“Rebel with a free spirit’ – Jowie Mwiinga self profile, 36, (04.01.1966 – 2002)
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Jowie Mwiinga, 36, (04.01.1966 – 2002)
“Rebel with a free spirit’ – Jowie Mwiinga self profile
“I am something of a free spirit. I define my own values and am uncomfortable with excessive order. I am anything but religious – although I am very spiritual, I think. If I had to choose a religion, it would probably be rastafarianism.”
Jowie Mwiinga, 36, (04.01.1966 – 2002) “Rebel with a free spirit”, Tuesday Profile, The Weekly Post, Tuesday, February 8, 1994. – Researched by Kasebamashila Kaseba on Saturday 8th February 2020