57, Fax:251342, Cell: 097-874648, Email:
- Ndhlovu Humphrey Hlazo, (H.C), Advocate (June 1975), HH Ndhlovu & Co., Woodgate House, 3rd Floor, Room 307, Cairo Road, PO Box 35789, Tel: 220541, Cell: 096-766225, E-mail:
- Ndhlovu Masauso Nelson, BA (1972), LL.B (1983), Advocate (May 1985), Chifumu Banda & Associates, P.O. Box 31025. Tel: 250128, Telefax: 250137, Cell: 096-768092 E-mail:
- Ndhlovu Matiya, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 27, 1997), Central Chambers, Plot 874 Tito Road, Lex House, PO Box 50468, Tel: 253796, 254610, Fax: 254815, Cell: 097-775913, Email:
- Ndhlovu Telephone Kay, LL.B (1992), Advocate (1993), National Airports Corporation Ltd, St/Plot No. 947/M, Airport Road, Lusaka International Airport, PO Box 30175, Tel/Fax: 271308/271044, Cell: 096-455152, Email: Specialisation: Aviation, Email:
- Ndovi Suzyo Namoonga, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004) Legal Resources Chambers, Cairo Road, Woodgate Hosue, PO Box 35162, Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, Cell:: 097-434611, Email:
- Neves Drastress Maria Sanana, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1986), Food Reserve Agency, Plot. No. 7419, Manda Road, Industrial Area, P.O. Box 34054, Tel: 287726/286097/286106/286113, Fax: 286605, Cell: 097-771807, Email: Specialisation: General
- Ng’ambi Daisy Nkhata, LL.B (1975), LL.M (University of London, 1978), Advocate (April 1983), Nyankhata Chambers, Kaoma House, Ground Floor, Plot 2393, Longolongo Road, P.O. Box 31901, Tel: 238601 Fax: 235375, Cell: 096-748565, E-mail:
- Ng’ambi Nyuma Kampampa, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Legal Resources Chambers, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, PO Box 335162 Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, E-mail:
- Ng’anjo Nathan, LL.B (UNZA 1994), Advocate (1995), National Housing Authority, Plot No. 4668, Chilufya Mulenga Road, O. Box 50074, Telefax: 253395, Cell: 096-763227, Fax: 253396, E-mail: Specialisation: General.
- Ng’onga Isaiah Chifumbe, Advocate (Dec. 1984), IC N’gonga & Co, Plot No. 1311 Bungano Suites, Lubu Road, PO Box 36309, Tel: 250974, Fax: 257368, Cell: 095-748992/096-788993.
- Ng’onomo Beatrice Feleni Makomo, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 1972), Ng’onomo & Associates, Nkwazi House, Plot No. 25/26, Kwazi/Cha Cha Cha Road, P.O. Box 34299, Tel: 225642, Cell: 097-825799/096-825799
- Ngenda Akalemwa, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), Makala & Co, 5th Floor, Woodgate House, PO Box 33431, Tel: 223895/237461 Fax: 226312 email:
- Ngenda Benjamin Lubinda, LL.B (Z.1977), LL.M (Temple Univ. Philadelphia 1992), Advocate (1978), Notary Public (March 1985), Solicitor (England and Wales, March 1990), Attorney (New York Oct. 1977), Ben Ngenda Advocates, Westavia House, Stand No. 16875 Nangwenya Road, Le Ciel Plaza, PO Box 34844,Tel: 255259/ 253628, Fax: 255116, Cell: 097-771854, Email: Specialisation: Corporate Finance and International Transactions.
- Ngenda Sipalo, Advocate (Dec. 1980), Ngenda Chambers, Lumumba Street, Suit 35 – 1st Floor, Carousel Complex, South-end, P.O. Box 36852. Tel: 223807/ 097-845926/261912
- Ngoma Agnes Mkalimo, Advocate (April 1982), AN Chambers, Makishi Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 30851, Tel: 231767 Fax: 224588, Cell: 097-784664/097-778196, Email:
- Ngulube Anderson, LL.B (1996), Advocate (April 1997), Lusaka City Council, Independence Avenue, Civic Centre, P.O. Box 30077. Tel: 253114, Fax: 252141, Cell: 096-726184, Email:
- Ngulube Richard, B, Advocate (2001), Tembo Ngulube & Associates, Former ZNCB Building, P.O. Box 37060, Tel: 212139, Fax: 220250, Cell: 097-820617, Specialisation: Conveyancing, Civil Litigation, Patents & Trade Marks.
- Ngwira William,B, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Messrs SBN Legal Practitioners, Los Angeles Boulevard, Plot No. 4833, Longacres PO Box 50843, Tel: 251784, Telefax: 255742, Cell: 096 435033, Cell: 097-772145 Email:
- Nhari Charles, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2001), Nhari, Mushemi & Associates, 8th Floor, Zimco House, Cairo Road, P.O Box 320313, Telefax: 221308, Cell: 095-889863 097-850168, Fax: 266855, Cell: 097-852307, E-mail:
- Nhekairo Annette Chirumba, Advocate (April 1981), Zambia Law Development Commission, Opposite South African High Commission, Kabulonga, P.O. Box 34670, Tel: 261976, Fax: 260290, Cell: 095/097-746996, Email:
- Nketani Reuben Hisambi, BA (UNZA 1971), LL.B (UNZA 1981), Advocate (April 1982), RH Nketani & Co, Room No. 1, 3rd Floor, Lotti House, Cairo Road, PO Box 36806. Tel: 224015/228931, Cell: 097-335078/096-726223
- Nkhata Masauso, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Lusaka City Council, Independence Avenue, Civic Centre, PO Box 30077, Tel: 253114/250877/252141, Cell: 097-461662
- Nkonde Sunday Bwalya, C, S.G, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1989), Messrs SBN Legal Practitioners, Los Angeles Boulevard, Plot 4833, Longacres, PO Box 50843, Tel: 255742/251784, Cell: 096-435033, Cell: 097-772145 Email: or Ministry of Justice, P. O Box 50106, Tel: 250438
- Nkunika Andrew, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Directorate of Legal Aid, Cairo Road, Findeco House, Tel: 228571-4, Cell: 097-769760, Email:
- Nonde Isaac Chisanga, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Lewis Nathan Advocates, Plot No.87 Provident Street P.O. Box 37268, Telefax: 223174, Fax: 229868, P.O. Box 37268, Telefax: 229868, Cell: 097-899337, E-mail:
- Noyoo Noyoo, LL.B (Z.Dec. 1990), Advocate (Z.May 1992), Patrick Zulu & Partners, 5th Floor, Suite 509, Society House, PO Box 35516, Tel: 220938, Cell: 097-775378 Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Nsemukila Katuta Kosta, Advocate (May 1991), Katuta Nsemukila & Company, 4th Floor, CUSA House, PO Box 36734, Telefax: 235134, Cell: 097-674948, E-mail:
- Nyalugwe Kamwenje, LL.B, Advocate (1994), Environmental Council of Zambia, Corner of Church and Suez Roads, PO Box 35131, Tel: 254023.
- Nyambe Prisca, S.C, B, Advocate (March 1978), Matimba Chambers, P.O Box 35134, Telefax: 291129, Cell: 097-824463/255-748-400-555, Email:
- Okware Nicholas, Advocate (Nov. 1996), Okware and Associates, 4th Floor Zimco House Cairo Road, PO Box 39569, Tel: 236677, 229034 Cell: 097-772455, Email:
- Patel Gulam Farid, LL.B (Jan. 1960), Advocate (May 1974), Musa Dudhia & Co, Comesa Centre, Ben Bella Road, PO Box 31198, Tel: 228426-30, Fax: 222603/227188, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Commercial Legal Work, General Practitioner.
- Patel Kanti Kanjibhai, LL.B (Z. 1972), Advocate (Z.April 1973), Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales (1989), Christopher Russell Cook & Co., Woodgate House, Cairo Road, PO Box 34091, Tel: 229366-70, Fax: 225713//225158.Cell: 097-806615, E-mail: Specialisation: Banking and Finance, Commercial, Conveyancing, Company, Trade Marks & Patents.
- Patel Suliman, Barrister at Law (Lincolns Inn, London), Advocate (Z. August 1964), Solly Patel Hamir & Lawrence, 4th Floor Woodgate House, PO Box 30605, Specialisation: Conveyancing and Commercial Law. Tel: 229366-70 Fax: 225158/225713, Cell: 097-780003, E-mail:
- Patel Younus Asmal, LL.B (Z. 1979), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1981), Asmal & Co, Stand No. 6980, Katanga Road, Chinika Industrial Area, Former Lenco or at IDC Building Freedomway, South-end, P.O. Box 35225, Tel: 244025, Fax: 236238,236538, Cell: 095-746723, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Consultation of all multi legal aspects of human life.
- Penza Chibulu Jane, LL.B (Z.1982), Advocate (Z.April 1984), BA (Z.1977), RDS Investments Ltd, Plot No. 4171 Nangwenya Road, Cnr. Kabelenga/Longolongo Roads, P.O. Box 35703, Tel: 223877/222498 Fax: 223876.
- Phiri Chivwara Kopeka, LL.B (1977), Advocate (Dec. 1978), Mulungushi Chambers, 1st Floor, Permanent House, Stand No. 8, Cairo Road, PO Box 36639, Tel: 221980 Fax: 235987/235896/7
- Phiri Elita Mwikisa, LL.B, Advocate (Z. Dec. 1988), Zambia National Tender Board, Kulima Tower, Katunjila Road, P.O. Box 31009. Tel: 222855, Fax: 220577, Cell: 097-310100, Email: elita@tenderboard.govt
- Phiri-Sunkutu Emelia, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 1994), Environmental Council of Zambia, Corner Suez/Church Road, PO Box 35131, Tel: 254023/59, Fax: 254164, Cell: 097-775606, Email:
- Phiri Jack, LL.B (June 1993), Advocate (Oct. 1994), Mwack Associates, Plot No. 7940 & 7941, Dedan Kimathi Road, Kambendekela House, P.O. Box 33872, Telefax: 227951 Fax: 226826, Cell: 096-455612, Email:
- Phiri Moses, LL.B (Z.1985), Advocate (Z.1986), Mwansa Phiri & Partners, Plot 163, Lumumba Road, P.O. Box 35868. Tel: 225661, Fax: 222229, Cell: 095-756231, Email:
- Phiri Moses (Col.) LL.B, Advocate (2001), Zambia Air Force, Old City Air Port, PO Box 31291, Tel: 250977, Fax: 250916, Cell: 097-788780, Email:
- Phiri Ngaitila Zifela, LL.B (UNZA 1992), Advocate (Dec. 1998), USAID/Zambia, Plot No. 351, Independence Avenue, PO Box 32481, Tel: 254303/6, Ext. 142, fax: 254532, Cell: 096-763603, Email:
- Phiri Rhoda, B, Advocate (2001), National Legal Clinic for Women, Musonda Ngosa Road, 110A/150, Villa Elizabetha, P/B E578, P.O. Box 30851. Tel: 220595, Fax: 234747, Cell: 097-801662, Email:
- Pikiti Matthew Joseph Mweshi, BA (1978), LL.B (1982 UNZA), Advocate (April, 1984), Pikiti & Co., Pendela Road, Ndelefina Business Centre, Garden Park, PO Box 36206, Tel/fax: 228381, Cell: 095-881070, Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Punabantu Chanda Joan Lubasi,B, Advocate (April 1997), Bank of Zambia, Bank Square, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30080, Tel: 228888, 225656, Fax: 222375, E-mail:
- Punza Leonard Simbwalanga, LL.B, Advocate (March 1999), Zambia Police, Police Headquarters, P.O. Box 50103, Tel: 254731 Cell: 097-442834/096 766252 Email:
- Quadri Farhana Hamir, LL.B, Advocate (May 2002), Christopher Russell Cook & Co, 4th Floor, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 34091, Tel: 229366 Fax: 225713/225158, Cell: 097-753940, Email:
- Ranchhod Dimple Sikand, B, Advocate (1996), Ranchhod, Chuungu Advocates, Plot No. 11058, Zimbabwe House, Opposite Ndeke House, Haile Selassie Avenue, PO Box FW 235,Tel: 257544, Fax: 257543, PO Box FW 235, Cell: 096-774020, Email: or
- Roberts Alfred, LL.B (UNZA 1989), Advocate (Dec.1990), LL.M (Cantab. 1992), Solicitor (1992), Finance Bank Zambia Limited, 3rd Floor, Chanik House, Cairo Road, PO Box 37102, Tel: 221614, Fax: 223359, Cell: 097-744520, Email: Specialisation: Banking, Corporate, International and General Transaction.
- Sabi Samuel Mwape, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), Kaunda Sabi & Company, 11th Floor, Zimco House, Rooms 1104-1105, Cairo Road, P.O Box 38759, Tel: 226592/226593, Fax: 226593, Cell: 097-424336097-889169
- Sakala David Oliver, LL.B (1995), Advocate (April 1996), David Oliver Sakala & Co., Chainama Hotel, P.O Box 57033, Tel: 291351, Fax: 221920, Cell: 097-784730
- Sakala Emily Kondwa Chibiya, LL.B, Advocate J.B. Sakala & Co., PO Box 34279, Lsk. Tel: 226885, Fax: 224443, Cell: 097-726615, E-mail:, Near First Rate College, Great East Rd.or Bambo House, Buteko Avenue,PO Box 70848. Tel: 610610 Fax: 612826, Email:
- Sakala Mabvuto, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), Legal Resources Chambers, Woodgate House, 2nd Floor Heroes Place, Cairo Road, PO Box 35162, Tel: 221287, E-mail:
- Sakuwaha Sharon Kutemba, B, Advocates (Sept. 2004), Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia Limited, Heroes Place, Cairo Road, Professional Insurance House, PO Box 34264, Tel: 228956/224124, Cell: 097-757445, Email:
- Samakayi Rose, LL.B, Advocate (April 1997), Industrial Relations Court, Plot 7962 Dedani Kimathi Road, PO Box 34009, Tel: 236155, Fax: 225608, Cell: 097-796144/097-770699, Email:
- Sambo Nsunka Kalobwe Rabbi, LL.B (UNZA 1981), Advocate (Dec. 1983), University of Zambia, Great East Road, Legal Counsel, PO Box 32379, Tel: 294540, 253952, Cell: 096-766552, E-mail:
- Sambo Pamela Towela, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Local Authority Superannuation Fund, 4th Floor, Superannuation House, Ben Bella Road, P.O Box 34626, Tel: 234711/212745, Fax: 225863, Cell: 097-795132, Email:
- Sampa Anne Mwanza,B, Advocate (July 1988), Zambia National Commercial Bank, Cairo Road, ZANACO Headquarters, P.O. Box 33611, Tel: 224054/221358/221380 Fax: 224054/223082, Cell: 097-879111, E-mail:
- Sampa Christopher Mofu, B (Z. UNZA 1990), Advocate (1991), Chilupe & Company, 1st Floor, Superannuation House, Ben Bella Road, P.O. Box 33204 Tel: 227880 Eamil:
- Sampa Norman, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1999), MNB Legal Practitioners, Stand 6131, 5th Floor Godfrey House, Longolongo Road, PO Box 34207, Tel: 236920/236134, Fax: 236134, Cell: 097-889068, Email:
- Samulela Maureen Mwaka Charity, LL.B, Advocate (Nov.1999), Pensions and Insurance Authority, Cnr. Nationalist/John Mbita Rds, Former NCDP Building, Private Bag 30x Ridgeway, Tel: 255506, 250394, Cell: 096/097-450034, Email:
- Samudengu Ngoma Mwaka, Advocate (Dec. 1992), Lumangwe Chambers, Plot No. 104, Ngwezi Road, Post Office Building, Post Net No. 405, Private Bag E891, Tel: 292689,
- Sangwa John Peter, LL.B (UNZA 1989), Advocate (7th 1990), LL.M (UNZA 1996), Simeza Sangwa & Associates, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, PO Box 36824, Tel: 227574 Fax: 220568. Specialisation: Corporate and Commercial Law.
