People Who Have Visited the White House the Most
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White House
In an effort to increase government transparency, President Barack Obama publicly released the White House visitor records in September 2009 — an unprecedented decision in U.S. history. At the very least, the access records provide the name and appointment time of visitors to the White House.
While such information should shed more light on the business conducted in the White House, there are some important caveats to keep in mind. For example, the White House can choose not to disclose the names of visitors due to national security or privacy concerns. Moreover, records from Jan. 20, 2009, to September 2009 are only available if specially requested.
Nevertheless, with more than 5.1 million records released, there’s a treasure trove of information to be mined. And InsideGov did just that: We combed through the data to find 25 people who have visited the White House the most, starting from September 2009. When possible, we include each visitor’s occupation.

President Barack Obama pix by Pablo Martinez Monsivais AP Images
Most of the names on this list are from federal offices, with people from the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of the Treasury and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services showing up the most often. Interestingly, the person who visited the White House the third-most is someone we couldn’t find any information on.