Kashiki Wins Again!… in THE KASHIKI CHRONICLES
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Bratelli Lupokoma in the Kashiki Chronicles featuring as Kashiki
Survey Findings Show Nearly 15% of Zambian School Children Smoke.
Happy new year and greetings from the Matenda Facilitating Epidemic Zone (MaFEZ), the home of Ba Zungu Tobacco (BZT) and the Big Kashiki family!
The year has started on an exciting note with the recently published Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) for Zambia. In case you missed it, GYTS is a nationally representative school-based survey of students in grades associated with ages 13 to 15.
Findings of the survey conducted by the Ministry of Health in conjuction with the World Health Organisation and CDC reveal that 15 percent of Zambian school boys between the ages 13-15 years and 12 percent of girls in the same age range use tobacco. Although the findings of the survey may not be favourable for the health of our kapyopyo’s in schools, it is music for us in the Matenda Facilitating Epidemic Zone (MaFEZ), the home of Ba Zungu Tobacco (BZT) and the Big Kashiki family! Why ? Because of the addictive nature of our Kashiki charm, these kapyopyos are poised to become our customers for life! For life munthu wandi!
That is why as the Kashiki family, we freely indulge in advertising and promotion near schools and other learning places. In fact more than ten percent of Zambian School Children aged between 13-15 have something with a tobacco brand logo on it.
In the mean time, because of weak tobacco control policies, these kapyopyos are buying cigarettes which are inhaling more than 7,000 cancer-causing chemicals into their young lungs. As a result, many of them will die prematurely and turn out to be part of the tragic statistic of the close to 8,000 lives lost to diseases that are a direct result of tobacco consumption.
Boma Limited is sleeping while we in the Matenda Facilitating Epidemic Zone (MaFEZ), the home of Ba Zungu Tobacco (BZT) and the Big Kashiki family continue to enjoy huge fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to prematurely terminate tu kapyopyos lives.
But hey, who cares!
The abnormal pa Zed has become normal!
As the Kashiki family we retain our license to kill twenty Zambians per day.