- Scott Veronica, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Sharpe Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431,Cell: 095-762951, Email: or s&
- Shapi Gertrude Chola Chilunga, LL.B (1995), Advocate (April 1996), Zambia Revenue Authority, Plot No.9401, P.O Box 35710, Tel: 227460, Fax: 221075 Ext. 119, E-mail: or Fidelity Labour Consultants, Plot 22, Nassar Road, Private Bag RW 88X, Tel: 256847/232542, Fax: 256848, Cell: 096-767276 Email: or
- Sharpe-Phiri Nicola Ann, LL.B (1991), Advocate (Dec. 1992), Sharpe, Howard & Mwenye Legal Practitoners, Anglo American Annex Building, Plot No. 74 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 32587, Tel: 256426-30 Fax: 256431, Email: enquiries@sharpehoward. Cell: 096-750272 Email: s& Specialisation: Conveyancing, Corporate, Commercial transactions, civil litigation, Domestic.
- Shepande Kennedy Mpolobe, LL.B (1991), Advocate (May 1993), BA (1995), Shepande & Co., 4th Floor, Design House, Off Cairo Road, PO Box 36939, Tel: 237566, Fax: 237566, Cell: 096-450081.
- Shezongo Joyce Namuyobo , LL.B (UNZA 1991), Advocate (Nov. 1992), National Legal Aid Clinic for Women, Plot 110/150, Musonda Ngosa Road, Villa Elizabetha, P O Box 34777, Tel: 220595, Fax: 234747 or Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA), Plot. No. 14022, Off Katimamulilo Road, Olympia Extension. Tel: 237842/290512, Fax: , Cell: 097-330469/096-759896, Email:
- Shoko Juliana, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2001), BDO Corporate Services Limited, Stand No. 2374B, Bata Boulevard Showgrounds, PO Box 35139, Tel: 251939, Fax: 256112, Cell: 097-757004, Email:
- Shonga James Abyudi, LL.B, Advocate, Shamwana & Co., Plot No. 19, Paseli Road, P.O. Box 32369, Tel: 232335/6, 2535756, Fax: 232338, Cell: 096-702337, E-mail: or Specialisation: Corporate and Commercial Law.
- Siachiwena Mweetwa, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Legal Resources Chambers, Cairo Road, Woodgate Hosue, PO Box 35162, Tel: 221263, Fax: 221287, Cell:: 097-434611, Email:
- Siakalima Zunga, LL.B (Z.Nov. 1985), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1986), Bango Associates, Plot 9686 Chudleigh, P.O. Box 50072. Tel: 294013, 254558/253537, Fax: 290620, Cell: 097-829283, 097-771074.
- Siame Benson, LL.B, Advocate (April 2005), Department of Immigration Headquarters, Haile Sailase, Kent Building, P.O Box 50300, Tel: 251784, Fax: 255742, 252008, Cell: 095/097-779375, Email:
- Siame Natasha Tumelo, LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Duly Motors Ltd, Cnr. Ben Bella/Freedom Way, P.O Box 31956. Tel: 237553, 237607, Fax: 237551
- Siamutwa Charles, LL.B (1995), Advocate (Nov. 1996), Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 097-117919, Email:
- Siamuzyulu Maimbo Febby, LL.B, Advocate (May 1998) Zambia Postal Services Corporation, Lusaka, Main Post Office Building, Cairo Road, PO Box 3 Lusaka, Tel: 234395, Fax: 229773, Cell: 096-433967, Email:
- Sibanda Pamela Mumbi, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), International Justice Mission, Stand No. 70, Independence Avenue Private Bag 91, Woodlands, Tel: 256963/256962, Cell: 096-656960, E-mail:
- Sichinga Dominic Luther Yeta, B, Advocate (April 1996), Attorney General’s Chambers, Ministry of Legal Affairs, Fairley Lane, Ridgeway, PO Box 50106, Tel: 251588/252739, Cell: 095-752036/096-721855, Email:
- Sichombo Daniel Miyoba, LL.B (1987), Advocate (1989), Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company Ltd, Katemo Road, PO Box 50819, Tel: 252290, 251549, Fax: 252578, Cell: 096-755576, Email: Specialisation: Business and Corporate Law.
- Sichone Frightone, B, Advocate (2001), Ministry of Lands, Independence Avenue, Mulungushi House, P.O. Box 30069. Tel: 250610/252577/252288/252323/252320, Cell: 097-781185, E-mail:
- Sikanyika Elsie Mulundu Mabula, LL.B, Advocate (March 1987), Zambia National Tender Board, 11th Floor Kulima House, Katunjila Road, PO Box 31009, Tel: 222855, Fax: 220577. Email:
- Sikatana Fred Mundia, LL.B (1973), Advocate, Veritas Chambers, Rooms 46-48, St. 11052 Carousel Shopping Centre, Lumumba/Kafue Roads, PO Box 30653, Tel/Fax: 223922 Cell: 097 798763/805730. Specialisation: Human Rights, Law and Development.
- Sikatele Cecilia, B, Advocate (2001), National Assembly, Parliament Buldings, Plot No. 5030, Parliament Road, PO Box 31299, Tel: 292252, 292425-36, Fax: 292252, Cell: 097-792575, E-mail: or
- Sikazwe Chanza Kephas, B Advocate (October 2005) Christopher Russell Cook & Co, 4th Floor, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 34091/30605, Tel: 229366 Fax: 225713/225158, Cell: 097-823133, Email:
- Sike Arthur, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 2005) Corpus Globe Advocates, The Globe Building, Stand No. 2386, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32115, Tel: 235479/81 Fax: 238657, Cell: 097-795360/096-439236 Email: or
- Sikota Sakwiba, BSc.Law & Politics (Keele University UK – 1980), Advocate (Dec. 1981), Post Grad Dip, Inter. Law (UNZA 1982), Central Chambers, Lex House, Addis Ababa Road Roundabout, Plot 874, PO Box 50468, Tel/ Fax: 253796, Email: Specialisation: Civil Litigation, Corporate, Litigation Law, Media, Libel.
- Silwamba Eric Suwilanji, C, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1984), Eric Silwamba & Company, House No. 11 Matandani Close, Rhodes Park, Post Net Box 571 Private Bag E891, Telefax: 256530, Cell: 097-756206 E-mail: or eric@microlink or
- Silweya Henry, LL.B (UNZA 1970), Advocate (24 Jan. 1972), Post Graduate (June 1976), Cambridge University (UK), Silweya & Co., 24c 1st Floor Technologist Building, PO Box 34426. Tel: 221390, Specialisation: Land Administration. Also: 2nd Floor Liso House, Musi-o-Tunya Road, PO Box 61153, Livingstone.
- Simbyakula Ngosa, Dr., B, Advocate (Dec. 1981), Mabutwe & Associates, Plot No. 158 B, Mulombwa Close, P.O Box 37991, Telefax: 225948, or Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education ( ), Plot No. 9& 11, Andrew Mwenya Road, P.O. Box 30090. Tel: 254557/254581, Fax: 254620, Email: or Tel: 290733, Cell: 095-908669/097-725346, Email: or
- Simamba Harry Bilika, LL.B, Advocate (Dec.1977), Attorney General’s Chambers, Central Administration Complex, Administration Drive, Road Town Tortola, P.O Box 242, Government of British Virgin Islands, West Indies, Email:
- Simasiku Sharon, B Advocate (September 2004) Judiciary, New Magisrates Complex, PO Box 30201, Tel: 257010, Ext. 223, Cell: 097-748070, E-mail:
- Simbao Mwamba Kensilick, LL.B (UNZA 1977), Advocate (Dec. 1978), Mulungushi Chambers, Stand No. 8, Permanent House, Cairo Road, PO Box 36639, Tel: 221980/221911, Fax: 235896/7, Cell: 794229. Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Simeza Robert Mbonani, LL.B (1989), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1990), Simeza Sangwa & Associates, 2nd Floor, Woodgate House, Cairo Road, PO Box 36824. Tel: 227574/227484, Fax: 220568.
- Simfukwe Kamo, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004) Ministry of Justice, Fairley Raod, Ridgeway, P.O Box 50106, Tel: 251588/252045-7 Fax: 253452, Cell:
- Simuchoba Sibanze, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1985), NKM & Associates, Plot 3/110a Diocese of Lusaka Building, Musonda Ngosa Road, PO Box 35822, Telefax: 229610 Cell: 095/096-765391 Email:
- Simukoko Geoffrey Wamusula, LL.B (Z. 1973), Advocate (May 1974), MBA (Leeds 1983), ZCDR Limited, Rhodes Park. Tel: 264403/255733/4/5, Cell: 095-883783/097-329001, P.O Box 38247, E-mail:
- Sindiso Khumalo Ngatsha, LL.B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), Judiciary, Boma Subordinate Court, Church Road, P O Box 31279, Tel: 228855
- Singine Brian Mataya, LL.B (1987), Advocate (1988), Times of Zambia Limited, Freedom way, PO Box 30394, Tel: 229076, Fax: 222880, Cell: 097-873781, E-mail:
- Singogo Alisand, LL.B, Advocate (Oct. 1994), MSM Legal Practitioners, No. 4 Lunzua Road, Off Addis Ababa, Rhodes Park, PO Box 36856, Tel: 253846, Fax: 253846, Cell: 096-688992, Email: or
- Sinkamba Owen, LL.B (UNZA 1994), Advocate (Dec. 1995), Sinkamba Legal Practitioner, Katungila Road, Kulima Tower, Private Bag 11, Woodlands, Telefax: 238211, Cell: 097-780403, Email:
- Sitali Butler Asimbuyu, Capt. (rtd), LL.B, (Z.1985), Advocate (Z.Aug.1987), Energy Regulation Board, Nassar Road, PO Box 37631, Tel: 236002, Fax: 236003, Cell: 097-772127, Email:
- Situmbeko Chocho, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Chuula & Co. Legal Practitioners. Plot No. 1273, Lubuto Road, Rhodes Park, Post Net Box 142 (Manda Hill), Tel: 256030, Fax: 256031, Cell: 096-763326/097-758970, Email:
- Siwale Mugeni, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), National Water Supply & Sanitation Council, Plot 164 Mulombwa Close, Fairview Tel: 226941/2 Fax: 226904, Cell: 096-435167, E-mail:
- Siwila Amos, LL.B (Z.Nov. 1986), Advocate (Z.July 1988), Mambwe Siwila & Partners, 7th Floor, Godfrey House, Longolongo Road, PO Box 32421, Tel: 220859 Fax: 220860, Cell: 097-805491.
- Skippings Katie Anne,B, Advocate (2001), Price Waterhouse Coopers Ltd., 7th Floor, National Savings & Credit Bank Building, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 30942, Tel: 228809/10 Fax: 220768, Cell: 095/096-754720, E-mail:
- Sokota Chileshe, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Chibesakunda & Co. Abacus House, Plot No. 2338, Kabelenga Road, P.O. Box 30279, Tel: 236319, Fax: 236478, Cell: 097-719398, E-mail:
- Sondashi Ludwig S. Dr., (FILGA, 1972), LL.B (1978), Advocate (Nov. 1978), LL.M (1985), Ph.D (1990), Sondashi and Co., Cairo Road, Design House, P.O. Box 50987, Tel: 221157/227413/223373, Cell: 097-778212/097-778212/096-651578, E-mail: Specialisation: Consultant in Constitution, Administrative and Local Government Laws.
- Sondashi Virginia Agness, Certificate in Accounts (1980), LL.B (Nov. 1994), Advocate (Oct. 1995), Munsaka Chambers, Plot No. 1377, Off Cairo Road, Design House, P.O Box 50987, Tel: 227413, Fax: 221157, Cell: 096-656831/097-848662, E-mail: Specialisation: General Practitioner.
- Songolo Philimon, B, Advocate (June 2001), Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation, Alick Nkhata Avenue, Mass Media Complex, P.O Box 50015, Tel: 253115/251443, Cell: 097-879037, Email:
- Sumaili Fanuel Kingsley Mumba, Dr., LL.B, Advocate (12 May 2000), Mumba Malila & Partners, 9th Floor, Premium House, Plot 7431 Independence Avenue, P.O. Box 34302. Tel: 234621 Fax: 234620, Cell: 097-845550, E-mail:
- Syanziba Lynn M. Bwampu, B, Advocate (Oct. 2005), Ministry of Lands, Independence Avenue, Mulungushi House, P.O. Box 30069. Tel: 252577, Cell: 095-778881, E-mail:
- Tambulukani Douglas, B, Advocate (July 2003), Office of the Commissioner for Refugees, Plot No. 1/4637, Chipowa Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 50997, Tel: 255473-4, Fax: 255637, Cell: 097-787428, Email:
- Tembo Abel, LL.B, Advocate (June 2001), Tembo Ngulube & Associates, Former ZANACO Building Headquarters, Next to Church House, Rooms 105 & 109, Tel: 212139, Fax: 220250, Cell: 097-762951, P.O. Box 37060, Email:
- Tembo Chanda Nkoloma, LL.B, Advocate (Dec 2001), Legislative Drafting and Law Revision, Ministry of Justice, Fairley Lane, PO Box 50106, Tel: 250438/253452, Cell:097-877565, or
- Tembo Dumisani James, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004), Chuula & Company Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 1273, Lubuto Road, Postnet 142, Tel: 256030, Cell: 097-754565, E-mail:
- Tembo Frankson, B, Advocate (1995), Frank Tembo & Partners, 1st Floor, Room 43, Carousel Shopping Complex, Lumumba Road, PO Box 30960, Telefax: 220961, Cell: 097-784346,
- Tembo Kaluba Chimwemwe,B, Advocate (Sept. 2002), EMB Chambers, Plot
6248 Jacaranda Road, NAPSA Complex, P.O Box 32081, Telefax: 252185, 097 801953
- Tembo Mtukuzi Tukuza, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1998), Grant Thornton Associates Ltd, Mukuba Pension House, PO Box 30885. Tel: 227722/28, Fax: 223774, E-mail:
- Tenthani Harriet Mwengwe Sikasote,B, Advocate (May 1985) KBF & Partners, 1st Floor, E.W. Tarry Building, Cairo Road, Box 34444. Tel: 236449 Tel/Fax: 236450, Cell: 095-790645, E-mail: Specialisation: Investment, Commercial, Immigration, Criminal & Constitution Law.
