Education Minister Dr. Dennis Wanchinga 33 vehicles to 16 Districts in Zambia’s 10 provinces
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PRESIDENT Lungu congratulates Minister of General Education Dennis Wanchinga during the swearing-in ceremony
By Francis Chipalo
In its bid to address transport challenges being faced in the education sector especially in rural areas, the Ministry of General Education has handed over 33 vehicles to 16 districts in all the 10 provinces of Zambia, namely, Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western.
And the ministry says government prioritizes the girl child education which was at risk owing to a number of factors.
Speaking during the handover ceremony of the vehicles at the ministry’s headquarters in Lusaka, General Education Minister Dr. Dennis Wanchinga said the vehicles would go a long way in addressing transport challenges that most provincial education offices were facing.
Mambilima MP Dennis Musuku Wanchinga said the vehicles were meant to be used for two particular initiatives that had been put in place.

MINISTER of General Education Dennis Wanchinga
“These vehicles are meant to be used for two initiatives namely; The Women Empowerment and Livelihood, and the Keeping Girls in School which are two important components of the Girls Education and Women’s Empowerment and Livelihood m(GEWEL) project,” said Dr. Wanchinga.
Dr. Wanchinga also said that government was committed to providing effective educational services to the people of Zambia.
“As we are all aware, the government of the republic of Zambia, through the Ministry of Education (MOGE), is committed to strengthening oversight functions and accountability to ensure effective delivery of educational services,” he said.
Dr. Wanchinga however, warned the recipients against abuse of the given vehicles.

The Zambian government has not done enough to strengthen science and technology education, according to Dr. Dennis Wanchinga
“Allow me to remind officers who will be charged with the responsibility of managing the vehicles that they need to take extra care of them and use them for the intended purpose. The fact that the ministry has had serious challenges in procuring vehicles for various management levels calls for your utmost care so that they serve the ministry for many years to come and that they deliver on the educational expectations of the citizens of Zambia,” added Dr. Wanchinga.
And speaking earlier at the same ceremony, USAID Zambia acting deputy mission director, Frank Monticellor said that the United States government through its embassy in Zambia was committed to improving the quality of education for Zambia’s children.
“We are confident that the vehicles and equipment over the U.S. government is donating today valued at over $700, 000 will go a long way in helping to strengthen and sustain the work we jointly implemented through Strengthening Educational Performance Up in Zambia or STEP-UP Project,” said Monticellor.