CiSCA Vice Chairperson Judith Mulenga Statement on Defiance of BFlow and Tukuta’ Chellah to Apologise for Exercising their Constitutionally Guaranteed Human Rights
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Brian Bwembya
CiSCA Statement on Defiance of BFlow and Tukuta’ Chellah to Apologise for Exercising their Constitutionally Guaranteed Human Rights
Lusaka,Friday 05 June 2020
By Judith Mulenga Vice Chairperson – Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA)
THE Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) is elated at the swelling ranks of Zambians who have decided to not only defend the Constitution of our nation but also to unapologetically and categorically exercise our constitutionally guaranteed human rights specifically the freedom of expression as provided for in Articles 2 and 20 respectively.

Zambian artists BFlow, Njoya Tee, Abel Chungu and Maureen Lilanda celebrate
CiSCA is proud of the youth exemplified in BFlow’s and Chellah Tukuta’s refusal to apologise as per Minister of Lusaka Bowman Lusambo’s reprehensible shameless attempts at repressing their right to express themselves on legitimate dissatisfaction and anger at the dismal failure by President Lungu’s administration to provide positive and progressive leadership and who has continued to fail us.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Religious Affairs and National Guidance Minister Reverend Godfridah Nsenduluka- Sumaili
The failures of President Lungu’s leadership are transparent and well documented and do not need someone well versed in governance to see.
The insatiable borrowing spree that he defended with, “No government does not borrow so I will continue to borrow because I am in a hurry to develop Zambia.”
Now Zambia is debt ridden and cash strapped and the so called development is still an illusion for the majority of us Zambians. The wanton unabated matrix of plunder and corruption which has deteriorated to an extent of 48 mansions building themselves. The plunder of the mukula trees and now the plunder of gold deposits. All these whilst diabolically attempting to mutilate the Constitution through Bill 10 to perpetuate his hold on power.
Therefore, this rise of the youth to defend the Constitution needs to be emulated by all patriotic Zambians especially their fellow youth whose future is being stolen by the careless, absent and unconcerned leadership of President Lungu.
We again want to remind the Minister of Lusaka Province, Bowman Lusambo that human rights are a birthright and non-negotiable as they are the sum total of being human.
We further want to remind Minister Bowman Lusambo that, unlike human rights being a President in Zambia is a privilege that is given to a person by the Zambian people and the privilege can be withdrawn at any time.
For the information of Bowman Lusambo who worships President Lungu, it is the Office of the President that is sacrosanct and not the person who occupies it.
The person in the office does not own it but is merely afforded the privilege by us Zambians to lead our country failure to which we Zambians can withdraw that privilege.
Criticism of President Edgar Lungu is our duty as citizens. He was not born into the Presidency and he will eventually leave that office.

Chellah Tukuta
President Lungu does not possess any more presidential qualities than other Zambians who are exercising their constitutional political right to offer their candidacy for the Office of the President.
The qualifications to be a President of Zambia under article 100 of our constitution are that the person has to be Zambian, at least 35 years old, has a grade 12 certificate, is fluent in English and is a registered voter. How many Zambians fit that bill?
It is the people that elevated President Lungu to the Presidency and not by his own might.
It is therefore our responsibility to demand, as we hereby do, that the occupant of the office demonstrates its worth to us not just by lip service but by concrete actions as well.
We have asked President Lungu before to retire Bowman Lusambo in national interest but to no avail.
We wonder why the President does not see how destructive Lusambo is to his Presidency and that on a cost benefit analysis, Lusambo is a cost to President Lungu’s rule.
The man has little redeemable features but blind dogmatic loyalty. He does not have the emotional intelligence to read a situation.
He is a self-confessed outlaw brazenly informing the nation and the whole world that he follows his own laws during the time he was beating people ostensibly to save them from Covid 19.
Lusambo cannot hear himself speak but everything he said about BFlow, Tukuta and Malembe is a reflection of himself.
He told them to, ‘stop it!’ He should be the one to stop his nonsensical ramblings and unconstitutional actions.
He accused the trio of insulting President Lungu.
He is the one insulting President Lungu with his lack of comprehension of the import of his office as Minister.
He asked the trio what they knew about governance.
What does Lusambo know about governance?
He has demonstrated over and over again his frightening lack of cognisance of the normative content of governance and how it is vitally important for those that have been given the privilege to govern to respect, protect and fulfill everyone’s human rights in their jurisdiction.
To the youth that have joined the crusade of defending our Constitution, we say, “Never relent, never look back and claim what is yours. Zambia belongs to you.
Do not stand by letting evil flourish. We all need to stand and sing for our country proudly and freely.
Do not be swayed into the ranks of sebana wikutes.”
Judith Mulenga
CiSCA Vice Chairperson