- Theotis Anne Desiree Amanda, LL.B (1996), Advocate (1996), Theotis Chalwe & Mataka Legal Practitioners, Plot No. 16, Katemo Road, Rhodes Park, PO Box 35564, Tel: 257071/72 Tel/Fax: 251542, Mobile: 096-750878/096-860504, Email:
- Theu Jordan, LL.B (Z.April 1988), Advocate (Z.Nov. 1989), Dip. Dev. Studies (Cantab, August, 1989), National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA), Lusaka House, Cairo Road, Corner Lumumba/Ben Bella Roads, PO Box RW 51275, Tel/fax: 224869, Cell: 097-797427, E-mail:
- Ticklay Abdul Aziz, LL.B (1976), LL.M 1979), Advocate (Dec. 1980), Dip in Air and Space Law (1985), AA Ticklay & Co. Plot No. 12794 Mumbwa Road, Last Stop Building, P.O Box 32953, Tel: 286511, Fax: 286495, Cell: 097-779237, E-mail: Specialisation: Company Law, Immigration Law, International Business Law.
- Torgbor Edward Nu Adja, Judge, LL.B (Grays Inn London, Jan 1968), Advocate (Z.Feb. 1979), Mung’omba Associates, 42 Kudu Road, PO Box 35476. Tel: 260055 Fax: 262110
- Vukovic Mbile Muwindwa Wina, LLB (1996), Advocate (1997), Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation Ltd, Great East Road, P.O. Box 33304, Tel: 223528. Email: or
- Vundamina Kyansenga, LL.B, Advocate (1996), National Airports Corporation Ltd, St/Plot No. 947/M, Airport Road, Lusaka International Airport, PO Box 30175, Tel/Fax: 271308/36,271044, Fax: 271083, Cell: 097-795000, Email: Specialisation: General,
- Wandi Rosewin Mutinta, B, Advocate, Anti Corruption Commission, Block 25, Independence Avenue, P O Box 50486, Tel: 237914/237916/251339/253240, Cell: 096-430533, E-mail:
- Wangwor Felicity Nyako, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1997), MNB Legal Practitioners, 5th Floor, Godfrey House, Corner of Kabelenga/Longolongo Roads, PO Box 34207, Tel: 236920, Fax: 236134/234019, Cell: 096-952555
- Wanjelani Susan Mtonga, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Ministry of Legal Affairs, Fairley Lane, PO Box 50106, Tel: 251588, Cell: 097-771616
- Watae Sydney, LL.B., Advocate (Dec. 1993), Banda Watae Advocates, Plot No. 351, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 32481, Tel: 254303/6, Fax: 254532, Cell: 096-761926/097-878766, E-mail:
- Willombe Bevin Chansa, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 1972), MMW & Co, Plot No. 6976, 3rd Floor Electra House, Cairo Road, PO Box 31619. Tel: 225116 Fax: 225112 Cell: 097-786737
- Wood Albert Mark, LL.B (Z. 1983), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1984), AM Wood & Co, Advocates and Notaries, Plot No 6131, Longolongo Road, 3rd Floor, Godfrey House, PO Box 30028. Tel: 237957,Fax: 237963, Cell: 095-906930/097-747565, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Civil Litigation, Patents & Trade Marks.
- Wright Jonathan Henry A., LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1995), Wright Chambers, Plot 1274/3, Lubuto Road, Rhodespark, P/Net Box 414, Tel: 253357/253744, Fax: 251001, Mobile: 097-772688, Email:
- Yangailo Pengani Handerson, LL.B (Z. 1990), Advocate (Z. Dec. 1991), PH Yangailo & Co, Woodgate House, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 35972, Tel: 238195, Fax: 238196, Cell: 097-807562/097-689645, E-mail: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Civil Litigation, Patents & Trade Marks.
- Young Pio Amilha, LL.B, Advocate (2001), Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Plc, Standard House, Cairo Road, PO Box 32238, Tel: 221518, Fax: 225148, Cell: 096-767414, E-mail:
- Yousuf Musa Ahmed Adam, LL.B, Advocate (April 1964), A.D. Adam & Co., 1st Farmers House, Cairo Road, PO Box 33143. Tel: 228660 Fax: 228661
- Zaheeda Essa, LL.B Hons, Advocate (1998), Mahtani Group of Companies, 5th Floor, Professional Insurance House P.O. Box 34376, Tel: 224124, 223386, Fax: 224256, Cell: 096-726997/097-848748, E-mail:
- Zaloumis Mwangala Frances, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1990), Dove Chambers, Plot 4529, United Nations Road, Opposite Kenya High Commission, PO Box 39538. Tel: 257451, Fax: 257450. Cell: 097- 789579, E-mail:
- Zaloumis Sarandos Martin Joseph, B, Advocate (3/4/96), Dove Chambers, Plot 4529, United Nations Road, Opposite Kenya High Commission, PO Box 39538. Tel: 257451, Fax: 257450 Cell: 097-446085, E-mail:
- Zeko Irene Inonge Mbewe, LL.B (1986), Advocate (Dec. 1987), LLM (1992) Messrs I. Z. Mbewe Associaties, Plot No. 2397, Longolongo Road, Robert Huddson Building, P.O. Box 30123, Tel: 235141, 263169, Cell: 097-796949, Email: Specialisation: Legislative Drafting.
- Zulu Douglas, LL.B, Advocate (Z. Dec. 2000), Zambia Revenue Authority, Kabwe Roundabout, P.O. Box 35710. Tel: 229214 – 18, Cell: 097-610305, E-mail:
- Zulu George, LL.B (Nov. 1986), Advocate (Z.Dec 1987), GM Zulu & Associates, 6th Floor, Anchor House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 50851, Tel: 227955/256262/263218, Cell: 096-745692, Email: Specialisation: Courtroom – Civil, Industrial and Criminal Litigation and Conveyancing.
- Zulu Lekiwe Angela, B (Z), Advocate (May 1992), Mukata Zulu & Associates, 4 Alex Masala Close, Off Chaholi Road, Rhodespark, P.O Box 34630, Lusaka. Tel: 255862/255867, Telefax: 250105, Cell:
- Zulu Leslie Chembe, LL.B, Advocate (April 1994), Central Chambers, Plot 874, Lex House, Tito Road, PO Box 50468. Tel: 253796/253610, Cell: 096-762110/095-765168, E-mail: or
- Zulu Lucas Mangani, LL.B, Advocate (10 May 1991), Luangeni Chambers, Stand 12500, Suite 10, 12, 14, Kafue/Lumumba Road Junction, Caroussel Building, P.O. Box 37495, Tel/Fax: 228562, Cell: 096-762043.
- Zulu Mark Clement, LL.B, Advocate (April 1982), Nixon Chambers, Plot No. 1274/3 Lubuto Road, Rhodes Park, P.O. Box 50926, Tel: 253357, Fax: 251001, Cell: 096-759939
- Zulu Sebastian Saizi, S.C, Advocate (Dec. 1967), Zulu & Co., 2nd Floor, Development House, Katondo Road, PO Box 30917. Tel: 223527, Cell: 097-864422
MANSA (02)
- Chisunka Kennedy Chibangu, LL.B, Advocate, Mansa District Council, NAPSA Complex, Chitimukulu Road, P.O Box 710143, Tel: 02-821951
- Mapate Aloysius Sibiho, LL.B, Advocate (March 1999), Judicial Department, Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court, High Court & Subordinate Courts, Plot No. 439 Livingstone Road, P.O. Box 670141, Tel: 30088/30085, Cell: 097-163420.
MONGU (07)
- Muyenga Mashebe Muteto, LL.B (1978), Advocate (Dec. 1979), Muyenga & Associates, Provident House, Libonda Street, PO Box 101, Kanyongo, Mongu. Tel: 221949/221769/222852, Cell: 097-429585, Specialisation: Income Tax Consultants.
MONZE (032)
- Lombe William Chongo, LL.B, Advocate (May 1998), WC Lombe & Company, PO Box 40597. Tel: 411158, Cell: 097-469583
- Mulenga Mulemba Ngombo, (Dec. 1987) Electoral Commission of Zambia, Haile Selassie Avenue, Ndeke Annex, PO Box 50274, Tel: 251612, 253155-7, Fax: 253884/250081, Cell: 097-809294
(02) NDOLA
- Banda Hillary C.,B (Z), Advocate (Dec. 1985), Hillary Banda & Co., Tazama House, 1xt Floor, Room 4, Moffat Road, P.O. Box 71468, Tel: 621938/612919, Fax: C/O. 02-620395, Cell: 095-882909/097-809594
- Chabu Daphne Pauline Soko, B, Advocate LL.B, Advocate, Lumangwe Chambers, ADMAR House, President Avenue, PO Box 70638, Telefax: 621298, Mobile: 095/096- 903029.
- Chali Isaac Chama T., Comm, LL.B, Advocate, Chali Chama & Co., Moffat Road, Tazama House, PO Box 71729, Tel: 615824, Fax: 615824, Cell: 097-804569
- Chanda Mason Stephen Mutale, LL.B, Advocate (), Ellis and Company, Afcom House, Plot 384, Obote Avenue, P.O. Box 21500. Tel: 226966/226518 Fax: 226639/222933/229171
- Chileshe Chanda Harvey Jonathan, BA Joint Hons. Law/Econ (Keele 1980), LL.M (London 1982), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1984), Solicitor (England and Wales), Lloyd Jones & Collins, Farm 748/K.16, No. 6 Dr. Damie Street, Broadway, PO Box 71544. Tel: 620862/620860 Tel/Fax: 620863-4, Cell: 096-786795 Email:
- Chimanga Goodall S., LL.B, Advocate (May 1974), GS Chimanga & Company, ZSBS Building, President Avenue, PO Box 71223, Tel: 622369
- Chinene Harry, LL.B (Z.Nov. 1989), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1990), Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board, Stand 4508 Broadway/Moffat Roads, Compensation House, PO Box 71534, Tel: 610481/613241, Fax: 612072, Email
(02) NDOLA
- Chisaka Nkaka Nsama, LL.B (1992), Advocate, Lumangwe Chambers, ADMAR House, President Avenue, PO Box 70638, Tel: 621298, Fax: 621298, Mobile: 097 778301
- Chitabo Celestine Peter Mwila, LL.B (October 1979), Advocate (April 1982), Chitabo Chiinga Associates, 1st Floor, Plot 32 President Avenue, Holdsworth Building, P.O. Box 71598, Tel: 613635, Fax: 612862
- Chulu Enias, B (Z. 1988), Advocate (Z.Feb. 1990), Enias Chulu – Legal Practitoners, 4th Floor Mpelembe House, Broadway, PO Box 70345. Tel: 613277 Fax: 620126, Cell: 097-809219, Email:
- Daka Patricia, B, Advocate (Oct. 1994), National Legal Clinic for Women, 9 Mapanza Avenue, PO Box 240672. Tel: 622319 Fax: 612671, Cell:097-822437, Email: or
- Fahm Sikiru Tunji, LL.B, Adv.(Lincolns Inn, London Nov 1967), Fahm & Co., 81 Apollo Way, Blackwood South Wales UK NP12 1WB, Tel: 01495-224973 Fax: 01495 222902 – C/o J B Sakala & Co, Bambo House, PO Box 70848, Ndola, Zambia.
- Gray Anne Doma, LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 28 1997), Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board, Plot No. 4508, Compensation House, Moffat/Broadway, PO Box 71534. Tel: 610481/612690, Fax: 612072 Email:
- Kabuka John Lubumbe, LL.B (Z.Dec. 1982), Advocate (Z.Dec. 1983), J. Kabuka & Co., 5th Floor Mpelembe House, Broadway P.O. Box 240440, Tel: 612096 Fax: 615160, Cell: 095-778360, Email
- Kabuka Jane Kazora, LL.B (Z.UNZA), Advocate (Dec. 1983), J. Kabuka & Co., 5th Floor Mpelembe House, Stand No. 3055 Broadway P.O. Box 240440, Tel: 612096 Fax: 615160, Cell: 097-824140, Email:
(02) NDOLA
- Kafunda Catherine K., LL.B (Z.1978), Advocate (Z.1980), Kafunda & Co., Buteko Avenue, Namboard Building, 1st Floor, PO Box 250020, Tel: 620986
- Kalonde Mumba Quintino, LL.B, Advocate (19th May 1993), Quintino M. Kalonde & Company, Stand No. 2471 Buteko Avenue, 3rd Floor, Security House, PO Box 72123, Telefax: 620395, Cell: 096-905556.
- Kang’ombe Bernard Mwansa, LL.B (Z. 1984), Advocate (Z.1985), Solicitor (England and Wales), Kan’gombe & Company, 1st Floor Buteko House, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 71172, Tel: 617619, Fax: 615191, Email:
- Kapasa John Marcellinus, LL.B (Z.1978), Advocate (Z. April 1980), J.M. Kapasa & Co, 1st Floor Canada House, President Avenue, P.O. Box 72591, Tel: 617904, 620961, Fax: 617904, Cell: 097-798388
- Kasonde Patrick,B (, Advocate (April 1997), Kasonde & Malama, Insurance House, Maina Soko Road, P.O Box 72992, Tel: 610462, Cell: 096-740128
- Katongo Kephas Kampampa, LL.B, Advocate (December 1991), York Partners, 1st Floor, Telnor House, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 290024,Tel/fax: 620011 Email:
- Kaunda Kingsley Mutale Major (Rtd), LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1986), Kaunda Sabi & Associates, Plot No. 99904/5, Buteko Avenue, Telnor Building, PO Box 70053, Telefax: 620794, Cell: 096-781374, Email:
- Kunda Marion Kabale, LL.B, Advocate ( ), JB Sakala & Company, Bambo House, PO Box 70848, Tel: 610610, Fax: 612826, Email:
- Magubbwi Chimuka, LL.B, Advocate (April 1998), Magubbwi & Associates, 2nd Floor, Africa House, Buteko Avenue, P.O Box 70293, Tel: 610606/622185, Cell: 095-951473, E-mail:
- Matibini Lawrence M., LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1992), L.M. Matibini & Co, Collet House, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 71568, Tel: 621049, Fax: 620914, Email: or
- Mason Stephen Mutale Chanda, B, Advocate, Cave Malik & Co., Caravelle House, 2nd Floor, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 70924, Tel: 610393/4, Fax: 610395, Email:
- Mooya Flora Kantu, LL.B (Z. November 1983), Advocate (May 1985), Tropical Diseases Research Centre, Ndola Central Hospital, Nkana Road, PO Box 71769, Cell: 096-651211, Email: Specialisation: General
- Mpande Charity Chanza Nalungwe. B, Adocate ( ), Ndola City Council, Civic Centre, Independence Avenue, P.O Box 70197, Tel: 611663/620845
(02) NDOLA
- Mtonga Leya Ngoma,B, Advocate (Nov. 97) Workers’ Compensation Fund, PO Box 71534, Compensation House, Corner Broadway/Moffat Road, Fax: 610487, Cell: 095-703076, E-mail:
- Mulima Linire, LL.B (1997), Advocate (28/11/97), Zamtel, Provident House, Broadway, P.O. Box 71630. Tel: 611111/1724, 611299/617224, Fax: 618275, email:
- Mupeta Douglas Bryson, B, Advocate (Dec. 1980) D B Mupeta & Co. 1st Floor, Buteko House (next to Savoy Hotel), P.O Box 71808, Buteko Avenue, Tel , Cell: 096-732102/096-638842
- Mutale Mwambo, B, Advocate ( ) York Partners, 1st Floor, Telnor House, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 290024,Tel/fax: 620011, Cell: 095-452434/097-457917, Email:
- Msoni Kelvin, LL.B, Advocate (April 1994), Advocate, J.B. Sakala & Co, Bambo House, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 70848, Tel: 610610, Fax: 612826, Cell: 095-906462, E-mail:
- Mubanga Gershom, LL.B, Advocate (Dec 1991), Mubanga Associates, 2nd Floor Room 13 and 16, Dorcas House, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 71695, Tel: 612685, 097-794674.
