Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu during the Patriotic Front headquarters ground breaking ceremony on Saturday, 11 January, 2020
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Speech by His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia and President of the Patriotic Front during the ground breaking ceremony at the new patriotic front headquarters on Saturday, 11 January, 2020
Your Honour the Vice-President, Hon. Inonge Mutukwa-Wina MP;
The Patriotic Front Chairman, Mr. Samuel Mukupa;
The Patriotic Front Secretary General, Mr. Davies Mwila;
Members of the Central Committee;
Cabinet ministers present;
Members of Parliament;
All members of the Patriotic Front;
Members of the Press;
Ladies and gentlemen:
I greet you all in the name of peace and unity.

President of the Republic of Zambia and Patriotic Front Party President, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu asks Her Honour the Vice President Mrs Inonge Wina to read the inscription on the foundation stone at the ground breaking ceremony for the commencement of construction of the New Patriotic Front Secretariat in Lusaka on Sat. Jan 11, 2020. Looking on are Patriotic Front Secretary General Davis Mwila, Deputy Secretary General, Mumbi Phiri and PF National Chairperson, Samuel Mukupa.
Photo Credit :Smart Eagles
Our founding father and visionary leader the late president Michael Chilufya Sata, may his soul continue to rest in eternal peace, was a great builder who laid a solid foundation for the Patriotic Front and for Zambia.
The party’s foundation still remains strong to this day because our patriarch rooted it in the people.
There is no doubt that we have continued to grow and expand the party based on this firm foundation.
Above all, we have continued to build and anchor the party on the sure and concrete foundation of the almighty god.
The word of god in psalm 127 verse 1 reads, and i quote:
“Unless the lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” End of quote.
Therefore, i, am certain that whatever, the PF is building be it structures or indeed, the party through the mobilisation exercise, we will not build in vain because we build in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the benefit of all Zambians.
Fellow compatriots of this great party:
We gather today to witness this ground-breaking ceremony to mark the commencement of building the patriotic front headquarters.
This is symbolic in so many ways:
Our party since forming government in 2011 has been breaking ground, building and developing infrastructure.
We have transformed the whole country by building roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure which support socio-economic development and better the lives of our people.
We continue to leave an indelible footprint of infrastructure development across our country and more Zambians are now able to access vital socio services such as health, education, including, water and sanitation services.
The PF has been building, and is still putting up infrastructure in sectors such as health, education and transport.
Ultimately, the greatest infrastructure we continue to build are the lives of our people.
We build our citizens capacities, including our children’s education and the overall prosperity of all people across Zambia without leaving anyone behind.
As we break this ground today, and as we embark on building this structure, we should not forget that from the time the Patriotic Front was established in 2001, it was founded as a mass movement with a pro-poor vision.
Let us, therefore, never lose sight of our party’s ultimate core value of building the lives of ordinary citizens, and improving their welfare.
As a political party anchored on the grassroots, let us continue to remain firmly rooted on the ground, and let us continue to be responsive to the needs and aspirations of ordinary Zambians across our country’s ten provinces.
It is in our nature as a party to build the nation rather than destroy it;
It is inherent in us as a party to gather Zambians rather than dividing them.
In this regard, i wish to encourage all of us to unite towards building the party’s grassroots structures block by block; structure by structure.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) lay the Foundation Stone at the New Patriotic Front (PF)Secretariat,Conference and Skills Training Centre in Lusaka’s Woodlands Area on Saturday,January 11,2020.PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2020
We are all building blocks and as a team if we pull in different directions we will be doomed as a party. Icalo bantu!
It goes without saying that the patriotic front is a fortress of the people, and each one of us is a vital block.
As a party we have defied tribalism and regionalism yet our members hail from all regions of the country. We are a national party.
The patriotic front is a party of national character, and this is what gives it comparative advantage, and makes us uniquely strong and relevant.
Ladies and gentlemen:
All of us are Zambians; therefore, if we take the path of; who were your grandparents, or what is your last name, to be a member of our party, or to hold a position in our party, then we will be lost.
The PF headquarters whose ground we are breaking today will equally be built on the strength of our unique diversity.
The Patriotic Front will be built by all members from different regions, and walks of life who rally behind its vision for Zambia.
Dear comrades:
I, therefore, appeal to all members across our country to give generously towards the construction of this structure.
The donations can be in the form of livestock, agricultural produce and other forms.
Therefore, i, call upon members who can volunteer, to donate a block each, a pocket of cement each, including a wheelbarrow of sand, among other donations.
I appeal to all of you to volunteer your time and labour to enable us build this structure.
Expending at least an hour of labour at the site once construction starts and other similar efforts will go a long way in completing this project.
Fellow PF members:
The PF has proved its relevance to the Zambian people and this is obvious for all to see. This is why today; we are able to take this bold step to put up the party’s new headquarters.
The positive impacts that the PF has so far scored since we first formed government in 2011 are evident across the country.
No one and no region has been left behind.
As a party we remain resolute in implementing the Seventh National Development Plan which is inspired by the patriotic front manifesto.
As a party, we acknowledge the enormous challenges that the country has been facing. Some of the challenges include climate change a natural phenomenon which has adversely affected our country.
Despite the economic challenges being experienced, the patriotic front is firmly focused on a path towards inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Like an eagle, Zambia shall soar to higher heights above whatever challenges and setbacks we are currently going through.
We are a nation dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ, and the word of god in Isaiah 40 verse 31 says and i quote:

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) unveils the plaque during laying of the Foundation Stone at the New Patriotic Front (PF) Secretariat,Conference and Skills Training Centre in Lusaka’s Woodlands Area on Saturday,January 11,2020.PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2020
“But those who wait upon the lord shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.” End of quote.
Like an eagle our party’s vision is far reaching.
We are not merely focused on the next general elections. But our focus goes beyond elections to the next generation of Zambians, and even those not yet born; in order that they may inherit a better Zambia than it is today.
We are a party relevant to the future as we are to the present.
My companions in development:
To Zambians, ‘patriotic front’ means development through industrialization.
The PF is steering the nation towards our destiny of making Zambia a middle income country by the year 2030, and a fully developed country by 2064.
We look at the bigger picture. We will, therefore, not sacrifice the greater good for the sake of short term populism and politicking.
We are visionary builders and developers;
And we in the Patriotic Front are the prime agents of national unity.
We will, therefore, never abrogate on our commitment to develop Zambia without leaving anyone behind.
Fellow members of the PF family:
Our vision as a party, laid by our founding father the late Michael Chilufya Sata, to build a grassroots party of the people for the people and by the people continues.

Derrick Sinjela with Patriotic Front (PF) founding President Michael Chiufya Sata at Radio Phoenix ZICO House 12th Floor
This will now be symbolised and monumentalised in the building for which we are breaking ground today.
And so the first stone at this ceremony will be laid in loving memory and honour of our founding father, President Michael Chilufya Sata.

Michael Chilufya Sata, Wynter Kabimba and Given Lubinda
As we do that, let us remember to continue building the patriotic front to enable us build Zambia for the good of all Zambians;
Above all, unity of purpose will give us impetus to achieve our vision as pf.
Thank you. God bless you all.