Zambia’s 6,114 cases of GBV ‘2018 Third Quarter’ worry Susan Mwape’s Common Cause Zambia – CCZ
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GBV cases worry Common Cause Zambia – CCZ
Zambia Police recorded 6,114 cases of GBV countrywide during the third quarter of 2018.
A total of 664 cases of child defilement were recorded representing 10.9 percent of the total reported cases out of which three cases were against boys while 661 were against girls.
Lusaka Province recorded the highest number of child defilement cases with 320 translating to 48.2 percent of the child defilement cases reported countrywide, Southern Province recorded 73 cases translating to 11 percent, followed by Central Province with 63 cases or 9.5 percent, Eastern Province had 60 cases or 9 percent, and Copperbelt Province recorded 49 cases translating to 7.4 percent.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) Congratulates Gender Minister and Kanyama Member of Parliament Elizabeth Phiri during the Swearing in Ceremony at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday,August 8,2018. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018

Lungowe M Simbotwe with Susan Mwape
Western and North-Western provinces had 29 cases, each translating to 4.4 percent, Muchinga had 17 cases or 2.6 percent, Luapula had 14 cases or 2.1 percent, with the rest of the provinces recording less than 10 cases each.
These are reported cases.
How many women and girls do we know who are too scared, too scarred or too embarrassed to report their abuse?
Work mates, supervisors, lecturers, clients, drivers, family friends, uncles, brothers, church mates, pastors or even intimate partners are often the ones perpetrating violence against women and girls.
Perpetuating social stereotypes that position women as a weaker sex.
This is the time to #EndGBV and speak up against GBV. #HearMeToo #16days #CommomCause

Susan Mwape with peers