- Mulongo Jasper Jeremiah Munachonga, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 20, 1995), Zamtel Ltd, Dury Lane/Kantanta Street, Regional Headquarters, PO Box 21410, Tel: 220199 Fax: 221299, E-mail:
- Munkombwe Dorcas, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 2001), National Legal Clinic for Women, 9 Mapanza Avenue, PO Box 240672. Tel: 622319 Fax: 612671
- Mukonka Caristo M., LL.B, Advocate (Nov. 1990), Zambia Postal Services Corporation, Provident House, Broadway, PO Box 71845. Tel: 613695, 611682 Fax:
- Mulele Maipepi, LL.B, Advocate (Jan 2004), Zambia State Insurance Corp. Limited, Premium House, President Avenue, PO Box 290036, Cell: 095-880683
- Mulenga Derrick, Mag. DIP (NIPA) LLB (ZAMBIA) AHCZ, Advocate (2000), Derrick Mulenga and Company, 1st Floor, Minet House (Tazara Building, next to ZESCO), Buteko Avenue, P.O Box 71535.Tel: 02-620304 Fax: 02-621990, Cell: 096-908320, E-mail:
- Mulenga Natalie Mwenya, B, Advocate (Sept. 2004) Abha Patel & Associates, Capiatl House, 1st Floor, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 240351. Tel: 621976, Fax: 614277, Cell: 095/097-777460, Email: or
- Mulengeshi Sydney, B, Advocate, (Sept. 2004) National Legal Clinic for Women, 9 Mapanza Avenue, PO Box 240672. Tel: 622319 Fax: 612671
(02) NDOLA
- Muya Zachariah, LL.B, Advocate (April 1995), MSM Legal Practitioners, Plot 1237, Optical Centre, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 71322, Tel: 612080, Fax: 612080, Email:
- Mwale Peter, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1979), Peter Mwale & Coompany, Parinos Building, Kasuba Road, P.O. Box 240483. Tel: 618840, Cell: 096-781808, Fax: 621242
- Mwale Wilson E, LL.B, (Dec. 1978) Advocate (1986), Mwale & Musonda Associates, Plot No. 2470, Maina Soko Road, Insurance House, P.O. Box 71399, Tel: 617756/7, 618830, Cell: 095/097-474714, Fax: 618480, Dir: 618830 Specialisation: Commercial Transactions, Litigation & Conveyancing.
- Mwewa Vincent K, LL.B, Advocate (), V.K. Mwewa & Co, Buteko House, 2nd Floor, Room 202 Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 73494. Tel/Fax: 621208, Cell: 095-786761
- Nyirenda Malaro,B (Aug. 1995), Advocate (Dec. 1995), Kafunda & Company, Stand No. 225, Buteko Avenue, Namboard Building, PO Box 250020, Telefax: 620986, Cell: 097-787117
- Patel Abha Nayar, LL.B., Advocate (Aug. 1989), Abha Patel & Associates, Capital House, 1st Floor, Buteko Avenue, PO Box 240351. Tel: 621976, Fax: 614277, Email: Specialisation: Conveyancing, Security perfection.
- Phiri Anthony Khetani, LL.B, Advocate (May 1992), Anthony & Associates, Stand RE/33 President Avenue, Admar Building, P.O. Box 71184. Tel: 622388, Cell: 096-904572, Email:
- Phiri Selina, LL.B, Advocate (Dec. 1998), Zamtel, Provident House, Broadway, P.O. Box 71630. Tel: 611111/1724, 611299/617224, Fax: 618275, Cell: 095-754884/097-809219, Email:
- Sakala Julius Bikoloni, Dr., C B.Sc. (Hons.), Soc. (London 1965), LL.B (1971London), Barrister at Law (England and Wales Nov. 1974), Advocate (z. 1975), LLM (UNZA 1989), J.B. Sakala and Co, Bambo House, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 70848, Tel: 610610, Fax: 612826, E-mail:
- Shamakamba Tom Trevor, LL.B, Advocate, Messrs Shamakamba & Associates, Photocopy House, Buteko Avenue – South, P.O. Box 71145, Tel: 614423, Tel/Fax: 620545, 095-707612
- Siame Lloyd Vwambanji, Advocate (July, 1976), Lloyd Siame & Co, The R/E of S/D No.20 of Farm No. 748, Laurel house, Arusha Street N.E., PO Box 72897. Tel: 611793/611794, Fax: 614139. Also: 2nd Floor Cusa House, PO Box 37418, Lusaka Tel: 237241/2
- Siame John, Ellis and Company, Beverley House, President Avenue, P.O. Box 71536. Tel: 611041/2 Fax: 613488.
- Soko Josias Dr. Josias & Partners, Stand No. 39, Collet House, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 72713. Tel: 620376, Cell: 096-722512
- Stacey Charles Anthony, Advocate, (Dec. 1963), Solicitor (October 1973), Attorney and Notary (Botswana, October 1973), Lloyd Jones & Collins, Farm 748/K.16, No. 6 Dr. Damie Street, Broadway, PO Box 71544. Tel: 620860-3, Fax: 620864 Email:
- Thaker Buphendra Bhailal, LL.B (Indian Bar Council – Feb 1959 Bombay), Advocate (March 1967), Cave Malik & Co., Caravelle House, 2nd Floor, Buteko Avenue, P.O. Box 70924, Tel: 610393/4, Fax: 610395
Fidelity Chambers
2nd Floor Bwafwano House, Rooms 201 & 202
PO Box 10661
Tel: 312583/096 902978
Fax: 313773
1) Mr Wilson Banda
- Luso Chambers
- Matuka Lane, Customs House
PO Box 11127
(Also at Electoral Commission of Zambia,
PO Box 50274
Mr. E Ndhlovu
Mr. Mathotho Stanley E.A.
- Mhango & Company
Bwafwano House
Kwacha Street
PO Box 11123
3) Mr Roy Sumbwe
(b) (062) CHIPATA
- Katete Chambers
Findeco House
Parirenyantwa Road
PO Box 511071
Tel: 21330
2) Hon. Chikakula Banda
- SJB Chambers
Findeco House, Parirenyatwa Road,
PO Box 511102
Fax: 21584/21311
Mr. Tembo Samuel Jeremiah Baziliel
(c) (032) CHOMA
- Messrs AM Ngándu & Co
Livingstone Road, Total Service Station Blg
PO Box 630255
Tel: 20136
2) Mr Artwell Munyongwe Ngándu
Muzyamba & Co.
Chomba Book Room Building
PO Box 630150
Tel: 097 777012
Mr. Muzyamba Sol Chilikwazi Mudenda
(05) KABWE
Chishimba & Co
Plot No: 214B
Independence Way
PO Box 80971
3) Tel: 224283
4) Mr Bornwell Kasumpa Chishimba
- Kabesha & Co
Mukuni House, Eastern Wing
Stand No: 210 Independence Way
PO Box 81484
Tel: 222596 / 097 780511
Fax: 222713
5) Mr D. Mulilo .Kabesha
- EM Mukuka & Co
1st Floor, Plot No: 71
Freedom Way
PO Box 80471
Tel: 223159
Mr Edward Mulenga Mukuka
Luso Chambers
D E House
PO Box 260365
Tel: 731504
Mr Elack Davison Ndhlovu
(d) (02) KITWE
- Chugani & Co
5th Floor Office Nos 302/303
Ex. Legal & General Building
City Square
PO Box 20981
Tel: 228997
Mr Chugani Mohan
- Corpus Globe
- Mukuba Pension House
- PO Box 21225
Tel: 222739/224530
Fax: 222852 Email:
Mr. Charles Mkokweza
- Kitwe – continued
- Ellis & Co
Afcom House
Obote Avenue
PO Box 21500
Tel: 226966/226518
Fax: 222693
Mrs Chisanga Fulgency
Mr. Lwambano Frank Musalile
Ms Mwaba Mwila Lamba
- Forrest Price & Co
Marble House
PO Box 21966
Tel: 224866/224580
Fax: 221096
2) Mr Forrest William Myles
- i) )
Ezhuga Musonda & Co.
Angoni House, Obote Avenue
PO Box 22144
Tel: 228414/228955/227557
Fax: 220539
Mr. Nyirenda William Boli, S.C
Mr. Nyirongo Gavu
- Nkana Chambers
Room 90, Obote Avenue
Afcom House
PO Box 23511
Tel: 231307
3) Fax: 231307
4) Moono Lacane
- Jaques & Partners
Insurance House
City Square
PO Box 21766
Tel: 222933 Fax: 229177
Mr. Lubamba Laban
Malama Steven
5) Mbindo Kafunya
- Kitwe Chambers
Plot 495/6, City Square
Permanent House,
PO Box 21745
Tel: 222990
Fax: 225682
Mr. Chizu Honest
Ms Nachula Rita N.M.
Mr. Twumasi SamuelGA
- Michael Masengu & Co.
- Leanor House, Top of the Post Office
- Parklands Shopping Centre
- PO Box 20909
- Tel: 229903
- Mr. M G Masengu (
- Mukumbi & Co
Provident House
Matuka Avenue
PO Box 22940
Tel: 221475
6) Mr. Mukumbi Jonas
- MNB Legal Practitioners
Mukuba Pension House
President Avenue
PO Box 20817
Tel: 231863
Fax: 231862
Mr Elijah Chola Banda
Mr. Besa Christopher Mutale
- PS Kamanga & Co
3rd Floor
Katilungu House
Room 1, Obote Avenue
PO Box 20445
Fax: 229317
Tel: 229316
7) Ms.Kamanga Patricia N.S.
- Permanent Chambers
2nd Floor Provident House
PO Box 23215
Matuka Avenue
Tel: 220602
Fax: 228051
Mr. Mwanza Yona Robert
- Sampa Mumba & Co.
- 6th Floor Bowmaker House
- Stand No. 1093, City Square
- PO Box 22854
- Tel/Fax: 228314
- Mr. Mumba Bartholomew Sampa
- Simwanza Pendwe & Co
1st Floor
Provident House
PO Box 21593
Tel: 221770
Fax: 221388
Mr. Chileshe Dennis
- E.K. Mutale & Co.
- Insurance House, 1st Floor,
Suite F0-F2,
Mosi-o-Tunya Road
PO Box 60204
Tel: 322497
Cell: 097 806472
Mrs Tiku Gitangali
Mr. Mutale E.K.
- Kuta Chambers
Suite 513-514 Mosi-o-Tunya House
Mosi-o-Tunya Road
PO Box 61078
Tel/Fax: 323924
2) Ms. Suba Inu’tu Etambuyu
- Lisulo & Co
Stand No: 491 – 492
Akapelwa Street
Sackville Building
PO Box 60003
Tel: 323397097-775978/097-778978/97
Mr. Akafumba Rikki Josephs
Mr Kapepe John Jnr.
- Livingstone Partners
Old Civic Centre
Plot 123 Mosi-o-Tunya Road,
Po Box 60858
Tel: 322857 Mr. Chipande Rodney Abraham
- Muzyamba & Co
Mosi-O-Tunya Building
Mosi-O-Tunya Road
PO Box 60392
3) Tel/Fax: 324106
Cell: 097 777012
4) Mr. Muzyamba Chilikwazi Mudenda
Silweya and Co.
2nd Floor Liso House
Mosi-o-Tunya Road
PO Box 61153
Tel: 320538
Fax: 320538
Mr. Chuunga Frederick Sulwe
- J H Adams & Co
15th Street
Peart Building
PO Box 90774
Tel: 511074
Fax: 510650
2) Mr. Adams Juvenal Hilton
- Nsemiwe & Co
Kafubu House
PO Box 91061
Tel: 511363
Fax: 511363
Mr Nsemiwe Titus
- AA Tickley & Co
PO Box 32953
Tel: 271308
3) Mr.Tickley Abdul Aziz
- Achimota Chambers
Chachacha House
Chachacha Road
PO Box 36608
Tel: 223485
Fax: 223495
4) Mr. Mensah Joe Frank
- AD Adams & Co
1st Floor, Farmers House
Cairo Road
PO Box 33143
Fax: 228661
Adam Aziz HD, SC
Chaane George
Gani Abdul Ebrahim
Mitchley Anthony Owen Richard
5) Yousuf Musa Ahmed Adam
- AJM & Associates
Carousel Shopping Centre
Rooms 28-30-32
2nd Floor
PO Box 50540
Tel: 237725
Fax: 237743
Mr. Mumba John Alex
- Ali M Hamir & Co
Westavia House
Plot No: 9214
Off Los Angeles Boulevard
PO Box 36475
Tel: 288578/9
Fax: 288009
6) Hamir Ali Mohamed, S.C.
