Wednesday 12th December, 2018 Statement by Operation Young Vote (OYV) on The Calibre of Government Officials Appearing Before The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee
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Guess Nyirenda in Zambia
Operation Young Vote (OYV) – For Good Leadership, Governance and Sustainable Development

Nyirenda Guess
By Guess Nyirenda Executive Director Operation Young Vote (OYV)
The trend exhibited by Government officials at the level of Permanent Secretary, of failing to provide appropriate answers as required by the Parliamentary Accounts Committee (PAC) on behalf of the Public is very disturbing and has also exposed glaring weakness in the Government system.

Derrick Sinjela Guess Nyirenda, Richwell Mulwani and Fulman Mukobeko Cairo Road Lusaka Friday 7 Sept 2018 ZADEMA ZCYPWD
The phenomenon does not only leave a lot to be desired and strange but is also disappointment to stakeholders and partners including citizens. Further it is an indictment of the caliber and/or competence of the people employed to hold serious and senior public offices.
The behaviors and failures by these leaders bring into spot light how serious or unserious the PF Government takes peoples’ welfare and aspirations.
It is unthinkable that the entire Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture can fail to explain how the E-Voucher operates let alone its purpose and who is to benefit. Similar failures have been exhibited by many other Permanent Secretaries from other Ministries, Provinces and Spending Agencies (MPSAs), a matter that should raise concern at the appointing authority level.

Triple V Campaign Meeting with Inspector General of Police, Stella Libongani — with Juliet Kaira-Chibuta, Banza Chela, Francesca Vannini Parenti and Guess Nyirenda.
OYV is of the considered view that these happenings should be receiving appropriate action including dismissals from the Republican President if at all he is really interested in citizens’ emancipation from the shackles of poverty, hunger, destitution, joblessness and unemployment including corruption among many more uncalled for challenges.
The revelations taking place before the PAC (which is doing a great job for Zambia and Hats Off to the Members), can only be described that some of the people in Senior Government Positions do not care anymore whether what they do contributes to building Zambia and the welfare of the citizens as long as their pay and allowance get to the accounts.
This is sad and unacceptable.

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu launching 2019 membership renewal of the Bible Society of Zambia
President Edgar Lungu must know that his failure to act on such embarrassment does not only exacerbate ills that are detrimental to peoples’ welfare but also he risks eroding the confidence of the people/citizens and other stakeholders including Cooperating Partners and others players (such as the Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral Institutions and the IMF).
OYV would therefore like to sincerely advise the Head of State to forgo the inertia to act as expected and sacrifice these few Government Officials for the greater good of the majority citizens and the country as a whole as opposed to the opposite.
FOR AND ON BEHALF OF Operation Young Vote (OYV)
Guess Nyirenda (Mr.) – Executive Director
Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153
Email: Cell: 0955/77-769 688