Help me, Prince Bryce Mfune prods President Lungu
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Prince Byce Mfune with Elijah Ngwale at Pan African Radio 105.1FM pix by Derrick Sinjela 2017 February
By Derrick Sinjela
Barely a week after being widowed, Prince Bryce Mfune of the Mphamba Royal Establishment of the Eastern Province is pleading with President Edgar Chagwa Lungu to help him get compensation from the Zambia State Security Intelligence Services (ZSSIS).
A fearful man of God, Prince Mfune is worried that failure to have the said pension paid will worsen his already deplorable plight as a widower bearing in mind that his beloved wife could have succumbed due to the matter at hand.
Following the death of his 56-year-old wife, the late Taonga Manyoni-Mfune, Prince Mfune wrote and delivered a letter dated Monday 1st May 2017 seeking President Lungu’s intervention on the same day it was authored.
Here is the letter in its entirety: “Royal Crown Prince Bryce Mfune,
Mphamba Royal Village
Cell: 0955 771143
1st May, 2017,
His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu,
President of the Republic of Zambia,
State House,
Your Excellency,
- I am deeply saddened to inform you of the loss of my devout wife Princess TaongaManyoni Mfune who suddenly died due to low blood pressure on Monday 24th April, 2017 at the University Teaching Hospital.
She was buried on Friday 28th April, 2017 at Mzungu Village under Senior Chief Shakumbila in Mumbwa.
- Sir, in 2015 she was medically diagnosed anaemic and since then she has been struggling in vain to medical treatment.
- Your Excellency, my wife and my devoted friend has gone home. She has gone to the permanent and tireless grave-yard, the fateful home of all of us alive today.
- Sir, while in my painful mourning tears, I am spiritually compelled to follow up my petition tabled before you, Your Excellency that I be compensated with costs for being poisoned and tortured in 1986 by State Officials of the Zambia State Security Intelligence Service (ZSSIS) as outlined in my petitioned letter dated 16th March, 2017 addressed to you, Your Excellency.
- Your Excellency, additionally I petitioned you, Your Excellency that I should be honoured for detecting 9 (nine) dangerous South African Apartheid Spies in 1986 who were bent to assassinate ANC and SWAPO freedom fighters we hosted and bomb Zambia.
- Sir, in my petitioned letter I as well petitioned that I be rewarded for my Patriotic heroism in 1986 for defending Zambia from economic and military devastation and destruction by powerful South African Apartheid Airforce.
- Your Excellency, I finally petitioned you that your government should formally and officially introduce me to the first President of Zambia His Excellency Dr. Kenneth Kaunda for saving his life and his UNIP government.
- Sir, I as well petitioned that honourable Given Lubinda the Minister of justice should render a hand of assistance to the petitioned requests since his Ministry is responsible for my compensation settlement.
- Your Excellency, I would not like to destruct your attention, but bear with my tearful predicament.
It mystifies me that you, Your Excellency you do not respond to my letters on an alarming issue of saving Zambia in 1986 from assassinations and imminent bombardment after I detected a secret South African Apartheid Spy network.
Why ?
- Sir, we have a proverb in out Tumbuka language which says “Mbebayamoyoyilimakorakuluskachonawankaza” which in English literally means “ A live mouse is better than a ruthless cat”.
- Your Excellency, be sympathetic over my several now orphaned children and grandchildren who I live with in retirement in my one bedroomed ramshackle.
Yours Sincerely,
Royal Crown Prince Bryce Mfune,
Cell: 0955 771143
- First President of Zambia – His Excellency Dr. Kenneth Kaunda
cc.Vice President of Zambia – Her HonourInongeWina
- His Royal Highness Senior Chief Shakumbila – Mumbwa
cc.Headman of Mzungu Village – Alex Ndululo – Mumbwa
Headman of Chimena Village – Denin Chimena – Mumbwa
- Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs –
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of justice
- Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs
- Chief Justice
- Speaker of the National Assembly
- British High Commissioner
- South African High Commissioner
- Namibian High Commissioner
- Director General of Intelligence (SD) – ZSSIS Headquarters
- Inspector General of Police
- Attorney General
- Solister General
- Chairman House of Chiefs
- Chairman Human Rights
- District Commissioner – Lundazi