- i) Hamir Osman Mohammed
- AM Wood & Co
Advocates & Notaries
3rd Floor Godfrey House
PO Box 30028
Tel: 237957
Fax: 237963 Email:
7) Mr. Wood M Albert
- AN Chambers
Makishi Road,
PO Box 30851,
PO Box 30851
Tel: 231767/224588/ 97 797855/ 097 778196
Cell: 778196
Mr. Ngoma Nkalimo Agness
- Andrea Masiye & Co
Lex House
PO Box 30757
Tel: 254842
Mr.Lungu Chagwa Edgar
Mr. Masiye Sylvester Andrea
Asmal & Co
Plot 9249 Delhi Street
Fidelity Building
2nd Class Trading Area
PO Box 36626
Tel: 244025 / 226210
Fax: 236538
8) Mr. Patel Younus Asmal
- Atlas Partners
PO Box 34630
Lusaka Showgrounds
Tel: 294712/294713
9) Ms Zulu Lekiwe Angela
- Banda Watae Advocates
“The House”
PO Box 33939
Tel: 254678
Fax: 254678
Mr. Banda Micheal Chauba
Mr. Watae Sidney
Bango Associates
Plot 9686 Chudleigh
PO Box 50072
Tel: 294013
10) Mr. Siakalima Zunga
- Batoka Chambers
- 1st Floor Insurance House
- PO Box 35858
Tel: 234650
Fax: 228227
Mr. Hamakando Maambo Hamuzwe Fred
- Ben Ngenda Advocates
Westavia House
Lumumba Road
PO Box 34844
Tel: 097 – 771854
11) Mr. Ngenda Lubinda Benjamin
- Beta Legal Consult Chambers
- 6 Nyati Close
- PO Box 50742
- Tel: 250312
- Fax: 250293
- Ms. Mulamfu Beatrice Mukumbwa
- Cave Malik & Co
Mambilima House
Kabelenga Road
PO Box 34204
Tel: 235486/231964/096 766321
Mr. Mittal Rajesh Chandra
- CC Mwansa Associates
PO Box 50235
12) Mrs. Mwansa Charity Achuime Chola
- Central Chambers
Lex House
Addis Ababa Roundabout
PO Box 50465
Tel: 254610
Fax: 254815
13) Ms Mapara Rita
14) Mr. Han’gandu Kelvin
Mr. Ndhlovu Matiya
Mr. Sikota Sakwiba
- Chaiwila & Chaiwila Associates
2nd Floor Permanent House
“T Wing” No. 253
Cairo Road
PO Box 34750
Tel: 097 795621 /096431479
15) Chaiwila Mwango Maurice
16) Chaiwila Towa Silweya
- Charles & Charles
3rd Floor Development House
PO Box 37619
Tel: 231541 / 225510
17) Muneku Charles Nathaniel
- Chifumu Banda & Associates
Godfrey House, Longolongo Rd
PO Box 31025
Tel: 233395/233059
Fax: 232203
Mr. Banda Chifumu Kingdom SC
Mr. Chisi Prince
- ii) Lungu Bubile Grace
- iii) Ndhlovu Masauso Nelson
Chilembo & Co.
Plot 2796 Chempro Building
PO Box 30584
Mr. Chilembo Oliver Bangala
Chilupe & Co
1st Floor, Superannuation House
Ben Bella Road
PO Box 30819
Tel: 227879/227880
Fax: 222769 / 222768
Mr. Chilupe Kabwe George
Gen Gilbert Chewe Chileshe
- Chimungu & Co
Ground Floor Permanent House
PO Box 33693
Tel: 235845/096 760901
18) Mr. Chimungu Chewe Tarsisius
- Chintu & Co
Plot 685, 4th Floor Lotti House
PO Box 30446
Tel: 237576/237548/223448
19) Mr. Chintu Mulenga Hubert
- Christopher Russell Cook & Co
Woodgate House
Cairo Road
PO Box 34091
Tel: 229366-70
Fax: 225158/225713
Mr. Njobvu Alick Jonathan Corinth
Mr. Patel Kanti Kanjimbhai
CKM & Associates
Chester House
Cairo Road,
PO Box 38288
Cell: 097 792172
Ms Kapatamoyo Maudy Chama
CL Mundia & Co
1st Floor Bible House
Freedom Way
PO Box 35492
Tel: 220272 / 220267 / 220288
Fax: 294093
20) Mr. Mundia Lubasi Christopher
- CM Sampa & Co
Esco Building
Kabelenga Avenue
PO Box 38209
Tel: 233052
21) Mr. Sampa Mofu Christopher
- Corpus Globe
Stand No. 2386
Growell Building
Longolongo Road
PO Box 32115
Tel: 235480/1
Fax: 238657
Mr. Chibesakunda Mwelwa
Mr. Chipimo Chileshe Elias
Mr. Kunda Christine
Mr. Machila Bradford
Mr. Musyani Gertrude
Mr. Sabi Mwape Samuel
- ii) Young Pio Amilha
- DH Kemp & Co
Plot 6941 Suez Road
Off Church Road
PO Box 31000
Tel: 255081/252381
Fax: 255225
- iii) Locha Godfrey
Mubonda Kabanda Newton
Zaheeda Essa
- Dindi & Co
Plot 1B, Room 115, 1st Floor,
Western Wing, Above Cairo Chemist
Chiparamba Road
PO Box 34871
Tel: 231446
Fax: 229875
22) Mr. Dindi Kaponda Noah
Dove Chambers
Plot 106/7, E W Tarry Building
Cairo Road
PO Box 39538
Tel: 221030
Cell: 097 789579
23) Mrs Zaloumis Mwangala Frances
Mr. S M J Zaloumis
- Dzekedzeke & Co
Dzekedzeke & Co.
Findeco House 14th Floor
Cnr Independence/Cairo Rds
PO Box 30685
Tel: 225582/232584
Mr. Dzekedzeke Ostoph (Deceased)
Mr. Muyawala Moses Patrick
- EBM Chambers
Former Sheriff’s Yard
Jacaranda Road
PO Box 32081
Tel: 252185
Mr. Chanda Priscilla
Mr. Mwansa Bupe Emmanuel
- Echo Temple & Chambers
- Indeco House
Cairo Road,
RW 51258
Tel: 228561
Mr. Kapilikisha Francis Chowa
Mrs. Munsaka Maudy Manda
- Ellis & Co
No 8 Tito Road, Off Church Road
Phillip Ellis House, O
PO Box 31902
Tel: 252709/738/809
Fax: 250802
Mr. Chonta Chileshe Charles
24) Mr. Chimuka Haangala Constatine
Mr. Lwatula Mwenya
Mr. Nyembele Lagos
Mr. Mutale Bonaventure Chibamba
- Ernst & Young
PO Box 32385
Tel: 237785/58/56/220080
Fax: 227022/229008
25) Celine Nair
- Equity Chambers
4th Floor Kulima Tower
Katunjila Road
PO Box RW 51052
Tel: 224045/Cell: 097 705022
- Ernest Mwansa & Partners
PO Box 35868
Tel/Fax: 225661
Mr. Elita P Mwikisa
Mr. Mwansa Chitumwa Ernest
- Fidelity Chambers
9th Floor
Premium House
PO Box 38906
Tel: 231823
26) Mr. Cornhill Gregory
Finance Management Services
PO Box 37012
Tel: 224276/223586
- i) Roberts Alfred
Finsbury Investment Ltd
PO Box 37012
Tel: 229733-42
Fax: 227544
Chanda Joan Lubasi
- Fraser Associates
1st Floor Fintex House
Dar-es-Salaam Place, Sapele Rd
PO Box 35641
Tel: 227563/229387
- ii) Chishimba Fraser
27) Malata Mwenya Flavia
- Gideon & Partners
2nd Floor Impala House
Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box RW 50347
Tel: 231278
Cell: 096 766413
- ii) Mwewa Gideon Kateba
- Global Partners
5th Floor, Zimco House
Chainda Place, Cairo Road
PO Box 32018
Tel: 227974
28) Mr. Muhyila Hinyungwe Austin
- GW Simukoko & Co
Plot 11994 Off Lake Road
PO Box 38247
Tel: 264403/255733
Fax: 255533
- ii) Simukoko Wamusula Geoffrey
- Hamanyanga & Co
Grosvenor Court, Cairo Road
PO Box 34417
Tel: 225642
Mr. Hamanyanga Hamalala George
Mrs Ngónomo FM Beatrice
- H C Mubashi & Co
Plot 5430 Kasangula Road Kalundu
PO Box 35981
Tel: 290188
Cell: 095 702346
- iii) Mubashi Chomba Hugo
- H Chanda & Co
First Floor Sitwe Plaza,
Opp. Kulima Bus Stop
Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box 35364
Tel: 220085
29) Mr. Chanda Henry
- HH Ndhlovu & Co
3rd Floor Rm 307
Woodgate House, Cairo Road
PO Box 35789
30) Fax: 250184
31) Mr.Ndhlovu Hlazo Humphrey
- IC Ngónga & Co
Muyuni House, Plot 8116
1st Floor Room 3 Bombay Street
PO Box 36309
Tel: 220254/56
Mr. Chiwale Vincent McRobby
Mr. Ngónga Chifumbe Isaiah
- Ituna Partners
PO Box 32314
Tel: 223796/237882
Fax: 222977
Mr. Mulwila Mubanga John Dr
Ms. Mwamba Emmah
- IZ Mbewe Associates
Ground Floor Kambemdekela House
PO Box 30123
Tel: 237529/237528
Ms Zeko Inonge Ireen Mbewe
- I. M. Zulu & Associates
2nd Floor Eagle House
Former Chuundu House
PO Box
Tel: 234440
Cell: 097 776024 / 096 767598
- ii) Ian M. Zulu
- Jacob & Partners
- Zimco House 8th Floor
- PO Box
- Tel: 223917
- Jaques & Partners
4th Floor Anchor House
Cairo Road,
PO Box 30275
Tel:228081/1 222543
Fax: 226173
Mooka Mushemi.
Mr. Katongo Chindeni Damson
- JB Sakala & Co
Permanent House, Wing A
Ground Floor
PO Box 34279
Tel: 226885
Fax: 224443
- iii) Sakala Kondwa Emily
- Jitesh Naik Advocates
PO Box 31176
Tel: 227216/17
Fax: 226928
Mr. Jitesh Naik
Mr. Chuula Chikosola Patrick
- iv) Munakopa Lloyd
- JMC & Associates
2nd Floor CUSA House
Stand 628 Cairo Road
PO Box 34855
Tel: 238496
- v) Chimembe Mwila Joseph
- JMM Consultants
PO Box 30481
Tel: 222201
Fax: 220126
Mr. Mwanakatwe Chipampe Paul
Mr. Mwanakatwe Mupanga John
- Kajimanga & Co
5th Floor & 2nd Floor
Godfrey House
PO Box 50794
Tel: 234451
Fax: 234436
Cell: 700595
- vi) Mwenye Musa Juma
- Kalima Chambers
Kulima House
Plot/Stand No. 1 Addis Ababa Avenue
PO Box 51209
- vii) Mebeelo Kalima
- Kasonde & Co
PO Box 37458
- viii) Kasonde Mutale Andrew
- Katayi & Co.
- First Alliance Bank Premises
- Cha Cha Cha Road,
- PO Box RW 50022
- Tel: 096 759551
- Mr. Katayi Kabwe
- Katuta & Company
- 4th Floor Cusa House
- PO Box FW 110
Tel: 235134
Fax: 235843
Mr. Nsemukila Katuta Kosta
- KBF & Partners
- 1st Floor, E W Tarry Building
- Cairo Road
- PO Box 34444
- Tel: 236450
- Mr. Bwalya Kelvin Fube
- Kongwa & Co
Lusaka Polytechnic Building
Lumumba Road
PO Box 34512
Tel: 226390
- ix) Kongwa S Francis
- Lai-Loi Chambers
Plot 317 3rd Floor Kulima House
Plot 317, Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box 35981
Tel: 236674
- x)
- xi) Katuta Chituampyana Bruno
- M & M
- Attorneys at Law
- Permanent House
- P/B 442X
Tel: 231490
Fax: 231096
Mr. Musaba Keith K.
Mr. Mwananshiku Slyvester Chibangu
- LC & Co
Plot No. 5997
Vintage Building, Great East Road
PO Box 37221
Tel: 290195/295151
Fax: 295176
Mr. Chiti Kambole Lannette
Mr. Chiti Stanley Kasonde Bwalya
LC Zulu & Company
AMI Head Office Building
3535 Lumumba/Malambo Roads
PO Box 30131
Tel: 246191/6
Fax: 246192
- xii) Cell: 096 762110
Mr. Leslie Chembe Zulu
- Levy Mwanawasa & Co
Plot 6798 Chiwalamabwe Road,
Olympia Extension,
PO Box 31283
Tel: 292880
Fax: 224034
Mr. Mwanawasa Patrick Levy
Mrs. Mwanawasa Kakubo Maureen
Mr. Kasote Kirk Donald
- Libertas Legal Practitioners
Plot 4833 Los Angeles Boulevard
PO Box 50843
Tel: 251784/255742
Mr. Nkonde Bwalya Sunday
Mr. Ngwira William
Ms.Lungu Helen
- Light House Chambers
Villa Elizabetha
Musonda Ngosa Road
PO Box 37072
Tel: 242527 / 096 758002/96 763140
Fax: 292958
- xiii) Sitwala Sachika
- Lincoln Chambers
- 1st Floor Salvation Army house
- Cairo Road
- PO Box 37489
- Tel: 220476/220749
- xiv) Mwape Darlington
- Lisimba & Co
PO Box 35929
Tel: 221140/224674
Mr. Lisimba Munalula Vernon
- Lisulo & Co
Opp. UNZA Gate
Plot 5839 Nanshila Road, Kalundu
PO Box 32259
Tel: 294970
Cell: 097 794969
- xv) Haimbe Njolomba Nama Dilys
Mr. Musonda Edward
- Lloyd Siame & Co
Cusa House
PO Box 37418
Tel: 237241
Fax: 237242
- xvi) Chongo Ireen
- xvii) Phiri Jack
- Luangeni Chambers
Stand 12500 Kafue/Lumumba Road Junction
Caroussel Building
PO Box 37493
Tel: 234650
Cell: 096 762043
- xviii) Zulu Mangani Lucas
- xix)
- Lukona Chambers
Lex House, Addis Ababa Roundabout
PO Box 31160
Tel: 254748
Fax: 253166
- xx) Mutti Butete Kashumba Nellie
- xxi) Mrs Chibale Agness Nonde
- M.C. Kayuma Associates
- 5th Floor Anchor House
PO Box 33955
Tel: 231849
Ms Kayuma Mary Natchihulu Chitebe
- M Makasa & Co
21st Floor, Findeco House
PO Box 310263
Tel: 237563
Mobile: 097 822348
Fax: 282321
Mr.Makasa Mukula Robinson
- M Musonda & Co
3rd Floor Permanent House
PO Box 36470
Tel: 221382
Fax: 221383
Mr. Bukali Domingo
Mr. Musonda Micheal
- M Phiri & Partners
Plot 4749 Lubwa Rd/Beit Road
PO Box 38582
Tel: 250017
Fax: 250027
- xxii) Phiri Moses
- Mabutwe Associates
Mulombwa Close
Off Bwinjifumu Road
PO Box 37991
Tel: 225948
- xxiii) Mabutwe Clement
Mr. Sakala David O.
