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New Labour Party (NLP) Fresher Siwale
In recent times we have heard of tax measures introduced by the UPND administration. Among them is the requirement to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate from Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) before a person can apply for a passport and driver’s licence. It is also a requirement for any person who wants to apply for any license to engage in business. The New Dawn Administration has also increased the Property Transfer Tax (PPT) from 5% to between 8 and 10%.
In 1992, during the first Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Budget presentation the then Honourable Minister of Finance, the late Mr Emmanuel Kasonde provided for Temporal Revenue Measures among other things the driver’s license and the passport were included. Many Local Authority functions were transferred to Central Government.
What followed these Temporal measures was the implementation of the Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) under the supervision of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The Implementation Program of the Structural Adjustment Program in its mission statement clearly described and defined Zambia s economic problem. It stated that Zambia was running a commandist economy and in a commandist economy government is a major player in business, commerce and industry thereby tying down resources needed to induce production. And that if there’s no production in the economy then there will be nothing to tax. It recommended that government must divest its interests in business, commerce and industry thereby retain resources to induce production through buying of public goods and services such as schools, roads, hospitals etc. And that if production is induced then government will have something to tax.
When you analyse both sides of the mission statement you will find a common denominator being TAX. Simply put the IMF was asking the government of the Republic of Zambia to make a complete paradigm shift of the taxation policy from Capital to Production. Among other things the program provided for Business Reforms to be instituted.
And when time came for business reforms the then President Frederick Chiluba, ignorantly asked publicly what his ministers jobs would be if business reforms were implemented.

Zambia’s three former Republican President’s; 5th President, the late Michael Chilufya Sata (Left), Second President the late Dr. Frederick Titus Jacob Chiluba (Centre) and Third President, the late Dr. Levy Patrick Mwanawasa State Counsel (Right) at Libala Grounds in Lusaka on Wednesday 5th September 2001 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela – National Mirror Multimedia Zambia Limited, owned by the Christian Council of Zambia (CCZ) and Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC). CCZ is now called Council of Churches in Zambia run by General Secretary Reverend Canon Emmanuel Chikoya while ZEC rebranded to Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) and is under the jurisdiction of Secretary General Father Cleophas Lungu.
The Implementation Program of the Structural Adjustment Program under business reforms provided for among other things the the definition of the relationship between central government and local authorities which is based on three (3) grants namely;
1. Recurrent Grant – for remuneration of
civil servants attached to local
2. Capital Grant – for maintenance and
repair of infrastructure operating under
local authorities ordinarily for central
3. Equalisation Grant – this is a
developmental grant and is supposed
to be a Mid-term plan for 25 years. If
Kabwe is developing faster than
Mazabuka then the difference
between Kabwe and Mazabuka in
public goods and services is what
Mazabuka is qualified for and divided
in 25 lots. This arrangement allows for
Mazabuka to catch up with Kabwe in
25 years’ time.

Peter Ng’andu Magande with Levy Patrick Pwanawasa
And at the end of the HIPC program in 2006, the IMF in a letter addressed to the Zambian government advised that government embarks on Budget Reforms because Zambia had enough resources to prosecute its development agenda. What Levy Mwanawasa and his administration failed to do was to understand what budget reform was. Budget Reform is simply business reforms which also is Decentralization.
Here we are 18 years later we have failed to implement budget reforms/decentralization. A feeble attempt at decentralization under Mwanawasa ended up in setting up the famous Decentralization Secretariat. Under UPND, a smaller and minute component of the Equalisation Grant the Constituency Development Fund (CDF)without any plan whatsoever has been disguised as decentralization for political expediency.
What both MMD and UPND have failed to appreciate and understand is the fact that with business reforms/decentralization the government of the Republic of Zambia could have succeeded in reforming the budget and the taxation policy should by now moved from capital to production and inflation should have been put under control.
UPND administration is failing to reign in inflation because they have failed to take advantage of the conflict in the finances of central government and local government which is such that when central government spends money it induces inflation and when local government spends the same money it induces production. And of massaging inflation in offices it could have resulted in Productive Inflation for infrastructure development.

President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema (HSH7) officiates at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka Zambia