25 Facts About Barack Obama
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President Barack Obama pix by Pablo Martinez Monsivais AP Images
As the final remaining year of the Obama administration is well underway, the legacy that President Barack Obama will forge in history remains hotly contested. Conservatives argueObama is the “worst president ever” while liberals have claimed he has “done more good for this country than any president before him.”
He likely will not play the role of a “lame-duck” president, as the administration has yet to slow down. Obama currently finds himself in the middle of a heated standoff with the Republican-led Senate to fill a Supreme Court vacancy. He still pursues a workable plan to close Guantanamo Bay, one of his 2008 campaign promises. As his term nears its end, the passionate, vocal opinions on both sides of the political aisle may reach their crescendo as his legacy becomes ripe for interpretation.
When reflecting on Obama’s time in the White House, the facts beyond the opinions deserve to be examined. Obama has racked up notable historical accomplishments, such as being the first African-American U.S. president. Obama was also the first to use the internet widely in his 2008 campaign and once in office.
The team at InsideGov queried our presidential database to find key data points regarding this controversial sitting president. From pet gorillas and inflation to drone strikes, we explore these facts from smallest to largest figures.