- Mainza & Company
- 4th Floor Chester House
- Cairo Road
- PO Box 34143
- Tel/Fax: 223126
- Ms Kapita Astridah Kangwa
- Mr. Mainza Remmy
- Makala & Co
Plot 2103, 5th Floor, Woodgate House
Nairobi Place
PO Box 33431
Tel: 237461/223895
Fax: 226312
Mr. Makala Hachuka Kenny
Mr. Ngenda Akalemwa
Ms Haimbe H. Mulambo
- Malambo & Silwamba Advocates & Notaries
6th Floor Kwacha House
Cairo Road
PO Box E 342
Tel/Fax: 238601
Malambo Blackskin Vincent
Silwamba Suwilanji Eric
Marshall Chambers
Suite 406/7 Anchor House
Plot 1369-71
Cairo Road
PO Box 51230
Tel: 097 780256
- xxiv) Kaulung’ombe Germand Mutale
Mayowe & Co
Plot No. 2516
Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box 31916
Tel: 235292
- xxv) Mayowe Christopher
- MB Kamuwanga & Co
5th Floor Zimco House
PO Box 33713
Tel: 221502
Fax: 223534
- xxvi) Kamuwanga M. Beatrice
(Also at Zambia Law Dev. Commission)
- MG Johnson-Mwenda & Co
Plot No. 628
1st Floor CUSA House
PO Box 33645
Tel: 223261
Fax: 224692
- xxvii) Mwenda Grace Marjorie
- Miyanda Associates
3rd Floor, Cusa House
PO Box 35600
Tel: 238474 / 96 766417
Fax: 221441
- MNB Legal Practitioners
Stand 6131, 3rd & 4th Floor
Godfrey House, Longolongo Road
PO Box 34207
Tel: 236920
Fax: 236134 / 234019
Mr. Siampwili Patrick
Mr. Nchito Mutembo
Mr. Nchito Nchima
Mr. Norman Sampa
Mr. Philimon Songolo
MMW & Co.
Electra House
PO Box 31619
Tel: 097 786737
- xxviii) Willombe Bevin Chansa
- Mofya Chambers
Stand 20,21,22Central Arcade Annex, Behind Society House
PO Box 31593
Tel: 235723
- xxix) Mofya Letford Nigel
- Mukande & Co
Stand 685 Salvation Army House
PO Box 30134
Tel: 220489
Fax: 239756
- xxx) Mukande Mwikisa Louis
- Mulenga Mundashi & Co
3rd Floor Development House
Katondo Street
PO Box 34972
Tel: 235846 / 225886
Fax: 238547
Mr. Chibundi Kafusha Phillip
Mr. Mulenga Mutila
Mr. Mundashi Musonda Micheal
- Mulungushi Chambers
Stand No. 8, Permanent House
PO Box 36639
Tel: 221980
Fax: 235897
Mr. Phiri Chivwara Kopeka
Mr. Simbao Mwamba Kenslick
- Mungomba Associates
The Lawyers’ Inn
42 Kudu Road, Kabulonga
PO Box 35476
Tel: 260055/58
Fax: 262110
Mr. Mungómba Dísreali Willa
Mumba S. Kapumpa Advocates
Plot 2957 Benangombe Road, Woodlands
PO Box 33066
Tel: 264229
Fax: 260664
Cell: (096) 762035
Mr. Kapumpa S Mumba
- Munsaka Chambers
- 1st Floor Nsefu House
- Room 5, 1st Floor Nsefu House
PO Box 50987
Tel/Fax: 227413
- xxxi) Mrs Virginia Agness Sondashi
- Munyinda & Co
7th Floor Findeco House
Cairo Road
PO Box RW 50891
Tel: 222277
- xxxii) Munyinda Mututwa Andrew
- Mweenmba Chashi & Partners
6th Floor Woodgate House
PO Box 30284
Tel: 224230
Cell: 097 771789/096 434534
- xxxiii) Chashi Justin
- Musa Dudhia & Co
Comesa House
Ben Bella Road
PO Box 31198
Tel: 228426/30
Fax: 222603/227188
Dudhia Abdulla Ebrahim
Dudhia Ashard Abdulla
Dudhia Musa Isap Mahomed
Patel Gulam Farid
- Mushipe & Associates
8th Floor Zimco House
PO Box 33813
Tel: 231188
Fax: 262713
Ms. Mushipe Martha
Ms Rhoda Phiri
- Mushota & Associates
1B 2nd Floor, West Suite
ZSIC House Chiparamba Road
P/Bag W 411
Tel/Fax: 225014 / 097 773687
- xxxiv) Mushota Jabani Lillian
- Mutemwa Chambers
Plot 685,4th Floor Lotti House
PO Box 30993
Tel: 226136/237924
Fax: 221901
- xxxv) Mutemwa Mutemwa
- Mvunga Associates
Anchor House
Sapele Road
PO Box 37988
Tel: 226881
Fax: 234077
Prof. Mvunga Mphanza Patrick
Ms Sambo Towela
- Mwiimbu & Co
3rd Floor Tazara House
PO Box 31645
Tel: 237905 / 096 769625
- xxxvi) Jack Jacob Mwiimbu
- Nakonde Chambers
1st Floor Cha Cha Cha House
Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box 31226
Tel: 222427
- xxxvii) Malewa Victor Kaona
- 0 Chambers
1st Floor Permanent House
PO Box 34682
Tel: 235454
Mr. Michelo Hichuumba Clement
- NKM & Associates
PO Box 35822
Tel: 229610
Mr. Mutuna Kalonde Nigel
Mr. Simuchoba Sibanze 095 705391
- Nkwazi Chambers
PO Box 36870
Tel: 254968
- xxxviii) Munyama Bruce África
- xxxix) Nambeye Nancy
- Nosiku Kawanambulu & Co
Stand No. 10524 Lumumba Road
MK Sports
PO Box 36857
Tel: 261912
- xl) Sipalo Ngenda
- Nyangulu & Co
Plot 2361, Design House
Sapele Road
PO Box 32049
Tel: 221008
Mr. Mhango Ganjo Huck Norman
Judge Nyangulu Anthony John
- Nyankhata Chambers
9 Ngwezi Road
Roma Township
PO Box 32049
Tel: 290231
Mrs. Ngámbi Nkhata Daisy
- Okware & Associates
Zimco House
Cairo Road
PO Box 39569
Tel: 236677 / 229035
Cell: 096 758222 / 095 703602
- xli) Okware Nicholas
- P.M. Mwikisa & Co
3rd Floor Tazara House
Independence Avenue
P/Bag RW 403
Tel: 222790
- Mr. Mwikisa Wasamunu
- Paul Palan & George
- 3rd Floor Premium House
Independence Avenue
Premium House
PO Box 34020
Tel: 097 802566
- xlii) Mulonda Palan
- Patrick Zulu & Partners
- 5th Floor Society House Suite 509
- PO Box 35516
- Tel: 220938
- Mr. Munsanje Hodges Mark
- xliii) Noyoo Noyoo
- Paul Pandala Banda & Co
2nd Floor Southern Wing
Plot No. 693 Impala House
Cha Cha Cha
PO Box 50437
Tel: 231237
Cell: 097 779807 / 784461
Mr. Banda Pandala Paul
Mr. Gilbert Chewe Chileshe
Mr. Mubembe Joseph
- Permanent Chambers
Sapele Road Memaco House
PO Box 35702
Tel: 225884
Fax: 225049
Mr. Mubanga FAubbie Crispin
- xliv) Mandona Richard Nsofu
Mr. Chibangula Gary Davies
- PH Yangailo
PO Box 35972
Tel: 238195
Fax 238195
Mr. Yangailo Pengani Handerson
Mr. Ngulube Richard
- Phoenix Partners
9th Floor Premium House
Independence Avenue
PO Box 34302
Tel: 234621
Fax: 234620
Mr. Malila Mumba
Dr. F K M Sumaili
- Pikiti & Co
No. 52 Church Road
Ndelefina Premises
PO Box 35716
Tel: 226665
Fax: 237506
- xlv) Pikiti Mweshi Mathew Joseph
- RH Nketani & Co
Plot 104A Grosvenor Court
Room 3, Cairo Road
PO Box 36806
Tel: 228931
- xlvi) Nketani Hisambi Reuben
- RMA Chongwe & Co
Panganani Road
PO Box 31190
Tel: 234440
Alternative Email:
Chongwe A M Rodger, Dr.
- Sambo Kayukwa & Co
Stand 628, 1st Floor CUSA House
PO Box 36855
Tel: 097 799141
- xlvii) Kayukwa Robert Godfrey
- Shamwana & Co
Plot 9308 Independence Avenue
PO Box 32369
Tel: 254839 / 253756
Fax: 251265
Mr. Shonga James Abyudi
Mr. Hachitapika Ruth Chimuka
- Sharpe & Howard
1st & 2nd Floor Nalupembe House,
Stand 11723, Kabelenga Road,
PO Box 32587,
Tel: 222810/2/4, 232952; 232505
Fax: 224179
Email: s&
Mrs. Sharpe-Phiri Nicola Ann
Mr. Howard Guy Andrew
Mr. Kasonde Anthony
Ms. Katie Skippings
Ms. Veronica Scott
Ms Chipman Nelly
- Shepande & Co
4th Floor Design House
PO Box 36939
Tel: 237566/236046/221868
Fax: 238047
- xlviii) Shepande Mpolobe Kennedy
- Silweya & Co
24c, 1st Floor
Technologist Building
PO Box 34426
Tel: 221390
- xlix) Silweya Henry
- Simeza Sangwa & Associates
2rd Floor Woodgate House
PO Box 36824
Tel: 227574
Fax: 220568
Mr. Banda James
Mr.Chipanzhya Mambwe
Mr. Sangwa Peter John
Mr. Simeza Mbonani Robert
- Sinkamba & Associates
- Indeco House
- Cairo Road
- PO Box 35352
- Tel: 097-780403
- l) Sinkamba Owen
- Solly Patel Hamir & Lawrence
4th Floor Woodgate House
PO Box 30605
Tel: 229366/7
Fax: 225158
Mr. Patel Suliman
Sondashi & Co
Plot No. 1B
Chiparamba Road
Old UNDP Building
PO Box 50987
Tel: 223373
Fax: 223373
Dr.Sondashi S Ludwig,
- SS Phiri & Co
1st Floor Cha Cha Cha House
Cha Cha Cha Road
PO Box 36289
Tel: 222543
- li) Phiri Saulos Saidi
- TS Chilembo Chambers
3rd Floor Tazara House
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 37723
Tel: 235983
- lii) Chilembo Todd Stewart
- Veritas Chambers
Rooms 46-48
Carousel Shopping Centre
Stand No. 11052 Lumumba/Kafue Rds,
PO Box 30653
Tel/Fax: 223922
Cell: 097 798763 / 805730
Mr. Sabi Mwape Samuel
Mr. Sikatana Mundia Fred
- Verity and May Chambers
Ground Floor, Stand 7940/41
Kambendekela House
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 31645
Tel: 231185/222964
Fax: 222963
- liii) Ms Kamanga Mwenya Priscilla
Ms Zeko Inonge Ireen Mbewe
- Wright Chambers
Plot 1274/3,
Lubuto Road, Rhodespark,
P/Net Box 414-P/P Bag E891,
Tel: 253357/253744
Fax: 251001
Wright Jonathan Henry A
- W Sithole Mwenda & Co
9th Floor Premium House
PO Box 37339
Tel: 231890 / 238448
Fax: 238449
- liv) Mrs Mwenda Sithole Winnie
- WM Kabimba & Co
3rd Floor Godfrey House
Longolongo/Kabelenga Road
PO Box 36571
Tel: 238615/6
Fax: 238615
- lv) Kabimba Mwanacaambwa Wynter
- WM Mumbuna & Co
4th Floor Bata House
PO Box 35472
Tel: 235428/9
Cell: 096-430046
- lvi) Mumbuna Wamui Mwenda
- Zambezi Chambers
Ulendo Building
PO Box 32749
Tel: 235689
- lvii)
- lviii) Musanya Mukuka Alex
- Zikonda & Associates
11th Floor Zimco House, Cairo Road
PO Box 34974
Tel: 238504
- lix) Zikonda Ray Anderson
- Zulu & Co
3rd Floor Room 3 & 3A
Society House
PO Box 30917
Tel: 223527
- lx) Zulu Saizi Sebastian
(07) MONGU
- Muyenga & Associates
Libonda Street
PO Box 101 Kanyongo
Tel: 222852
- lxi) Muyenga Mashebe Muteto
- Light House Chambers (Branch)
Independence Avenue
Findeco House
PO Box 910153
Tel: 221324/221579/221605
- lxii) Sitwala Sachika
- Abha Patel & Associates
- Stand No. 56 & 57
- Bank of Zambia Annex
- Buteko Avenue
- PO Box 240341
- Tel: 621976
- Fax: 614277
- Mrs. Abha Nayar Patel
- Mrs Mwansa Mutimushi
- A.M. Mushingwa & Co
2nd Floor
Dorcas House, Blantyre Road,
PO Box 70782
Tel: 622004
Tel: 622004
- ii) Mushingwa Agneos
- Cave Malik & Co
Caravelle House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 70924
Tel: 610393/4
Fax: 610395
Mr. Thakur Bhupendra
- iii) Mr Mason Stephen Mutale Chanda
- Chali Chama & Co
Tazama House, Moffat Road
PO Box 70338
Tel: 610649/51
Fax: 615752
- iv) Chali Isaac
- v) Sandi Namwinga
- Chitabo Chiinga Associates
1st Floor Plot 32 President Avenue
Holdsworth Building
PO Box 71598
Tel: 613536
Fax: 612862
- vi) Chitabo Mwila
- C.N.S. Chambers
Bwafwano House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 240574
Tel: 620538
Fax: 621992
Mr. Ndandula Charles S.
- Ellis & Co
Berverley House
President Avenue
PO Box 71536
Tel: 611041/2
Fax: 613488
Mr. Siame John
- George Kunda & Co
1st Floor Pelican House
Vitanda Street
PO Box 70338
Tel: 620617/18 Fax: 620619
Mr. Kunda George
Mr. Kunda Ireen
- GS Chimanga & Company
- ZSBS Building
- President Avenue
- PO Box 71223
- Mr. Chimanga Goodall S.
- Hillary Banda & Co.
- 3rd Floor Room 308
- Security House
- PO Box 71468
Tel/Fax: 612919
Cell: 097 809594
- vii) Hillary Banda
- J Kabuka & Co
5th Floor Mpelembe House
PO Box 240440
Tel: 612096
Fax: 615160
Mr. Kabuka John
Mrs. Kabuka Jane
- JB Sakala & Co
Bambo house
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 70848
Tel: 610610
Fax: 612826
Dr. Sakala Bikoloni Julius
Mr. Msoni Kelvin
UK Affiliate:
Fahm & Co.,
Apollo Way, Blackwood South Wales
UK NP12 1WB, Tel: 44 1495 224973
Fax: 44 1495 222902
- JM Kapasa & Co
1st Floor Canada House
President Avenue
PO Box 72591
Tel: 617904/620961
2) Mr. Kapasa John M
- Josias & Partners
- Flavenford Chambers
- 4th Floor Collet House
- Buteko Avenue
- PO Box 72713
- Tel: 614090
- ii) Josias Soko
- Kafunda & Co
1st Floor, Namboard Building
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 250020
Tel: 620986
Mr. Kafunda Catherine
Quintino Kalonde & Company
Stand 2471 Security House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 72123
Mr. Kalonde Quintino M.
