IT’S HICHILEMA FOSTERING THE PURGE-The buck stops with President Hakainde Hichilema
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IT’S HICHILEMA FOSTERING THE PURGE-The buck stops with President Hakainde Hichilema
By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba
Recently over 300 qualified senior public service workers are parked at Public Service Management Service Division( PSMD) for fake redeployment. They are on constructive dismissal status.
Others have been fired or retired in national interest, the very vice President Hakainde Hichilema vowed he would not allow to happen in his government.
This is because these officials have been discriminated against and have been removed from their positions on mere allegations that they were appointed or employed during the previous government and were therefore members of the Patriotic Front.
Personally I have seen individuals I worked with at Former President Frederick Chiluba’s office, or in provinces or Ministries, victimized, removed or fired on allegations that they collaborate with me.
They are being fired by their mere past association with me or the previous government. Tribe and region is also a strong factor in their removal as those from their regions have retained their jobs.
A past picture with me becomes active official and incriminating evidence that justifies the false allegations that such persons collaborate with me.
In many cases I have not spoken or interacted with these individuals for many years.
Recently a consumate professional and experienced diplomat was recalled from South Africa and later fired from his newly appointed position at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on unfair allegations that he was close to me and may be collaborating with me as I served as Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa ( 2015-2019).
Similarly do not be fooled that the dismissal of television personality and competent journalist, Brian Mwale is instigated or is an action by jealousy co-workers.
The man to blame is President Hakainde Hichilema who has fostered a hostile environment for all public servant that he found and has allowed the systematic purge of professionals from public service and state-owned enterprises.
These individuals are fired or removed on mere allegation that they interacted with past government officials. Many are denied employment opportunities even when they are qualified and pass competitive interviews.
On the other hand, their kinsmen are given jobs and are quickly promoted in many cases without requisite qualifications or experience.
As seen from their rogue media, they have published Brian Mwale’s Facebook posting when he visited the Zambia Embassy in South Africa during the SADC Meeting in 2018, as reasons to doubt his loyalty to work in government or in a government agency.
President Hichilema must be told that he is actively breaking the law by denying employment opportunities and discriminating against Zambians.
President Hichilema is abrogating the Constitution that allows Zambians to have equal access to opportunities in the Republic.
My appeal to President Hichilema is that he should stop forthwith to practice reverse tribalism and reverse victimization.
He is expected to be President of all Zambians and President of Zambians from all regions.
It is totally unacceptable that President Hichilema has fashioned himself as a President for some Zambians and a President for some regions.