ERB starts receiving public comments on ZESCO Limited’s Electricity Tariff Application
The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has started receiving public comments on the proposed electricity tariff adjustment application by ZESCO Limited.
The follows an application by the utility to vary tariffs by 75% on average, in two phases starting with 50% on 1st May and a further 25% on 1st September 2017.
Members of the public are hereby requested to lodge their written submissions to the ERB in line with the Public Consultation Paper which is available on the ERB website (www.erb.org.zm) and will also be published in the daily newspapers.
The deadline for submissions is close of business on Monday, 24th April 2017. The public notice can be downloaded from the website or collected in hard copy from the ERB offices in Lusaka, Kitwe, Livingstone and Chinsali.

ERB Executive Director Ms. Langiwe H. Lungu
Submitters are advised to focus on ZESCO’s proposal to increase electricity tariffs for all or selected customer categories with reference to the following:
· The proposal to increase the lifeline tariff from 100 to 300 Kilowatt hours (kWh) per month at the current price of 15 ngwee for residential customers;
· ZESCO’s proposal on Time-of-Use tariffs and introduction of a surcharge on energy consumption during peak times;
· ZESCO’s statement that the tariffs are intended to attract investment into generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity;
· ZESCO’s cost of electricity purchases and imports;
· ZESCO’s current performance and quality of service;
· ZESCO’s execution of its capital projects; and
· Any other comments that the public may have relating to this tariff application.
The ERB wishes to emphasise that written submissions should amplify reasons either in support of or against the proposed tariff increase as opposed to merely stating ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.
Further, submissions can be sent to the ERB’s four offices in addition to sending comments to tariffs@erb.org.zm All written submissions/comments on the ZESCO application should be addressed to The Executive Director.
A public hearing at which submitters will be accorded an opportunity to present their case before the Board will thereafter be held at a date to be advised.
Members of the public are hereby advised to seek official communication on the tariff application from the ERB and disregard other unofficial sources.
Agnes Phiri DIRECTOR – CONSUMER & PUBLIC AFFAIRS- www.rainbownewszambia.com