- Kangómbe & Co
1st Floor Buteko House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 71172
Tel: 617619
Fax: 615191
Mr. Kangómbe Bernard Mwansa
- Libertas Legal Practitioners
4th Floor Mpelembe House
PO Box 70345
Tel: 613277 Fax: 620126
Mr. Chulu Enias
- Ms. Phiri Selina
- LK Mbaluku & Co
3rd Floor Buteko House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 70646
Tel/Fax: 620373
3) Ms. Mbaluku Loveness Kolala
- Lloyd Jones & Collins
Atlas Copco Zambia Road
PO Box 71544
Tel: 620373
Fax: 620863-4
Mr. Chileshe Chanda HJ
Mr. Stacey Charles
Mr. Bwalya Dereck
- Lloyd Siame & Co
Laurel House
Arusha Street
PO Box 72897
Tel: 611793/4
Mr. Maggubwi Chimuka
Mr. Siame Lloyd V.
Mr. Freddie Chalenga
Mr. Tembo Able
Mr. Chimuka Magubbwi
- LM Matibini & Co
Collet House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 71568
Tel: 621049
Fax: 620914
Chalenga Freddie
Matibini Lawrence
- Lumwangwe Chambers
- PO Box 70638
Tel: 621298
Cell: 097 778301
- ii) Mrs Nsama N Chisaka
- Makungu & Co
Compensation House
PO Box 71535
Tel: 620304
Fax: 621990
4) Ms Makungu Catherine
- i) Derrick Mulenga
- Mubanga Gershom
- Mubanga Associates
- 2nd Floor Room 13 & 16
- Dorcas House
- Buteko Avenue
- PO Box 71695
- Tel: 612685
Mobile: 097-794674
- Mr. Mubanga Gershom
& Co.
Vitanda Street, Legacy House
PO Box 71150
- ii) Chad H. Muleza
- Musaluke Muya & Co.
- Plot 40/41
- Cnr Chimwemwe Road,
- Buteko Avenue
- Bwafwano House
- PO Box 71322
- Tel
- Fax:
- Mr. Muya Zachariah
- Mwale Musonda Associates
1st Floor Collet House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 71399
Tel: 618830/617756/7
Fax: 618480
Mr. Mwale Wilson
Ms Mwansa Mulumba
- Ndola Chambers
Serenje House
Makoli Avenue
PO Box 73403/72717
Tel/Fax: 618476
5) Mr. Mbushi Henry
- Peter Mwale & Co
Parinos Building, Kasuba Road
PO Box 73596
Tel: 618840
6) Mr. Mwale Peter
- VK Mwewa & Co
2nd Floor Buteko House
Room 202
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 73494
Tel: 621208
Mr. Mwewa Vincent
- York Partners
Telnor House
Buteko Avenue
PO Box 290033 / 71354
Tel: 620011
Fax: 613014
Mr. Katongo Kephas
Article II.
Article III.
Article IV.
Chililabombwe Municipal Council,
PO Box 210023
Tel: 382234
Fax: 382945
(ii) Mr. Mumba Rodney Musonda
NFB Africa Mines plc
PO Box 22592
Tel: 721666/ 721601-8
Mr. Lombe W. Chongo
Konkola Copper Mines Plc
Fern Avenue
General Offices
P/B KCM (c) 2000
Tel: 350202 Fax: 351311
- i) Ndulo Matyola
- ii) Nawa Mataa
Judiciary Department
Magistrate’s Court
PO Box 630233
Tel: 21275 / 097 797817
Mrs Phiri Bridget Chilombo
(iii) (+255 51) DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA
Tanzania Zambia Railways
Tazara Headquarters
Stand No: 50
Nyerere Road
PO Box 2834
Tel (Res.): 72402
Mr MSM Chanda
(iv) (05) KABWE
Zambia /China Mulungushi Textiles (JV) Ltd, Head Office
Plot 2419 Kabwe-Ndola Road
PO Box 81091
Tel: 222311/222312
Fax: 224916
Mr. Jeremiah Sinkende
Zambia Railways
Head Office
Cnr Ghana/Buntungwa Streets
PO Box 80935 KABWE
Tel: 222201/223893
Fax: 224411
Mr. Musonda Patrick Chileshe
Mr. Nsefu Millo Abel Alick
Legal Resources Chambers,
Butungwa Street, Chitanda House,
PO Box 81183,
Tel: 05-221581
Copperbelt Energy Corporation plc
PO Box 20819
Nkana East
Tel: 223466/245555
Fax: 223445
Chaila Julia C.Z., Ms
Copperbelt University
Jambo Drive
PO Box 21692
Tel: 222066/225155
Fax: 222469
Mr B Chileshe
Ms Nalwamba J.
Holtens Trucking
Plot No. 1259
Freetown House
Freetown Road
PO Box 23101
Tel: 231855
Mr. Kauseni Adam Jack
Kitwe City Council
Civic Centre, Nsansa Lane
PO Box 20070
Tel: 228796
Fax: 224698
Mr. Simwinga Derrick Ali,
Mr. Michelo Victor Namobe
Mrs Irene T M Zaloumis
Mopani Copper Mines plc
Central Street, Nkana West
PO Box 22000
Tel: 247555
ZCCM Holdings plc
Kantanta Street
PO Box 20172
Tel: 245142
Fax: 245473
Mr. Chamutangi Peter Musengu
Zamtel Ltd
PO Box 21410
Dury Lane/Kantanta Street
Regional Headquarters
Tel: 220199 Fax: 220299
Mr. Mulongo Jasper
Judiciary Department
Livingstone Road
Magistrate Court
PO Box 60110
Tel: 323308
Fax: 320629
Mr. Zulu Anelo Willy
Legal Resources Chambers
2nd Floor Woodgate House
PO Box 35162
Tel/Fax: 03-322179
Mr. Kachesa Cheelo Wilson
Zambia Textiles Ltd
Zambia Textiles, Stand No. 1890/2264
Mosi-o-tunya Road
Zamtex House
PO Box 60762
Tel/Fax: 322481
Mr. Mutale Elias Kananda
Luanshya Municipal Council
Civic Centre
PO Box 90140
Tel: 511950/511650
Mr. Andrew Mwanakulanga
Aero Zambia
Dedan Kimathi Road
ZNIB Building
P/B E717
Cell: 095 703076
Ms Leya Mtonga
Plot 7539 Lukasu Road
PO Box 31145
Tel: 251813/4
Fax: 236303/262713
Ms Phiri N Zifela
Agriflora Ltd
Off Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Rd
P/B CH43
Tel: 283686
Fax: 220186
Ms Mwenzi Alice Mibenge
Anglican Diocese of Lusaka
Cathedral of the Holy Cross
Church Road
PO Box 30183
Tel: (O) 254789 (H) 264516
Rev. A. Mwenda
Anglo-American Corporation
PO Box 31986
74 Independence Avenue
PO Box 31986
Tel: 251633/096 766158
Ms Simumba-Kawama Goma
Bank of Zambia
Bank Square
Cairo Road Tel: 228888/228903-20
PO Box 30080 LUSAKA
Fax: 221764
Chisunka Kasonde Matthew
Kankasa Mabula Tukiya, Dr.
Mbalashi Chilufya
Mbewe Bonaventure Chikwakwa
Mkandawire Maria Frances
Barclays Bank Zambia Ltd
Kafue House
Cairo Road
PO Box 31396
LUSAKA Tel: 226076
Fax: 237034
Mr. Mweemba William Smith
Mr. Mwenya Chibeka
BP plc
Mukuba Pension House
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 31999
Tel: 221512
Mr. Stephen Lungu
Cavemont Merchant Bank
Independence Avenue
Mukuba Pension House
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 35476 LUSAKA
Tel: 224286/7
Fax: 224304/224316
Mr. Cave Dodge Anthony Paul
Maj. Sitali Asimbuyu Butler
Central Board of Health
Ndeke House
PO Box 35588
Tel: 253588
Fax: 253179
Mr. Chulu Jacob E L.
Commerce Bank (In Liquidation)
Cairo Road
Tel: 223781
Mr. Leonard N Kalinde
Communications Authority
Legal Department
Plot 3141 Cnr. Lumumba/
Buyantanshi Rds,
Heavy Industrial Area
PO Box 36871
Tel: 246701-2/241236
Mrs Judith Chinyanta M Tembo
Mrs Mkandawire M Susan
Mr Malama Katuma Thomas
Development Bank of Zambia
Development House
Katondo Street
PO Box 33955
Fax: 222426
Ms Kayuma N C
Mrs. Liswaniso M. Theresa Kampata
Duly Motors Ltd
Cnr. Ben Bella/Freedom Way,
PO Box 31956.
Tel: 237553, 237607
Fax: 237551
Ms Natasha Siame
Electoral Commission of Zambia
PO Box 50274
Tel: 253155-7
Fax: 253884/250081
Mr. Mathotho Stanley E.A
Mr. Eric Mataba Kamwi
Energy Regulation Board
Premium House
PO Box 37631 LUSAKA
Tel: 236002
Fax: 236003
Ms. Mondoloka Mwape
Environmental Council of Zambia
Cnr Suez/Church Roads
PO Box 35131
Tel: 254130/1, 254146
Mr. Chisanga Bikoko Aswell
Enrst & Young
PO Box 32385
Tel: 236120
Fax: 227022/229008
Ms Celine Nair
Finance Bank
8th Floor, Finance House
Cairo Road
PO Box 37102
Tel: 224276/223586/229735
Mr. Roberts Alfred
Mr. Nganjo Nathan
Food Reserve Agency
Plot No. 7419
Manda Road
Food Reserve House
PO Box 34054
Tel: 286126
Fax: 286097 / 286087
Mr. Akalutu Shepard
Grant Thornton
PO Box 30885
Tel: 227722/28
Fax: 223774
1) Ms.Tembo Mtukuza Tukuza
Group 3 Security Ltd
Plot 4974 Kabelenga Road
Lewis House
PO Box 31868
Tel: 235322
Ms Priscilla Chikuni
Independence Avenue
PO Box 50067
Tel: 251330
Ms Chanda Mwamba
Mr. Costain Chifuti
Mr. Douglas Zulu
Legal Assistant Project (UNHCR)
Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (MHA)
Chipowa Road, Rhodespark
Tel: 255474/097 848869
Mr. Chaiwila Towa Silweya
Legal Resources Chambers
4th Floor Woodgate House
PO Box 35162 LUSAKA
Tel: 227484
Fax: 220658
Mr. Chongwe Ignatius Mumba
Mr. Mulenga Geoffrey Chilufya
Mr. Muwamba Sekelebaka
Ms Situmbeko Chocho
Mr. Tafeni Clement Francis
Local Authorities Superannuation Fund
Superannuation House
Ben Bella Road
Stand No. 8363, Ben Bella Road
PO Box 34626
Tel: 222198/229643/7
Ms. Mooya Flora Kantu
Lowe Management Services
Stand 13969 Chandwe Musonda Rd
PO Box 31916
Tel: 221562/220542
Mr. Wilson Mweemba
Lusaka City Council
Civic Centre
PO Box 30077 LUSAKA
Tel: 250773
Fax: 252141
Mrs. Haimbe Lubinda Mwangala
Mr. Munansangu Milimo Moono
Mr. Nkhata Masauso
Lusaka Stock Exchange
Cairo Road
PO Box 34523 LUSAKA
Tel: 228391
Fax: 228608
Mr. Lewis Mosho
Lusaka Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd
Katemo Road, Rhodespark
PO Box 50193 LUSAKA
Tel: 250682/250666
Fax: 250776
Mr. Kalikiti Alex
Mr. Sichombo M Daniel
Mahtani Group of Companies
5th Floor, Cairo Road
Professional Insurance House
PO Box 34376
Tel: 224124/224276/224256
Mrs Joan Lubasi
Ministry of Home Affairs
Independence Avenue PO Box 50997
Tel: 254261
Mr. Lawrence Munalisa
Ministry of Local Govt & Housing
Church Road PO Box 50027
Tel: 254119/253195
Cell: 95 703141
Mr. Bernard S C Namachila
Ministry of Lands
Mulungushi House
PO Box 50694
Tel: 252288/252323/252320
Mr. F. Sichone
Ms Sikatele Cecilia
Ministry of Legal Affairs
Attorney General’s Chambers
Fairley Road
PO Box RW 50106
Tel: 253686/252786
Ms Mwananshiku K Pam
Mr. Sam Chisulo, SC
Lusaka House
Lumumba Road
PO Box 33790
Tel: 228046/53
Mr. Theu B Jordan
Mrs Mulonda M Valerie
National Airports Corporation
Airport Road
PO Box 30175
Tel/Fax: 271044
Mr. Telephone K Ndhlovu
Ms Vundamina Kyansenga Chitoshi
National Assembly
Parliament Buildings, Parliament Rd
P.O. Box 31299 LUSAKA
Tel: 290808/292425/7
Fax: 292252
Mr. Bwembya Joseph Mutale
Mr. Chibesakunda Ngona Mwelwa
Mr. Chibula Terence
Mrs. Mbewe N. Cecelia
Mr. Mulele Moses Morris
National Legal Clinic for Women
Plot 110A/150
Musonda Ngosa Road
Villa Elizabetha
P/B 578
Tel: 220595/224747
Mudenda Clement M.
Sibanda Pamela Mumbi
Chikonde Nkandu Priscilla
Kasonde Chishimba Linda
Nambeye Nancy
National Legal Clinic for Women
Plot No. 9
Mapanza Road
P.O Box 240672
Tel: 622319
Fax: 612671
Kasongo Mavis Kasongo
Munkombwe Dorcas
National Water Supply & Sanitation Council,
Plot 164 Mulombwa Close, Fairview
Tel: 226941/2
Fax: 226904
Cell: 096 435167
Mr. Siwale Mungeni
Patents and Companies Registration Office
Part of Stand 8477Longacres
Haile Selassie Avenue
Mwayi House
Tel: 255151
Fax: 227225
Mrs. Anessie Michael Banda
Mr.Kunkuta M C Joseph
Pensions and Insurance Authority
Cnr. Nationalist/John Mbita Roads
Former NCDP Building
P/B RW 30X
Tel: 250394
Mr. Chibiya Muyoya
Permanent Human Rights Commission
Independence Avenue
Mulungushi House
PO Box 33812 LUSAKA
Tel: 251327
Ms. Mufuzi Lass
Postal Services Corporation
Main Post Office
PO Box 30003 LUSAKA
Tel: 224598
Mr. Michelo Victor Namobe
National Savings & Credit Bank Building
PO Box 30942 LUSAKA
Tel: 228809/10
Fax: 220768
- i) Mrs Yangailo M. K. L. Pixie
- Public Service Pensions Fund Board
Memaco House
PO Box RW 50588
Tel: 232035
Fax: 232319
Ms Chibesakunda Chibesa
RDS Investments Ltd.
2nd Floor, Century House
Lusaka Square, Cairo Road
PO Box 35703
Tel: 223877/222498
Fax: 223876
Mrs Jane Chibulu Penza
Savenda Management Services Ltd
Kabelenga Road
PO Box 33519
Tel: 236872/096 759771
Mr. Chibwe Chikwa S.
