National Bio-safety Agency (NBA) Registrar Mr Lackson Tonga with Ministry of Health (MoH) Permanent Secretary (PS) for Administration Dr Kennedy Malama
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National Bio-safety Agency (NBA) Registrar Mr Lackson Tonga with Ministry of Health (MoH) Permanent Secretary (PS) for Administration Dr Kennedy Malama with officials
National Bio-safety Agency (NBA) Registrar Mr Lackson Tonga with Ministry of Health (MoH) Permanent Secretary (PS) for Administration Dr Kennedy Malama and NBA and MoH officials pose for a photo after the MoU signing ceremony at Ndeke House in Longacres, Lusaka
NBA Registrar Mr Lackson Tonga (l) with MoH PS Dr Kennedy Malama during the MoU signing ceremony at Ndeke house Rainbow Zambia Rainboweducation ZambiaRainbow Traveltourismzambia Zcyp Development Zambian Cypwd