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….Media plays vital role in company’s drive to tackle alcohol abuse
By Gillian Langmead at Langmead & Baker Ltd +260 979 060705
The event recognised reporters who have taken an interest in educating society on the dangers of alcohol abuse and who have helped spread the word about responsible drinking.
The media plays a key role in educating the nation through the content it publishes.
Many strides have been made on responsible drinking through the circulation of media messages and campaigns thanks to the positive engagement of news outlets, who were recognised during the awards ceremony, attended by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Hon. Kampamba Mulenga.
“The country needs to know both the positive and negative sides of alcoholic beverage. I am aware that alcohol in itself is not bad, at all, but it is the abuse of the product. Our people should be equipped with the right information to make meaningful decisions. Furthermore, there is a need to have acceptable alcoholic beverage on the market. This is the message that the media must also take on, and play a proactive role in disseminating to the general public,” said the minister.
Zambian Breweries country director Jose Moran said: “We need to join our efforts to ensure promotion of responsible alcohol drinking. As Zambian Breweries we are taking a proactive role in promoting responsible alcohol consumption among our consumers. We are against abuse of alcohol, underage drinking and drink-driving”
Winners of the Zambian Breweries Media Awards were: Best Radio Report: Lumbiwe Mwanza (5FM) for Trailing the Alcohol Problem In Zambia, who received K10,000; Best Print Report: by Charity Moonga (Times of Zambia) for Staggering Challenge of Under-Age Boozers (K10,000) and Runner-up (Print): Jajah Coulibaly (Times of Zambia) for Bringing Order To Alcohol Business (K7,500).
Issues of alcoholism and alcohol abuse require many players in society to take part in helping overcome the challenge.
Mr Moran added: “The media have a big role to play in terms of educating the nation and having them on board and appreciating the work they do is significant.
“These awards are meant to support, motivate and build the relationship we have as partners with them.”
With Christmas approaching, the business believes it is particularly important to get the message across at this time of year.
“As we are now getting close to the holiday season, we believe it’s very important to work together to educate the consumers of alcohol beverages to drink responsibly and to not drink and drive,” Mr Moran added.
The brewing industry in Zambia is one of the most important to the country’s economy as far as tax contributions and jobs are concerned.