Securities and Exchange Commission
8th Floor, National Savings & Credit Bank Building, Cairo Road North-End
P.O. Box 35165
Tel: 227012/225988
Fax: 225443 Cell: 096-757016
Mr. Michael Munalula Liweleya
Small Enterprises Development Board (SEDB)
Graphic Design House
Plot 629 Cairo Road
PO Box 35373
Tel: 222176
Mr. Gilbert X. Lukwanda
Stanbic Bank Zambia Ltd
Head Office
Woodgate House
PO Box 31955 LUSAKA
Tel: 229071
Fax: 22530/221152
Ms Chilumbu Sameta Lydia
Standard Chartered Bank Limited
Standard House
Cairo Road,
PO Box 32238
Tel: 229242
Fax: 222092
Mr. Nixon Mabvuto Banda
Times Printpak Zambia Ltd
Freedom Way
PO Box 30394 LUSAKA
Tel: 229076
Mr. Kamwendo Isaac
Union Bank Zambia Ltd (in Liquidation)
Zimco House, Cairo Road
PO Box 34940 LUSAKA
Tel: 223314
Fax: 221866
Mr. Malaro Nyirenda
University of Zambia
School of Law
Great East Road
PO Box 32379 LUSAKA
Tel: 294540/253952
Mr. Sambo Nsunka R.K.
United States Agency for International Development
USAID Mission
PO Box 32481
Tel: 254303/6
Mr. Watae Sydney
Zambia Army Headquarters
Arakan Barracks
Independence Avenue
PO Box 31931
LUSAKA Tel: 263664 / 254275
Cell: 097 779807/778461
Mubembe Joseph
Zambia Investment Centre
Investment House
Los Angeles Boulevard
PO Box 34580
Tel: 252130
Mrs Mwenya Anne C.
Mrs Phiri Elita
Zambezi River Authority
Kariba House
Stand No. 32 Cha Cha Cha Road PO Box 30233
Tel: 227970/1
Fax: 227498
Telex: ZA 42421 ZRA
Mr. Kapinga Peter
Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 35243
Tel: 237737/232183/232085
Fax: 222542
Madhu Fatima Ms
Zambia Civic Education Association
Plot 2/1836 Azikiwe Close
Lucy Sichone Memorial House
P/B 239X
Tel: 229641
Ms Majula Betty Mwaka
Zambia Competition Commission
Cairo Road
Main Post Office
PO Box 32826
Tel: 222775
Fax: 222789
Mr. George Lipimile
Zambia Daily Mail
Longolongo Road
PO Box 31421
Tel/Fax: 225881
Mr. Bob Musenga
Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal Education
ZIALE Building, Stand No. 9-11
Andrew Mwenya Road, Law Centre
PO Box 30090
LUSAKA Tel: 254557/254581
Mr. Kabonga Valentine
Zambia Law Development Commission
PO Box
Tel: 250071
Dr. Mwangala B. Kamuwanga
Zambia National Building Society
Society House
Plot No: 3 & 3a
Cairo Road PO Box 30420
Tel: 229197 Fax: 225510
Mrs Muneku Noriana Mseteka
Mr. Charles Mulenga
Zambia National Commercial Bank Ltd
Head Office, Cairo Road
PO Box 33611 LUSAKA
Tel: 221358
Fax: 223082
Mrs. Chalwe Kunda Margaret
Mrs. Mwanza Anne Sampa
Zambia National Oil Company (ZNOC)
Indeco House Cairo Road
PO Box 34595
Tel: 222134
Fax: 220144
Mrs Ngoma M Samudengu
Zambia National Tender Board (ZNTB)
Katunjila Road
Kulima Tower, 11th Floor Rm 7
PO Box 310099
Tel: 222855/220577
Fax: 220577
Mrs Mabula M Elsie
Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd
Mukuba Pension House
Dedan Kimathi Road
PO Box 30048
Tel: 229115
Mr. Kaite Kakungu John
Zambia Police Service
Independence Avenue
PO Box 50103
Tel: 253545/252872/254411
Mr. D K Mubanga
Mr. Leonard Punza
Zambia Privatisation Agency
Privatisation Building
Nasser Road
PO Box 30819
Tel: 221467
Fax: 225270
Mr. Mulikita Mulilkita Njunga
Mr. Mwandenga Mudford Zachariah
Zambia Revenue Authority
Revenue House
Kabwe Roundabout
PO Box 35710 LUSAKA
Tel: 227460/222828
Fax: 221075
Ms Chola Gertrude Shapi
Ms. Hamanyanga Namwandi
Mr. Muuka Nawa Lishomwa
Mr. Muvwende Aven
Zambia State Insurance Corporation
Premium House
Independence Avenue
PO Box 30894
Tel: 229343/57
Mr. Kamfwa Obote Kasongo
Mr. Mbambara Anock
Zambia Telecommunications Ltd
Legal Department, Lamya House
PO Box 30099 LUSAKA
Tel: 235613
Mr. Mwanda Florence
Mr. Patrick Kasonde
Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation
Great East Road
PO Box 33304 LUSAKA
Tel: 228094
Fax: 222753
Mr. Chimwala P.H.M.
Ms Kasumpa Mwansa
Ms Matongo Matembo Dorothy
Mr. Siamutwa Charles
Ms. Wina Muwindwa Mbile
Mansa District Council
PO Box 710001
Tel: 821465/821389
Mr. Chisunka Kennedy Chibangu
- (032) MAZABUKA
Judiciary Department
Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court
Plot 439, Livingstone Road
PO Box 670141
Tel: 30088/30444
Mag. Mapate Aloysius Sibiho
(032) MONZE
Judiciary Department
Magistrate Court
PO Box 660191
Tel: 50466
Mr. Trust Mweemba
- Mopani Copper Mines plc
Legal Department
4th Street
Tel: 441000/ 447004
Ms Mulemba Ngondo Mulenga
(iii) (02) NDOLA
Ndola City Council
Civic Centre
PO Box 70197
Tel: 619011/611663
Fax: 613001
Kaunda Kingsley Maj. (Rtd)
Mahtani Group of Companies
Buteko Avenue,
226 Finsbury House, Buteko Avenue
PO Box 70238
Tel: 610273/610276
Fax: 615245
Mr. Charles Chanda
Ministry of Lands,
Former Income Tax Building
Stand 2939 Independence Way
PO Box 73799
Tel: 620276
Mr. Inambao Nathaniel Nawa
Mr. Stemon Musune
Workmen’s Compensation Fund Control Board
Compensation House
Broadway/Moffat Roads
PO Box 71534
Tel: 612690
Fax: 612072
Mr. Chinene Harry
Mr. Phiri Anthony
Zambia Forestry And Forrest Industries Corp.,
Legal Department
Insurance House
Maina Soko Road
PO Box 71566
Tel: 610789/70/617028
Mr. Milupi Moraste
Zambia Postal Services
PO Box 71845
Tel: 611222
Fax: 614831
Mr. Caristo Mukonka
Zambia Telecommunications Ltd
Provident House
PO Box 71630
Tel: 611111
Fax: 615855
Mr. Tom Shamakamba
Ms Milimo Linire L.
Ms. Nhekairo Chirumba Annette
- Mr Henry B Chalwa
PO Box 39104
Tel: 229989/262005
Profession: Quantity Surveyor
- Mr Patrick Chilaizya
B.A. Property Consultants
P.O. Box 38118
Tel: 238355
Fax: 226872
Profession: Valuation Surveyor
- Mr Burton Brian Chirwa
Government Valuation Department
P.O. Box 50027
Tel: 251143
Fax: 250427
Profession: Valuation Surveyor
- Dr. Paul Chisale
UNZA – Mechanical Engineering Dept
P.O. Box 32379
Tel: 293271/8 Ext. 2758
Fax: 253952
Profession: Lecturer
- Mr Maurice Chitondo
P.O. Box 50074
Tel: 251311
Fax: 253396
Profession: Architect
- Mr Geoffrey K. Iyombwa
P.O. Box 32518
Tel: 225172/236516
Profession: Quantity Surveyor
- Ms Mutale Kanyanta
Zambili D’Afrique
P.O. Box 38540
Tel: 231307
Fax: 229691
Profession: Accountant/Business Advisor
- Dr. Nicolas J Kwendakwema
UNZA – School of Engineering
Agricultural Engineering Dept.
PO Box 32379
Tel: 097 770855/ 096 756507
Fax: 293869
Home: 252505
Profession: Engineer
- Mrs Irene Zeko Mbewe
Verity & May
Kambendekela House
P.O. Box 30123
Tel: 231185/222964
Fax: 222963
Cell: 702103
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Frederick S. Mtamira
PO Box 32518
Tel: 225172
Fax: 236516
Profession: Quantity Surveyor
- Mr Hugo Mubashi
PO Box 34689
Tel: 290188
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Michael M Mundashi
Mulenga Mundashi & Co.
PO Box 34972
Tel: 235846
Fax: 235847/225886
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mrs Nellie Butete K. Mutti
Lukona Chambers
P..O. Box 31160
Tel: 254748
Fax: 253166
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Ricky L. Mwanza
National Housing Authority
P.O. Box 50074
Tel: 251311
Fax: 253396
Mobile: 702552
- Mrs Sue M S Mwaanza
Tel: 238354
Fax: 229653
Profession: Financial Consultant
- Mrs Marjorie G Johnson Mwenda
Johnson-Mwenda & Co.
PO Box 33645
Tel: 223261
Cell: 096 755579
Home 230657
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mrs Winnie Sithole Mwenda
Premium House, Eastern Wing
PO Box 37339
Tel: 231890/703271
Fax: 238449
- Mr Rex Nabulembela
PO Box 30205
Tel: 254183
Cell: 097 772254
Profession: Quantity Surveyor
- Mr Jitesh Naik
Prospect Hill, Woodlands
Nsumbu Road
P.O. Box 31176
Tel: 227216/7, 222208
Fax: 226928
Cell: 096 755595
- Dr. Lemba D. Nyirenda
UNZA – School of Engineering
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
PO Box 32379
Tel/Fax: 290979
Home: 264041
Profession: Engineer
- Mr Gilbert G Sikazwe
Zambia State Insurance Corporation Ltd,
PO Box 30894
Tel: 224856
Fax: 222263
Cell: 096 751517
Profession: Insurer
- Mr Nigel Kalonde Mutuna
NKM & Associates
PO Box 35822
Tel/Fax: 229610
- Dr. Henry M. Mwenda
UNZA – School of Engineering
PO Box 32379
Tel: 096 755578
Fax: 224692
Home: 230657
- Mrs Nicola Sharpe-Phiri
Sharpe & Howard
PO Box 32587
Tel: 255207
Fax: 255387
Cell: 096 750272
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Sidney Watae
USAID, PO Box 32481
Tel: 254303/6
Fax: 254532
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Charles Kajimanga
Kajimanga & Co.
PO Box 50794
Tel: 234451
Fax: 234436 Cell: 770881
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Geoffrey W. Simukoko
G W Simukoko & Co.
PO Box 38247
Tel: 235198
Home: 263167 Cell: 703852
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Don W. Zyambo
D W Zyambo & Associates
PO Box 32064
Tel: 225216
Fax: 224176
Profession: Valuation Surveyor
- Mr Patrick Matibini
MNB Legal Practitioners
PO Box 50349
Tel: 236920/1
Fax: 236134
Cell: 701082
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Hillary Banda
Hillary Banda & Co
PO Box 71536
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Dixon Bwalya
Lisulo Mulenga & Bwalya
PO Box 230101
Tel: 610140
Fax: 618841
Profession: Architect
- Mr Boston Rabson Chalema
2 Chikuku road
Off Kariba Road
PO Box 71685
Profession: Engineer
- Mr Chanda Chileshe
Lloyd Jones & Collins
PO Box 71544
Tel: 651535
Fax: 651536
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Mwila Chitabo
Chitabo Chiinga Associates
PO Box 71598
Tel: 613536
Fax: 612862
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr. John Kabuka
J Kabuka & Co.
5th Floor Mpelembe House
Plot 3055, Broadway
PO Box 240440
Tel: 612096
Fax: 615160
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mrs Catherine Kafunda
Kafunda & Co.
PO Box 250025
Tel/fax: 620986
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr George Kunda
George Kunda & Co.
PO Box 70338
Tel: 620617/9
Fax: 620619
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mrs Irene Mwezi Kunda
George Kunda & Co.
PO Box 70338
Tel: 620617/9
Fax: 620619
Cell: 097 783402
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Ms Catherine Makungu
Compensation House
PO Box 71535
Tel: 620304
- Mr George Kunda
George Kunda & Co.
PO Box 70338
Tel: 620617/9
Fax: 620619
Cell: 097 783426
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Richard Nsofu Mandona
Permanent Chambers
PO Box 23215
Tel: 220602
Fax: 228051
- Mr Lawrence Matibini
L M Matibini & Co.
PO Box 71568
Tel: 621049
Fax: 620914
- Mr Henry Mbushi
Ndola Chambers
P.O. Box 73403
Tel/Fax: 618476
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Mr Henry Musonda
Kiran Musonda Associates
PO Box 70944
Tel/Fax: 620242
Profession: Civil Engineer
- Dr. Avis Nsongo
Culapio Medics Limited
PO Box 240463
Tel: 620904
Cell: 707128
Profession: Medical Doctor/
Consultant Surgeon
- Mrs Abha Patel
Abha Patel & Associates
PO Box 240351
Tel: 621976
Fax: 614277
Cell: 780804
Profession: Legal Practitioner
- Aliport Ngoma
Rothmans (Zambia) plc
PO Box 31062
Tel: 242809
Cell: (097) 770998
NOTE: All rules and queries regarding Arbitration should be directed to:
The Zambia Association of Arbitrators
No. 1 Lagos Road
PO Box 35271
Chimungu Tarsisius Chewe | Chimungu & Company | Lusaka |
- Mushingwa Agneos M., LL.B, Advocate, A.M. Mushingwa and Co., 2nd Floor, Dorcas House, Blantyre Road, P.O. Box 70782. Tel: 622004
- Tembo Samuel Jeremiah Bezaliel, LL.B, Advocate (1976), SJB Chambers, Findeco House, Parirenyatwa Road, PO Box 511102. Telefax: 21311 / 21584
- Sakala Chimbeka Kamilon, LL.B, Advocate (April 1994), Mayowe & Company, Anchor House, Cairo Road, PO Box 31916, Tel: 095 833075, 097-842131.
- Chimungu Tarsisius Chewe, LL.B (UNZA 1982), Advocate (May 1985), Chimungu and Company, Ground Floor, Wing C, Permanent House, Cairo Road, P.O. Box 33998, Tel: 235845, 096-759145
- Zulu Ian, B (1992), Advocate (April 1995), I. M. Zulu & Associates, 2nd Floor Eagle House, (Formerly Chuundu House), Sapele Road, Heroes Place, P.O. Box 39343, Tel: 226737, Fax: 226741, Cell: 097 776024 / 096 767598, Email: