Truth be Told: Eyes on the Ball 2021 Focus – Democracy and economic freedom in our country -Zambia
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Press-Release Statement by Fidelis Solomon Ngoma Political Analyst
My fellow Country men and women. We thank God Almighty for allowing our entry in this year (2020) which is still fairly new.
My brothers, sisters and comrades in the struggle, I have great respect for British Political Institutions, and the country’s System of Justice. I regard the British Parliament as the most democratic insitution in the world. The independence and impartiality of its Judiciary never fail to arouse my admiration.
The American Congress, that Country’s doctrine of separation of powers, as well as the Independence of its Judiciary, equally is worthy of mention.
*I have been influenced in my thinking by both the Western and Eastern Societies. This has influenced my preference for a political and economic strategy which is impartial and objective, one that delivers results and maintains popularity for the Party in power*
Since I joined Politics, I have become more convinced that the real makers of history are the ordinary men and women of the nation. Ensuring their participation in decision making processes of this country is the only guarantee of true democracy and economic freedom for mother Zambia.

Fidelis Solomon Ngoma
The 2021 task at hand will not be an easy one, but thanks to all of you who have stood firm on our Party’s leadership. Despite the challenge of strengthening on unity and love, some of us will continue to be the voice of our leaders. It is within our obligation to bring sanity to the politics of our nation. The majority of our citizens are currently living in fear and with little hope. If things are corrected then our people shall have hope for descent jobs and livelihoods. The current situation is that of our people undergoing abuse by foreign investors such as the Chinese, Indians and others.
None of the personal obstacles which our forefathers faced during their time can be compared to what we are facing today. I can only imagine the courage that led them to fight the injustices they went through at that time. But the tough times they went through have helped to enlighten and awaken us to stay focused.
We all have an obligation to stand up for what is right through our choices. Our fathers made it clear that we did not have to accept the world as it is, but they inspired us to do our part and leave our country better than we found it.
The story told about Zambia’s founding father’s is not one of lavishly human beings but men and women who risked their own lives for what they believed in and worked hard to make Zambia a better place.
Therefore it is in the character of growth that we should learn from both pleasant and bitter experiences.
What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived, but the difference we have made to the lives of others. This is what determines the significance of the life we lead.
No amount of intimidation or prison threats will stop some of us from offering checks and balances to our leaders whom we elected through the ballot box. It’s our obligation to hold our leaders accountable to the people of Zambia. No political violence and threats will stamp out our determination to restore the spirit of that generation of 1950s and 1960s, including the 1990 and 2011 era.
*50yrs from now when the history of our nation shall be updated, we shall be remembered as a generation which cross checked each other for good governance and accountability.
My fellow Country men and women, you sharpen your road map and ideologies by reducing yourself to the level of the people you govern and doing so with a sense of humour.
Something that worries me alot is to be raised to the position of a semi-God because then you are no longer a human being, I want to be known as Fidelis Solomon Ngoma, a simple man with weaknesses, some of which are fundamental, and a man who is committed. I realise that I am human and can at times fail to live up to the expectations of those who trust in me for giving them an accurate voice of truth.

Fidelis Solomon Ngoma
“Everything is for the greater glory of God, in all things to love and to save”.
Issued by:
Fidelis Solomon Ngoma
Political Analyst