Financial Literacy liberates sportspersons and artistes, prods Hakainde Sammy Hichilema
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By Ashton Kelly Bunda
Training athletes in financial literacy as suggested by Dr. Hakainde Sammy Hichilema and grooming youngsters regardless of their background-station in life is a good start attests Chainama Golf Club Executive Director Jonathan Mukosha.
Mukosha views Dr. Hichilema’s advice as a step in the right direction as the idea will make the economy as strong as the muscles of Nelson Chabota, the 2022, 2023 and 2024 of Zambia Body Builders (ZBB) undisputed champion.
As stated last week, the year 2024 ended with enviable achievements in a couple of sports categories in Zambia with under 17 soccer lasses and lads emerging triumphant in their respective competitive tournaments.
Dr. Hichilema wants Minister of Sports Youth and Arts (MYSA) Elvis Chishala Nkandu assisted by Permanent Secretaries (PS’s) Chama Fumba and Kangwa Chileshe to impress it on the minds of corporate world and trainers to help youngsters manage their hard earned monies to avoid being stranded, homeless and effectively destitute after retiring from sports.
Hichilema says sport has become lucrative in other countries, fairly contributing to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by creating pensionable employment pointing out that growing the art sector as well will strengthen the Zambian economic.
For instance, the Lusaka Golf Club has been training 180 children aged 5 to 17 years at Chainama Golf Club as active participants in the hugely competitive sports and recreational discipline, which many view as an area for wealthy community members.
It is good to see Zambians priding over the female soccer league with Comfort Selemani and Pauline Zulu now on transfer leaving Elite Ladies Football Club joining ZANACO Ladies Football Club (ZLFC) in a record breaking K300,000 and K170,000 transfer fee respectively.
[caption id="attachment_18867" align="alignleft" width="2560"] FAZ President Andrew Kamanga with Copper Queens Head Coach Nora Hauptle before MYSA Minister Elvis Chishala Nkandu
Sadly, the under 17 Zambian National Female Soccer team at the Dominican Republic World Cup tournament failed to beat European opponents, despite being a force to reckon with on the African continent.
Hauptle must raise the senior Shepolopolo profile by advancing and qualifying to semifinals and finals of the Female World Cup and Olympic Games, focusing attention on emerging and experienced lasses to facilitate a smooth transition.