Collins Nzovu, Anne Wagner-Mitchell, KAZA confer on TCA
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Collins Nzovu German Ambassador Ms Anne Wagner-Mitchell KAZA Secretariat
By Chibaula David Silwamba
Ministry of Green Economy and Environment
GREEN Economy and Environment Minister Engineer Collins Nzovu held talks with the German Ambassador to Zambia, Ms. Anne Wagner-Mitchell, and the Kavango Zambezi (KAZA) Transfrontier Conservation Area (TCA) Secretariat on Wednesday 1st December, 2021.
KAZA Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) Secretariat Executive Director, Dr. Nyambe Nyambe, KfW representative, Mr. Nils Meyer and Head of Development Cooperation at the Germany Embassy Mr. Christoph Ritz heard both sides consider the KAZA TCA, as an important transboundary initiative for regional integration, conservation of shared natural resources and cultural heritage.
The KAZA TCA is a tourism development key, attested to by Eng. Nzovu, Ms. Wagner-Mitchell and KAZA secretariat all resolved to develop, protect natural resources, creating opportunities for local communities and supporting tourism development.
Ambassador Ms. Wagner-Mitc says Germany has supported the KAZA TFCA with 40 million euros in three development phases since 2010, as Eng. Nzovu acknowledged German Government bilateral and regional levels support to energy, water, agriculture, governance, infrastructure, and environment.
Nzovu acknowledged the German support to Zambia stressing the Green Economy and Environment Ministry’s commitment to fostering an integrated approach to addressing environmental challenges confronting Zambia and the region.
“The forest sector and need for scientific data, win-win solutions for people and forest ecosystems, taking into account climate change and far-reaching implications for biodiversity, the economy and livelihoods,” said Nzovu as assured Ambassador Ms. Wagner-Mitchell and KAZA) of support in ensuring an enabling legal and policy context, leveraging partnerships and speeding up programme implementation.